Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Police Harass Family During Funeral Ceremony for Mr. Liu Guangbao's Wife
2009-11-03Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Liu Guangbao has been homeless for several years due to the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) persecution. On September 23rd, due to illness, his wife passed away, and they held the funeral on September 24th. Unexpectedly, a group of people from the 610 Office and police came to the funeral and harassed the attendees. This caused anger among the neighbours and relatives, who were upset with the inappropriate actions of the police.
Ms. Yu Jingzhen, 65, from Shenyang Has Been Detained for Three Months--Faces Charges from the Ministry of Justice
2009-11-03Ms. Yu Jingzhen, 65, has been practising Falun Gong for thirteen years. She is sixty-five years old and still in good health. On July 28th, 2009, Ms. Yu Jingzhen was picked up by police while she was distributing Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution in Tonggou. That night, police ransacked Ms. Yu's home and confiscated some Falun Gong leaflets. Ms. Yu's family has been forbidden from seeing her, and they haven't received any information about her. They were not informed until recently that Ms. Yu's case had been sent to the Procuratorate of Sujiatun. Ms. Yu is now being framed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Ministry of Public Security, the Procuratorate and the court. Ms. Yu is now being held in the Shenyang Detention Centre.
Ms. Kong Qian Sentenced to Nine Years of Imprisonment by the Weifang Court in Shandong Province
2009-11-03On October 18th, 2009, Judge Mou Aiping brought Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Kong Qian to trial. Ms. Kong received a prison sentence of nine years. Ms. Kong was arrested on July 9th, 2009, and has been detained for more than a year. During her incarceration, this attractive young lady of good character was tortured to the point of emaciation. Not long after she was detained, she was tortured until her feet and legs were swollen. In order to protest the inhuman torture, she went on hunger strikes four times. She was then tied to a cross and subjected to inhuman tortures.
Mr. Huang Youjun Tortured and Interrogated by Police from Yueyang City, Hunan Province
2009-11-02Mr. Wang Youjun, a Falun Gong practitioner, was detained by police on June 7th, 2009. He was interrogated and tortured. After five days, he was sent to the Yueyang City Detention Centre on June 12th. A Chinese Communist Party-controlled court began hearing the case against Huang Youjun on October 15th. Mr. Huang recounts: "Policemen took turns torturing and interrogating me. They tied my hands and feet together with a rope while I was facing down. They hung me up by throwing the rope over a rod above the window and pulling me up. Zhao Wenhua frequently used his feet to kick my head. I was in a lot of pain. I was covered in sweat. Zhao put me down."
The Persecution of Ms. Gao Guilan in Fushun City, Liaoning Province
2009-11-02In July 2004, police entered Ms. Gao Guilan's home by telling a lie, claiming that they were going to give her a physical examination. Actually, they took her to Liaoning Province Women's Prison. When she was in prison, she was brutally beaten by prisoners, abetted by the guards. Guard Jia Yingchun incited murderers to brutally beat her. All three took turns watching her to prevent her from sleeping. They even followed her into the toilet. They employed different kinds of tactics, such as confining her in a solitary compartment, forbidding her from sleeping, beating her with an electric baton, forcing her to sit on an extremely small stool, stripping her clothes off and forcing her to stand in the toilet, and the list goes on. It was a living hell.
Mr. Li Gangfeng Endures Endless Brutal Torture during the Prime of His Life
2009-11-02In August 2003, after nearly a year in detention, the 610 Office sentenced practitioner Mr. Li Gangfen to three years in prison, even though Mr. Li denied all charges. They sent him to the Suzhou City Third Prison, which followed four basic steps to deal with Falun Gong practitioners: 1. All new practitioners were assigned to a squadron to do hard labour; 2. Practitioners were sent to a brainwashing centre in an attempt to "transform" them; 3. Anyone that couldn't be "transformed" was subjected to the most inhuman torture in a second attempt to be "transformed"; 4. If they were still not "reformed," they were put in solitary confinement and put in shackles for one to three months.
Ms. Liu Fanqin, 58, Tortured and Disabled for Making Public the Rape of Ms. Wei Xingyan
2009-11-02Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Fanqin, 58, was arrested on June 22nd, 2003, after she made public the rape of Ms. Wei Xingyan, a student at Chongqing University. Ms. Liu was tortured by the police, sentenced to nine years in prison, and detained in Chongqing Women's Prison. Ms. Liu was hung on a rack out of the window so that she could barely touch the ground with her toes. Her lower back was held flat against the edge of the window. She was not allowed to go to the toilet for over 30 hours or sleep. If she closed her eyes, they would beat her. After a long time of being hung up, pulled, and beaten, her arms became dislocated, and she lost feeling in them, fainting several times.
The Persecution of Ms. Wang Xiuyan from Shuangcheng City
2009-11-01Ms. Wang Xiuyan was arrested three times and twice sent to forced labour camps during the past ten years. She was subjected to gross abuse and mistreatment while in detention. Ms. Wang recounts: "While at Wanjia labour camp, the guards forced me to squat and denied me sleep to make me "reform." They also made practitioners do hard labour. They watched us closely. They beat and kicked us, forced us to stand and squat, used the Big Hang-up [the hands are handcuffed and then pulled from behind the back and hung up on a hook high above the ground. The feet are made to hang just above the floor], electric batons and the Airplane [the practitioner's body is bent at 90 degrees while both hands are outstretched similar to the wings of an airplane. Sometimes a cup of water is put on both hands. If the water is spilled, prison guards will beat the practitioner brutally.
Ms. Wang Xuchun from Yushu City Describes Her Experience of Being Arrested and Persecuted
2009-11-01On August 12th, 2009, while going to her brother's home, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Xuchun was arrested by the local police. She was later force-fed to the point that she was on the verge of death. Wang Xuchun rejected all the police's demands and was finally released. She describes her experience in the detention centre: "A person then forced my head to face up and stepped on my mouth. Mud on his shoe fell into my mouth. I heard that the deputy director of the centre used to use the same approach to treat other people. I was thin and in my sixties. Finally, they tied me up on a stretcher and inserted the tube into my nose. I was seriously injured inside and bleeding. My collar was covered by fresh blood. Even after four days, blood was still in my phlegm."
Mr. Huang Futang Sent to Shandong Forced Labour Camp
2009-11-01Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began persecuting Falun Gong, Mr. Huang Futang, 58, has been sent to detention centres four times. In 2001, he was sentenced to Boshangqiugu Forced Labour Camp for three and a half years. In the forced labour camp, the guards spit on the ground put a lit a cigarette on it. Huang Futang was forced to sit on a stool, where his feet could not touch the ground anywhere except on that cigarette. Once Mr. Huang's feet fell down, they were burned. Even now, there are still scars on his feet from that cigarette burn. Mr. Huang was arrested again, brutally tortured on June 6th, 2009 and was sentenced to one and a half years in a forced labour camp.
The Shulan Court Makes a Mockery of Itself
2009-11-01On October 9th, 2009, the Shulan Court in Jilin Province started the trial of Falun Gong practitioner Yang Junqi. Mr. Yang was innocent, and his attorney did a great job defending him. The trial made a mockery of Shulan Court. Before the trial started, police from the court called the attorney and said, "First, do not offer a 'not guilty' plea for Yang. Second, submit your defence transcripts to the Court." The attorney refused and said, "We are not going to co-operate with these kinds of illegal requests. I will not defend my client illegally. As for the defence transcripts, the trial hasn't started yet, how would I have any defence transcripts?" A person from the Legislative Department of Jilin Province said, "Let them (the court and the judge) save a little face. We need to be on the side of local government. Please follow their procedures and accept their sentence." The attorney refused.
Ms. Tang Haihua Dies in Custody in the Aohan Prefecture Detention Centre, Body Immediately Cremated
2009-10-31On July 6th, 2007, police arrested Ms. Tang and other practitioners, detained them in the Aohan Prefecture Detention Centre, and did not allow their families to visit. At the beginning of January 2008, Ms. Tang was sentenced to three years in prison and taken to the Hohhot City Women's Prison in March 2008. There is no information on when or why Ms. Tang was taken back to the detention centre. On October 9th, 2009, her family received a notice saying that she was dying. They rushed to the Aohan Prefecture Detention Centre. Upon entering the women's cell, they saw Ms. Tang's body, which was frozen hard in the freezer. Although they could not examine her closely, they still saw that her head, back, and chest were covered with purple bruises.
Mr. Zhu Jingyun from Yongji County, Jilin Province Beaten Unconscious by Police Officers
2009-10-31On October 8th, 2009, police surrounded Mr. Zhu Jingyun's family home. Mr. Zhu tried to escape when he saw this group of police officers, but was captured and brought back to his home. Mr. Zhu Jingyun shouted "Falun Gong is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good! Faith is not a crime." However, his words resulted in a beating by the officers. Then, they grabbed his hair, and dragged him into the police car. Mr. Zhu's wife and his 90 year-old blind father attempted to stop this crime, but both were savagely beaten. Mr. Zhu was held in custody at the Chaluhe Public Security Branch, where he was brutally beaten and subjected to electric shock treatment until he fell unconscious, then was taken to the hospital.
Lishui Detention Centre Tortured Du Mingsheng to the Point of Mental Collapse
2009-10-31In July 2006, approximately eight police officers forcibly took Du Mingsheng to the Lishi County Detention Centre. Mr. Du was severely abused because he persevered in his faith and was not willing to reveal information about his fellow practitioners. According to people who were released from the detention centre, Du Mingsheng was tortured to the point of mental collapse and his body became very weak as well. His family visited him only once during that period and found that his mind was not clear. Du Mingsheng was released from the detention centre in October 2009. His current situation is quite worrying. He is quite restless at home and incapable of eating food by himself.
Su Wei and Qing Xiuying of Beijing Sent to Forced Labour Camp
2009-10-31On September 11th, 2009, Beijing Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Su Wei and Qing Xiuying were arrested by police and detained at Chaoyang Detention Centre. Currently, they are being held in a forced labour camp. Su Wei was sentenced to two years and six months of forced labour, and detained at the Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp. Qing Xiuying was sentenced to two years of forced labour and also taken to the same labour camp. Between 2003 and 2009, Su Wei served two forced labour sentences, for a total of five years. This is her third time in a forced labour camp.