Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Woman Practitioner Becomes an Invalid from Torture at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2003-01-18A once healthy, strong-minded woman, who became a good and kind person through the practice of Falun Dafa, has been reduced to a vegetable state through senseless and horrible torture in the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. Atrocities like this are innumerable at the labour camp. This is just one example of many.
Practitioners Treated Worse than Beasts in Sanshui Forced Labour Camp
2003-01-18If we didn't give in to their demands, the police would force us to stand, squat or run in the sun for long periods of time even when the temperature rose above 25 Celsius, and not allow us to drink water or go to the toilet. They would also forbid us from speaking to each other.
Vicious Officials Shock Dafa Practitioners With High-Voltage Batons
2003-01-17Policemen started a frenzied campaign to torture Dafa practitioners relentlessly..He used several electric batons to shock Dafa practitioners' necks, causing large purple blisters to form there. It was so horrible that people could not even bear to look at it.
Foul Acts of Depravity Against Practitioners in Hebei Province
2003-01-17Policeman Li said to me once, "I want you to be reformed. If you refuse, I will use all sorts of means to torture you. As long as you're not dead, you will be miserable. I will make you both physically and mentally disabled, until you totally collapse."
Fushun City Detention Centre Imprison Practitioner Despite Life Threatening Illnesses
2003-01-17In October, a Fushun City Central Hospital medical examination concluded that he was "incapable of and unsuitable for prison." The detention centre sent the medical examination results to the Shuncheng District Court and to the District Political and Legislation Committee. Both authorities refused to follow the law.
Notorious Masanjia Forced Labour Camp Savagely Tortures Over 1200 Dafa Practitioners
2003-01-17The guards handcuff or rope the practitioner's wrists to a heating pipe in a manner that forces the practitioner to hold a position where they can neither stand nor sit down. High-voltage electric batons are then used to shock the practitioners. If these savage torture means don't convince the practitioners to sign a statement agreeing to stop practising Dafa, the practitioners are sent to the Dabei Prison. The Masanjia Forced Labour Camp is now permeated with this atmosphere of terror.
A Human Tragedy: Husband Suffers Mental Breakdown After Brainwashed Wife Recommends Torture for Him
2003-01-16She sent letters suggesting that the leaders in Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp adopt the methods used in the Women's Labour Camp, including electric shock, physical punishment, psychological abuse and sleep deprivation, to force Lin to give up his belief. This shows how vicious and inhumane those brainwashing sessions are, that they could make a person who used to strive to be compassionate into someone who would persecute her own husband.
Beatings, Force-feedings and Death Commonplace for Female Practitioners in Baimalong Forced Labour Camp
2003-01-16Here, I want to tell my nightmare of an ordeal after being detained for more than one year, from which I am lucky to get out alive, in order to expose the crimes of the authorities at the camp...The police brutally beat and shocked me, without compunction, with electric batons because I refused to wear a prisoner's uniform.
Please Help Rescue Shanghai Jiaotong University Graduate Mr Zhai Yanlai from Dangerous Persecution (Photo)
2003-01-16He was tortured severely and mercilessly; covered with cuts and bruises and he was bleeding everywhere. One of his legs was broken from the beating and he was barely breathing. When he was carried to a detention centre, the police and the cell supervisor did not dare to accept him, for fear that he would die in their jurisdiction.
The Anguish from Torture Endured by Practitioner in Beijing's Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp
2003-01-16As a result of the physical punishment and sheer exhaustion, he passed out and fell on the floor of the team office. After waking, the malicious police slandered him saying that he had been "attacking the police and not obeying the management," and handcuffed him to a radiator pipe to shock him with electricity. Yu Ming would not yield or co-operate, and the police dislocated his arm.
We Will Not Be Silenced!: Declaration From Falun Dafa Practitioners Incarcerated in Deyang Prison
2003-01-15We solemnly warn the participating deputies, guards of the Deyang Prison, other prisons and forced labour re-education institutions nationwide, to awaken quickly and reclaim the basic human decency and conscience that humans should possess, recognize right from wrong, distinguish good from evil, and to separate the compassionate from the hideous. Do not continue to undermine Dafa and persecute Dafa practitioners using the excuse of "carrying out orders from above" and for self-interest.
Fushun City Police Blatantly Lie about Causing Death of Female Practitioner
2003-01-15A witness said, "She (Zhou Yulin) was already dead when she arrived the hospital." A doctor asked the police, "How come you starved this person to death?" The several policemen present were silent at first, but then one of the policemen started to argue with the doctor and started to assault the doctor before being pulled away In addition, the doctor commented that the state of her body upon arrival strongly suggested that she did not die from a heart attack.
Broken In Mind and Body: Grim Effect of Perpetual Torture in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp (Photo)
2003-01-15After three days of torture, she was exhausted and looked like a shadow of her former self, but still she didn't compromise...A good person has been tortured into a state of mental collapse under the tyranny of Jiang's regime. Her happy family life has been destroyed by the persecution. Good people have been deprived of their fundamental human rights by Jiang's dictatorship. They are tortured for speaking the truth and punished for being good people.
Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp of Beijing Breaks Law Through Brutalising Practitioner
2003-01-15In early November, he handed over his appeal statement to the team leader, Du, who had a conversation with Zhang and claimed all the tortures conducted in No. 5 Division were "physical exercises." Zhang exposed the facts, including that he had not been allowed to sleep for five consecutive days and nights. He strongly asked for his appeal statement to be handed over to the court and the bureau of the forced labour camp, as the law requires.
Another Elderly Female Practitioner Dies from Persecution in the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp
2003-01-14The Jiang Regime is hell-bent on torturing to death the citizens who follow the highest moral standard and make a valuable contribution to society, like this innocent elderly lady, imprisoned and killed in a labour camp because she appealed for her right to believe in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.