Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Sued for the Death of Practitioner and His Mother, Director of Police Vengefully Persecutes the Peng Family
2003-09-14After Zhao Zhifei, the Associate Director of the Police Department of Wuhan City, Hubei Province was sued in a court of law abroad for persecuting Falun Gong practitioner Peng Min and his mother Li Yingxiu to death, Zhao spared no effort in retaliating against the victim's family members and other practitioners who once helped the family members.
Chengdu City Lady Dafa Practitioner in Her Sixties Arrested Eight Times
2003-09-14At her workplace, Ms. Li not only didn't receive retirement pensions any more, but her pension card, identification card, retirement card, and residency card were all taken away. Her life savings of 9000 Yuan were taken away by Ni Nianchun in March 2003. Also, friends and relatives of hers were not allowed to visit; her basic rights were taken away.
Female Dafa Practitioner Ruthlessly Tortured in Shibalihe Forced Labour Camp
2003-09-14When four collaborators brought her back to her cell, her face was pale and yellow, her hands red and swollen, and she could not stand on her own nor was she able to walk. It was said that some of the guards had beaten her under the orders of the labour camp chief officer. This is totally contrary to what Jiang Zemin's regime has advertised: "Educate them [Falun Gong practitioners] with love and care."
"Don't Give up for Any Reason; You Are Not Wrong"--Kindhearted People in China Encourage Falun Gong Practitioners
2003-09-14"Nothing on the TV is true. Those who have a lot of money and join the Party are not doing a solid days' work. Those who do solid work cannot earn enough money and cannot join the Party. I have seen Falun Gong before. They helped old men and women practise Falun Gong to gain good health. But it is not allowed now. If you practise Falun Gong, the people in power will arrest you. This Party is finished! They keep persecuting good people."
Dalian Reform School Police Abuse and Inflict Excruciating Pain on Female Falun Gong Practitioners
2003-09-13The Reform School's claim was "education, reform, and saving." The fact is they inflicted excruciating pain in order to achieve the so-called "rate of reform" and lacked all sense of humanity. This is a veritable dark den of evil.
Local "610" Office Head Shamelessly Boasts of Corruption and Sadistic Deeds
2003-09-13"Think about it, which movement has not tortured people? Right now, some people in society appeal for salary, for subsistence. If they appeal too much, they will be arrested under the accusation that he or she is a trouble-making Falun Gong practitioner. Nobody dares to speak in his favour. For real Falun Gong practitioners, however they are treated, nobody dares say to anything because it is their superior who gives the order."
Exposing the Lies in the TV Series "Life is Innocent" With A Dafa Practitioner's Own Experiences in the Xin'an Labour Camp
2003-09-13Practitioners had to do a large amount of work and had to meet a quota, even if it meant staying up all night. The practitioners were forced to make toys including stuffed rabbits for the Nestle Company, cloth slippers, knit sweaters, gloves, and mats for export. We were forced to make disposable chopsticks while sitting on our bed and on the floor, as well as uniforms for labour camp detainees. The authorities even forced us to dig a two-meter's deep foundation for a conference hall.
Dalian Forced Labour Camp Officials Intensify Mental and Physical Torture of Falun Gong Practitioners
2003-09-13During the process, the prison guard first pretended to be friendly and chatted with the practitioners, but gradually spread rumours about them, and then proceeded to harrass them non-stop. Once practitioners saw through the facade and exposed their true natures or resisted them, they would threaten the practitioners with "forcible transformation" and "extended labour camp sentences." Any practitioner who went on a hunger strike would be physically tortured.
Shuangcheng City Female Dafa Practitioner Suffers Injustices During Illegal Arrest
2003-09-13Practitioner Gao Guofeng resisted with all her strength. Gao's husband struggled with the police to protect his wife. Her two sons also came and asked the police for the reason (for the arrest). The police said, "She has to come with us because she practises Falun Gong. There is no other reason. We only follow orders from the higher authority." Then they tried to drag her into the police car. Under both her sons' protection, the police failed to take her away. One police officer left while three other stayed to watch over Ms. Gao.
Calling for Urgent Rescue of Dafa Practitioner Ms. Liu Chengyan in Fushun City
2003-09-12Ms. Liu passed out from the beating and the hunger strike whilst in detention and was sent to Fushun City Central Hospital for emergency treatment. The detention centre requested money from her family. Her family didn't have enough money, so the police sent Ms. Liu back to the detention centre. Detention centre head Yu Guide said to Ms. Liu's father, "Liu Chengyan may die! You people should pay for her to be treated." But poor Liu Chengyan's father didn't have any money to pay for his daughter's hospital bills and she is now on the verge of death.
Twenty-Seven Vile Methods of Torture Used In the Wutongqiao Detention Centre, Leshan City
2003-09-12Sichuan Province utilize 27 cruel methods to torture Falun Gong practitioners. The group leader of a local "610 Office"* Du once said, "You will be melted even if you are made of steel, and every Falun Gong practitioner will go through this treatment."
Three Deaths and Countless Dafa Practitioners Viciously Tortured in Tianjin Forced Labour Camps
2003-09-12In China, the police who persecuted Falun Gong practitioners all know that under the order of their supervisors, no means are too extreme in treating Falun Gong practitioners. In March 2003, this labour camp set up a "forced transformation class". They recruited the most vicious policemen and drug-addict inmates into this class, and used various means to torture Dafa practitioners in addition to not allowing them any sleep and toilet visits.
Photographic Evidence: Scars from Police Torture
2003-09-12I'm a Dafa practitioner in a city in north China. The local police ruthlessly tortured me on three different occasions: in November 2000, September 2001 and March 2002. At this time, I want to come forward with these photographs as evidence of Jiang Zemin and his accomplices brutally torturing Dafa practitioners.
Shandong Province Female Dafa Practitioner Tortured to Death
2003-09-11On March 4, 2003, police officers drove an ambulance to Xu's home and arrested her. Xu Jiling was very weak at that time. Her sister tried to stop the arrest, but then she was also arrested. Later, Ms. Xu passed out and was sent to a hospital. She was even closely monitored while in the hospital. Under such a situation, her health quickly became worse, and she sadly died in June
Qinhuangdao City Female Dafa Practitioner Tragically Falls to Her Death While Escaping Police Arrest
2003-09-11Such is the nature of this vicious and tragic persecution that an innocent lady, who was only trying to uphold the truth and be kind, should fall to her death whilst escaping arrest from the jaws of a potentially terrifying fate - incarceration without legal trial in detention enduring horrific brainwashing and torture.