Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Six Falun Dafa Practitioners Die as a Result of Persecution
2005-05-01Mr. Wang Yuzheng, 57, was a farmer from Shandong Province. After beginning Falun Dafa practice in 1996, his long-term diabetes quickly disappeared. After the persecution began on July 20, 1999, because he distributed leaflets exposing the persecution, he was abducted many times, detained, and forced to go through brainwashing sessions. His family members were harassed and extorted out of money. The persecution hurt him both mentally and physically, and he died on January 24, 2005.
"Outstanding Teacher" Ms. Gao Shuqin Was Detained and Tortured Twice in 2001 Before Being Persecuted to Death in 2004
2005-04-3051 year old Mrs. Gao Shuqin, was a teacher and determined Falun Dafa practitioner. To evade an unjust arrest by police she tried to climb down a sheet from a high window at home and tragically fell to her death. Previously she had experienced tortuous forced-feeding in detention centres, which nearly cost her her life.
Mr. Tang Deliang and His Wife Wang Hongmei Sentenced to Six and a Half Years in Prison
2005-04-30Mr. Tang Deliang and Ms. Wang Hongmei are farmers from a village near Chongqing City. The couple has been repeatedly arrested, detained, tortured and sent to forced labour camps because they practise Falun Dafa. In August 2003, Mr. Tang and his wife were arrested at a Falun Gong centre producing leaflets exposing the persecution. They were sentenced to six and a half years in prison. Their 11 year old son is living in poor conditions with his grandparents.
Cases of Deaths Caused by Illnesses Returning After Being Forced to Give up Cultivation
2005-04-30Ms. Lei Zongjuan, 68, lived in a village near Jizhou City, Hebei Province. After beginning Falun Dafa practice in 1995, her illnesses disappeared. She got rid of her 28 year-old medicine jar. After the persecution began on July 20, 1999, she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa, but later gave up her cultivation under pressure and harassment. Her old ailments returned, and she died in September, 2001.
Three Falun Dafa Practitioners Die Following Brainwashing
2005-04-30Ms. Liu Xianglan, 61, was from Beijing. In March, 2002, Ms. Liu was arrested by police. She was detained, cursed, beaten, and tortured. She refused to give up cultivation, and the 610 Office arrested her and took her to a brainwashing class held at the police academy. She subsequently suffered symptoms of a stroke. The police did not release her, and she died.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Ge Peiling Was Persecuted to Death in Jiangxi Province
2005-04-29Falun Dafa practitioner Ge Peiling, 50 years old, was turned in just for talking with another Falun Gong practitioner on the street. She was secretly abducted by police and sent to a detention centre. Police incited criminal inmates to bash her head against the wall and on the ground. Later she was harassed by police at home. She was persecuted to death on January 7, 2005, leaving behind her husband who was over 50 years old and her son, a secondary school student.
Practitioner Lu Yuankun Has Been Missing Since His Arrest in 2002
2005-04-29Mr. Lu Yuankun from Liaoning Province has been missing since his arrest in Zhengzhou City on April 19, 2002. It is uncertain whether he is still alive. His family could not get any information about him from the Public Security Bureau. In September 2004, his wife Ms. Wang was arrested in Benxi City, leaving their boy without parental care. His wife was sent to Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
Seven Practitioners from Beijing, Shanxi, Jilin, Shandong, Sichuan and Liaoning Died as a Result of Persecution
2005-04-29Mr. Yuan Chengfu, 71, lived in Liaoning Province. Because his wife practised Falun Gong, Mr. Yuan started the practice in 1998. In October 2001, the police ransacked their home and confiscated their valuables. Mrs. Yuan was arrested. In April 2002, the police ransacked their home again, arrested Mrs. Yuan and extorted money from her, and took their belongings. Later, the police monitored them closely, harassed them, threatened them, and searched their home many times. Mr. Yuan suffered mentally and physically due to the relentless persecution. He died of colon cancer in November 2002.
Female Henan Practitioner Sentenced to Four Years of Forced Labour Despite Being Disabled from Persecution
2005-04-29Whilst 42 year old Ms. Li Fuxia was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution, she was reported to the authorities and arrested. The environment in the detention centre was very harsh. The guards used cruel methods of torture, which rendered her disabled. She was unable take care of herself and could not even use the toilet unaided. After she became disabled, the Courtsent her four years of forced labour. She is currently imprisoned at the Henan Province Xinxiang Forced Labour Camp.
More Facts about the Death of Practitioner Mr Zhang Shouren from Taiyuan
2005-04-28Mr Zhang Shouren, 66, used to work at a heavy machinery and equipment plant in Taiyuan City. In October 2000, police arrested him when he went to Beijing to appeal against the persecution of Falun Gong. He was sent to the detention centre, where police and inmates beat him. He was forced to sit on an ice-cold cement floor day in and day out. He suffered greatly both physically and mentally. He had chest pains and nausea, and he drooled uncontrollably. When released he coughed up blood and was so thin that he was just skin and bones. The doctor diagnosed him with a "pulmonary abscess." He died on August 24, 2001.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms Gao Rongrong Is Missing, Possibly in Retaliation for Exposing the Persecution She Went Through
2005-04-28Recently, a practitioner named Gao Rongrong, who suffered electric baton burns on her face was re-captured and sent to Masanjia Forced Labour Camp, when the news broke of her disfigurement. Her parents went to Masanjia Forced Labour Camp and asked to see their daughter. The Director said that although Gao Rongrong had been sent to Masanjia, she is not in Masanjia now. She did not disclose any information about Gao Rongrong.
Ms. Mu Chunhong Brutally Tortured by Police in Jilin Province (Re-enactment Photos)
2005-04-28On February 1st 2001, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Mu Chunhong was detained in Huadian City Detention Centre. She held a hunger strike to protest the persecution, and was tied up on the "Dead Person's Bed" to be force-fed. The tube was inserted into the wrong pipe, and she almost died from suffocation.
Elderly Ms. Guan Peichun Died as a Result of the Persecution in 2003
2005-04-28Ms. Guan Peichun, a practitioner in her seventies, was wheelchair bound for many years. Her condition was diagnosed as incurable. Ms. Guan started to practise Falun Gong in 1995 and regained her health. When the persecution of Falun Gong began and the CCP's threats and harassment were too much for her, she stopped practising. Her old diseases then reappeared, and she died in 2003. Before she passed away, Ms. Guan said, "The persecution against Falun Gong made me stop practising. If I had insisted on practising Falun Dafa, I wouldn't be dying."
Ten Falun Gong Practitioners from Jilin, Shandong, Sichuan, Hunan and Other Provinces Died As A Result of Persecution
2005-04-2779 year old Ms. Yu Fuxiu was from Shandong Province. Before starting Falun Gong practice, Ms. Yu suffered many serious illnesses. She completely regained her health after starting to practise Falun Gong in 1996. After the persecution began, she went to Beijing to appeal. She was illegally harassed, fined, arrested, and brainwashed, and her home was ransacked several times. The physical and mental torture caused her former illnesses to recur, and she passed away on March 29, 2004.
Five Falun Gong Practitioners from Jilin, Shandong, Sichuan, and Hebei Provinces Die from Persecution
2005-04-27Ms. Li Guohua was over 70 years of age and was from Sichuang Province. She was admitted to the hospital for stomach cancer in 1998. During her hospital stay, she heard about Falun Gong and began practising it. Her cancer soon completely disappeared. After the persecution of Falun Gong began, and under the threats of the police department, her husband began to closely monitor Ms. Li in 2000 and restricted her from practising Falun Gong. Her old illnesses therefore relapsed, and she passed away in June 2000.