Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Imprisoned and Tortured, Ms. Jiang Zhifang, 57, Almost Loses Her Eyesight
2009-12-25Ms. Jiang Zhifang believes in Truth-Compassion-Forbearance and she practises Falun Gong. In the past ten years during the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong, her home was searched several times. She was also arrested and sentenced to forced labour camps several times. She suffered all kinds of persecution and torture. On September 21st 2006, She was once again arrested by police. Later, she was sentenced to three years of imprisonment by the Guanghan court. In June 2007, Jiang Zhifang was taken to the Female Prison of Sichuan Province. She almost lost her eyesight completely and was not able to take care of herself. Even when her health was in such a bad condition, the officials didn't let her go.
Retired Doctor Ms. Guan Yong'e Sentenced to Three Year Prison Term
2009-12-25In November 2008, police officers arrested Ms. Guan Yong'e, a retired doctor. She was arrested because she had a firm faith in Falun Gong and distributed leaflets exposing the persecution and told people the facts about Falun Gong to people in the township. After Ms. Guan was detained in the detention centre for a long time, she trembled all over and fainted often. Sometimes she fell down in a deadly faint because of serious headaches. In court, there was no lawyer to defend Ms. Guan. She defended herself on the grounds of innocence. On September 18th, 2009, the Intermediate Court in Changde City sentenced Ms. Guan to a three year prison term and later the appeal court sustained the original verdict.
Ms. Weishan Liu, A Teacher in Xiangfan City, Hubei Province, Was Tortured Until She Became Paralysed and Mentally Disabled
2009-12-25Ms. Liu Weishan, 51, was severely persecuted and is now paralysed and bedridden. Her muscles have deteriorated, with her lower legs having lost all their muscles, causing her legs to be "z" shaped and distorted. She is mentally disabled and can only occasionally speak a few simple sentences, such as telling the caretaker "I want to go home." Ms. Liu, a perfectly healthy school teacher, was first held in prison for three years for no apparent reason. Then, because she refused to admit any guilt, she was tortured by the prison police until she had a mental collapse.
610 Office Agents Deploy Tear Gas When Arresting Mr. Zhang Yu and His Family
2009-12-24On August 8th, 2009, officials of the Manzhouli City Political and Judiciary Committee in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and agents of the 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) deployed tear gas when arresting Mr. Zhang Yu; his wife, Ms. Xing Shuguang; his parents; and his daughter. As a result, Mr. Zhang has developed heart problems and Ms. Xing has lost hearing in both ears. Both remain in the detention centre. Despite the fact that both Mr. Zhang and his wife are in poor health, the authorities are planning to place the couple on trial.
Ms. Ma Lingxian, a Retired Teacher in Huili County, Sichuan Province, Frequently Persecuted
2009-12-24Ms. Ma Lingxian, 57, was brutally persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) because of her firm belief in Falun Gong. She was interrogated twice, was fined three times, had her salary suspended, and was denied a salary increase. She was also detained three times and sentenced to forced labour twice. Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials ransacked her home seven times and frequently harassed her. In 2008, she was arrested again and sentenced to three years in prison.
Mr. Lu Zhiyong Arrested Again in Sichuan Province
2009-12-24On September, 20th, 2009, Mr. Lu Zhiyong visited his mother in Dujiangyan City, Sichuan Province. On his way home, he was arrested by the officers who had been following him. The officers beat Mr. Lu so badly that he slipped into a coma on the spot. Mr. Lu remained in a coma for two days. There is rumour that the case has been sent to the Heishui County court, which may hold a trial for Mr. Lu. Previously, Mr. Lu was arrested in June 2001 and sent to forced labour and in December 2004, when he was again imprisoned at the Xinhua Forced Labour Camp for three years. He was tortured and forcibly administered unknown drugs in the camp.
Practitioners Tortured at Chongqing Women's Forced Labour Camp
2009-12-24Ms. Huang was tortured brutally from October 2005 to August 2006. For the first two months inmates beat her daily. Guard Hu Xiaoyan ordered inmates to press Ms. Huang to the ground and one person to sit on her stomach. They pinched her nose and throat and pried open her mouth with toothbrushes. After they force-fed Ms. Huang with unknown drugs, she shivered, convulsed and made strange sounds. Ms. Huang refused to eat because the collaborators would not let her use the toilet. The guards claimed that she began a hunger strike and had Zhao Yuanyuan force feed her soy milk. The guards damaged Ms. Huang's throat during the force feeding.
Ms. Huang Yanzhen's Story: Arrested Seven Times and Brutally Tortured for Practising Falun Gong
2009-12-23Ms. Huang Yanzhen from Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province, started to practise Falun Gong in 1997, and she was cured of numerous diseases within only a few months. During the past several years, however, she was arrested seven times because of her practice. During her detention, she was subjected to brutal tortures and was on the verge of death numerous times. She was sentenced to seven years in December 2004 and ordered to serve time in the Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison. As a result of cruel beatings and being force-fed with harmful drugs she developed a brain haemorrhage and a bad heart problem.
Mr. Yu Kaixin and His Wife, Ms. Tan Shunbi, Face Sentencing
2009-12-23On November 18th, 2009, Mr. Yu Kaixin and his wife, Ms. Tan Shunbi, were arrested by the Jinsha Police Station while distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong. They are being detained in the Pi County Detention Centre. Police officers threaten that they will be sent to prison. Their family now feels great pressure to pay the bribes the officials demand.
Ms. Sun Ping from Shandong Province Arrested
2009-12-23Ms. Sun Ping was arrested on October 10th, 2009. She was also detained in a mental hospital in the year 2000, and has endured much harassment in the intervening years. In October 2000, police detained her at a brainwashing centre, where they beat her and extorted 10,000 yuan from her. Zhang Huisheng, then director of the Keyuan Police Station repeatedly detained Ms. Sun at the police station, then extorted 3,000 to 5,000 yuan from Ms. Sun. If he could not get cash then he had it deducted directly from her salary. He laughed with other officers, "We eat well, and drink well. Get money from them (practitioners) when the money runs out. For those that don't pay, we just get it from their employers."
Ms. He Aier Repeated Arrested, Harassed and Brainwashed
2009-12-23Sixty-one-year-old Guangzhou resident Ms. He Aier used to suffer from severe heart disease until she began practising Falun Gong in 1997, after which she miraculously regained complete health. After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began persecuting Falun Gong in 1999, the officials constantly harassed her. She was held in brainwashing centres five times and subjected to both physical and mental torture. She recalls one detention centre: "I heard gut-wrenching screams (of practitioners) throughout the night."
Practitioner Ms. Jiang Pingtian Tortured and on the Verge of Death at Changsha Women's Prison
2009-12-22Ms. Jiang Pingtian has been persecuted and tortured for seven years and she suffers from a number of diseases. In detention, she was tortured to extract confessions and the guards handcuffed her to an iron gate for nine consecutive days. Several guards took turns to beat and kick her. There were bruises on her face, hands and all over her body. She could not eat anything and her body became very weak and thin. She was on the brink of death. The Changsha prison authorities were afraid to take responsibility for her poor health and informed her family to come and take her home. When Ms. Jiang's husband went to the prison to pick her up, the prison authorities suddenly denied his request, saying that she hadn't signed any statements against Falun Gong and thus they wouldn't release her.
Mr. Gao Yuguang from Shenma Corporation in Henan Province Persecuted
2009-12-22Mr. Gao Yuguang was arrested again on July 23rd, 2008 and officials from the Ministry of National Security charged him with distributing emails with Falun Gong contents on the Internet. Police officers arrested him. On January 16th, 2009, he was tried at the Zhanhe District Courthouse in Pingdingshan City but was not allowed to have any lawyers present to appeal for him nor were any visitors allowed in the courtroom. Currently, the whereabouts of Mr. Gao Yuguang are unknown. This is the fourth time Mr. Gao has been imprisoned for practising Falun Gong.
A Village Woman Humiliated and Tortured
2009-12-22Ms. Liu Fengzhi, a Falun Gong practitioner, was humiliated in 2001 by Chinese Communist Party (CCP)) officials, who paraded her in front of her own residence. In 2003, Ms. Liu was taken to a forced labour camp and served an 18-month sentence; she was arrested again in 2008. At the forced labour camp, she was beaten with an electric baton by prison guard Pu Yonglai, rendering her unconscious for several hours. Her blood pressure was dangerously elevated.
Yang Songli from Chongqing City Sentenced to Forced Labour and Her Son Is Now Homeless
2009-12-22On September 17th, 2009, police stormed Ms. Yang Songli's home to arrest her. Her son, Gao Yang, closed the door and did not allow them to enter their home. Policemen then violently kicked the door open. Gao Yang stood between his mother and the police and tried to prevent her from being taken away. Police pulled him out of the house and beat him to the ground. Gao Yang had injuries all over his body. He had a bad headache from the stomping, and his kidneys ached from the kicks. His mother, Yang Songli, was transferred to a brainwashing centre and then, with out any legal representation, secretly sentenced to two years in Chongqing City Women's Forced Labour Camp.