Other News, Exposing the Persecution

Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting

  • The Shock of Police Breaking Into and Ransacking Her Home Leads to the Death of an Elderly Practitioner in 2002

    Falun Gong practitioner Gao Fengying from Kangping County, Liaoning Province, was 67 years old. One morning during the fall of 2001, it was still dark when the chief of the Dongguantun Police Station, Zhang Zhenjie, led three people to climb over a wall to enter Ms Gao's home. These people searched the house without a warrant and illegally took away many Falun Dafa books. They didn't leave until they had ransacked the house for more than 30 minutes. Shocked by this incident, Ms Gao fell ill. After half a year, she died on March 2nd, 2002.
  • Female High Court Judge from Fujian Province Arrested Three Times and Persecuted for Her Beliefs

    Guan Yujing, a high court judge from Fujian Province was abducted and detained by the "610 Office" in Fuzhou City three times because she explained the truth about Falun Gong and exposed the facts of the persecution to those around her. She was detained in a psychiatric hospital to be "cured." She was injected with drugs that damage the central nervous system when she continued telling people the facts about Falun Gong in the hospital.
  • Li Wutang, a Teacher in Jinan City No. 3 Middle School, Died From Injuries Sustained During Force-Feeding Torture in 2002

    Li Wutang was a teacher in Jinan City No. 3 Middle School. He benefited in both mind and body after cultivating Falun Dafa. He was illegally sentenced to a three-year prison term for persisting in validating the practise that had improved his life so much. He was imprisoned in Liuchangshan Labor Camp in Jinan City. During his illegal imprisonment, he was firm in his belief in Falun Dafa. The guards forced him to stay in solitary confinement, deprived him of sleep for long periods of time and beat him.
  • Tortures Suffered by Practitioners from Chicheng County, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province

    After the force-feeding, the tube was not removed and the upper end was tied to the practitioner's hair. Then the police forced the practitioners to walk in the yard, and they used thick plastic pipes to beat the practitioners who refused to walk. They also poured cold water on practitioners who could not walk.
  • Practitioner Ge Peilin from Nanchang City Becomes Mentally Unstable After Mistreatment

    Her face turned dark, and her whole body started to convulse. At the hospital, Ge Peilin suffered tremendously, yet the jailers still cuffed her hands and chained her feet. Finally, she lost consciousness. A doctor said, "This person is in such bad shape, and you people have no conscience. She practises Falun Gong, that's her personal belief, you should honour her belief. Now she is dying, who will take the responsibility?"
  • What Really Goes on in the Beijing Juvenile Detention Centre

    It was a customary practise to torture Falun Dafa practitioners with techniques such as sleep deprivation, long-term torture devices, military drilling, corporal punishment, compiling fake scriptures, spreading rumours and slandering words, personal attacks, and lies and deceptions. In addition, they adopted a very strict military-style management, forced overtime, and excessive slave labour work, forced brainwashing, mandatory viewing of anti-Falun Gong propaganda films, and demanded tons of writing.
  • The Torture and Death of Practitioner Mr Liu Zhibin at Jinzhong Prison

    Following orders from the "610 Office," the guards at Jinzhong Prison (also known as the First Prison of Shanxi Province) in Qi County began a three-month torture campaign against Falun Gong practitioners. Driven by money and the enticement of job promotions, the prison guards grossly abused and tormented practitioners, threatening the use of force if practitioners didn't give in to their demands and renounce Falun Gong.
  • Firsthand Experience of the Persecution at Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp

    Even after writing and signing the so-called "Transformation Statement," she was still persecuted. Zhang knew that she had done wrong in compromising with the evil and was grief-stricken. The camp guards kept forcing her to criticise herself in writing every day. The relentless persecution caused Zhang to suffer a severe mental collapse. She could not eat or sleep well, yet the guards still forced her to stand up for long periods of time.
  • Practitioner Pan Juying Is Abducted for the Fifteenth Time and Her Life Is in Great Danger

    "They formed three groups and took turns torturing me. The torture lasted for five days and four nights. They slandered Dafa, cursing Dafa and Teacher; they burned Teacher's picture in front of me; they didn't allow me to sleep; they handcuffed my hands behind my back, kicked me down on the floor, and stabbed my face with sharp newspaper rolls...Chen Xinyun brought two snakes and put them on me. He put my left hand into the bag with the snakes inside and then put my feet into the bag.
  • Practitioners Force-Fed with Human Waste in Daqing Forced Labour Camp

    To persecute practitioner Ren Liang, the guards stripped him naked, held him down on a metal chair and poured cold water all over him. Even after drenching him continuously for many hours, the police couldn't make Ren Liang renounce Falun Dafa, so they poured feces and urine into his mouth twice.
  • Savage Torture Could Not Shake My Righteous Belief

    "After being injected with drugs against my will, I had to sleep for two days. The feeling was difficult to describe. I was weak and limp, shivering with cold, and short of breath, as if I was having a heart attack. In a trance-like state, I felt that I would rather die than live that way. Meanwhile, my fellow practitioner, a former third-class police superintendent (equivalent to the rank of Major), fell unconscious to the floor upon being injected.
  • Falun Gong Practitioner Lei Jiangtao Illegally Sentenced to Prison - Now in Critical Condition

    Falun Gong practitioner Lei Jiangtao was illegally sentenced to seven years in prison. He is currently being held at the Jinzhou Detention Centre and is showing severe symptoms of illness. Lei Jiangtao refused to give up his belief after being tortured for one year, and he was recently sentenced to seven years in prison. His family and friends are calling for attention to this matter and asking for help on his behalf.
  • How the Masanjia Labour Camp Tries to Destroy the Human Spirit

    At the same time as the guards at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp brutally persecute Falun Gong practitioners, the media propaganda of the Chinese ruling Party dubs Masanjia, "A special campus for purifying the spirit." The following report explores how they are actually destroying the human spirit in a most vicious and horrifying manner.
  • My Wife Zhang Lihong Has Been Illegally Abducted Again

    Zhang Lihong was unlawfully arrested while distributing leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong. Currently she is being detained in the Shanwei City Sub-bureau Detection Centre. The family was left with two children, aged three and four (left). My father-in-law is over seventy years old and cannot take care of two children on his own.
  • Police In Jilin City Cover Up the Truth about How Dafa Practitioner Shao Hui Was Murdered in 2002

    Shao Hui was a clinical doctor for the Hongshi Forestry Farm in Jilin Province. Officers from Jilin's Police Department arrested him in August 2002, and he died the same night, at only 31 years old. The Jilin Police blocked the news and did not inform his family. Once again, ringleader Jiang Zemin and his followers are responsible for the destruction of a once happy family.