Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Female Dafa Practitioner Tragically Dies from Torture at the Ping'antai Labour Camp in Gansu Province
2002-12-15Her ribs and pelvis were severely fractured; her internal organs were badly injured, and there was haemorrhaging inside her body..also, after her death, the police sent her body to be cremated. This is a clear example of Jiang's order to cremate practitioners locally to destroy any evidence of persecution.
Report on 12 Practitioners Tortured to Death in Daqing City
2002-12-15Four criminals beat him ruthlessly for a nearly an hour in front of over 40 people in the prison. This healthy living person was senselessly killed by the severe beating. The major blood vessels of his neck were ruptured, and as a result his neck was swollen due to excess bleeding. The torture was too cruel to watch.
Chengdu City Police Put Dafa Practitioners into Bags, then Abduct and Rob Them
2002-12-15Some police would rush up into the building [where practitioners lived] and, when they saw the practitioners, they would grab each of them and stuff them into a large gunnysack, then beat and kick him/her before carrying the bagged practitioner downstairs and throwing him/her into a police car.
Letter to Government Bureau Chief: I Want to Tell You the Facts About the Persecution and Awaken Your Righteous Side
2002-12-15When you learn that an innocent female college student's nipples were pierced through with an iron wire while the evil policemen laughed and joked at the victim's miserable screaming; when you learn that two Dafa practitioners were tied to a speeding motorcycle and dragged along the ground, do you, as a person with a conscience and a Chinese person with a human heart, still believe the propaganda from television, radio and newspapers?
Ireland: A Call to Rescue our Family and Friends on International Human Rights Day
2002-12-14The press conference gave practitioners the opportunity to bring to light the detention of 2 Chinese students who were formerly studying in Dublin, Mr. Liu Feng and Ms. Yang Fang. The assistant principal at Ms. Yang Fangs college, Mr. Gerard Craughwell also made a speech.
2002-12-14'I have never been able to make direct contact with either of the sisters inside the labour camp. I was told both sisters were suffering from the forceful brainwashing...My mother was 73 when she died in October 2001, a few days after her birthday...It was simply too much for her to endure. She died with much pain in her heart she didnt have chance to see the two sisters in the labour camp, and me also I wasnt allowed to go back to China, my motherland.'
Local Villagers Come to Understand Why Practitioners Cultivate Regardless of the Severe Persecution
2002-12-14At this moment, a kind-hearted neighbor came to teach him the Falun Gong exercises, even though under the risk of being arrested and imprisoned. Before long, my granduncle miraculously recovered. Now he is fully healed, as healthy as before. Once again he can perform all sorts of tasks and can ride his bicycle to visit relatives and friends. The family is so happy. The neighborhood villagers say to each other, "Falun Dafa has saved his life. No wonder Dafa practitioners cultivate regardless of the severe persecution."
Recent Persecution Cases against Practitioners in Benxi City
2002-12-14Because she persists in cultivating Dafa, she was illegally sent to the Masanjia Labour Camp, where she endured a lot of brutal torture. However, nothing has changed her righteous belief in Dafa. Later, she escaped. Before the 16th Party Congress, personnel from the police station in the Huolian village arrested Ms. Zhang again and sent her to the Benxi City Detention Centre for further persecution. Without knowing what kind of tortures the police had inflicted on her, they sent Zhang Huishuang home after she was nearly completely incapacitated physically.
Global Appeal for Yoko Kaneko (Luo Rong) and Luo Zhen (Photos)
2002-12-14While initially being detained, Kaneko suffered horrible abuse at the hands of the police, including being shackled to a bed in a basement hospital, catheterised, force-fed through a nose tube, and being beaten and tortured frequently to the point of unconsciousness.
The Unyielding Righteous Spirit of Falun Dafa Practitioner in a Prison in Daqing City
2002-12-13Practitioner Zhu Hongbing was unyielding to the evildoers and upheld his righteousness to the very end. Through him, the solemnity of Dafa was seen, and the unyielding righteous spirit manifested. Even his torturers admitted that Zhu was a real man.
The Cruel and Long-Term Suffering of Tangshan Dafa Practitioners
2002-12-13Zhang was not allowed to sleep on the very first day she was there. They forced her to stand day in and day out for fifty-seven days. But she held fast and wouldn't give in to the pressure...Later, Zhang was again forced to stand day in and day out, without sleep, for over a month close to the end of February 2002.
Practitioners in Daqing City Illegally Sentenced for 7 to 12 Years in Secret Trial
2002-12-13Dafa practitioner Jiang Derong was kidnapped by the police from his home in May 2002. When the police kidnapped him, they made up a story and told his neighbours that he wanted to kill his mother. Then in broad daylight, to spread further propaganda, they called in the fire brigade to break into the house through the window and abducted him and held him at the detention centre in Daqing City. He was illegally sentenced to seven years.
Practitioners in Chengdu City Call for International Human Rights Organisations to Pay Close Attention to Ms. Liu Ying's Suffering
2002-12-13Liu Ying returned home since she missed her two-year old child. The local police station abducted her and locked her up. She protested by holding a hunger strike. When she came home, her husband, under pressure, forced her to have a divorce..
A German Resident Speaks Out - 'Please Help Us to Rescue Our Family and Friends from Brutal Persecution'
2002-12-12Here is the story of my wife who has suffered beatings and torture at the hands of Jiang Zemin's regime because she practises Falun gong. I would like to share this story with people so that they can realise how dreadful this persecution is and how much people are suffering just because they want to be good people.
Cruel Persecution Causes Death of Falun Dafa Practitioner and Tears Apart Her Family
2002-12-12My sister, Ms. Wang Jiqin, was beaten brutally by drug addicts at the camp. In the name of "treatment," camp officer Wang Ming let those drug addicts inject some unknown substances into her that caused her to faint. Later, to shake off their responsibility, they sent my half-dead sister home...after months of painful suffering, she passed away and left her 5-year-old son without a mother.