Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Reenacting the Tortures Inflicted upon Weifang City Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Liu Haobin and Others (Photos)
2004-11-16Since October 2000, lawless people in Xingbu Town have been hired to persecute practitioners. Some of the methods they have used include: shocking practitioners with electric batons and stun guns, flogging them with hard rubber hoses, kicking them with leather boots, intimidating them, threatening them, deceiving them with false rumours, starving them or giving them only meagre rations, administering physical punishments, extorting money from them, striping off their clothes and leaving them to freeze in cold weather, and forcing them to curse Falun Gong and the founder of Falun Gong. The
Joint Venture CEO Asks Employee to Learn the "Spirit of Teamwork of Falun Dafa"
2004-11-16A CEO of a joint venture saw the truth about Falun Gong and recently he gave a speech in a meeting for over 300 mid-level managers in his company. When he talked about promoting work ethic, he said, "On this issue, I hope everyone will learn from Falun Dafa. We shall learn from the spirit of teamwork they exhibit. They are willing to sacrifice their lives for their beliefs." He then added, "I admire their Teacher greatly."
How Two Practitioners Were Killed as a Result of Persecution in Wanjia Forced Labour Camp in Heilongjiang Province
2004-11-15This is an eyewitness account by a detainee in the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp Hospital. She witnessed the persecution of practitioners Ms. Liu Limei, Ms. Fu Guilan, and Ms. Wu Yajie between 2002 and 2004. During their imprisonment in the labour camp, this detainee witnessed the miracle of Falun Dafa and the practitioners' steadfast faith and determination to validate and safeguard Falun Dafa with their lives. As a result, this eyewitness embarked on the path of Faun Dafa cultivation and became a determined practitioner.
Ms Gao Rongrong Recounts Her Suffering at a Hospital and How Her Relatives Were Stonewalled in Their Appeal on Her Behalf
2004-11-15Ever since May 7, 2004 when severe and continued electric shocking with batons disfigured Gao Rongrong's face, the departments concerned with her case have not made any comments. Her family members appealed according to the law, but the only reply they got was that her case had been taken over by the "special cases team." Two of the policemen who participated in tormenting and abusing Gao Rongrong, were assigned to guard her in hospital. On July 2, three people from Shenyang City's Political and Judiciary Committee even tried to pick off the dark scabs on her face, right in front of her family members.
The Whole Family of Dafa Practitioner Wang Zideng from Shandong Province Is Subjected to Persecution
2004-11-15After Jiang Zemin's group began persecuting Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, Wang Zideng and his family suffered numerous unjust acts against them. First he was forced to close his business, and in late 2000 he was compelled to leave home. His daughter was illegally sentenced to two years of forced labour in April 2001 when she turned just 16 years old! Wang Zideng's sister and brother-in-law were sentenced to three years of forced labour. Mr. Wang's niece, died at age four as a result of the family being repeatedly harassed and frightened by police during the persecution.
Testimony of a Practitioner in Germany: I Suffered for 2 Years in a Beijing Female Forced Labour Camp
2004-11-14On January the 5th 2002, Xiong Wei was arrested whilst distributing leaflets exposing the persecution against Falun Gong. She was then sentenced to two years in a Beijing female forced labour camp till January the 4th 2004. After two years of suffering in a labour camp and nine months of living at home under surveillance, Xiong Wei arrived at Frankfurt airport on September the 28th 2004. The following is a personal account of her two years of suffering.
High School Teacher Murdered in March, 2004 in Heilongjiang Province, More Practitioners Illegally Sentenced to Forced Labour Camps
2004-11-14Since July 20, 1999, at least 26 Falun Gong practitioners in Daqing City have been persecuted to death. Even though most people have come to understand the truth about Falun Gong and are no longer deceived by the propaganda, the wicked authorities are still out of control. At the end of March 2004, an excellent Daqing City high school teacher, Gao Shuqin, was murdered by the Hulu Sub-Railway Department just because she wanted to uphold her right as a citizen and not abandon her belief in "Truth-Compassion-Forbearance."
Ms. Liu Tongling Tortured to Death on the "Iron Chair" at the Harbin Forced Labour Camp in 2003
2004-11-14Ms. Liu Tongling, over 50 years old, was a practitioner from Heilongjiang Province. She was abducted and taken to the Harbin Drug Rehabilitation Forced Labour Camp in September 2003. Within a month she was dead. On the last day of her life, as she was being beaten on the "Iron Chair", the guard even had others remove all of her clothes to humiliate her and let her freeze. That day Ms. Liu Tongling died, naked, on the iron chair.
Mr Peng Shiming Died as a Result of Persecution, His Wife Liu Xiaolian Died from Mental Trauma, both in 2002
2004-11-14Hubei Province Falun Dafa practitioners Peng Shimin and his wife, Liu Xiaolian were repeatedly harassed and detained many times. Peng Shimin unfortunately passed away, mentally and physically debilitated from persecution, in October of 2002. His wife Liu Xiaolian was seriously traumatized after her husband's last arrest, and she died on February 14, 2002.
Two Brothers, Liu Fuming and Liu Fuli, Severely Tortured by Police in Inner Mongolia
2004-11-14On September 16, 2001, two brothers, Liu Fuli and Liu Fuming from Inner Mongolia were arrested because they publicly clarified the truth about the persecution of Falun Dafa. that was the beginning of a nightmare consisting beatings lasting up to 20 hours on several occasions. At one time a police officer held a gun to Liu Fuli's head and said, "Are you going to tell us or not? If not, I'll shoot you--shoot you dead without having to worry about any punishment!"
A Fatal Attack on China's Economy - Condemning Jiang Zemin and his Regime's Misappropriation of Vast Amounts of Money to Persecute Falun Gong
2004-11-14Be it in financing the national debt or putting the money in the bank, the people's concern is whether or not they can get back their principal and interest when the time is due. Be it issuance of national debt, a raise in the interest rate or attracting foreign investments, those in power are hoping to alleviate the economic crisis. However, what China is encountering now is a huge economic black hole as a result from the five-year long persecution of hundreds of thousands of innocent people.
Mr. Xu Zhibin, Illegally Sentenced to 14-years in Prison, Now Weighs Only 88 Pounds and Is Extremely Frail
2004-11-13The District Court in Dianlian City sentenced Mr. Xu Zhibin to fourteen years of imprisonment in September 2002 because he practised Falun Gong. When his family members asked Hu Xiaoping, the department chief, on what grounds the verdict was based, she replied, "This is discipline. No one can talk about it." Xu Zhibin is now detained in Wafangdian Prison, Liaoning Province.
Torture Leaves Shandong Province Practitioner Ma Zhixin Disabled - His Wife Is Unjustly Jailed
2004-11-13Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Ma Zhixin from Anqiu City lost the ability to take care of himself due to persecution. His wife, Zhang Zhenfang, was sentenced to five years in prison in 2002, because she practises Falun Gong. Currently she is being detained in Jinan Women's Prison. On top of that, in the past five years of persecution, Ma Zhixin and his family have had a total of 69,842 yuan extorted from them, by officials and police.
Remembering Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr Fan Xuejun from Shenyang City
2004-11-13"Fan Xuejun was one of my best friends. When I read the news about his death, that his skull had been caved in, that there was a big hole on his back and a big gash on his leg, my heart felt very heavy. I didn't want believe that it was true. I had been imprisoned because of my practice of Falun Dafa and was released at the end of 2003. When I asked about Fan Xuejun, I found out that he had been sentenced to seven years in prison."
Sad Tears of an Elderly Woman Call for Her Son's Return
2004-11-13It's hard to spot this elderly woman among a sea of people, but she has walked slowly to a bus stop every day for the past month, in order to try to find her dying son. This elderly lady has gone to the detention centre or the police department every day to ask for her son. Each day at sunset she goes back home, empty-handed and tired as usual, full of disappointment and sadness.