Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Police Officers from Fuyang City, Anhui Province Break into Practitioner's Home, Use Pepper Spray on Kids
2009-11-10Police wanted to enter to Ms. Hou Yanqun's home at around 10:00 p.m. on August 26th, 2009. Ms. Hou however, rejected their request nut the policemen did not listen to her and kept kicking her door. Hou Yanqun's 16-year-old daughter heard the sound of the police kicking the door, and opened the door. The police immediately sprayed something in her face. The girl screamed with pain, "My eyes hurt. What did you spray on my face?" At this moment, Hou Yangqun's 8-year-old son woke up and came out. The officers sprayed the same thing in his face. He was in so much pain, he covered his face with both hands, jumped up and down, and screamed, "Mum, Mum, my eyes hurt!" A police officer admitted, "This is pepper spray!"
Ms. Wang Wanrong Upholds Her Belief Despite Relentless Pressure, Brainwashing and Torture
2009-11-10Ms. Wang Wanrong, 55, went to Beijing in 1999 to appeal for Falun Gong. She and her family were then targeted for persecution by personnel from the 610 Office at the Oil Well Drilling Company in Nanyang City. Ms. Wang's husband was forced to divorce her. She was later sent to a brainwashing centre, to the Nanzhao Detention Centre, and to the Xinxiang Women's Prison. In prison, the persecutors often cursed and beat Ms. Wang. They rotated four groups of people to try to "reform" [brainwash] her in fifty days. In the end, they found it was impossible to make her denounce Falun Gong. She was then sent to do hard labour in a clothing workshop in the Second Prison District.
Mr. Song Guanghua Brutally Tortured
2009-11-10Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Song Guanghua refused to give up his belief. As a result, he has been subjected to sleep deprivation, shocking with electrical batons on his eyes and mouth, as well as other tortures. He was later subjected to three years of forced labour and suffered various tortures at the Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp. At the labour camp, Mr. Song was put in handcuffs and shackles. The scars caused by the handcuffing can still be seen today.
Mr. Yang Qing, 57, Dies as Result of Persecution in Liaoning Province
2009-11-10In May 2001, police arrested Mr. Yang Qing, 57, when he was passing out Falun Gong informational fliers. They detained him for six months in the Lingyuan City Detention Centre. In November 2001 they took him to the Chaoyang City Forced Labour Camp. He was released in June 2002. Just 70 days later, police arrested him again and he was sentenced to two years of forced labour a few days later and again taken to the Chaoyang City Forced Labour Camp. Mr. Yang was released in June 2004. In July 2009, he was not feeling good and was diagnosed with late stage pancreatic cancer. He died on October 10th, 2009.
Ms. Chen Jianghong Dies as a Result of Repeated Injections of Unknown Drugs
2009-11-09In October 2003, six months after she was released, police arrested Ms. Chen Jianghong a third time and sentenced her to another year of forced labour in the same labour camp. This time she was inhumanly tortured by "Punching the nail wall." This torture involves a wall full of sharp ended nails. Prisoners pulled Ms. Chen to a standing position with her body bent at a 90-degree angle and her head pointed towards the nail-studded wall. She was not allowed to move. If she did, the prisoners would pull her head and push it against the wall full of nails. Her head bled so badly that her eyes and head were swollen for a long time. Ms. Chen was forcibly injected with unknown drugs in each of the forced labour camps and eventually caused her death.
A Just Defence Moved the Court, But a Practitioner Is Still Sentenced
2009-11-09Longquanyi District Court tried Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Li Changli on October 13th, 2009. Mr. Li's defence attorney, Mr. Du Peng, from Luotai Attorneys' Office in Luoyang City, Henan Province, provided a sound defence for his client's innocence. However, without any legal basis, the court still sentenced Mr. Li Changli to eight years of forced labour, following an internally pre-set term. President Yang Dejun of the Longquanyi District Court was the main judge.
District Court Judge Persecutes Falun Gong Practitioners in Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province
2009-11-09On July 7th, 2009, presiding judge, Zhao Yubin, participated in persecuting practitioners, including Mr. Yu Yungang, Mr. Fu Yu, Ms. Liu Xiufang, and Mr. Wu Zhigang. The Xiangyang District Court lied to the public that the trial would be open to the public, while they instead set up the temporary court at the Jiamusi City Detention Centre, in a rural area outside the city. On the morning before trial, Mr. Fu Yu's mother, relatives and friends went to the court and asked for the time of the trial but their request for this information was denied by Zhao Yubin, who said, "The trial time is not determined yet. Family members do not have the right to ask." Later, the families tried various channels and learned that the court had sentenced Mr. Fu Yu to five years in prison.
Ms. Zhang Ying Brutally Tortured
2009-11-09Ms. Zhang Ying, 39 years old, is a resident of Shanghai. On September 8th, 2009, she was arrested by police while she was at her mother-in-law's home. When Ms. Zhang's father and mother-in-law asked why they arrested people and ransacked their homes without any legal documents, the police replied, "We arrest people first, then come up with the evidence later." At the police station she was hung up with her hands handcuffed behind her back and was then tortured by the officers. She passed out many times from the pain.
Mr. Qu Mingjun Severely Tortured and Seriously Ill but Held for Extended Term in Benxi Labour Camp, Liaoning Province
2009-11-08After having been held in Benxi City Labour Camp, Liaoning Province for three years, Mr. Qu Mingjun, a Falun Gong practitioner from Liaoning Province, was supposed to be released in September 2009. On October 4th, Mr. Qu's wife went to the labour camp to take him home, but they refused to release him, saying that he would be held for another 45 days because he had not given up his practice of Falun Gong. They also did not allow her to visit her husband. Mr. Qu is in his fifties and due to the cruel torture he endured in the forced labour camp for three years, his health condition deteriorated. He has suffered from many serious diseases, including pneumonia, pleuritis, and heart disease, and has become emaciated.
Mr. Fu Yu Persecuted by Jiamusi Prison; His Life in Danger
2009-11-08Mr. Fu Yu was brutally persecuted while exposing the persecution of Falun Gong and was sentenced to five years in prison. Following his being sent to the Jiamusi Prison in August 2009, Mr. Fu began a hunger strike to protest the persecution and went without a drink of water for many days. Mr. Fu was skin and bones. Due to his dramatically worsened condition, prison guards could no longer insert a needle into his veins. Instead, they inserted a nasal tube to feed him daily doses of milk to keep him alive.
Chengdou Southwest Jiaotong University Security Officers Violently Arrest an Older Practitioner
2009-11-08On September, 22nd, 2009, officers of the Security Department of Chengdou Southwest Jiaotong University violently arrested an over 60-year-old Falun Gong practitioner when he was explaining the facts about Falun Gong to a young man. Following is his report: "One of the policemen yelled, Beat him! We have nothing to be afraid of! Thus, they beat me badly with punches and kicks. I was beaten black and blue, and my face was bleeding. I couldn't move or breathe, and was lying on the ground. They tied up my hands with string, causing my hands to swell from the blood restriction."
Ms. Shi Sumei Persecuted for Seven Years
2009-11-08Ms. Shi Sumei began practising Falun Gong in July 1998. The practice cured all her illnesses and made her a healthy person. After the onset of the persecution she was repeatedly detained, brainwashed, monitored, and sentenced to imprisonment. Ms. Shi was sentenced to six years of imprisonment in November 2002. Shi Sumei spent ten months at the Zhangzhou City Detention, where she slept on the concrete floor and ate poor quality food. The food smelled so bad that it made her want to vomit. She was allowed only two cups of drinking water per day, and had to work till midnight. Sometimes she had to be on duty after midnight. She sat on the concrete floor to work. Ms. Shi became extremely weak. She was released on medical parole at the end of January 2007.
Ms. Chai Shuzhi Dies as a Result of Persecution
2009-11-07In 2005, there were large scale arrests locally, and more than a dozen practitioners were arrested, and sentenced to prison for up to five years. In order to avoid being arrested, Ms. Chai Shuzhi, 37, fled her home. For the past four years, due to living under harsh conditions, Ms. Chai appeared very ill. In May 2009, Ms. Chai had to return to her mother's home for treatment. The local police kept harassing her. She died on September 10th, 2009, with her eyes wide open, unable to find peace amidst the relentless persecution.
Mr. Ding Guangcheng Recounts Torture During Long-term Imprisonment
2009-11-07Mr. Ding Guangcheng was arrested in May 2001. He was brutally tortured and sentenced to six years of imprisonment in February 2002. He suffered a lot at the Tianjin Prison. During his detention in a police station in 2001 he recounts: "Officers beat us and punched our faces. Two of my teeth were knocked out. They made us take off our clothes, leaving us in only our underpants, and then poured water on us. We had to stand in a puddle while they gave us electric shocks on our chests, belly buttons, necks, and the other sensitive areas on our bodies. They tortured us for several hours."
Barbaric Abuse of Practitioners Inside Sanshui Women's Forced Labour Camp in Guangdong Province
2009-11-07The Sanshui Women's Forced Labour Camp utilises brutal methods to force Falun Gong practitioners to "transform". The guards usually lock the practitioner in a small cell and disallow all contact. Even taking a walk in the small cell requires authorisation from the guards, not to mention other activities. There is no freedom in the forced labour camp, yet practitioners have to endure even more inhumane persecution and suffering in the small cell.