Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Qu Hongkui from Jilin Province Dies as a Result of Torture
2005-03-1741 year old Mr. Qu Hongkui, risked his life and went out to tell people about the terrible persecution many times. As a result he was sentenced to three years of forced labour and developed tuberculosis. He was released in December 2004, however he died on February 13, 2005.
Re-enactment of Torture Methods Used at Xishanping Forced Labour Camp in Chongqing - Part 1 (Photos)
2005-03-17The guards at Xishanping selected the strongest and most merciless prisoners from the 8,000 in their charge (of which more than 90% are convicted drug addicts) to perform violent acts for them, and utilized them to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. Currently, a few dozen practitioners are still being held at Xishanping. One of these addicts said, "It is a living hell there."
Circumstances Surrounding the Death of Pan Xingfu, and the Persecution of His Wife, Mother, and Five Year Old Son
2005-03-17As of January 31, 2005, a five-year-old boy named Zhuangzhuang would never see his father again. His father, Pan Xingfu, was persecuted to death for his beliefs. Mr. Pan gave his life for his firm belief in Falun Dafa, "Truthfulness-Compassion- Forbearance" when he was only 31 years old.
Announcing the Persecution Related Deaths of Nine Falun Gong Practitioners
2005-03-17It has been learned that 9 Falun Gong practitioners passed away between 2000 and 2005. They suffered physical and mental torment; were prevented from practising the Falun Gong exercises and studying the teachings; their freedom restricted and their basic human rights totally denied. Under these circumstances, their spirits were crushed and extinguished.
62 Year Old Ms. Wang Xiuzhen from Hebei Province Died as a Result of Persecution in 2001
2005-03-16Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Wang Xiuzhen was 62 years old and had been bedridden due to illness before practising Falun Dafa. Through the practice she completely recovered from her illnesses. Perpetrators from the village, town, and county level tortured her numerous times. Suffering from persecution that included illegal arrests, extortion, having her home ransacked, and police intimidation, Ms. Wang died on August 5, 2001.
Husband and Wife Persecuted to Death in Heilongjiang Province
2005-03-16Mrs. Cui Shuzhi was 63. Along with other practitioners, Mrs. Cui peacefully and legally appealed for Falun Dafa in Beijing several times. The local police abducted her to a brainwashing class and extorted a lot of money from her. Her husband Lou Lixun was forced to renounce his belief in Falun Dafa under the extreme pressure of persecution. In January 2002, he died from illness. With constant pressure from officials, on top of the agony of her husband's death, her physical and mental endurance was spent, and she passed away on March 1, 2005.
Mr. Zhong Jianping from Xinjiang Autonomous Region is in Critical Condition Due to Torture in Prison
2005-03-16Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhong Jianping was unjustly sentenced to nine years of incarceration and is undergoing cruel persecution in prison. In February 2001, he coordinated the effort to mount broadcast systems to expose the persecution in the main detention centres, forced labour camps and teams in Xinjiang. He was then arrested. In January 2005, Zhong Jianping started to experience high fever and total body oedema, however, the authorities still kept torturing him.
Brutality at the Yushu City Custodial and Detention Centres
2005-03-16An officer at the Yushu City Detention Centre poured a bucket of dirty water onto a Falun Dafa practitioner's coat outside on a winter day when it was -16 degrees Fahrenheit. He was soaked. In Yushu City Custodial Centre when the temperature dropped again to -16 degrees Fahrenheit, the officers forced practitioners to go outside before daybreak and stand still for almost two hours without coats. Ms. Liu Jinfeng, 19, was kept in the snow for over an hour in thin clothes.
65 Year Old Practitioner Ms. Li Ruilan from Hubei Province Died in 2001 after Suffering Prolonged Persecution
2005-03-1565 year old Ms. Li Ruilan, was a retired official of a hospital. Her daughter and son-in-law were forced into brainwashing classes many times because they also practise Falun Gong. After her daughter and son-in-law were arrested, Li Ruilan and her nephew, who could not look after himself, were left at home. The police frequently searched their home and threatened and harassed her, which caused Ms. Li tremendous physical and mental trauma. She died on August 1, 2001.
Gansu Province Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Fu Jinmei, In Her Fifties, Died as a Result of Abuse Suffered in Detention
2005-03-15Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Fu Jinmei was 54 years old, was unjustly incarcerated several times and her home was also searched many times. On December 8, 2003, she was again arrested. She became very ill and lost consciousness because of the abuse she suffered in detention. After she was sent back home, Ms. Fu Jinmei was completely bedridden. She died on September 18, 2004.
Five More Practitioners in Liaoning Province Known to Have Died As a Result of Persecution
2005-03-15Between April 2003 and May 2004 five Falun Dafa practitioners died as a result of police brutality and constant harassment. Before they were persecuted they enjoyed good health as a result of the practice of Falun Dafa. However, when they were denied the right to continue practising, a most basic human right to follow one's belief, they were weighed down by stress, fear, ill-health and finally, sadly, death.
Two Practitioners in Liaoning Province Died while forced to Become Homeless in 2003
2005-03-15Mr. Lu Hua was arrested twice for practising Falun Gong and repeatedly harassed by police after he was released. He was consequently forced to become homeless in order to avoid being arrested again. Under both mental and physical pressure, he became ill and died in August 2003. Ms. Sun Dezheng was in her 70's. Ms. Sun Dezheng was also forced to become homeless in order to avoid arrest. She was under constant pressure and terror, and died in a traffic accident in March 2003.
My Daughter's Name Means "Joyful," But She Is Very Sad
2005-03-14My little daughter, Kaixin, was separated from her mother when she was only three months old. She lost her mother at the age of one and a half. This caused her young mind to be deeply troubled. She cried to her father, "I miss Mum! Others have their mums, but I don't."
73 Year Old Jilin Province Practitioner Mr. Zhou Decheng Died in 2004 as a Result of Police Brutality
2005-03-1473 year old Mr. Zhou Decheng was beaten mercilessly by five policemen just because he went to a fellow practitioner's home carrying two banners with the words, "Falun Dafa is Good!" Another policeman grabbed Mr. Zhou's hair and slammed his head against the wall. Mr. Zhou Decheng died on October 21, 2004. The doctor found that he died from cerebral thrombosis (stroke) caused by the head injury he sustained during detention.
Never Recovering from Torture, Elderly Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Zhang Shushan Dies Two Years Later
2005-03-14Mr. Zhang Shushan was 61 years old. He was subjected to hellish treatment in a forced labour camp yet upon his release he was immediately sent to a brainwashing class for further persecution. When he developed scabies, the authorities injected him with an unknown drug that made his legs turn dark and swollen. He was very weak and appeared to be dying so they released him home. Mr. Zhang never recovered and eventually died on February 27, 2005.