Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Death of Elderly Dafa Practitioner Ms. Ning Guizhen from Qinhuangdao City
2004-09-07Dafa practitioner Ms. Ning Guizhen and her daughter Xu Xiujuan went to Shanhaiguan District to distribute truth clarification materials, when the police abducted them. The authorities detained mother and daughter in separate rooms and interrogated them. Ning Guizhen was in her 60s. The police officers handcuffed her to a chair and handcuffed her daughter to a bed. When Ms. Ning refused to answer their questions, the police kicked the chair so violently that Ning Guizhen developed a severe headache and vomited. After she was released she never recovered and passed away on June 27, 2004, after suffering from severe headaches and intermittent loss of consciousness.
Falun Dafa Rescued Me from the Sea of Bitterness while the Persecution Launched by Jiang Pushes Me Towards the Abyss
2004-09-07In the two years since I have returned home, the joints in my body have become swollen and painful. I cannot take care of myself. Even so, the police officer who is in charge of our local area and the people from the Xibozi Residential Committee often come to harass me.
Death of Dafa Practitioner Mr. Fang Decheng from Liaoning Province
2004-09-06Mr. Fang Decheng, 37 years old was from Liaoning Province. Around 10:00 p.m. on July 20, 2004, the Falun Dafa truth-clarification material site that he maintained was destroyed. During the process that the police tried to abduct him, he fell from the fifth floor of a building. The police from Anshan City Police Department at first didn't allow treatment. However, later he was sent to a hospital but could not be revived and died on July 20, 2004.
Details on the Death Resulting from Torture of Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr Cao Ping
2004-09-06Forty-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Cao Ping lived in Sichuan Province. He was brutally tortured at the Deyang Jail in Sichuan Province. Mr. Cao could hardly be recognized. When his family saw him in May 2003, he was only skin and bones. The jail sent him home on June 28, 2003. His family could not believe the change in him. His original weight was 130lbs and he was 170cm (5'6") tall. Upon his return he only weighed 60lbs, and died shortly after on July 7, 2003.
Ms. Bai Wanling from Xinjiang Province Passes Away Due to Constant Persecution
2004-09-0639-year-old Ms. Bai Wanling was a practitioner from Xinjiang Province. In November 2000, while distributing Dafa truth-clarification materials out of town, she was arrested and sent to the Xinjiang Province Women's Forced Labour Camp to serve a three year term. While in detention, she was brutally tortured and suffered severe damage to her lungs as a result. The labour camp feared that her illness might be epidemic and did not want to take responsibility should she die there, so the camp notified her family to pick her up in June 2002. Although she was released she was still constantly harassed by police. As a result of the enormous pressure, Bai Wanling passed away on May 31, 2004.
Beijing Special Collection: Exposing the Evil Nature of Jiang's Regime - the Ordeals I Suffered under the Persecution
2004-09-05The author of this article, Yu Ming, had been abducted and taken to Beijing's Lugu Police Station in late October of 2003, and was later sentenced to forced labour. Since he is known in the Beijing labour camps as being steadfast in his belief in Falun Dafa, Mr. Yu is currently still being held in the "Dispatch Centre." We hope that the international community will pay attention to his situation.
Persecution-Related Death of Daqing Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Guo Yuzhen
2004-09-05Falun Dafa practitioner Guo Yuzhen of Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province died on May the 4th 2004. She suffered long-term persecution for upholding her beliefs. Here are the details.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Cheng Min from Linquan County Was Tortured to Death
2004-09-05The lawless personnel of the Linquan County's "610 Office" and the Shuishang Police Station persecuted her repeatedly. She was detained, fined and forced to undergo brainwashing under extreme pressure. Her home was searched and her property was confiscated. Under the brutal persecution, Ms. Cheng was physically tortured, as well as psychologically abused.
Ms. Liu Chengyan is in Critical Condition after Holding a Five Week Hunger Strike at Fushun Detention Centre of Liaoning Province
2004-09-05The Fushun City Detention Centre is located in Nangou, Fushun City, Liaoning Province. Many Falun Gong practitioners were previously detained there, and were later sent to various prisons after being illegally sentenced. Ms. Meng Yan and Ms. Ji Baozhen were among such practitioners.
Recently Verified: Three Dafa Practitioners in Tianjin Have Been Tortured to Death
2004-09-04It has recently been verified that three Falun Dafa practitioners from Tianjin City were tortured to death: Ms. Lu Shuying in 2004, Mr. Lu Dewang in 2000, and Ms. Zhou Xuezhen in 2002. The labour camps in Tianjin City aggressively persecute Falun Dafa practitioners. If a guard successfully forces a practitioner to write the so-called "Repentance Statement" or "Guarantee Statement," the Tianjin government awards him ten to twenty thousand yuan. So the guards are using more and more brutal means of torture on practitioners in order to get bonus money. They even have a "death quota."
Falun Gong Practitioner Wang Lixin from Jilin Province Dies as a Result of Torture; at Least Twenty-five Practitioners Have Died from Torture in Jilin City
2004-09-04Mr Wang Lixin was detained on November 27, 2000 for photocopying Falun Gong truth-clarification materials and died on December 5, 2000, within a short period of only seven to eight days. According to an the autopsy report, Mr. Wang's ribs were broken and his chest was black and blue from clotted blood. His is clearly an abnormal death. In June 2001, Mr. Wang's father filed a lawsuit at the Jilin City Intermediate Court against the Jilin Police Department and asked for compensation of 200,000 yuan. It was rejected. During the period of filing the lawsuits, his family spent over 500,000 yuan, and was almost bankrupt.
What Caused the Death of Mr. Wang Dayuan, a 36 year old College Teacher?
2004-09-04Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Dayuan, 36, was a college lecturer. In October 2002, police searched his home and arrested him. He refused to give up his belief. As a result, he was kept under indefinite detention. In 2003, Wang Dayuan, a well liked young man, was sentenced to eight years in prison. On April 3 2004, he could not stand the tortures any longer and agreed to write a statement renouncing Falun Gong. Suffering such spiritual torment at his renunciation he tore up the statement the next day. On April 5, Wang Dayuan was struggling to stay alive after being brutally tortured and died around lunch time after another round of frenzied beating.
Hubei Gongan County Primary School Teacher Tortured in Mental Hospital
2004-09-04Ms. Zhang Lieju is a teacher at a primary school in Hubei Province. Because she is steadfast in practising Falun Gong, she was often persecuted by "610 Office" personnel, police and some former workplace cadres. Many times she was on the verge of death. She was taken forcibly to mental hospitals and injected with drugs that damage the central nervous system. She became disabled, yet the depraved people claim that they cured her!
Special Collection - Exposing Slave Labor Practices Inside Chinese Labor Camps Part V
2004-09-03The use of slave labour in China's forced labour camps and detention centres is a well-known phenomena. People are forced, through threats, violence and even torture, to work long and painful hours, often surviving with little food or sleep each day. This series of reports exposes these slave labour practices and also details how goods produced there are sold in western societies.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Qi Jianchao from Hebei Province Dies As A Result of Torture
2004-09-03Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Qi Jianchao from Baoding City, Hebei Province had suffered under the persecution for a long time. He was detained at the Baoding Forced Labour Camp for long term for torture. He suffered all kinds of savage torture, including "tying the ropes." Being confined in a solitary compartment was another form of torment, as well as "riding an airplane, carrying a sword in the back, cuffed and hung, beaten up and burned by a cigarette. After his release, people from the "610 Office" kept following, watching and harassing him. His body and mind never recovered from the damage, and he died on July 30, 2004.