Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Ms. Qing Xiuying Develops Mental Disorders Due to Torture at the Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp
2010-01-13On September 11th, 2009, police went to Ms. Qing Xiuying's office and seized her. She was later sentenced to two years at the Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp. Guards have tortured her to try to get her to give up Falun Gong, subjecting her to sleep deprivation, solitary confinement, and denying her use of the toilet. The last time her family went to visit her, she was very skinny and had dropped more than ten kilograms of weight. Ms. Qing told them, "The forced labour camp tortured me to try to force me to 'transform.' [forcibly renounce Falun Gong." She now often laughs and shouts uncontrollably.
Ms. Zhang Xiuchun, 60, Dies as a Result of Persecution at Qiqihar Forced Labour Camp
2010-01-13On August 4th, 2006, Ms. Zhang Xiuchun was seized from her home by police because she practised Falun Gong. Ms. Zhang was sentenced to two years of forced labour at the Qiqihar Forced Labour Camp. She was not allowed to use the toilet and was left sitting in her own excrement because she refused to give up her belief. The long-term, high-pressure forced labour led to diabetes, loss of bladder control, and bad eyesight. Her health deteriorated, and she was treated in the hospital for a month. She remained in a coma during the hospitalisation. Ms. Zhang died on December 26th, 2009.
Three Women Practitioners Die as a Result of Persecution
2010-01-1271-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Ren Jianying went to various towns to distribute leaflets exposing the persecution and tell people the facts about Falun Gong. In 2001, when she was distributing Falun Gong leaflets, the police arrested, interrogated and tortured her. The police severely beat her hands with a broom. In 2006, she was sentenced to a two-year prison term. In Beijing Women's Prison, the guards would not allow her to go to sleep. She was forced to keep a standing or squatting position all day and night. Guard Tian Fengqing ordered criminals to beat her up and try to force her to transform [forcibly renounce Falun Gong]. Ms. Ren Jianying suffered many kinds of torture and her illnesses came back. On December 4th, 2009, she passed away.
Mr. Kuang Xinrong's Defence Process Blocked
2010-01-12Practitioner Mr. Kuang Xinrong is facing charges of practising Falun Gong from the Jiangjin District Court, Chongqing, but the court and the Jiangjin District Political and Judiciary Committee blocked his attorney from the defence process and would not allow the lawyer to meet Mr. Kuang because Mr. Kuang was charged with practising Falun Gong.
Chongqing University Student Mr. Lu Zhen Beaten to Death
2010-01-12Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Lu Zhen was a student at the International Finance Department of Chongqing University. When he was jailed in Shandong Province Prison, someone reported Mr. Lu for passing Falun Gong articles to other people. On June 20th, 2009, a guard ordered 6 inmates to seriously beat him. In the early morning of June 21st, Mr. Lu Zhen was beaten to death when he was only 33 years old. Mr. Lu was in excellent health prior to entering the prison. Mr. Lu Zhen's family members were told that he died of a sudden heart attack on June 22nd.
Ma Qingping, a Teacher from Puyang City, Henan Province, Persecuted by Local Law Enforcement
2010-01-12Ma Qingping, a fine arts teacher in Puyang City, was sentenced to four years in prison for making New Years greeting cards which displayed the words, "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." The principal of the school in which he was teaching reported him to the police. The principal helped police to pressure the 170 students to hand in the greeting cards. Some students refused to hand them in. Those students wanted to show the police and the principal that their teacher was not committing any crimes.
Ms. Xu Qingyan Tortured Repeatedly and Forced to Become Homeless
2010-01-11Ms. Xu Qingyan is a common peasant. Because she believes in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, she was arrested five times by the police, detained in prison for more than four years, and tortured many times. She still can't return to her home. Her experience shows how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) inhumanly tortures Falun Gong practitioners. At the same time, her unconquerable spirit and will show the world that unjust law enforcement cannot change people's belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. On February 24th, 2009, police arrested arrest Ms. Xu again. The detention centre refused to accept her because she had two large tumours in her abdomen. After that, Ms. Xu was forced to become homeless to avoid police harassment.
The Truth Halts an Unjust Trial
2010-01-11On December 2nd, 2009, the Helong City Court in Yanbianzhou, Jilin Province, tried Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Fengyun. Ms. Li's lawyer presented a strong defence, so the judge had to adjourn the trial hastily. Over the ten years of persecution, few lawyers have been brave enough to defend Falun Gong practitioners in court. Ms. Li's case was the first one in this area, so it attracted many people. Before the trial began, the presiding judge unreasonably demanded that the defence not make any statements on the quality of Falun Gong. The defence challenged the prosecutor to provide legal evidence that Falun Gong is a cult. The prosecutor became speechless.
Ms. Zhang Shuzhen Repeatedly Detained in Harbin
2010-01-11Ms. Zhang Shuzhen, 60, has been detained and persecuted repeatedly for practising Falun Gong. At present, she is being held in the Ducks House Detention Centre in Harbin City, and so far no detailed information is available. Previously, Ms. Zhang spent two years at the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp in Harbin City, where she was monitored by criminals and locked in a cell. Once, Ms. Zhang and ten other practitioners were hung up, then confined in a male camp for more than 20 days. On another occasion, prison guards brutally beat practitioners. Ms. Zhang tried to stop them and to protect the practitioners. Male guards were told to join the beatings. Ms. Zhang was beaten until she fell down and could not stand up.
Ms. Zhao Ruilan, 58, of Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province, Persecuted Multiple Times
2010-01-11I began practising Falun Gong in March 1997. In the past ten years since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started its persecution of Falun Gong in July 1999, I have been detained five times, forced to attend brainwashing sessions, sentenced to forced labour, fined, and harassed multiple times. On February 16th, 2000, my husband and I went to Beijing to appeal for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong. The police arrested us and forced us into a vehicle that took us to Tiananmen Square Police Branch. A policeman slapped my husband's face and punched him four times. Then they forced us to stand facing the wall and didn't allow us to use the toilet. At a detention centre when I did the Falun Gong exercises, guard Fang stomped on my hands, causing blisters to form on the backs of my hands. Many practitioners were beaten and tortured by guard Fang.
Guards Yu Changjiang and Li Weilong from Daqing Prison Brutally Beat Falun Gong Practitioners
2010-01-10on December 22nd, 2009, practitioner Mr. Qi Fengming was taken to Daqing Prison, No.1 division. When Mr. Qi refused to wear the prison uniform, he was beaten about the head many times by Yu Changjiang, the deputy head of No.1 division. Mr. Qi was then stripped of his clothes and they were burned. Yu Changjiang wrote something on a piece of paper defaming Falun Gong, then forced Mr. Qi to stand on the note. Later, Yu Changjiang dragged Mr. Qi outside and continued to beat him. He punched him in the head and kicked his legs and lower back. Yu Changjiang grabbed hold of Mr. Qi's shoulders, pulled him towards him, and used his knees to kick Mr. Qi's stomach and chest.
Ms. Jiang Yanlin of Yi County, Liaoning Province, Arrested
2010-01-10On December 22nd, 2009, approximately two dozen police officers stormed the temporary residence of Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Jiang Yanlin and arrested her. Prior to her arrest, Ms. Jiang had been forced to leave her home and live as a fugitive for more than five years. During the years that Ms. Jiang was away from home, the police regularly raided her house and harassed her family members. The police threatened her family and demanded that they find Ms. Jiang and send her to the police station. Meanwhile, a warrant was issued for Ms. Jiang's arrest and the police conducted an extensive search for her.
Husband of Falun Gong Practitioner Dies as a Result of Persecution
2010-01-10Beijing practitioner Qiu Jinrong's husband Xie Linquan did not practise Falun Gong, but he was still subjected to persecution and died on October 30th, 2009. Ms. Qiu Jinrong was arrested twice by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and taken to a forced labour camp. The first time was on Chinese New Year's Day in 2002, when she was arrested and put in a forced labour camp for distributing Falun Gong materials. The second time, she was arrested at her home for simply being a Falun Gong practitioner.
Ms. Li Guihua from Jiujiang City Arrested; Family Pressured to Pay for Her Release
2010-01-10Local police arrested 62-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Guihua in late November 2009 because she talked to people about Falun Gong. Domestic Security Division officials attempted to extort 100,000 yuan from her family. Ms. Li's family was unable to pay that much, so the officers said that they could release Ms. Li if her family paid 10,000 yuan. Ms. Li was previously subjected to persecution many times. Her family had trouble making ends meet, even before being forced to pay such a large amount of money. Ms. Li's whereabouts are currently unknown.
Family Finds Mr. Liu Qingchun's Notes Detailing How He Was Tortured in Prison Before His Death
2010-01-09Mr. Liu Qingchun was sent to forced labour for two years and later sentenced to four years in prison. When he was finally released, he was covered with wounds and suffering from a foggy mental state. He died on September 16th, 2009 at home. His wife and daughter in college also endured huge mental and physical abuse during the past ten years of persecution. Among his belongings, they found two pieces of paper folded inside an envelope that were covered with his handwriting, detailing abuses that he had suffered while being detained.