Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Dafa Practitioner Ms. Li Shuhua Is Blinded, Then Murdered by the Public Security Police
2004-05-07Ms. Li Shuhua, 32 years old, of Yushi City, Jilin Province was murdered by the police on October 6, 2003. A public security official who knew Ms. Li's case revealed why she was tortured to death. During detention she was struck so hard in the eye that she was blinded. Then the jail police asked for instructions from their superior officer, and the conclusion was that a dead person would be silent. That public security official commented that if Ms. Li had not been blinded, there would have been no reason to murder her.
Mr. Wang Hengyou, from Inner Mongolia Dies From Untreated Internal Injuries as a Result of Being Tortured By Police (Photo)
2004-05-07Mr. Wang Hengyou, 47, lived in Inner Mongolia. In September 2 2002, Wang was transferred to a labour camp where he was brutally tortured. The police did not allow him to sleep. Due to the constant torture, he became extremely weak. He often felt his pain in his head and stomach. He was eventually released on medical parole. At that time, he was emaciated and near death. Even after he returned home, the local police still kept coming to his home to harass him. With untreated internal injuries, he passed away on April 4, 2004.
Hunan Province Practitioner Mr. Pan Jianjun Tortured to Death
2004-05-06Mr. Pan Jianjun was 33 years old and a Falun Dafa practitioner from Hunan Province. Initially he was sentenced to 3 years in a labour camp for publically exposing the persecution. Then his term was arbitrarily extended to 4 years and then again to 7 years. Someone saw him there in August 2003. He looked like skin and bones, his lower back was injured and there were wounds on his body. On February 5, 2004, the Prison Administration notified his family that he had died.
Beatings So Monstrous Mr. Huang Lizhi Never Recovered and Died in 2001
2004-05-06Fifty-three year old Gansu Province Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Huang Lizhi was abducted by police because he went to Beijing to appeal for the right to practise Falun Gong. Mr. Huang was interrogated, during which time the police tried to force him to abandon cultivation practice of Falun Gong. He firmly refused their request, so the police cruelly beat him. Mr. Huang was tortured so badly that he almost died. Frightened that he might die in their custody, the police hastily sent him home. Two days later he was dead.
Dafa Practitioner Ms Ma Liqin Is Completely Paralyzed by Police Torture
2004-05-06On March 15 the No. 2 Detention Centre director, Yin Zhongliang, dragged 47 year old Ms. Ma Liqin into his office and viciously tortured her. She lost consciousness at the scene, yet the police thought she was just pretending. Later Ms. Ma's family members learned the news, and rushed to the detention centre to insist they take her to the hospital. The doctor diagnosed Ms. Ma with two clots of blood inside her brain. There were also bruises all over her lower back, legs, feet, and hands. She woke up four days later, but she had completely lost the ability to move her body.
Brutal Torture in Shandong Province -- Sleep Deprivation For 3 Weeks, 12 Electric Shock Batons Used Together on One Person for 8 Hours
2004-05-06Li Xingjian suffered the most brutal torture: not being allowed to sleep for over three weeks at a time. Two common criminals, following police orders, took turns watching him to prevent him from sleeping. Holding the shoulder pole in their hands, they would slam the pole into his chin or forehead. The torture got worse. The police later stripped off his clothes and beat him with a dozen electric batons in a torture room for a total of eight hours.
Policemen in Baochang City Violently Abduct a Small and Weak Female Practitioner
2004-05-05"One day in April, when I walked by the Grain Bureau Building, a scene unfolding in front of a clothing store caused me to stop. I saw four or five men gathered around a woman; one man grabbed her with one hand and threw her down from the top of a flight of stairs. Such ruthless and violent behaviour dumfounded me. Upon taking a closer look, I found that the man was policeman Zhao Baoming, out of uniform, followed closely by two more plain-clothed policemen. The three of them dragged that woman into a van. She struggled hard, all the while shouting, "I practise Falun Gong. I am a good person. This is persecution!""
Shandong Province Corrupt Captain, Zhu Pengde, Committed Crimes of Extortion and Torturing Dafa Practitioners to Death
2004-05-05Zhu Pengde, 50 years old, is the captain of the political security brigade of Zhucheng City's Police Department in Weifang Region, Shandong Province. In order to be able to move up in his career, he has done all he can to initiate and participate in plans to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. Zhu Pengde made a specialty out of capturing and detaining Dafa practitioners in Weifang's liaison office in Beijing, he used his political power to extort large sums of money from practitioners' families for his own personal enrichment, ranging from 1,000 Yuan up to 10,000 Yuan. Zhu Pengde is also one of those officials who is directly responsible for deaths of practitioners in Weifang.
The Cruel Behaviour of Policewoman Deng Liyan and Her Colleagues in Chifeng City Detention Centre
2004-05-05In 2002, Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhao Yanxia went on a hunger strike to protest her illegal detention. To further their persecution against her, Deng Liyan led a group of criminals to viciously force-feed Ms. Zhao, which led to her instant death. This is just one of the terrible crimes that this so-called "policewoman" has committed.
Slave Labour and Disguised Extortion in Detention Centres in Hubei Province
2004-05-05Detention centre guards in Wuhan, Hubei Province force detainees to do slave labour in their prison cells. For example, in Xiangfan City No. 1 Detention Centre, they force the detainees in their cells to produce medicine boxes, and to assemble elementary and preschool textbooks. The detention centre enforcers also collect tainted money. Not only do the slave labourers not get a single penny; but on top of that, some detainees are forced to pay 20 Yuan in "accommodation and meals fees" for each day they are locked up.
Ms. Wang Shupei Persecuted by "610 Office" Staff to the Verge of Death in a Zhaoyuan City Brainwashing Centre
2004-05-04Dafa practitioner Wang Shupei, is a 46 year old woman living in Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province. On February 25, 2004, Wang Shupei approached the Linglong Brainwashing Programme to explain the facts of the persecution of Falun Dafa to the director there, Ms. Song Shuqin, hoping that she would stop ordering persecution against Dafa Practitioners. Song Shuqin not only didn't listen to Wang, but also asked some guards to detain her in the brainwashing centre, and they also subjected Wang to brainwashing using force in order to get her to renounce her belief in Falun Dafa. This began a round of torture until she had to be admitted to a hospital for emergency treatment. She is currently on the verge of death.
Barbaric Acts at a Tianjin City Women's Forced Labour Camp
2004-05-04Because she steadfastly practised Falun Gong, over 50 year old Ms. Yan Shujun, was abducted by the Tianjin City Public Security Bureau in November 2000. Then she was unjustly sentenced to two and half years of forced labour. In the labour camp she was subjected to shocking with electric batons. Then guards confined Ms. Yan to a 1.6 ft x 1 ft x 5 ft wooden cage where the 5-foot-7-inch tall Ms. Yan was forced into a partially-crouched position, for 8 days. Afterwards she had significant muscular and skeletal problems.
The Suffering of Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Wang Haiqing in a Liaoning Province Forced Labour Camp
2004-05-04Mr. Wang Haiqing used to live in Fuxing City, Liaoning Province. Imprisoned in a labour camp the police threatened, "If anyone refuses to accept brainwashing, we'll push him out of a fourth floor window and tell the public he committed suicide." Undergoing these perpetual tortures, Mr. Wang's physical condition worsened, his arms and legs ceased to function, and his vision deteriorated. His distressed family requested that Mr Wang be released on medical grounds. Yet the camp refused claiming that after medical testing he had recovered. How could a patient who had almost lost the use of his eyes (as verified by hospital tests) and his limbs recover his health in a forced labour camp within several days?
The Repulsive Criminal Acts of Jilin Province Policeman Xu Shaobin
2004-05-04Ms. Zhu Lin was sentenced to re-education through forced labour for her belief in Falun Dafa. During her detention in the Nong'an Detention Centre in July 2003, she was cruelly tortured by policeman Xu Shaobin and many others. Ms. Zhu was burned from her breasts down to her lower abdominal area with cigarettes. The burn marks looked frightful. The following day, Xu unremorsefully and shamelessly went up to Ms. Zhu and asked her, "Do you hate me or not?"
After Her Daughter Chen Ying Was Killed, Ms. Chen Xiuling Was Kidnapped and Tortured in Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp
2004-05-03"My name is Chen Xiuling, and I am 54 years old. I was a marketing director in Heilongjiang Province. My daughter Chen Ying, who is listed as the first among practitioners who were killed during the persecution, used to practise Falun Dafa with me. She was a good child. I was also arrested and sentenced to three years at Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp. Now I am still suffering a lot. Because of the persecution, I now have many illnesses all over my body."