Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
World Organisation to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong Publishes Case Report of Conversation with Witness to Organ Harvesting
2009-12-21The World Organisation to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong is an organisation that is dedicated to exposing the persecution of Falun Gong in China and to bringing the responsible individuals to justice. Recently, one of the organisation's special investigators had a revealing 30-minute conversation with a witness to organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners.
Mr. Zhang Wenfeng Sexually Abused in Prison
2009-12-21Mr. Zhang Wenfeng was subjected to sexual abuse and forced administration of drugs for over one year in Jilin Prison. Even after these crimes were exposed in an earlier article, the prison authorities continued encouraging prisoners to abuse Mr. Zhang. They threatened to kill him and claimed that no one would find out. A prisoner told him, "We are all treating you based on the administration's instructions." Mr. Zhang is now very weak. He often feels dizzy, has difficulty breathing, and his body lists to one side when he walks.
Practitioner Zhang Yunping's Family Members Arrested When They Tried to Visit Him at Jidong Prison
2009-12-21Hao Baoxin, head of the Fourth Division at Jidong Prison, ordered dozens of officers, including prison guards, armed police and local police to arrest family members of Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhang Yunping when they tried to visit him at Jidong Prison. Hao Baoxin rushed toward the family and shouted hysterically at Mr. Zhang's wife, "You have committed a crime! You practise Falun Gong!" Zhang Yuping's wife shouted at him, "What is wrong with practising Falun Gong? What crime did I commit by practising Falun Gong?" Hao became speechless. The family went to the Jidong Prison Affairs Office, to file a complaint against Hao Baoxin.
Practitioner Liu Yu'e Persecuted for Three Years at Sanshui Womens' Forced Labour Camp in Guangdong Province
2009-12-21In May 2006, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Yu'e was arrested by police while handing out Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution. Liu Yu'e was sentenced to three years of forced labour. At the forced labour camp, the guards subjected practitioners to brainwashing, forced them to watch a video slandering Falun Gong, tried to force them to write the so-called "four statements" promising to give up practising Falun Gong, and forced them to do slave labour from the early morning until 11:00 p.m. or even midnight every day. The prison authorities also extended their terms without cause. Liu Yu'e was brutally persecuted in the forced labour camp. Her weight fell to less than 100 pounds, and she began having many illness symptoms due to the persecution.
Former Beijing Police Officer Mr. Zhang Shuhui Forced to Leave Home to Avoid Persecution
2009-12-21Mr. Zhang Shuhui, 43, a former police officer and practitioner from Beijing, left home more than a year ago to avoid persecution, and has not returned since. His mother-in-law was affected and died as a result. After the persecution of Falun Gong began on July 20th, 1999, Mr. Zhang went to the National Appeals Office to talk about Falun Gong. He was denied access. His supervisors used high-pressure tactics in attempts to force him to give up his faith. To avoid causing trouble for his employer, Mr. Zhang resigned from his job. He was later arrested twice by the 610 Office and taken to a brainwashing centre.
The Persecution Mr. Gu Bengen from Shengli Oilfield Suffered Before His Death
2009-12-20The brutal persecution of Falun Gong was initiated by Jiang Zemin, former head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in July 1999 and carried out by the CCP. Mr. Gu Bengen, a practitioner from Shandong Province Shengli Oilfield in Dongying, was persecuted financially, physically and spiritually. From January to April of 2001, Mr. Gu was forcibly subjected to brainwashing at the Linpan Employee Training School. During that period, the regime officials suspended his salary for half a year, a loss of approximately 9,000 yuan. He was prevented from studying the Falun Gong teachings and practising the exercises. All the diseases that he had had before recurred, and he passed away on September 1st, 2006.
Practitioners Tortured with "Carrying a Sword on the Back"
2009-12-20"Carrying a sword on the back" is one of the cruellest methods employed for torturing practitioners. The guards first pull the practitioner's hand behind his back by pulling his hand over the top of the shoulder of the same hand. They then pull the other hand up from the lower back. The wrists are then handcuffed together. Although most people who are tortured like this feel extreme pain in less than twenty minutes, practitioners are forced to stay in this position for up to four hours.
The Persecution of Three Falun Gong Practitioners in Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province
2009-12-20Since 1999, older Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liang Rongfen went to Beijing to appeal for the right to practise Falun Gong on December 24th, 2001. As soon as she arrived in Tiananmen Square, several policemen surrounded her, asking if she was a Falun Gong practitioner. Even before she could finish her sentence, they pushed her into a police van, already containing more than a dozen practitioners. The police shocked some of them with electric batons and kicked and punched them, leaving bruises everywhere on their faces and bodies. She was detained for more than seven months in a detention centre.
Deputy Secretary of Politics and Law Committee in Xichang Tells Lawyer: We Don't Care About the Law
2009-12-20Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Gao Deyu from Xichang City in Sichuan Province was arrested in September. Her family hired a lawyer for her. The lawyer lawfully requested to meet with Ms. Gao, but the judiciary tried to prevent the visit. Liu, the Deputy Secretary of the Politics and Law Committee even told the lawyer: "Don't even mention the law, we don't care about the law." This confession shows exactly how Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials have never followed the law while persecuting Falun Gong.
Mr. Wang Baojin Dies in Custody in Liaoning Province
2009-12-19After the persecution started in July 1999, because Mr. Wang Baojin refused to give up his faith in Falun Gong he was fired. The police detained Mr. Wang in Yingkou City Detention Centre. In order to protest the persecution, Mr. Wang went on a hunger strike. The guards brutally force-fed him, causing him to cough up blood throughout the night. He was cruelly beaten multiple times and nailed onto the bed board. He was beaten so badly that he suffered from severe traumatic pleurisy, and was rushed to the hospital four times in two weeks. In July 2004, Huazi Prison authorities put Mr. Wang on forced labour duty and tortured him. Mr. Wang had been tortured so badly that he passed away on December 9th, 2009.
Ms. Guo Zhaoqing Tortured and Secretly Sentenced to a Ten-year Term
2009-12-19Ms. Guo Zhaoqing was arrested nine times and subjected to various kinds of torture between 1999 and 2009. In 2000, she was arrested after going to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong, and was held in Tianjin City. On January 16th, 2001, she was arrested and sent to the Baimalong Forced Labour Camp in Chenzhou City for a two-year term. While in the labour camp, she suffered from a number of tortures including being hung by her handcuffed wrists, electric shock torture, and beatings until she was on the verge of death. On April 21st, 2009, Ms. Guo was arrested and then tortured until she was paralysed. In December Ms. Guo was sentenced to a ten-year term.
Mr. Mei Dazuo from Wuhan City Sentenced
2009-12-19Mr. Mei Dazuo runs a business in Xiaodongmen, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, selling floor boards. Mr. Mei is an honest, well-respected businessman. However, because of his firm belief in Falun Gong and the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, the Chinese Communist Party has brutally persecuted him. On October 22nd, 2009, he was sentenced to four years in prison. When Mr. Mei's lawyer said that his client had not violated any law, the judge agreed with him but said that they did not have the final say in the matter, because such a case was subject to the decision of the Political and Judiciary Committee and the 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong).
Police of Xianyou County, Fujian Province Persecute Falun Gong Practitioner
2009-12-19On August 11th, 2009, chief Yang and officer Xie Desheng of the Domestic Security Division in Xianyou, Fujian, and police from the Daji and Longban village police stations broke into the home of Falun Gong practitioner Zheng Zeyu and ransacked it without a search warrant. They broke household items and alarmed Zheng Zeyu's only relative, his younger brother Zheng Zexin, who suffers from leprosy. The neighbours begged the police to stop tormenting the unfortunate brothers, who had been orphans since childhood. But the depraved officers ignored them. Zheng Zeyu became homeless. His brother was left on his own, unable to take care of himself.
Large Scale Organ Harvesting in Guizhou Province Exposed
2009-12-18In August 2006, the overseas media filed many reports about Guizhou Falun Gong practitioners Fu Keshu and Xu Genli. The practitioners had their organs removed and the their corpses were thrown into the wilderness. The eyeballs had been dug out and Xu Genli's visceral organs were taken out of the young man. Dr. Xu Jianchao from the kidney branch of Yale University analysed the pictures and saw many signs indicating that their organs were removed while they were alive. However, the CCP police claimed they both committed suicide, so the families' requests for further investigation were denied. The pictures of the remains were horrible to view and shocked many people both inside and outside of China.
The Persecution of Mr. Yu Yaou, a Doctoral Student at the South China Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
2009-12-18In 2008, Mr. Yu Yaou, a doctoral student at the South China Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, was arrested along with his wife Ms. Li Shanshan while visiting a friend in Guilin. The police took them to a brainwashing centre. In the detention centre, the couple was forced to perform hard labour. Ms. Li refused to wear the prison uniform and to do the forced labour. The guards ordered other prisoners to beat and insult Ms. Li. They tortured her by shackling her hands and feet together. After they returned home, Ms. Li was fired from her job and Mr. Yu, who was working on his research dissertation, has been constantly harassed and threatened.