Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
70 Year Old Mr. Li Wenming from Hunan Province Was Persecuted to Death in 2002
2005-03-21Mr. Li Wenming, age 70, was a Falun Gong practitioner in Xiangtan City, Hunan Province. He and his wife, Mrs. Quan Huiping, continued to practise Falun Gong despite the persecution. For this, they suffered frequent abuse. On February 9, 2002, several corrupt policemen abducted Mr. Li from his home. Li Wenming died shortly thereafter. His wife, Mrs. Quan Huiping continued to be harassed by local policemen.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Ma Baosheng Dies as a Result of Torture at the Daqing Forced Labour Camp
2005-03-21Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Ma Baosheng from Heilongjiang Province went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Dafa in 2000. He was held at the Zhaozhou County Detention Centre and the Daqing Forced Labour Camp, where he was terribly abused, both physically and mentally. One of the tortures he underwent was "Tying the Rope," which disabled his arms. The police constantly harassed him at home after he was released. He passed away on January 4, 2005.
Tibetan Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Zha Sang, in Her Fifties, Died as a Result of Persecution in 2002
2005-03-21Ms. Zha Sang was a Tibetan. After she started cultivating Falun Dafa in 1996, her breast cancer totally disappeared. In November 2001, she was abducted from her home and sentenced to three years in prison. Due to the severe living conditions, her old illness came back. Ms. Zha was released on medical parole, but died in October 2002 at her home in Lhasa City.
The Persecution Related Deaths of 81 More Falun Gong Practitioners Were Confirmed in February 2005
2005-03-20Pan Xingfu was released home from the Mudanjiang Prison in July 2004 after he was tortured to the verge of death. He never recovered and in January 2005, his physical condition suddenly deteriorated. Pan Xingfu died on January 31, 2005.
Nine More Falun Dafa Practitioners in China Known to Have Died from Persecution
2005-03-20Out of 9 more reported deaths as a result of persecution, 7 were 60 years or above. Mr. Xue Fengqi, 72, lived in Yushu City, Jilin Province. In October 2001, he went to Beijing to appeal and was arrested.The Yushu Municipal Public Security Bureau ordered his family members to pay 400 yuan for his release. In total, his family members were blackmailed for over ten thousand yuan. After coming back, he was hounded constantly. While under tremendous pressure, Mr. Xue died from bladder cancer some time shortly before October 1, 2004.
Four Falun Dafa Practitioners from Heilongjiang, Sichuan, and Shandong Provinces Died Due to Persecution
2005-03-20Mr. Dong Shengli was in his 30s and worked in Shandong Province. His long-term diabetes was cured after cultivating in Falun Dafa. He was inhumanly tortured at a Detention Centre, causing his diabetes to return. He was then dismissed from his job, and his wife divorced him due to the intense pressure. Mr. Dong was repeatedly harassed, threatened, and subjected to brainwashing. He continued to cultivate firmly and did not want to give up his belief. However, he died in March 2004.
Five Practitioners in Guangdong, Shandong, Sichuan and Hebei Provinces Passed Away Due to Mental and Physical Abuse by Police
2005-03-20Ms. Li Rufen 63, was from a village in Sichuan Province. She started practising Falun Dafa ten years ago. Her late-stage colon cancer was cured and she completely recovered. Beginning in 1999, she was subjected to long-term house surveillance, and her house was repeatedly ransacked. She had to ask permission even to go grocery shopping or visit her children. Due to the long-term harassment, threats, and financial extortion, she suffered serious diseases including heart disease. She passed away on January 24, 2005.
Urgent Rescue Needed for Practitioner Jiang Quande from Changchun City
2005-03-19Mr. Jiang Quande is in prison because he practises Falun Dafa. To resist the persecution, he went on a hunger strike and is now locked up in solitary confinement. To keep Mr. Jiang in confinement and persecute him further, the prison guards fabricated lies that he "beat up people inside the prison" and refuses to see his family. His is in a critical condition.
A Re-enactment of the Torture Methods Used at the Xishanping Forced Labour Camp in Chongqing - Part 2
2005-03-19This is a torture reenactment: Hung Up and Beaten. Prisoners wrap the Falun Gong practitioner in a bed sheet, so their injuries won't be visible, and hang him from a door or a window. Then the whole group surrounds him, beating him savagely with wooden clubs. When the practitioner loses consciousness, prisoners splash cold water on him.
Handicrafts for Children Made with Slave Labour at the Mansajia Forced Labour Camp
2005-03-19Products labelled as "Made In China" can be seen in every corner of the world. However, how many people know that many of the gifts they buy for their children and grandchildren, such as these necklaces and bracelet, are actually made with slave labour?
The Abuse of Practitioners at Qinduankou Prison in Hubei Province
2005-03-19Currently, Falun Gong practitioners detained in Qinduankou Prison in Hubei Province are being brutally tortured. Chen Chuanhong, the political instructor of the Third Prison Ward ordered a criminal inmate to brutally beat practitioners and was praised by the prison system for it. After he was transferred to the Third Ward, Chen was directly responsible for torturing practitioner Hong Weisheng to the point of disability.
The Tragic Story of a Family in Northeast China
2005-03-18Mr. Guo Wenxiang's family of ten used to live a peaceful and happy life. During the past 5 years, however, they have been wrongfully accused and have suffered tremendously at the hands of the authorities. Some of the family have been sent to prisons, detention centres, forced labour camps, and brainwashing centres; some were tortured and some even lost their lives.
Mr. and Mrs. Ma Shutian Died Within Months of Each Other as a Result of Police Harassment
2005-03-18Mr. Ma Shutian, a Hebei Province Falun Gong practitioner, passed away the day after the local police harassed him at his home in 2001 and extorted more than 10,000 yuan from him. He died at the age of 58. His wife, Ms. Zhang Yumei, had passed away just months earlier in June 2000 as a result of the local police's threats and interrogations. His daughter-in-law gave in to the pressure and gave up practising Falun Gong.
My Husband and Son Died One After Another Because of the Persecution
2005-03-18"On July 20, 1999, Jiang Zemin's Communist regime banned Falun Gong. I wept deep within my heart because such a wonderful practice was suppressed without any reason. The police often came to our home to harass us. They never let up. My husband could not withstand such continual harassment, and he passed away. My paraplegic son also passed away. Now only my grandson and I remain."
Another Nine Falun Gong Practitioners Die as a Result of the Persecution
2005-03-18The number of reports of Falun Dafa practitioners persecuted to death are increasing. We are still getting notification of deaths going back four or five years ago, because of the information blockade by the Chinese authorities and the danger that is ever present for practitioners in China in revealing the true, horrific situation. Nine more persecution deaths in six provinces have come to light. The practitioners died between the years 2001 and 2005.