Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Persecution Suffered by Retired Power Factory Executive and His Wife
2010-01-05On August 3rd, 2003, Mr. Yang Mingxiang and Ms. Wang Juping were arrested by the Municipal National Security Division when they were leaving their rented apartment. They took the keys from Mr. Yang Xiangming's pocket to ransack his home. They took away 8,000 Yuan in cash, a computer, printer, TV, mobile phone, watch and other personal belongings. Mr. Yang and Ms. Wang were taken to the City Police Department. In order to extract confessions, Wei Dong forced them to sit on an "Iron Chair," but they refused to give in to the police's demands. In the afternoon, the police sent them to the Hualinshan Second Detention Centre and forced Mr. Yang Mingxiang to peel lily roots. On August 29th, they were transferred to Gongjiawan Brainwashing Centre.
Mr. Zhu Feng, Mr. Luo Qihua and Others from Shiyan City, Hubei Province Given Prison Terms
2010-01-05Yun County Court officials recently sentenced four practitioners from Shiyan City, Hubei Province to prison. Mr. Zhu Feng was given a five-year prison term, and Mr. Xuan Anping was given a four-year prison term. Mr. Luo Qihua and Mr. Jin Changhong were both sentenced to three years in prison. Mr. Zhu and others were sentenced for the second time. The court officials, afraid that their evil deeds would be exposed, held a secret trial for the practitioners without informing the practitioners' families. The practitioners appealed their sentences to the Shiyan City Intermediate Court, but the court did not follow proper judicial procedures to handle their cases.
Mr. Chen Yongtao Beaten in Sihui Prison, Guangdong Province
2010-01-05Recently Mr. Chen Yongtao was beaten by criminals in Sihui Prison, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province. People in prison tried to brainwash him to make him give up Falun Gong. Once, claiming that Mr. Chen was not sitting properly, the criminals slapped him and then kneed him in the lower back, causing on-going pain. Chen Yongtao and his wife were arrested in a big hunt and arrested "to ensure the security of the Olympic Torch relay" by Guangzhou City on April 15th, 2008. Later on both of them were sentenced to three years. His wife, Zou Danyu, was detained in Guangzhou Women's Prison. On August 25th, 2009, Mr. Chen was secretly transferred to Sihui Prison.
Xing Yanliang Is Forced onto Torture Instruments and Locked to a Ring on the Ground at Tailai Prison
2010-01-05Practitioner Mr. Xing Yanliang, who is detained in Tailian Prison, was locked in a solitary confinement cell because he wrote a song on December 3rd. He was only given two corn soup meals at twice a day. Each meal contained only one scoop of corn soup, which had sand and corn stalk mixed in it. The confinement cell has no faucet, and water is drawn directly from the toilet. At present, Mr. Xing is locked to a ring on the ground with torture instruments on his hands and legs, which are not loosened even when he sleeps at night. This makes it extremely difficult for him to fall asleep. Every day he is forced to face his cell wall, and he cannot sit straight.
Mr. Zhang Yunping in Severe Condition as a Result of Abuse in Jidong Prison, Hebei Province for the Past Five Years
2010-01-04On March 30th, 2003, Zhang Yunping was abducted by officers from the Fengrun District Branch of the Tangshan City Police Department. When he protested his detention via a hunger strike, he was sent to the Second Detention Centre in Tangshan City. The former director of the centre, Dong Huiping, and a former section chief, An Guofu, ordered brutal forced feeding for Mr. Zhang. After more than a month, he was transferred to the First Detention Centre in Tangshan City. In the following months the prosecutor's office in the city filed a suit against Mr. Zhang based on false charges and he was sentenced to eight years in prison. In April of 2004, he was sent to Jidong Prison in Hebei Province and he is still there today.
Young Mother Subjected to Eight Years of Unlawful Imprisonment
2010-01-04After suffering eight years of unlawful imprisonment, Ms. Yu Libo finally returned home on June 26th, 2009. Her son is now ten years old, and although he knows that Ms. Yu is his mother, he could hardly recognise her. Ms. Yu Libo's husband, Dong Peng, was sentenced to nine years of imprisonment. He is still detained and persecuted at Hulan Prison. A family member said that he was bed-ridden. Due to the long-term detention and persecution at the Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison, Ms. Yu Libo acquired many diseases, including nephritis and intestinal adhesion, and needs a quiet space to recover. However, the police department and neighbourhood committee have repeatedly sent people to harass her.
Medical Doctor Ms. Gong Hui Dies as Direct Result of Forced Labour
2010-01-04Ms. Gong Hui, 57, was arrested on August 13th, 2008 because she practised Falun Gong. On November 9th, the guards and inmates started a torture session at 9:00 a.m., and it continued until 11:00 p.m., at which point Ms. Gong was on the verge of death. Torture of similar severity is commonplace, resulting in death or mental collapse of numerous practitioners. Ms. Gong was tortured in the Banqiao Women's Forced Labour Camp for one year and three months, suffered from a mental collapse, and became severely sick. Only 22 days after she was released home, she died, on December 4th, 2009.
Death and Disappearance Incidents Involving Falun Gong Practitioners in Zhaodong City, Heilongjiang Province
2010-01-04Ms. Liu Xiaoling was 37 years old in 2001, and she was from Zhaodong City. She was arrested on 2000 New Year's Eve, and subsequently incarcerated at the Zhaodong Detention Centre. She went on hunger strike to protest.On May 15th, 2000, the police took her to an interrogation room. Detention centre manager Wu Guozhi force-fed her with fermented bean curd soup and strong brine. Ms. Liu was also brutally beaten during the force-feeding process. The beating resulted in a broken rib that pierced one of her lungs, which led to her death.
Two Police Officers Persecuted For Practising Falun Gong in Fushun City
2010-01-03Police officers Xia Hailong and Wang Xiaoming, who work in the Fushun City police system, have been persecuted for practising Falun Gong. After Xia Hailong was arrested, in October 2009, the Fushun police persecuted practitioner Mr. Wang Xiaoming, who worked in the Xinbin County Police Department. They collected materials to prove that he practises Falun Gong, and through the discipline committee they attempted to suspend him from his job. News revealed that they were not successful, but the Fushun City Police Department pressured the Xinbin County Police Department and demanded that they work with the human resources division to fire Mr. Wang.
Practitioners Tortured in the Fangqiang Forced Labour Camp in Jiangsu Province
2010-01-03The Fangqiang Forced Labour Camp is located in Fangqiang Town, Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province. Since March 2000, Falun Gong practitioners have been sent there and tortured. Practitioners have to wake up at 4:00 a.m. and are taken to the rice fields. The have to work all day, eat lunch in the fields and are not taken back until it is completely dark out. These practitioners are sweaty and dirty after a whole day's work, but only a few taps are available for all of them to wash and clean themselves. Then hundreds of them need to wait in line for dinner, but the camp provides very poor food.
Mr. Deng Chuanjiu Brutally Persecuted in Pengzhou City, Sichuan Province
2010-01-03After the persecution of Falun Gong was launched by the Chinese Communist Party in 1999, Mr. Deng Chuanjiu went to Tiananmen Square in December to expose the crimes of the Party and again tell people the truth about Falun Gong and was arrested and detained by police. During his detention, Mr. Deng was brutally tortured by officers of the police station and township government. The abuse left him with bruises all over his body. Over the last ten years Mr. Deng has been often arrested and tortured for refusing to give up Falun Gong. On September 29th, 2009, he was arrested again. Police savagely beat Mr. Deng because he refused to be "transformed" [forcibly renounce Falun Gong].
Mr. Kang Li Persecuted in Guangyuan Prison, Sichuan Province
2010-01-03Mr. Kang Li was arrested in 2003 and sentenced to an eight-year prison term. He is detained at Guangyuan Prison. He has been tortured to the point of becoming emaciated and his mind has become unstable. He has been transferred to the prison hospital and doesn't recognise any of his family members. Guard Tian Yong has also confiscated a photo of his wife from him. Guards at Guanyuan Prison have been physically and mentally persecuting practitioners. They frequently torture practitioners using methods which include shocking practitioners with several electronic batons at the same time, beating practitioners when they are hung by their handcuffs for long periods of time, using their fists, feet or a club with spikes to beat practitioners.
After Being Imprisoned for Eight Years, Yu Lixin Is Sentenced to Another Four Years
2010-01-02Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Yu Lixin had been sentenced to a forced labour camp. He was detained there for eight years. While in the forced labour camp, he was severely persecuted. He was not released until 2009. Recently he was arrested and sent to a forced labour camp again. In January 2001, Mr. Yu went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. He was arrested and detained at the Wenling Detention Centre. He went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. Zhu Sufang, Police force-fed him. They used sharp bamboo sticks to pry open his tightly clenched teeth. His mouth bled and his face became swollen. Then police fixed him on a wooden frame with his four limbs stretched wide open and then gave him injections of concentrated salt solution.
Police from Huludao City Plan to Prosecute Mr. Yu Haiyang as Part of Their Relentless Persecution
2010-01-02Over the past ten years, Mr. Yu Haiyang and his wife Ms. Li Fengchun have been arrested multiple times by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officers and police. They have ransacked their home, detained them, sent them to forced labour camps, forced them to undergo brainwashing, and extorted money from them. This May, Mr. Yu Haiyang and Ms. Li Fengchun were arrested again. The police ransacked their home and detained them. After being released, Mr. Yu Haiyang went to see the police and asked for the return of their confiscated property. The police detained him again instead. As a result of this arrest, both Mr. Yu and his wife lost their jobs. Mr. Yu Haiyang has been detained for six months. The police station of Huludao City plans to prosecute him. Mr. Yu's family has hired attorneys to defend him.
Eight Practitioners Sentenced to Forced Labour
2010-01-02On September 23rd, 2009, police officers from different townships, including those from the National Security Division of Lixian County Police Department and the 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong), broke into the homes of 14 practitioners. They forced their way in by smashing or prying the doors open with crowbars, then proceeded to ransack the homes. Twelve practitioners were arrested, eight of whom were denied any legal defence and sent to forced labour camps within three days of their arrests. The judge even attempted to sentence one of the practitioners to a long sentence.