Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Diabolical Deeds Against Dafa Practitioners in Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp
2003-09-05A group of police took the fiercest criminal from the ninth team with them and dragged those practitioners towards the dorm. They beat practitioners on the way and eventually got into a small room, where they hit practitioners' faces with the soles of their shoes. After they got tired from beating the practitioners, they left with wild laughter. The eight practitioners' faces were all swollen from the beating. Such a heart-rendering sight!
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Tang Yiwen Released from Sanshui Labor Camp in Guangdong Province
2003-09-04Because the torture of Tang Yiwen was exposed, out of fear the "610 Office" transferred Tang Yiwen to Sanshui Labour Camp in Guangdong Province. Due to strong righteous thoughts by Tang Yiwen and the rescue efforts of Falun Dafa practitioners and others who believe in justice around the globe, she was finally released from Sanshui Labour Camp on August 23, at 2 p.m.
Sudden Death of Dafa Practitioner Following Incarceration of Beloved Wife
2003-09-04In the beginning of October, police officers from Anshun followed them for a thousand Li [Chinese measure of distance, a little less than one kilometre] and took the couple back to Anshun City. In mid October, after learning that his wife was sentenced to three years in a forced labour camp, with immense grief and indignation in his heart, Mr. Luo Dazhao abruptly passed away at home. Due to the pressure from Jiang Zemin's regime, his daughter was afraid to reveal the facts about his death.
Chilling Account of Violence at Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp
2003-09-04One day, an eighteen or nineteen year-old woman was brought into the centre and charged with the crime of being a "Falun Gong thief." Many felt the charge seemed strange and it was later discovered that the police caught her after she stole a mobile phone. During her confession they threatened her: "You will be charged seriously if you don't say that you are a thief for Falun Gong." The policemen's purpose was that they wanted to blame her crime on Falun Gong so that they could get promoted and receive cash awards.
Elderly Female Practitioner and Others Repeatedly Beaten with Club in Pengzhou City Brainwashing Centre
2003-09-04Despite the fact that Tang has been on a hunger strike and is dying, the "6-10 Office" asked her and her family to write something to testify that she would give up cultivation in order to release her. Because she refused to cooperate with their evil demands, Tang has been illegally detained for life. The cruel "6-10 Office" staff said to her with no shame: "Every day or every other day, we will force-feed you with some water, or rice soaked in water. You won't die, and we won't release you either."
Weifang City Government Owned Company Unjustly Persecutes Falun Gong Employees
2003-09-04Since June 1999, company officials followed Jiang Zemin's regime and started persecuting Falun Gong. More than a dozen employees were fired, expelled, terminated, or forced to resign because they practise Falun Gong. One of the practitioners was forced to have a divorce. The lawless officials use every opportunity and method to coerce practitioners to give up the practice. For example, they refused to issue marriage certificates to practitioners.
Hefei City Female Practitioner Suffers Gross Injustice
2003-09-04On June 6, the Shushan District Court, Hefei City, put her on trial - putting the legal profession to shame. They said to her, "Are you going to continue to practise (Falun Gong)? If you are, you will be sentenced to three and a half years. If you are not, you can go home." Yang said, "Yes." She then appealed to the Mid-level Court of Hefei City. Without notifying her family and lawyer, and without going through any legal procedures, she was sentenced to three and a half years. Yang was taken away on July 25th and no one knows where she is now.
Elderly Lady From Baoding City Dies Following Illegal Detention
2003-09-03Jiang Zemin's personal will and his despotic power has forced the police in various places in Hebei Province to carry out a brutal persecution against Falun Gong practitioners who cultivate their hearts and practise kindness. They do not even spare elderly ladies like Jiao Fenglan.
Disgusting Torture Methods Used by Police at the Henan Labour Camp
2003-09-03During the year 2002, they launched four large-scale persecution campaigns against determined Falun Gong practitioners. These campaigns have left some practitioners with mental disorders and physical disabilities so severe that they are no longer able to even perform the routine activities of daily living, having become totally dependent on others for their care.
Force-Feeding with Detergent is Routine Torture at Guangzhou City Rehab Centre
2003-09-03Those perpetrators used irritating chemical agents such as detergents and shampoos to force-feed Dafa practitioners so Dafa practitioners couldn't stop vomiting. The kind of pain Dafa practitioners endured was beyond imagination and the terrible scene was beyond description. They filled up a toilet bowl with water and hung steadfast Dafa practitioners upside down and pressed practitioners' heads into the toilet bowl.
Relentless Persecution Leaves the Lives of an Entire Family in Tatters
2003-09-03After Baodong's escape, his family led a very difficult life with his mother disabled and his father unable to take care of himself. While Baodong was in detention, his wife Shuying was also forcefully taken to a brainwashing class to be tortured. Their two children were forced to take care of their grandparents while they went to school. The hardships the whole family suffered were overwhelming.
Brutal Torture Results in the Agonising Death of Dafa Practitioner from Sichuan Province
2003-09-02Later, he was sentenced to four years in prison. With total disregard for his life, the brutal beatings he suffered severely injured his internal organs. He was on the verge of death when he was sent to a labour reeducation hospital and diagnosed as "untreatable." On May 27 2003, the callous authorities ordered his family to take him home, when it was virtually too late to save him. At that time he was suffering from excruciating pain throughout his body and had blood in his stool.
Dafa Practitioners' Children Are Also Victims of Jiang Zemin's Persecution
2003-09-02Their unjust detention forced them to leave behind their eighty-four year old mother and three young children (the youngest is still in elementary school). The new term is near but the three children are facing the grim possibility of leaving school because their parents are detained and they have no income.
Hebei Province Police Abduct and Cripple Falun Gong Practitioners
2003-09-02The Public Security Bureau began removing citizens from their homes for incarceration and torture while attributing this round of state-sponsored terrorism to the accusation that these citizens were spreading SARS rumours. These local police then applied barbaric tactics aimed at coercing the practitioners into renouncing their freedom of belief. Following their torture, some practitioners have continued to suffer in a crippled state.
Labour Camp Hang Falun Gong Practitioners from Trees and Force-Feed Them Concentrated Saline Solution
2003-09-02Even worse, they forced us to live in a "fungus room." More than 10 Dafa practitioners were asked to live in a room where red, green, yellow and white long hairy fungus were everywhere, including on the ceiling, walls and ground. The room was not disinfected. We were not allowed to take a bath. It was spring. After a month, everybody living in this room developed different kinds of lumps on their bodies. Even the doctors didn't know what those were.