Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Mr. Sun Changjun Dying in Jilin Prison
2009-09-19Mr. Sun Changjun is one of the eight Falun Gong practitioners that took part in tapping into the Changchun City cable TV network in March 2002 to broadcast videos exposing the persecution of Falun Gong. Of those eight practitioners, only two are still alive. Mr. Sun is currently confined to the Aged and Crippled Ward in the Jilin City Prison. The long-term brutal mistreatment has left him with a severe case of tuberculosis, and he is as thin as a skeleton and dying.
Mr. Li Zhigang Tortured During Interrogation and Detained for Over Six Months
2009-09-19Falun Gong practitioner Li Zhigang from Harbin was arrested, together with seven other friends, by the police at his home. He was severely tortured and is now showing symptoms of serious tuberculosis. His genitals are badly infected from the torture and he is being given unknown drugs. The Nangang District Court once notified Mr. Li's family members and his lawyers in Beijing that Li Zhigang would be brought to trial on June 22nd, 2009. However, after the lawyers travelled thousands of miles to get to the court in Harbin, they were told by case officer Song Chengzhang that the authorities (the 610 Office and the Political and Judiciary Committee) had given a last-minute notice saying this was a special case, and the trial was cancelled that day. Mr. Li Zhigang is still detained at the Nangang District Detention Centre.
City Pays Fifty Vicious Thugs 300,000 Yuan to Torture Six Practitioners for a Month
2009-09-19Between September 6th and October 4th, 2005, six practitioners were detained at the Petrochemical Sanatorium, which is located at Wenquan in Xianning City, Hubei Province. The funds provided for carrying out this persecution was over 300,000 yuan during one month's time. This money came directly from the city financial department. Over fifty people were involved in this persecution.
Report on the Persecution of Mr. Cui Xinghui
2009-09-19Mr. Cui Xinghui is a Falun Gong practitioner from Pingshan County in Hebei Province. He is a typical villager, but because he followed the principles of Falun Gong--Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance--trying to be a good person and telling people the facts about the persecution of Falun Gong, he was arrested, had funds extorted from him, was detained in brainwashing centres, was sentenced to forced labour, and was tortured. In the end, he was forced to leave home and live elsewhere.
Retired Professor Ms. Zeng Lingwen of Changchun Subjected to Long-term Abuse
2009-09-18Ms. Zeng Lingwen, 74, is a highly respected retired professor of physics and a Falun Gong practitioner. Because she practises Falun Gong she was arrested repeatedly and taken to detention centres and forced labour camps. She was recently taken to a police station for additional questioning following a police search of her home. Ms. Zeng has returned home, but the police keep monitoring her. The gross abuse and mistreatment at a forced labour camp is designed to push practitioners to their limit of endurance, physically and mentally, to break practitioners' will and force them to compromise their belief. Practitioners suffered from various tortures including high voltage baton shocks, the death bed, forced feeding, solitary confinement, violent beatings, hanging up, being forced to hold painful postures for long periods of time.
Ms. Wang Huiling, 60, Dies as a Result of Persecution
2009-09-18Ms. Wang Huiling went to Beijing to appeal against the persecution of Falun Gong in 2000, and was arrested. Ms. Wang was detained in the Harbin City Second Detention Centre. Ms. Wang was tortured at the detention centre, where they forcibly stripped off her clothes, and made her do repetitive sitting squats continuously, and then forced her to sit on the floor in a fixed position where she was not allowed to move. Several days later her family was notified that she had suffered a stroke, and was being sent to the hospital. When her family rushed there, Ms. Wang was unconscious. Over the past nine years Ms. Wang never fully recovered. Despite her condition, the police kept harassing her at home and threatened her and her entire family. Ms. Wang died under this tense environment.
Mr. Wenxian Cheng Detained in Wangcun Forced Labour Camp; Family Not Allowed to Visit
2009-09-18In October 2008, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Cheng Wenxian was arrested while he was telling people the facts about Falun Gong in Xuzhou City. He is being detained in Wangcun Forced Labour Camp in Zibo City. This is the second time that Mr. Cheng had been detained in a forced labour camp. Previously he was in Dashan Forced Labour Camp in Qingdao City for three years. His family wanted to visit him and take him some clothes when they learned of his arrest, but they were not allowed to see him.
Veteran Soldier Arrested for Trying to Rescue His Mother Dies in Police Custody
2009-09-18Ms. Ren Zhaoxia was arrested by the local 610 Office and the National Security Brigade. She was sent to Yibin City Detention Centre. This was the fourth time she had been taken away by the authorities for her belief in Falun Gong. Previously, she had been imprisoned for a year in a forced labour camp. Her son, Mr. Chen Xiangru, went to the detention centre to request his mother's release. The Chinese Communist Party officials then tried to arrest him. As a result, he was forced to quit his job and rent a room in Nanxi. On July 20th, 2009, Mr. Chen Xiangru was arrested and detained in the Nanxi Detention Centre. On August 8th, 2009, he died under unknown circumstances. Further details of his death are being investigated.
Ms. Li Fengzhen Disabled as a Result of Persecution
2009-09-17In June of 2008, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Fengzhen was arrested by Li Fuguo and Wang Min from the National Security Team of the Public Security Bureau in Tanghai County, Hebei Province. She was then sent to Tangshan Ankang Hospital where she received forced injections of unknown medicine. After Ms. Li was disabled by the persecution, she was sent back to her family. In only two months, the once healthy and rational Li Fengzhen basically lost her memory. She became mentally unstable and extremely skinny. She could not see clearly, nor could she stand upright and walk.
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Judge from Longjiang County, Heilongjiang Province Warns: Appealing (Unjust) Sentence Means Extended Prison Term
2009-09-17Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Yu Jinghe was arrested on May 8th, 2008 by police from Longjiang County. On June 11th, 2009 he was sentenced to three years in prison. The judge at the Longjiang County Court threatened him, "Don't appeal your case. If you do, your case will be handed back for re-trial and you will receive an extension to your prison term." Nonetheless, seeking justice, Mr. Yu's younger brother filed an appeal with the Intermediate Court of Qiqihar City on August 4th, 2008. Due to unclear facts and inadequate evidence in Mr. Yu's case, the court called off the original judgement and ordered a re-trial at the court where Mr. Yu was originally convicted.
Mr. Yin Sirong from Chengdu City Secretly Sentenced to Forced Labor Camp
2009-09-17Mr. Yin Sirong, a practitioner from Chengdu city was arrested by police officers from Wanzhou District Public Security Bureau, on July 31st, 2009, while he was at the home of another practitioner in Chongqing city. He has been on hunger strike ever since. At the time when the police submitted an application to send Mr. Yin to a forced labour camp, they also refused his lawyer's request to meet with him, stating that they were still awaiting confirmation that the person arrested was in fact Mr. Yin Sirong. On September 3rd, 2009, Mr. Yin was sentenced to the notorious Xishanping Forced Labour Camp.
Senior Sisters Beaten by Police Officers in Pi County, Sichuan Province
2009-09-17Ms. Zhang Yuanru and Ms. Zhang Yuanzhen are sisters from Chengdu City in Sichuan Province. At 10:00 p.m., on August 31st, 2009, they were arrested by officers from the Hongguang Town Police Station and brutally beaten. Both practitioners were kicked with heavy leather shoes, whipped with leather straps, beaten with electric batons, and savagely pinched. In less than 24 hours, their entire bodies were covered in bruises and turned black and blue.
Practitioner Zhang Puhe of Heilongjiang Province Tortured to the Verge Of Death
2009-09-16Mr. Zhang Puhe was sentenced to ten years imprisonment by the Chinese Communist regime, and is currently detained and being tortured at Lianjiangkou Prison in Jiamusi City. His life is in imminent danger. Guards ordered him to recite the prison rules. When Mr. Zhang refused, the guards used thirty-thousand volt electric batons to shock him all over his body. They also forbid him from speaking. When Mr. Zhang still refused to recite the prison rules, the guards instigated inmates to beat his face, which swelled and had blue and purple bruises. Mr. Zhang is extremely weak and is on the verge of death.
Chinese Communist Party Still Actively Attempting to Poison the Children
2009-09-16Written in a textbook entitled "Thoughts and Moral Character," for 2009 Grade 6 students and published by Zhejiang Education Publishing House, there are sections defaming Falun Gong. It not only slanders Falun Gong, but space is left in the textbook to encourage the students to write their own words that attack Falun Gong. It not only threatens that people distributing the leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong will be jailed, but also urges the children to report anyone they see handing out the materials. The main theme is that "studying Zhuan Falun (the main text of Falun Gong) is against the law." This text book requests that schools hold photo exhibitions, discussion meetings, and force students to defame Falun Gong.
The Persecution of Mr. Li Zhibiao, a Former Cerebellar Degeneration Patient
2009-09-16In 1999 when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began to persecute Falun Gong practitioners, Mr. Li Zhibiao, a person who had finally been able to live a normal life after being disabled all his life, became the target of the persecution, too. He was arrested four times and brutally mistreated. As a result, he started to frequently fall into a state of sudden unconsciousness. Although he managed to escape from detention the ordeal took its toll on Mr. Li's physical and mental health. He was significantly affected by the terror he experienced during his escape. The police have gone to Mr. Li's workplace to harass him many times since 2006.