Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Mr. Xun Ruilin's Wife is Threatened by Police after Seeing the Injuries on his Dead Body
2003-12-21When Xun Ruilin's wife went to Linzhang County to see him, the police did not allow her in. Two days later, she unexpectedly saw her husband's dead body in Linzhang County Hospital. She saw that there were shocking injuries all over his body. His face had many wounds. Blood stains were seen on the corners of his mouth and on his nose. The police threatened Xun Ruilin's wife that she was not allowed to tell anyone about his condition. Neither was she allowed to look into the circumstances of her husband's death. Linzhang County Police Department hurriedly cremated Xun Ruilin's body. Such a kind and good person who cultivated himself by following Truth-Compassion-Tolerance lost his precious life this way.
Ms. Han Zhongcui's Life is in Danger from Continuous Torture in a Brainwashing Centre
2003-12-21When she arrived at the Gongjiawan Brainwashing Centre, the merciless guards took no consideration of her fragile condition, but handcuffed and then hung her in a confinement cell in Lanzhou City Labour Camp. She was not allowed to sleep, drink water, or even use the toilet. She was continuously cuffed and hung for days and nights. Because she is determined in her belief, the guards took her to an underground cell where she could see no light. Here, she was cuffed from behind her back onto a specially set-up torturing tool. A week later, she was carried out because she was unable to move her hands or feet.
The Brutal Tactics Used by the Wanjia Labour Camp Guards to Torture Falun Dafa Practitioners
2003-12-21New detainees and Dafa practitioners from the different brigades who are considered steadfast are sent here for brutal torture and forced brainwashing. The prison guards play tapes slandering Teacher Li and Dafa all day long. Whoever refuses to cooperate is brutally and continuously tortured with tactics such as the "Big Hang Up,"[1] being shocked with high voltage electric batons, having to squat with one's mouth sealed, and brutal beatings by criminal offenders.
How Xiangcheng City Authorities Mistreat Falun Dafa Practitioners
2003-12-21Under the Jiang Zemin regime's implication policy, the Party Secretary of Xiangcheng City was demoted and fined several thousand Yuan because practitioners of this city went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa. As a result, he became very angry with Falun Dafa practitioners and was eager for revenge. He detained practitioners indefinately and claimed that nobody would be released from detention without paying 70,000 Yuan. Even after the detention centre agreed to release some practitioners, he still kept them.
The Truth About Jiutai Forced Labour Camp's Persecution of Dafa Practitioners
2003-12-21Although the guards have established a "no beating and no cursing" rule, because of detained practitioners' firm resistance and outside practitioners' exposure of the guards' crimes on the Internet, they still do bad things secretly. Under the guise of "setting up a class" they added a name and changed the location of the persecution, but their lies, crazy beatings and verbal abuse remain the same.
To Cover up Evidence of Death by Torture, Kaiping Labour Camp Cremates Mrs. Cui Yulan's Body
2003-12-20In the spring of 2001, the Kaiping Forced Labour Camp telephoned the family to come and take Cui Yulan home. When the family went, they only saw the box of her ashes and the clothes and blanket that were being returned. They were not told how long ago she had died or the circumstances of her death. The prison police were afraid that details about their responsibility in her death would be exposed, so they secretly cremated her body without notifying her family.
Wanjia Forced Labour Camp Tries to Hide Cruel Torture Under The Title of "Group Training"
2003-12-20Zhao Yuqing used an electric baton to electrically shock Qu Fengying, to force her into writing the Three Statements to renounce her belief in Falun Dafa. Custodian Tao Fuchang said at a conference, "Now there is a quota for the number of deaths of Falun Gong practitioners." Zhao Yuqing said at another team meeting, "If you don't wish to listen, we will arrange a few deep lessons. The labour camp has more than 200 torture devices."
Personal Account of How Police Brutally Tortured a Dafa Practitioner and Broke Up His Family
2003-12-20"They locked my hands and feet in an iron frame. I went on hunger strike to protest this illegal persecution, and they force-fed me with a strong salt solution. I was detained there until June 21st and they still did not release me. I went on hunger strike again, and on June 24th, they force-fed me. Because I resisted force-feeding, they locked my hands and feet again in an iron frame, carried me to the side of the toilet, smeared the waste from the toilet on my chest and left a cloth soaked in urine and faeces on the side of my head."
60 Year Old Lady Ms. Zhang Dabi Tortured to Death
2003-12-19The labour camp refused to accept Ms. Zhang becuase of her physicial condition. But the reasons behind their refusal reveal a chilling disregard for human life. Based on Jiang Zemin's persecution policy, each forced labour camp gets a "death quota", or "the number of Falun Gong practitioners a forced labour camp is allowed to have die in the camp." Each forced labour camp is also rewarded for making a Falun Gong practitioner renounce his/her belief in Falun Gong. The camp officials did not want to forfeit one of their death quota numbers for a dying Falun Gong practitioner without obtaining their reward from making her renounce Falun Gong.
Falun Dafa Practitioner in His Thirties Dies as a Result of Torture in Hefei City
2003-12-19It has been learned that Falun Dafa practitioner Li Jun, a worker in his 30's at the former forklift factory in Hefei City, Anhui Province, was tortured to death in November 2003 at the Hefei Detention Centre. Details are being investigated.
Practitioner Bai Yuzhi Loses Her Sight in Both Eyes While Imprisoned in Shijiazhuang City
2003-12-19Bai Yuzhi, who has been persecuted so severely and has been on hunger strike for so long, has now lost vision in both of her eyes. Her feet, legs and both hands are trembling, with extreme pain. She should be released for medical care, yet the No. 2 prison forbids her family and friends from visiting and even dares to intensify the persecution, tormenting her mentally. Such stories are all too common in a persecution which has incited a total disregard for basic human dignity and which has torn apart millions of families.
Jiang Regime Tries to Hide the Truth of Ouyang Ming's Death from the Australian Government
2003-12-19Recently, the Chinese government released a statement regarding the death of Falun Gong practitioner Ouyang Ming. Ouyang Ming worked as a teacher at Huanggang Industrial College, Hunan Province, and his brother Ouyang Yu is an Australian citizen. The Chinese government claims that Ouyang Ming's death was the result of an accident during his escape from the hospital. The Chinese Government, in the grip of the Jiang regime is lying to the world and covering up the facts in order to protect the regime and to continue its vile persecution.
The Torture That Led to the Death of 26 Year Old Mr. Song Changguang
2003-12-18Due to internal wounds and foot injuries sustained through beating and torture in the labour camp over a month before, Mr. Song had difficulty walking, could no longer work, and often coughed and experienced lung congestion. He was often in extreme pain and his health status was unstable. In November 2003, he was bed-ridden and could no longer stand up. His family sent him to the Jiutai hospital for treatment, but medicine did not help him. Six days later, Song Changguan died on November 12th.
Individual Case Reports of the Outrageous Torture of Practitioners in Jiamusi Labour Camp
2003-12-18Hui Yuexin, 23 years old, has been left with brain damage and is unable to move her limbs. She closed her eyes to take a rest and as punishment she was placed in solitary confinement. Policemen Li Yufang and Zhang Yi beat her violently and kicked her head. When they became tired they instigated criminals Wang Hongwei, Wang He, Yu Haiyang and others to beat Hui Yuexin. Hui lost consciousness and went into shock. When she regained consciousness, they placed her on a small stool, not allowing her to move.
Torture, Forced Hard Labour, and Deception in the Female Labour Camp of Nanning City
2003-12-18One evening a policeman forced us to kneel down in the corridor. One cadre who came for inspection found out and asked: "Who has punished you like that? Who approved such measures?" The police did not dare to admit to it and immediately had practitioners go back to their cells. When the cadre left, the police again forced us to kneel down in the corridor. We were punished again like this the next day. This was repeated several times.