Exposing the Persecution

Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting

  • Mr. Zhang Hongxu Tortured at the Chonqing Forced Labour Camp

    on August 7th, 2010, Chongqing police arrested Mr. Zhang Hongxu and his daughter, Zhang Yuanyuan. On August 24th, Mr. Zhang was secretly transferred to the Xishanping Forced Labour Camp in Chongqing for a two-year term. Currently, Mr. Zhang is being tortured. His situation is very urgent. The camp does not allow his family to visit him. Chief Nie also said they could torture him at will and that they have the power and authority to do this. Previously, In 2000, Mr. Zhang was sent to the Xishanping Forced Labour Camp in Chongqing for two years. Guards inhumanly tortured Mr. Zhang by using about twenty methods, including military squatting, standing against a wall, frog-style jumping, exposing to sunlight, forced-feeding, and starvation. Mr. Zhang was emaciated, his front teeth were broken, and his nose was fractured.
  • Older Practitioner Mr. Meng Fei from Shandong Province Persecuted for 10 Years (Part 1)

    Mr. Meng Fei received many awards for being an outstanding teacher during his 32-year career in education. Over the past 10 years, Mr. Meng was arrested twice and detained in a forced labour camp. Guards picked Mr. Meng up, threw him to the cement floor, kicked him between his legs, grabbed his hair and hit his head against the wall. Then they handcuffed him to an iron chair and stood on his legs so that the iron handles dug into his legs. A guard hit his head, chest, and ribs until blood came out from his nose and mouth. Mr. Meng was tortured to near death, as a result of which his physical condition has severely deteriorated and he now suffers from constant headaches, stomach aches, dry eyes, ringing in his ears, and short-term memory loss.
  • Girl with Cerebral Palsy Dies at Nursing Home After Her Mother is Detained

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Guixiang (aka Zhang Shuxiang), from Zhangwu County, Fuxin City, Liaoning Province, was arrested on September 17th, 2010. Her daughter, who had cerebral palsy, was sent to a nursing home, and passed away two months later. Under police surveillance, Ms. Zhang saw her daughter very quickly for the last time before she was taken back to Fuxin. She is currently being detained at Fuxin.
  • Ms. Huo Xiuqin Persecuted in Liaoning Women’s Prison

    Ms. Huo Xiuqin was arrested and sentenced to three years in prison because she was seen talking to people about Falun Gong. She was detained at Liaoning Women’s Prison. Ms. Huo was verbally abused and beaten by the inmates and guards at the prison. She was denied use of the toilet, and not allowed to buy food and other essentials. Her family sent money to the prison for her to use, but it was embezzled by the prison authorities. Those who offered her food were physically abused and punished. In July 2009, Ms. Huo’s blood pressure became very high and she had to be supported while walking. The prison authorities did not release her to receive medical treatment, and even forced her family to defame Falun Gong or they would not be allowed to see her.
  • Falun Gong practitioner Tan Qiucheng from Yushu, Jilin Province Sentenced to Fifteen Years Imprisonment

    Practitioner Tan Qiucheng was arrested in the summer of 2001. He was sentenced to 15 years of imprisonment at the Jilin Prison. In October 2004, Mr. Tan wrote a statement asking for the return of his "repentance" statement to renounce practising Falun Gong that he previously wrote against his will after being tortured. Mr. Tan also demanded the release of his fellow practitioners in jail. Mr. Tan was fully restrained for three days, and was then tied to the “stretching bed.” Thirty-seven days later, he was placed in an isolated cell for ten more days. During that period of time, he suffered from incontinence. The skin on his wrist was stretched to the breaking point, and he became emaciated.
  • Jinan Practitioner Mr. Wu Yuliang Arrested Last Year, His Whereabouts Unknown

    Mr. Wu Yuliang is a Falun Gong practitioner in Yanshan Community in the Lixia District in Jinan City, Shandong Province. When he was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong near the Yanshan Community on July 4th, 2009, police arrested him and took him to the Liuchangshan Brainwashing Centre. Since then his whereabouts have been unknown. Many people said he was one of the few good people in the neighbourhood and it was totally wrong for an innocent man to be sent to a forced labour camp.
  • Which Law Did I Break When I Told the Truth?

    I am an elderly female Falun Gong practitioner. I would like to tell how the officers from Zhonghualu Police Station and Erzhigou Detention Centre persecuted me. On November 13th, right after I finished shopping at Hualian Supermarket two security guards in the market wanted to check my bag. They pulled me into the security office, where they found Falun Gong informational materials in my bag and called the police. Police interrogated me at the police station and asked for my name and address. I refused to answer all their questions. A policewoman, Wang Dan, did not allow me to use the toilet. I was taken the the Erzhigou Detention Centre. I exposed the fact that the police station and the detention centre arrested me in order to extort money from me. Because of this I was not not given any food. On the 10th night, my health deteriorated. I threw up blood and felt that I could not breathe.
  • Ms. Zhang Jing from Shaanxi Province Sent to Forced Labour Camp, Denied Family Visits

    Ms. Zhang Jing, a practitioner in Hanzhong City in Shaanxi Province, was sent to a forced labour camp more than one year ago, and her family has not been allowed to visit her even once. When Ms. Zhang's father passed away in November 2010, her mother called the labour camp, asking if Ms. Zhang could go home for a visit. Labour camp officials refused to grant permission. Ms. Zhang's son travelled to the camp, hoping the camp officials would allow his mother to attend the funeral. The camp officials not only turned down his request, but they also prohibited the mother and son from meeting.
  • Older Falun Gong Practitioner Zhang Yingtang from Tianshui City, Gansu Province Persecuted

    After beginning Falun Gong practice, the health problems over 60-year-old Zhang Yingtang had had for many years quickly disappeared. Since 1999, Zhang Yingtang has been repeatedly persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The CCP has extorted money from him, arrested him, and detained him many times. In 2004, police arrested him again and interrogated him with torture. Police used a two-foot-long wooden stick and a rubber tube with steel wire to brutally beat Mr. Zhang. They hit him over 20 times and did not stop until the wooden stick was broken. They punched and kicked Mr. Zhang and also slapped his face. Zhang Yingtang's whole body became swollen and bruised.
  • Older Practitioner Ms. Yu Quan of Jilin Province Died as a Result of Persecution

    Jilin City Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yu Quan, in her 60s, died at the hands of the police of the Jilin City Domestic Security Division on December 11th. She was arrested by police on April 25th, 2009 and detained at the Jilin City Detention Centre. The Changyi District Court sentenced her to two years in prison on November 2009. Her family was notified of her critical condition by police after she was admitted to hospital where she died.
  • Sixteen Practitioners Detained at Hebei Province Women's Prison

    In order to expose the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) crimes against Falun Gong, Mr. Zhang Lingjiang and several other practitioners rented a house and used it to print leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong. Mr. Zhang was arrested at the house on September 28th, 2001, and was sentenced to twelve years in July 2003. He is now detained in the 3rd Division of the No.1 Hebei Prison in Baoding City. In 2004, Mr. Zhang's wife, Ms. Yu Jingxia was also arrested and sentenced to ten years in prison because she practises Falun Gong.
  • Several Falun Gong Practitioners in Xinjiang Repeatedly Arrested and Sentenced

    Ms. Chen Meng and Ms. Fan Baoming were arrested by police in August 2009 for printing Falun Gong materials. Both practitioners have been persecuted in forced labour camps before. In November 2010, they were sentenced to eight years in prison without being given a trial. Another practitioner, Ms. Dong Xiuyun, was also sentenced to seven years in prison at the same time. They are imprisoned at the Second Women's Prison in Xinjiang. The Women's Prison in Xinjiang has a notoriously long history of persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. Ms. Zhao Shuyuan, a practitioner from Urumqi City in Xinjiang has been imprisoned there since July 2004. Though she was tortured, she refused to give up her belief and practice of Falun Gong.
  • Sixty-Year-Old Ms. Lu Yaxuan Persecuted Numerous Times

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Lu Yaxuan has been tortured severely during the past ten years of brutal persecution by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). She was detained six times, sent to a forced labour camp once, and sentenced to prison once. In 2002, Ms. Lu was arrested. She was taken to the Jiutai Police Department. Policemen covered Ms. Lu's head with a coat, and punched and kicked her. They tied her up on the torture device, the tiger bench. They tied her feet and forced them downward, tied her hands and pulled them upward, and then they placed a metal bar on her hands and pressed them downward. Ms. Lu's arms suffered severe nerve damage, and she could not lift her left arm for several months.
  • An Account of the Persecution Suffered by Ms. Tan Shaowei from Guangzhou (Part 2)

    It was in the middle of the night in a classroom when they tried to pressure me to give up practising Falun Gong. When I refused, they forced me to do a half squat while watching a video that slandered the practice. They also beat me with a pole whenever I failed to do exactly what they ordered. In two days, my arms and legs were all swollen. They also burned a lot of mosquito repellant incense in front of me and forced me to inhale the smoke. If I refused to write the three statements to renounce practising Falun Gong, they were going to torture me more viciously.
  • Imprisoned 10 Years in China, Epoch Times Editor up for Release

    After spending the last 10 years of his life in a Chinese prison, Zhang Yuhui is scheduled to be released on December 21st. The former editor-in-chief of the China branch of The Epoch Times was sentenced to 10 years in prison for his role with the uncensored, Chinese-language edition of the newspaper. He is known to have been tortured by the Chinese authorities in the early years of his arrest. Huang practises Falun Gong, a Chinese meditation practice based on the principles of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance.