Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Police in Chifeng City Tears Apart Family
2006-08-15My sister suffered from high blood pressure and skin disease for many years. All of her diseases disappeared when she began to practise Falun Gong. After the Jiang Zemin regime began persecuting Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999, police from the Sanzhong Street Station forced my sister to sign statements promising to give up the practice. Her family members, who do not know the truth, also monitor her and even beat and curse her. She is forbidden from doing the exercises and is sad in her heart. In June 2002, my sister fainted on the street and was sent to the hospital. She was diagnosed with a brain stem hemorrhage. She has since been paralysed in bed and cannot speak.
Several Elderly Falun Gong Practitioners in Hebei, Sichuan and Helongjiang Provinces are Persecuted to Death
2006-08-15Ms. He Zhongxiu was 66 years old. On July 16th, 2001, Ms. He and a new practitioner posted Falun Gong flyers on walls. The new practitioner reported Ms. He to the police. Consequently, police, the 610 Office, and the National Security Group arrested Ms. He. On July 19th, after three days of intense interrogation, Ms. He and her son were released. On July 28th, Ms. He was arrested again and taken to a brainwashing centre. This brainwashing centre only functioned for three days. Police arrests, intimidation, and harassment put Ms. He under huge pressure. As a result, her health deteriorated rapidly, and Ms. He passed away on January 27th, 2005.
Bo Fucheng Has Been Tortured for Two Months, But Zhaoyuan Detention Centre Refuses Family Visits
2006-08-15On May 21st, 2001, Falun Gong practitioner Bo Fucheng was detained in the Zhaoyuan City Detention Centre and tortured there. He was beaten up by policemen until he lost consciousness. Then he was revived with cold water and beaten until he passed out again. He was also hung up with cuffs for a long time. He was tortured until he almost died. It is not known whether he is still alive. The detention centre refuses family visits.
How Did Practitioner Wang Xiaodong Lose His Ability to Speak?
2006-08-14On March 11th, 2006, Wang Xiaodong, a 39-year-old practitioner was arrested again by several policeman. They searched his home. Wang Xiaodong’s mother went to the Huadian City 610 Office and the local court many times, requesting to see her son. The authorities ignored her requests and threatened her instead. On July 6th, she waited 6 hours before finally seeing her son, who was handcuffed in an iron cage. Wang Xiaodong’s head was drooped and he didn’t respond to his mother’s voice, as if he couldn’t hear her.
The Persecution Experienced by Practitioner Wang Xiaolun from Hebei Province
2006-08-14On June 7th, 2006 Wang Xiaolun and four other practitioners were arrested and taken to the Gaoqiao Police Station. Police Chief Wang Shiyong slapped Wang Xiaolun for refusing to give his name and address. Wang Xiaolun was handcuffed to a chair that night and denied food. The next day, the five practitioners were sent to the Gaobeidian Public Safety Bureau. Four of the practitioners were handcuffed together and forced to use the lavatory together. An officer struck Wang Xiaolun’s face with a water bottle. Mr. Wang then went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. The practitioners were detained there for half a day before being sent to the Gaobeidian Detention Centre.
Deng Yufang in Her 60s Suffered Intense Persecution at the Nanmusi Women's Forced Labour Camp Before Her Death
2006-08-14Ms. Deng Yufang was around 60 years old. She was reported to police by someone while she was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution. Deng Yufang was sent to the Nanmusi Women's Forced Labour Camp and put into a "Miscellaneous Group," for elderly Falun Gong practitioners who did not have good eyesight, and who were unable to work efficiently. The major tasks for the Miscellaneous Group were to carry the food and water for the three meals daily for over one hundred people, and clean the yard, the toilet, etc. Reeling under both physical and mental torture, Deng Yufang became sick in March 2004. Her whole body became swollen, she developed a big lump in her stomach and she could not pass urine. Deng Yufang's critical condition was grounds for her release on bail for medical treatment. Deng Yufang passed away in June 2006.
Elderly Practitioner Ms. Zhang Lianying Dies an Unjust Death While Her Whole Family Suffers Long-term Persecution
2006-08-1484-year-old Ms. Zhang Lianying from the Chaoyang District of Beijing, along with her whole family, practised Falun Gong. Because of this, they have been persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party for several years. Her son, her daughter-in-law, and her daughters were all detained. Her son was sentenced to eight years in prison and is still incarcerated. Ms. Zhang passed away on May 31st, 2006, from the effects of the long-term harassment.
Brutal Torture in the Sichuan Provincial Women's Labour Camp
2006-08-14Since 1999, Falun Gong practitioners have been detained and persecuted in the Sichuan Provincial Women's Labour Camp. Criminal inmates were put in charge of practitioners and used various means of torture. Their methods included brainwashing, physical torture, sleep deprivation, loss of toilet privileges, working long hours (18 to 20 hours daily), hanging practitioners up in unnatural positions, tying them up with rope, force-feeding them with saltwater solutions, forcing them to drink their urine, putting human excrement under their pillows, pinching their nipples, stabbing their genitals and forcing them to sleep on wet bedding.
Organ Harvesting Suspected in the Murders of Ms. Fu Keshu and Mr. Xu Genli, Practitioners Visiting the Jinggang Mountain Area (Photos)
2006-08-13Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Fu Keshu and Mr. Xu Genli arrived at the Jinggang Mountains on the evening of November 16th, 2005. On November 17th they left the hotel but never returned. On April 30th, 2006, the family got a phone call from the Jinggangshan City Police Department, "A male body was found at Jinggang Mountain wearing...clothes. It was Xu Genli's body. The head had been shaved; there was a large hole on the forehead that exposed the brain. Both eyeballs were missing; the flesh around the sockets had ulcerated; there were two black holes on the nose. The chest and abdomen had been cut open. Later they found Fu Keshu's body. It had suffered very similar treatment. Based on these findings, it is suspected that Fu Keshu and Xu Genli were murdered and their organs were harvested.
Practitioner Mr. Yang Qiansheng from Hunan Province Died from Repeated Blood Draws and Bone Marrow Removal
2006-08-13We appeal to international human rights organisations to investigate the death of Mr. Yang Qiansheng, a Falun Dafa practitioner from Hunan. Medical personnel from the 535 Military Hospital repeatedly drew his blood and removed his bone marrow over a ten-day period at the end of 2000. Seeing his suffering, his wife said to the doctor, "You drew his blood without his or his family’s consent. You should stop it. He has no disease. He will leave the hospital at once!" The doctor said, "He was sent here; consequently, the doctors should make the decision. You shouldn’t interfere! It is not up to you to decide." Mr. Yang died on February 11th, 2001, less than 20 days after he returned home.
Mr. Sun Guo Has Been In Solitary Confinement for 2 Months
2006-08-13Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Sun Guo has been imprisoned at the Shandong Province Prison for four years. Ever since he was arrested, he has been imprisoned, tortured and suffered cruel treatment by the supervisory team of the 11th district. Mr. Sun Guo’s wife, also a steadfast Dafa practitioner, is being persecuted. She was imprisoned, tortured and lost her job. She was forced to become homeless on April 2002 and has not been able to return home for more than four years. Mr. Sun Guo’s daughter, also a firm Dafa practitioner, was tortured at a very young age.
Ms. Yu Chunxiang and Three Other Practitioners Force-fed Daily for over a Month at Masanjia Labour Camp
2006-08-13Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Yu Chunxiang was sentenced to forced labour in 2004, and now her term in the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp has been extended. Her family requested her release many times, but they haven't been allowed to visit Ms. Yu Chunxiang in person. According to practitioners who have been just released from the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp, Ms. Yu Chunxiang and three other practitioners have been on hunger strike to protest the persecution for more than a month. They are being force-fed every day, and their lives are in danger.
Detailed Information about the Death of Yu Tianyong, a Dafa Practitioner in Mishan City who Died from Persecution in 2002
2006-08-13On January 1st, 2001, Mr. Yu Tianyong was arrested in Harbin City. The court sentenced him to 10 years on illegal charges and he was imprisoned in The Third Jail of Harbin City. Due to imprisonment and persecution for an extended period, Yu suffered from pulmonary tuberculosis and was released on bail for medical treatment. During this period, police came to constantly harass him. After one month, police arrested Yu again and imprisoned him in Wanjia Hospital for so-called medical treatment. Two months later, on May 22nd, 2002, Yu died from persecution in the hospital.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Wang Yunjie Died as a Result of Torture Suffered at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2006-08-12Practitioner Ms. Wang Yunjie was arrested from work in 2002. She was sentenced to forced labour. Ganjingzi District Police Department agents from Dalian City pronounced the sentence and took her to the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. The guards barbarically tortured her, which resulted in ulceration of her breasts. She died in July 2006.
Ms. Zheng Xiaohua Tortured to Death
2006-08-12In October 2002, Ms. Zheng Xiaohua carried her daughter with her to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa, and was arrested on Tiananmen Square. Local policemen took her back and detained her in the detention centre, where she was beaten by prisoners and abused badly. In February 2003, she was sentenced to 18 months of forced labour and locked in the Baimalong Labour Camp. Inside the camp, Ms. Zheng Xiaohua was threatened by her monitors and tortured by not being allowed to sleep. She was forced to stand facing the wall, forced to sit on a small stool, and punched and kicked at will, resulting in severe mental and physical damage. In October 2003, because they were afraid that she would die in the camp, the camp administration let her family pick her up to shed the responsibility. She died on May 17th, 2006.