Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Three More Falun Dafa Practitioners Died after Torture in Shenyang Prison
2004-09-25During the period from the middle of June to the Middle of September, three more Falun Dafa practitioners died after being tortured in Liaoning Provincial Prisons' General Hospital. They were all admitted after they went on hunger strikes: 34-year-old Mr. Gao Lianyi, Mr. Zhou Zhi and Mr. Guan Wenjiang. After Mr Gao died, many of the patients who were in the same room as him said, "This is not simply persecution, this is murder!"
Additional Information about the Murder of Elderly Falun Gong Practitioner Peng Guangjun at the Beijing Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp
2004-09-25Mr. Peng Guangjun was an elderly Falun Gong practitioner who lived in Huairou District, Beijing. He was sent to the Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp and after a day of incarceration was sent to hospital, pronounced dead that same day. The authorities were adamant in trying to hide the fact that Peng Guangjun had been beaten to death. An official threatened his family "to give up investigating the cause of Peng Guangjun's death" after they requested an autopsy, "If you don't want to obey the government's arrangement, we'll make all your family members jobless so that you all will be unable to make a living."
Guangzhou City Police Blind Ms. Wang Haiyan's Right Eye While Beating Her (Photos)
2004-09-25In November 2002, Wang Haiyan was sent to Guangzhou City's Chatou Forced Labour Camp. I met her there for the second time. I saw her for the first time when she went to Beijing on July 20, 1999, to appeal for Falun Gong. At that time, her eyes were beautiful and shining. When I saw her in the forced labour camp however, she looked totally different. She was being held up by two people, and she could not see out of either eye. Her right eyeball was sunken and had shrunk, even the black pupil of her right eye had completely turned white. She had great difficulty walking and was unable to look after herself.
"I Have a Different Opinion"
2004-09-25I think these practitioners are courageous, kind-hearted and honest. These are virtues a person should have. They should not be captured and detained. Look at today's society. When people get into trouble, in order to protect themselves, they always tell lies! Nowadays, you don't trust other people any more, no matter how good they sound. This society is hopeless if it continues to be like this! So I really admire the spirit of Falun Gong. Not everybody can follow "Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance!"
Jiang Zemin Visits Huludao City; Authorities from Huludao Forced Labour Camp Intensify the Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners on Hunger Strike
2004-09-24Since late July, as the number of practitioners who went on hunger strike in Huludao City Forced Labour Camp increased, the authorities took up the policy of "Three Changes and Four Stops." (Change Strategy, Change Attitude, Change Circumstance, Stop Visits, Stop Sleeping, Stop Outdoor Activities, Stop Outside Communication) Liu Guohua said that there were orders from the upper level officials, "Those who meet with an accident or die due to their hunger strike and self injury should be responsible for all the consequences and should be considered for criminal sentence." He also said, "What's the big deal with somebody dying? The Procuratorate wouldn't care."
Police Arrest and Persecute 60 Year Old Woman
2004-09-24"The local head of the "610" office dispatched over 20 policemen to surround and break into my house. When they tried to take me away my four-year-old grandson became afraid and started to cry. My husband pulled my grandson out of the way, while 5 or 6 policemen were dragging me, an elderly woman, like a lifeless body into their car. They took me to the local station and kept my persecution a secret."
Torture Methods Frequently Used on Falun Gong Practitioners in Brainwashing Centres in Guangzhou (Illustrations)
2004-09-24Torture method: Police officers bind Falun Gong practitioners' arms behind their backs, pull their arms upwards by the hands, and tie each end of the rope around the opposite shoulder. Next, they make them sit with their legs crossed on top of each other, then tie their legs to keep them in that position. The torturers even pull their knees together until they are only less than seven inches apart. Then they press the practitioners' upper bodies against their chests, and tie them up to keep them in that painful position.
Demonstration of Torture Methods Used on Falun Gong Practitioners in Shenyang City's Longshan Forced Labour Camp (Photos)
2004-09-24In March 2001, guards at the Longshan Forced Labour Camp in Shenyang City started the systematic persecution of Falun Gong practitioners so as to "forcibly reform" them, a euphemism for brainwashing. The head administrator once ferociously told Falun Gong practitioners who were steadfast in cultivation, "This is an institution of coercion! You must be reformed, whether you agree or not!" Female prison guard Wang Jinghui said, "You don't want to be reformed? Then your stay here won't be comfortable!" Team leader Tang Yubao usually kicked and punched practitioners or shocked them with electric batons. He also verbally abused them.
Attorney Exposes Chinese Legal System's Involvement with the Former Chinese President Jiang Zemin and His Clique's Persecution of Falun Gong
2004-09-24After my release from the so-called "Judiciary Re-education Centre"(1) held by the ruthless "6-10 Office," I ran into a friend I hadn't seen for many years. She is a reputable attorney. After I told her details about the persecution that had been inflicted upon me by the Chinese dictator Jiang and his followers, she expressed her deepest sympathy and her anger concerning the persecution. She also exposed the Chinese legal system's cooperation in the persecution.
Twenty-Three Falun Gong Practitioners Verified Being Tortured to Death in August 2004 (Photos)
2004-09-23A total of twenty-three deaths by torture cases were reported in August 2004 from ten provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities. Five deaths in Liaoning Province, four deaths in Sichuan Province, four deaths in Tianjin City, three deaths in Heilongjiang Province, two deaths in Hebei Province, and one death each in Jilin, Shandong, Anhui, and Guizhou Provinces, and Xingjiang Autonomous Region. Seven practitioners were older than 50 and represent 30 percent of the total death numbers. Ten were women, representing 43 percent of the total death by torture numbers.
Types of Torture Practitioners Are Subjected to in the Second Detention Centre and Forced Labour Camp in Changchun
2004-09-23This is a type of torture that the Chinese police and prison guards frequently resort to when interrogating practitioners (about where they obtained the materials containing the facts about Falun Gong, and who helped produce them). The torturers would seal a practitioner's head with a plastic bag to suffocate him while punching and kicking him, or shocking him with high-voltage stun batons. The feeling of being suffocated is horrific.
Harbin Women's Prison: Practitioners Cannot be Processed for Release for Medical Treatment
2004-09-23In Spring 2003, the Harbin Women's Prison diagnosed Du Chunxiang as initially having pulmonary tuberculosis. It was then confirmed twice at the prison assigned hospital, the Second Hospital of Harbin Medical University, that she was infected with the following: the advanced stage of tuberculosis, chronic gastritis, and anemia. In the past year, the family members of Du Chunxiang have been requesting again and again for the prison to process a release for medical treatment. The prison administrative section chief told them rudely, "Du Chunxiang practises Falun Gong, so the release for medical treatment cannot be handled for her."
More Information on How Practitioner Ms Deng Jianping from Sichuan Province Was Tortured to Death
2004-09-2242-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner Ms Deng Jianping was from Sichuan Province. On March 17, 2004 she was abducted from a house and jailed in a County Detention Centre. While detained there, she refused to give up her belief in Falun Gong and its principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance," and as a consequence had to endure brutal tortures. She was taken to hospital in a skeletal state. When her family saw her they were shocked and it broke their hearts. She was tortured to death on August 11, 2004.
Practitioners in China Reenact Torture Methods (Photos)
2004-09-22Hidden water dungeon: A Falun Gong practitioner from Daqing was once tortured by means of the "water dungeon" in the Beijing Huairou Detention Centre. His shoes and socks were first removed and he was forced to wear cotton clothes and trousers. His hands were handcuffed and his feet were attached to shackles weighing 40 pounds, which are supposed to be used only on condemned prisoners. The police guards first poured water in the low-lying place near the toilet and placed the victim in the water. They then ordered criminal inmates to take turns pouring water on him.
Chuanxi Women's Prison Has Subjected Nearly One Hundred Practitioners to Brutal Torture
2004-09-22After ex-leader of China, Jiang Zemin and his associates' persecution of Falun Gong started in 1999, the Chuanxi Women's Prison in Sichuan Province has been detaining Falun Dafa practitioners on and off, amounting to nearly one hundred practitioners in total. During the continuous persecution, the division director Wang Xinya has made repeated remarks at many meetings, "We take the death of a Falun Gong practitioner like the death of a dog. Just take the body out and cremate it."