Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Once Recognized for his Meritorious Military Service, Mr. Hu Jianhua is Now Imprisoned for His Belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance
2005-03-13Mr. Hu Jianhua joined the army and was promoted from squad leader to company commander. However after the persecution of Falun Gong began, he has been treated as a despised criminal; fired from his job, imprisoned, tortured. His family have not had letters from him since last December.
Mr. Shi Zuosheng Tortured to the Brink of Death and His Wife Sentenced to Six Years in Prison
2005-03-13"My name is Ms Zhang Shufen. I was unjustly sentenced to 6 years in Harbin Women's Prison in 2002. Here I have experienced suffering and persecution. The prison police are extremely violent. They frequently hang us up by our wrists and place us in solitary confinement for hours and hours on end. Recently, news surfaced that my husband, Shi Zuosheng, is now terribly thin because of the persecution. He cannot work and his life is in great danger. His family members strongly request that he be released."
After 9 Days in Wanjia Forced Labour Camp, Gaurds Killed Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Zhang Hong
2005-03-13In July 2004 Ms. Zhang Hong was incarcerated in Wanjia Forced Labour Camp. The guards used vicious torture to try to force her to renounce her belief in Truthfulness- Compassion - Tolerance, to no avail. She went on a hunger strike to protest her unjust treatment and was brutally force-fed. Before her death Ms. Zhang Hong cried out, "I don't want to die!" She was tortured to death only nine days after entering Wanjia Forced Labour Camp. After her death her family saw that her body had lost almost forty pounds, and her own waste was found in her pants.
Elderly Ms. Zhang Dailian, a Shandong Province Practitioner, Died Because of Pressure from Local Officials
2005-03-13Not long ago, a tragedy occurred in a village in Shandong Province. An elderly woman died as a result of pressure from local officials, who completely ignored the law. This case has shocked and angered the local residents. The person who died was Ms. Zhang Dailian, a gentle woman from a mountain village. she could not bear that her daughter-in-law, also a practitioner, had been tortured to such a terrible condition and could not take care of herself.
Elderly Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Du Borang Tortured to Paralysis Then Dies
2005-03-12Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Du Borang from Anhui Province, was followed and persecuted by "610 Office" personnel for his persistence in Falun Gong practice. It happened while he was visiting his relatives in Zhuhai City in 2004. The lower portion of his body became paralysed from torture, and he died at home on February 10, 2005.
73 Year Old Practitioner Mr Zou Yukun Beaten to Death by "610 Office" Agents in Wuhan City
2005-03-12Elderly practitioner Zou Yukun from Wuhan City in Hubei Province, was frequently harassed and forced to undergo brainwashing. On the morning of September 5 2004, when Zou Yukun went out, the community watch informed the "610 Office". Not long afterwards, he was beaten to the ground by "610 Office" personnel. Then on September 6 , he passed away. The doctor said that his cerebrum was inflamed, and his brain suffered massive internal bleeding.
Inner Mongolian Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Zhang Zhumei Has Died as a Result of Persecution-Related Illness
2005-03-12Ms. Zhang Zhumei, 43 years old, was a former staff member of the Educational Materials Printing Factory. She had been suffering from diabetes for over ten years before she practised Falun Gong and had spent a lot of the factory's medical allotment money on her medical treatment. After she learned Falun Gong, her health greatly improved within just one year. After July 20th, 1999, she went to Beijing twice to appeal for Falun Gong, but was unjustly arrested each time and suffered constant harassment. As a result, her health deteriorated, and she died in early 2005.
Practitioner Ms. Xiao Yali Tortured to Death, Leaving behind Two Young Children
2005-03-12Ms. Xiao Yali died on March 6 2004, as a result of a violent force-feeding, while she was locked up in a detention centre. Her two children now live with their grandparents, as their father is in poor health. After Ms. Xiao was tortured to death, the whole family was devastated.
69 Year Old Hunan Province Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr Hu Yongfeng Died Due to the Unjust Persecution
2005-03-11Mr. Hu Yongfeng, 69, was a retired staff member of Xiangtan University. In June 2000, he travelled to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong. Since that time he suffered repeat detention, including "re-eduction through labour". He was stripped of his party membership, and his retirement pension was suspended without any just cause. Upon his release his family started receiving harassing phone calls from the "610 Office" officials. Under this intimidation and pressure, Hu Yongfeng died suddenly in December 2004.
Five Falun Dafa Practitioners from Henan, Heilongjiang, Liaoning and Hunan Provinces Died as a Result of Persecution
2005-03-11Five more deaths as a result of persecution have come to light. One of them, a 93 year old lady, had the courage to go to the brainwashing centre, where her practitioner son and granddaughter-in-law were detained, to ask for their release. Members of the local "610 Office" manhandled her and dragged her out of the brainwashing centre. She was injured by this brutal treatment and became bedridden. In December 2002, this old lady, Ms. Yang, died.
Wuchang "610 Office" Extorted Several Hundred Thousand Yuan from 100 Arrested Falun Dafa Practitioners
2005-03-11Wuchang's "610 Office" personnel used various methods to detain more practitioners to reach their goal of extorting money. The officials' average monthly salary is about 1,000 Yuan, however, they would receive a monetary reward if they could make a practitioner give up his/her belief, and they took advantage of it. If a practitioner is sent to the 610 Office for brainwashing, his workplace has to pay 2,000 Yuan per month for the practitioner's stay there. In order to obtain the highest profit, they would keep them there for a longer time so that they could extort more money.
Understanding the Persecution Through the "Educational System Reform" in Harbin City
2005-03-11The reform of the education system in Harbin City began last year. All teachers, permanent or temporary, with achievements or not, as long as they clearly made a declaration to keep in line with the political ideology of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, could then sign the contract prepared by the school authorities. The contract would then be legally notarised and guarantee that one would not be laid off for three years. The majority of people did not even read the contract before signing it, including some Falun Dafa practitioners who were teachers.
Extended Periods of Torture Led to Death of 27 Year Old Dalian Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr Wang Zhehao
2005-03-10Mr. Wang Zhehao, 27, was a computer-aided designer. He was repeatedly arrested and unjustly detained for extended periods ever since the persecution against Falun Gong began on July 20, 1999 causing both his body and mind to be seriously damaged. As a result Mr. Wang died in December 2004.
Elderly Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Yang Xuezhu Died from Grief
2005-03-10Ms. Yang Xuezhu was a 78 year old resident of Anhui Province. After the persecution began her grandson, who is also a practitioner, was arrested many times for appealing for an end to the persecution of Falun Dafa. The elderly lady was deeply saddened because she missed her grandson so much. She was unable to overcome her grief and therefore became mentally disturbed. On February 1, 2000, Ms. Yang's grandson was arrested again. The incident severely upset her and she died soon after.
Ms. Zhang Meilian from Jiangxi Province, Ms. Zhou Shuqing from Jilin Province and Ms. Zhou Qichun from Hebei Province Died from Persecution
2005-03-10Three ladies, aged 50, 66 and 75 were Falun Dafa practitioners. Being elderly, prior to practising, they had all suffered from various diseases. Following Truthfullness - Compassion - Tolerance had given them a new healthy, lease of life. Then such a senseless and cruel situation, whereby they were no longer allowed to practise Falun Dafa meant their old illnesses returned. Coupled with police threats and harassment, their health drastically deteriorated, and they all passed away.