Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Running Brainwashing Classes - A Way to Make Money for the Party in Fujian Province
2004-01-04Although they have the finances in hand, they still force Falun Gong practitioners' workplaces to pay anywhere from one to two thousand yuan [500 yuan is the average monthly income for an urban worker in China]. The surplus funds go into the committee officials' own pockets as "bonuses." Once someone in the brainwashing classes yields, these officials demand that his or her employer hold all kinds of conferences for the purpose of getting credit from higher-level officials.
Practitioner's Terms in Jinzhou Labour Camp Arbitrarily Extended For Refusing To Renounce Falun Dafa
2004-01-04Jinzhou Labour Camp willfully extended the sentence of these firm Dafa practitioners, and has relentlessly tortured them: Shi Zhongyan, a worker from the Jinzhou Supermarket, was to be released from the labour camp in 2000, but his term was extended again and again because he refused to renounce his belief in Falun Dafa. He died as a result of the persecution on April 26, 2003.
Supplementary Information on Dafa Practitioner Mr. Xuan Chengxi's Death by Torture
2004-01-03The lawless policemen were enraged and brutally beat Mr. Xuan repeatedly. Wang Xinmin and Zhu Yongjun poured cold water on Mr. Xuan after beating him. When he awoke from unconsciousness, they beat him again. They continuously beat him until they killed him. When Mr. Xuan died, he was face down, lying on the cement floor covered with muddy water and blood.
More Facts of How Mr. Ren Mengjun Died From Beating by Police
2004-01-03Ren Mengjun stated that all the materials he was forced to write denouncing Dafa were invalid. As a result, he was brutally beaten up by five or six on-duty police for a long time. His buttocks and thighs were black and blue, and his internal organs were severely injured. Several days later, he was unable to eat and his life was in great danger. To avoid responsibility, the labour camp rushed him home. About two weeks later he passed away.
Secretly Sentenced to Eleven Years in Prison Without The Right to a Lawyer
2004-01-03On April 8, 2003, the Jinshui District Court put Song Xu on trial. Only a few government officials from the police, procuratorate, and legal system showed up. Under strong protests from Song Xu, they hurriedly proceeded with the trial. They held the trial secretly and did not allow him to have a lawyer or the ability to appeal. He was unjustly sentenced to 11 years. His family never received any notice from the court.
Mr. Sun Baoyu is Severely Beaten, His Fingertips Pierced with a Safety Pin
2004-01-03In the station, several policemen handcuffed Mr. Sun Baoyu behind the back and forced him to squat by a wall. Then they pressed a stool on his head, sat by his side, and put their feet on the stool. They tried to force him to tell his name, address, and the source of the Dafa truth-clarifying materials. He resisted the persecution with righteous thoughts and started to clarify the truth to them, and the policemen started to beat him. Several policemen kicked him in his chest, then took turns fiercely kicking his face and head. They slammed his head against the wall and it bounced back. This continued for more than 20 minutes.
Some National Security Agents and Police Officials in Both Mainland China and Overseas Send New Year's Greetings and Express Their Respect to Mr. Li Hongzhi
2004-01-03On the first day of the New Year, some national security agents and police officials (non-practitioners) from Beijing, Liaoning, Shandong, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan, Chongqing and some agents working overseas sent their New Year's greetings to Mr. Li Hongzhi and expressed their respect to Master Li Hongzhi.
A Little Girl in Front of a Police Car
2004-01-03The little girl said with a voice full of innocence, "Yes. I came to Tiananmen Square just to tell my friends the police a few words: Falun Dafa is good!" The policeman asked her immediately, "Where are you from? How old are you? Where are your parents?" The little girl opened her bright eyes and said, "I am nine years old. I came from Tsingtao. My Dad and Mom were sentenced to labour camps [for practising Falun Gong]."
Falun Dafa Practitioners from Mainland China Continue to Send New Year's Greetings to Master
2004-01-03 -
Falun Dafa Practitioners from 179 Regions Across China Send Congratulatory Letters to Wish Master a Happy New Year
2004-01-02In the winter when auspicious snow is flying, and plum blossoms are bursting forth; While the long night is about to end and first light of morning is about to shine; on the occasion when the old year is about to pass and the new year is coming, all Dafa practitioners from Dehui City extend our most sincere and lofty wishes to benevolent and great Master: Master, Happy New Year!
Henan Rebecca Hair Products, Inc. in Henan Province Uses Slave Labour in Forced Labour Camps
2004-01-02Xuchang City in Henan Province is a major production centre for wig products in China. When the Henan Province No. 3 Forced Labour Camp was on the verge of bankruptcy, the labour camp abducted many Falun Gong practitioners and forced them to do slave labour making wig products for export. The labour camp survived and prospered this way.
Torture Methods at the Daqing City Forced Labour Camp
2004-01-02The "Tiger Bench" torture uses a modified steel chair. The chair seat is a thick steel plate. The original chair armrests are modified with a rounded metal barrier. Both feet are tightly clamped into foot shackles under each front chair leg; a nylon rope is used to tightly tie up the person; the upper arms are tied tightly behind the back, both lower arms are forced to the front to reach armrests on both sides, then two hand straps are used to bind the lower arms to the armrests. The person is tied like this for long time, while tortured and brutally beaten.
University Graduate Qu Yanlai on Hunger Strike for 400 Days in the Shanghai Tilanqiao Prison
2004-01-02Qu Yanlai, a Falun Gong practitioner who is currently illegally detained in Tilanqiao prison in Shanghai, has been on a hunger strike for over 400 days to protest the unjust persecution of Falun Dafa. The violent and frequent force-feeding administered by the prison guards has caused bleeding in Mr. Qu's stomach, and because of the violent nature of the force-feeding he is being temporarily detained in the Tilanqiao Prison Hospital.
Ms. Wang Kaiying from Henan Province is Unlawfully Detained, Tortured and Sent to a Forced Labour Camp
2004-01-02The next day, these Dafa practitioners were forced to balance bottle caps on their heads. If the bottle caps fell off at any point, the police would beat the practitioners and slam their heads against the walls. Wang Kaiying suffered injuries to her head and a fist-size bruise. In the afternoon, these practitioners' had their hands cuffed and they were hung up by handcuffs to an iron rail. Their feet, far from the ground, were lightly touching a barely reachable wooden stool, which could be easily kicked aside. In this way, these Dafa practitioners were hung up for several hours
Falun Dafa Practitioners from 94 Regions Across China Send New Year's Greetings to Master Li - Part 2