Other News, Exposing the Persecution

Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting

  • The Persecution of Mr. Bai Xiaojun and His Family

    His younger brother, Mr. Bai Shaohua is currently being tortured in the infamous Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp in Beijing. Since learning of the death of one son and the detention and torture of another son, their mother, who is in her 70s, has fallen seriously ill.
  • The Ridiculous Excuses at Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp: To Cripple a Practitioner for Their Own "Safety"

    When they saw that Yuxia's arms were just hanging like they were paralyzed, they were shocked and asked her what happened. Yuxia told them it was caused by the torturous handcuffing over the shoulder and behind the back applied by the labour camp guards. The relatives then demanded that the camp guards explain why they tortured their sister like this, the guards replied, "It was for your sister's own safety." Only the Jiang Zemin regime could fabricate such ridiculous excuses.
  • Widescale Harrasment and Persecution of Hebei Province Husband and Wife and Their Relatives and Friends

    In July 2001, under pressure from Jiang Zemin's regime, the couple were forced to leave their home and work, to live on the streets. As of October 1, 2003, the Wuqiao County police have continuously harassed their friends and relatives, including their child, who does not practise Falun Dafa. Coordinated by Jing County police department, officers posted in Wuqiao County have been incited to deceive, impose fines, and falsely arrest Liu Zhigang and Gao Lihua's family both day and night for over two years.
  • Jiang Zemin's National Security Department Starts to Investigate Falun Gong Practitioners' Relatives

    Recently, the branch of Jiang Zemin's national security department in a northern city started to collect information about Falun Gong practitioners' relatives, their relatives' employers and their home phone numbers. Apparently it has something to do with the lawsuit overseas that is charging Jiang with genocide. The national security department is trying to figure out the practitioners who have overseas relatives and block the channels that might be used for the delivery of evidence about the persecution.
  • Former Deputy Director of Guangdong TV Station's General Editorial Department Illegally Imprisoned Once Again

    Now, nearly four months have passed, the police still haven't allowed his family members to visit him, and the government refuses to disclose the location where he is being imprisoned. However, inside sources say that he is being held in the Sanshui Labour Camp in Guangdong Province, and that members of the notorious "610 Office,"* knowing that Chen Ruichang's case has strong impact abroad, hope to brainwash him into renouncing Falun Dafa and becoming what they call one of the "key transformed people" so they can use him against Falun Dafa.
  • Three Practitioners Become Mentally Ill Following Extreme Torture in Jinan Female Forced Labour Camp

    They forced practitioners to do hard labour, exceeding human capacity, for 13 to 14 hours a day to punish practitioners, and also to reap the economic benefit for the camp. With different means of extorting money from practitioners and with practitioners' hard labour, the camp managed to built a ten-story office building, a visitation building, and a big boiler room within two years.
  • Fourteen Years Prison Sentence Meted Out to Gansu Province Dafa Practitioner

    After being taken to the Xifeng Public Security Bureau, Xu Feng was forced to sit on an iron chair in a detention room while handcuffed to a flue. The police were on 3-shift rotations so they could interrogate him 24 hours a day. It was hard for him to eat, drink, or wash his face. After 7 or 8 days, his bottom was abraded and bleeding but he was still not allowed to sleep or take a rest.
  • 17th Dafa Practitioner Tortured to Death in Daqing City

    This lady is the seventeenth Dafa practitioner to have died at the hands of the unconscionable police in Daqing City. She lived her life according to the principles of Truth - Compassion - Tolerance; yet this is now a crime which can cost a person their life. Where is the rationality in that?
  • Barbaric Torture Designed to Deliver Maximum Pain and Humiliation to Elderly Dafa Practitioner in Dalian Forced Labour Camp

    Evil Group leader Wang Qi brutally tortured Wang Enchang in order to try to force him to give up the practice of Falun Gong. While beating Wang Enchang with both electric and rubber batons, Wang Qi said: "This is the law of our country." Then Wang Qi ordered two people to hit Wang Enchang's lower legs and knees with folding metal chairs and said: "I represent the government." Wang Enchang fell to the ground due to unbearable pain.
  • 4 Years of Horrendous Persecution Has Led to 4 Deaths in Jiaozuo City

    The police of Dongfanghong Sub-Police Station: Wu Xiaohua, who was specially transferred to Jiaozuo City Public Security Bureau, due to his cruel persecution of Dafa practitioners. The Public Security Bureau established a "special case office." Their special assignments are investigating the source of Dafa truth-clarifying materials, looking for places where the materials are located and persecuting Dafa practitioners.
  • Inhuman Torture Methods Used to Persecute Falun Dafa Practitioners at Nanmusi Forced Labour Camp

    The inmates would also starve practitioners and/or deny practitioners access to the washroom as a form of torture. They rationed their food, giving each of them only 100g of rice per day. In the morning, three practitioners were given only one small bun to divide amongst themselves, with half a bowl of rice soup. Lunch is a bowl of broth containing only a dozen or so grains of rice. It is the same for supper. Practitioners were forced to drink 5-7 cups of water daily, but were not allowed to go to the washroom. Even elderly practitioners in their 50s and 60s were not spared.
  • Due to International Pressure, the "610 Office" Changes Its Name and Claims "Office Disbanded"

    Government officials in the know comment that this is a tactic often used by the Party, which is to simply change the outward appearance and not the nature of something. The name of the "610 Office" has a terrible reputation, so the government resorted to a name change in order to deal with foreign lawsuits as well as the overseas media.
  • Dafa Practitioner Ms. Lu Qiangfang Dies After Suffering from Torture-Induced Illnesses for Several Months

    Her family members took her for a medical examination. The doctors found a tumour in her body. However, during surgery, it turned out that the "tumour" was in fact a chunk of gore. After Lu Qiangfang checked out of the hospital, she still could not take care of herself and had to remain in bed all day long. She could not eat and lost control of her bladder. After several months of pitiful suffering, Lu Qiangfang passed away in September 2003.
  • 60-year-old Heilongjiang Province Woman Passes Away from the Excessive Harassment and Persecution From Police

    Recently, Li Shufen went to Harbin City to visit her son, who was in solitary confinement at the time. When she saw him he looked completely deformed - he was just skin and bones. Li Shufen was extremely shocked and deeply grieved. After she returned home, the police continued to harass and persecute her, and she eventually passed away on September 9, 2003.
  • Husband and Wife Suffer Persecution in Gansu Province

    Police officer Yang stood aside and sneered with vicious words, "I watched you go on hunger strike. You have experienced it now, so which would you prefer? Eating by yourself or having us feed you forcefully?" The things forced into his stomach were not all food, but often a very concentrated salt solution.