Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Mr. Liang Yuncheng, a Former Judge from Liaoning Province, Was Brutally Persecuted
2011-05-11Mr. Liang Yuncheng was reported to the police in 2006 when he was seen talking to people about Falun Gong in Kuandian County. He was arrested and sentenced to two years of forced labour. Guards ordered inmates to severely beat him. Mr. Liang went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. Inmates restrained Mr. Liang on a bed with his arms and legs tied to the four corners of the bed. Guard Meng Lixin shouted at him while slapping his face. The camp doctor first gave him an IV and then force-fed him. Later guards tortured Mr. Liang using a method called “Stretched and Hung up,” where he was tied a bed with his body stretched out and he was left suspended in the air.
Persecution Suffered by Ms. Niu Yan from Huanren County, Liaoning Province
2011-05-11Ms. Niu Yan went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong on January 29th, 2000. She was arrested at Tiananmen Square and detained. In 2002, the Xinbin Court sentenced Ms. Niu to seven years in prison for practising Falun Gong. In March 2003, she was sent to the Liaoning Women’s Prison. Ms. Niu was forced into slave labour. She worked from 6:00 a.m to midnight. On one occasion, the guards found that Ms. Niu had a handwritten copy of some of Falun Gong articles, so they shocked her mouth, face, and neck with electric batons for more than ten minutes. Ms. Niu was then forced to continue working in the workshop.
The Persecution of Practitioners in the No. 10 Ward of Liaoning Province Women's Prison
2011-05-10The inmates and practitioners in the No. 3 Team at Liaoning Province Women's Prison were forced to make clothes. They were divided into two groups, one to prepare the fabric, the other to operate the sewing machines. Everyone was assigned an unreasonable workload. For example, the one operating the sewing machine had to work 620 minutes per day. If she was unable to, she was verbally abused and punished, such as being shocked with an electric baton, kicked, or slapped. Every day the inmates in the No.10 Ward started to line up at 6:40 a.m. for the workshop. They would finish, at the earliest, at 7:00 pm. They sometimes worked overtime, until 9:00 p.m. Everyone was so exhausted when they returned to their cells that some had difficulty climbing the stairs. Some were not allowed to eat dinner or go to the toilet if they didn't finish the daily quota.
Mr. He Binggang Sentenced to Prison Despite Being Paralyzed from Torture during Interrogation
2011-05-10On April 18th, 2011, Mr. He Binggang went on trial at the Shanghai Changning District Court and was sentenced to five years in prison despite his paralysis. On April 15th, 2010, police arrested Mr. He. A policeman hit Mr. He's neck with his elbow, kicked his lower back and punched him. He was in continuous pain. By March 2011, Mr. He was unable to walk and became incontinent. On March 14th, he was sent to the hospital and diagnosed with a grade 4-7 cervical disc herniation with spinal cord oedema. On April 18th, when Mr. He was carried into the court room, he could not stop vomiting. Mr. He's lawyer proved his innocence and the lack of evidence for any crime. However, the judge declared him guilty after a four hour trial.
Family from Yichun, Heilongjiang Province Suffers Brutal Persecution
2011-05-10After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began persecuting Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999, officials targeted Qin Yueming's family. First, Mr. Qin was given a three-year forced labour camp sentence. Not long after his release, he was sentenced to an additional ten years. On February 26th, 2011, he was persecuted to death in Jiamusi Prison. His wife, Wang Xiuqing, was detained five times; three of which resulted in forced labour camp sentences, and one of which led to being taken to a brainwashing centre.
Practitioner Chen Heng Beaten and Tortured in Fujian Province, Still Detained
2011-05-10On July 20th, 1999, Mr. Chen Heng went to Beijing to appeal to the government for Falun Gong. In 2000, he was arrested and sentenced to forced labour at the Rujiang Compulsory Treatment Reformatory in Fujian Province. Because he had not renounced Falun Gong he was beaten by police and also suffered from electric shock torture, being forced to stand for a long time, not being allowed to sleep, being hung up by both hands, being detained in a small solitary room, and other forms of torture. In 2008, Mr. Chen was arrested again. In November 2010, Mr. Chen was transferred from Fuzhou Prison to a juvenile forced labour camp and brainwashing centre. He is still detained there now.
Personal Account of Psychiatric Abuse at Urumqi Women’s Forced Labour Camp
2011-05-0963-year-old Ms. Zhou Yuelan used to be healthy from practising Falun Gong. Police and the 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) arrested her on September 6th, 2008 and held her in a forced labour camp for 18 months, during which she was subjected to psychiatric abuse. She recounts: "One time someone sprayed my left hand with a liquid. I immediately felt as if there were bugs crawling on my skin, and my hand started to feel numb. When I went to the toilet, I had to use the stall and tap they designated for me and smelled an overpowering odour coming from the toilet. Sometimes I rinsed my mouth with water from the tap, and there was a strange taste. Over time, I started to feel disoriented."
Forced Drug Injection and Other Torture at the Yunnan No. 2 Women’s Prison
2011-05-09Ms. Wang Chunlan was arrested in June 2006 and sentenced to three years in prison. She was taken to Yunnan Province No. 2 Women's Prison where she was injected with drugs that caused memory loss. Afterwards she spiked a persistent fever, was agitated and experienced hallucinations. She returned home in 2009 but has not yet recovered. The 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) continued to monitor her and tapped phone calls made by her and her family. Officials from the street party committee and the community often harassed her family.
Over 40 Falun Gong Practitioners Still Detained at Hohhot City Women's Prison
2011-05-09Ms. Yuan Shumei was the first Falun Gong practitioner to be detained and persecuted in the Hohhot City Women's Prison in Inner Mongolia back in 2001. Since then, Chinese Communist Party officials have continued to persecute Falun Gong practitioners in the prison. Ms. Yuan Shumei was subjected to physical abuse and mistreatment from prison officials and criminal detainees. She died as a result of the persecution in prison.
Older Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Song Guixiang and Three Others in Jiaozhou City, Shandong Province Facing Sentencing and Forced Labour
2011-05-09Officers from the Jiaozhou 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) and the police department in Shandong Province intend to sentence Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Song Guixiang, Ms. Li Yuzhen, Ms. Song Guilan, and Mr. Song Yongzhan on April 23rd. Ms. Song Guixiang and Ms. Song Guilan are both sixty-seven years old. They were outstanding teachers in Qingdao and dedicated their lives to education. They developed heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases. After they started practising Falun Gong, all their diseases disappeared. They both regained new lives. All the practitioners were arrested because they used peaceful methods to expose the persecution of Falun Gong.
Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Wang Nanfang Abused with Many Torture Methods—Part 1
2011-05-08Mr. Wang Nanfang is being persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for believing in the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. As a result, gruesome scars cover his body. In 2008 he was arrested and taken to Qingyuan Township Police Station. Police tied his four limbs and head tightly to an iron chair. While Mr. Wang was in pain, Hou Shaowei and Sun Yeming tried to get information about other practitioners from him. He didn't cooperate with them. Then they shocked him with electric batons. They also tortured Mr. Wang by force-feeding him alcohol, making him inhale cigarette smoke, and poking his ribs with a toothbrush.
Three Practitioners from Guangshan County, Henan Province Sentenced to Imprisonment
2011-05-08Early in 2011, the 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) sentenced Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Zezhi to four years of imprisonment, without a trial. Practitioner Ms. Li Fang'e, 74 years old, was sentenced to 3 years of imprisonment, with a conditional probation period of 5 years prior to the sentence being carried out. Practitioner Mr. He Yuanlang was sentenced to 4 years of imprisonment. On March 9th Ms. Liu was sent to the Women's Prison of Henan Province in Xinxiang City, and Mr. He was sent to the Xinmi Prison in Zhengzhou City.
Prison Refuses to Issue Compensation--Widow of Mr. Wang Gang Seeks Review of Provincial Authority
2011-05-08Falun Gong practitioner Wang Gang of Zhuozhou, Hebei Province, was persecuted to death while in prison. His wife, Ren Guifang, presented a "Claim for State Compensation (Criminal Compensation) Application" to Jidong Prison in Tangshan and Baoding Prison in Hebei on December 15th, 2010, requesting compensation for her husband’s death. Two months later, neither of the prisons had processed the application. The assaults, abuse, and other harmful acts he was subjected to while in custody injured Wang Gang and resulted in his leg being amputated. After surgery, Mr. Wang did not receive adequate medical treatment at either of the two prisons for a long time.
Ms. Zhao Lianmin Brutally Beaten to Point of Mental Disorder Before Her Death
2011-05-08Ms. Zhao Lianmin died as a result of being persecuted for her belief in Falun Gong. Ms. Zhao is the fourth Falun Gong practitioner to be persecuted to death in Laishui Township, Hebei Province. In 2003, Ms. Zhao was held in the Laishui County Detention Centre, where she was violently tortured. The guards took her to the courtyard and severely beat her, and her constant screams could be heard from inside the walls. Ms. Zhao developed a mental disorder from the abuse. When she was taken home, her eyes were dull and her body was deformed. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) threatened her family and ordered them not to help her to do the exercises or study Falun Gong teachings.
Imprisoned for More than Seven of the Last Ten Years, Ms. Zheng Baohua Dies at Age 32
2011-05-07Ms. Zheng Baohua was a Falun Gong practitioner from Renqiu City, Hebei Province. From 2000 to 2009, she was imprisoned four times and the length of her imprisonment totalled more than seven years. In 2008 Ms. Zheng was arrested for telling others about Falun Gong. She was imprisoned in the Tangshan Kaiping Women's Forced Labour Camp, where she was abused. The guards beat her, poured cold water over her, shocked her using electric batons, deprived her of sleep and toilet use, and subjected her to brutal forced-feeding when she went on hunger strike to protest the torture Ms. Zheng was released in November 2009, because she had late-stage tuberculosis. She died on April 18th, at the age of 32.