Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Businessman Chen Xibu Dies as a Result of Persecution
2008-09-13Since July 1999, when the Chinese Communist Party began persecuting Falun Gong, 56-year-old Mr. Chen Xibu's family has endured all sorts of brutal mistreatment, such as having their homes ransacked numerous times, being arrested, and being extorted out of their money and possessions. Mr. Chen was detained multiple times. The police sentenced Mr. Chen to eight years in prison in 2003. He was tortured and locked in a small cell. His health declined. In 2007, they force-fed unknown substances in him. They had to stop the force-feeding when Mr. Chen vomited large amounts of blood. He was so weak and exhausted that he died on August 31st, 2008.
Witnessing the Mistreatment of Falun Gong Practitioners, a Non-practitioner Asks "Where Is the Justice in China?"
2008-09-13On August 4th, 2008, I went to the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp, Liaoning Province, to visit the sister of a good friend, Ms. Liu Guijin, who is detained there because she is a Falun Gong practitioner. On the bus I met a nine-year-old boy on his way to visit his mum, who is detained because she is also a Falun Gong practitioner. Every month, on visiting day, the little boy comes all the way from Dalian City to visit his mother in prison. The aunt told me that the boy's father suffered a nervous breakdown and passed away after the mother had been arrested, and the boy has been living at a relative's home since his father's death. Since all of his relatives are poor, he has now been forced to move from one relative's to another for an entire year, staying only a few days at a time.
Ms. Wu Suqiong and Her Fifteen-year-old Daughter Arrested, Beaten and Forced to Undergo Brainwashing
2008-09-13On July 22nd, 2008, eight plain-clothes policeman broke into the house where Ms. Wu Suqiong, her daughter and Ms. Zhao Fengying and forcibly took them away. While trying to stop them, Ms Zhao Fengying, who is in her sixties, was knocked down to the ground by policeman Cui Yuling. After another round of violent beating, Ms. Zhao and Ms. Wu's daughter were taken away. Bystanders witnessed the brutality of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) policemen. The next day, the police took the three of them to the notorious Jinan Detention Centre. For refusing to cooperate with the persecution, Wu Suqiong suffered tremendous tortures and insults. She was beaten by guards, who instigated all the inmates (there are fifteen to sixteen of them in one cell) to attack her at the same time, beating and kicking her.
World Record Breaking Handicapped Athlete Suffers Brutal Persecution
2008-09-12A champion handicapped athlete, a world record holder, has been tortured and otherwise persecuted for many years in China--persecuted for his belief in Falun Gong. Mr. Zhang Qingyuan had been taken into custody numerous times since the persecution of Falun Gong began in 1999. He was brutally tortured and in the end, forced to leave town. At the end of May 2008, just before the Olympic torch relay took place in Wuhan City, officials were looking for Mr. Zhang Qingyuan. They threatened his family, trying to find out where he was. They even searched the homes of his relatives, and certain family members were followed and placed under surveillance. On August 2nd, 2008, less than a week before the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics, Mr. Zhang's younger sister, Ms. Zhang Zhen, a practitioner, was arrested
Persecution in the Shunyi District near Beijing Conducted by Officials Claiming to Be "Safeguarding the Olympics"
2008-09-12The Shunyi District is north-east of Beijing and was to host the rowing and long-distance swimming competitions at the Shunyi Olympic Rowing-Canoeing Park for the 2008 Olympics. The police from the Shunyi National Security Bureau and the Domestic Security Division had compiled the documents of local Falun Gong practitioners into a special file, which included their names, ages, family members, acquaintances, and contact details. Practitioners then had to write a guarantee statement promising that they would give up practising Falun Gong, and they would not go out during the Olympics.
Mr. Sun Tiechun from Benxi, Liaoning Province Brutally Tortured, Driven to Mental Collapse by Drug Injections
2008-09-12Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Sun Tiechun was recently arrested by the Chinese Communist regime, despite the fact that he had not yet fully recovered from the last time he was subjected to torture. Mr. Sun has been persecuted repeatedly for refusing to denounce Falun Gong, and as a result has suffered mental and physical torture. In September 2004, police arrested Mr. Sun. On seven or eight occasions, he was locked up in a small windowless cell that was infested with mosquitoes and other insects. The prison police tortured him with the brutal "stretching torture," and injected him with an unknown drug. When Mr. Sun screamed from the unbearable pain induced by the injection, officer Dong Bo ordered a prisoner to seal Mr. Sun's mouth with tape.
70-Year-Old Mr. Wei Yingxin Tortured at Yangjiang Prison
2008-09-12Mr. Wei Yingxin is 70 years old. Police officers arrested Mr. Wei Yingxin on September 12th, 2005 because he practises Falun Gong. The authorities told Wei to sign a document to renounce his belief. Wei refused, and a policeman shoved him against a sharp corner. Mr. Wei immediately lost consciousness from the pain and sustained lower back injuries. He was bedridden for two weeks. He was taken to the Yangjiang Prison in Guangdong Province on August 16th, 2006, where he remains incarcerated to this day. The guards tortured him by forcing him to bend over at a 90-degree angle, with his arms behind his back, raised toward the ceiling. They made him do this for two hours each time and put a pair of 55 lb. shackles on his feet.
55-Year-Old Mr. Cheng Yuanlong Dies as a Result of Torture at Benxi City Prison
2008-09-11Mr. Cheng Yuanlong, 55, wished to tell people about the goodness of Falun Gong, so he went out to distribute leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong in October 2001. He was arrested, and the police detained him in November 2001. During his detention, guards stomped on his ribs, causing internal injuries that needed more than six months to heal. Mr. Cheng was sentenced to six years in prison. Several years of abuse suffered in Xihu Prison of Benxi City caused Mr. Cheng to become emaciated, but he never give up his faith. On August 20th, 2007, Prison Administration officials suddenly carried Mr. Cheng home without notification, evidently afraid that he was dying. They left him to his family. Due to the severity of his condition, he could not eat normally or recover. Mr. Cheng died on March 7th, 2008.
Fourteen-Year-Old Girl Beaten by Police for Requesting Her Mother's Release
2008-09-11A fourteen-year-old girl came to the Ningjiang Street Police Station in Shongyuan City, Jilin Province on August 24th, 2008, and asked for the release of her mother, who had been imprisoned there for three months. The girl had been thrown out by her landlord, and she had no money for tuition or room and board for the upcoming school year. On August 25th, the girl's aunt went to the police station with the girl, but the director refused to release the mother. Officer Yuan Chuanlei entered the room and he punched and kicked the girl dozens of times. Her head was badly bruised, and she was dizzy long after the beating. The officer threatened her, "You will be sent to juvenile reform if you dare to ask for your mother again."
His Mother Sentenced to Prison, Ms. Deng Linfeng's Son Dies after Being Threatened by the Police
2008-09-11Ms. Deng Linfeng, 42, and her 17-year-old son went through the security check before entering the train station and was arrested when security staff found informational materials exposing the persecution of Falun Gong that she was carrying. The police forced her son, who was terrified, to lead them to their home. They threatened Ms. Deng and demanded information about other Falun Gong practitioners. When she refused to cooperate, they took her to the Jiamusi Railroad Detention Centre. After the trauma of seeing his mother arrested the boy became seriously ill. Ms. Deng's husband had to sell their house to take their son to see the doctors. Even after spending several thousand yuan, he still couldn't prevent their son from dying on their way home on August 20th, 2008.
Mr. Qiu Baohe from Jiaohe City, Jilin Province, Secretly Sentenced to Five Years of Imprisonment
2008-09-11As of July 29th, 2008, Mr. Qiu Baohe, a Falun Gong practitioner, has been detained for over four months in Jiaohe Detention Centre. He has been secretly sentenced to five years of imprisonment by the Jiaohe City Court. A guard surnamed Li refused to allow Mr. Qiu's family to visit him in the detention centre. Li also threatened them, saying that practitioners weren't allowed to hire lawyers. The court issued a verdict on July 21st but did not notify Mr. Qiu or his family. Court officials did threaten Mr. Qiu, saying, "Your sentence will be longer if the case is appealed."
Mr. Yang Guang Tortured to Death in Jilin Province Prison
2008-09-10Mr. Yang Guang, 56, was arrested in November 2000. Changchun City Police Department interrogated Mr. Yang using cruel torture methods such as: long duration electric baton shocks, tiger bench, beatings with a steel rod, being hung up and beaten with hands cuffed behind the back, sleep deprivation, oxygen deprivation (suffocation with plastic bag over the head), and being force-fed liquor. He was detained in prisons and his health worsened. In 2006, Mr. Yang Guang was 100 per cent paralysed but the Prison would not release him. He died on August 25th, 2008.
The Tragic Death of a Falun Gong Practitioner in Panjin City, Liaoning Province during the Olympics
2008-09-10During the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, over ten practitioners from Panjin City, Liaoning Province were arrested by police in their homes. Because Ms. Yang Jingfen practised Falun Gong, six policemen from broke into her home on August 18th 2008. The leader waved his name badge and told her husband: "Yang Jingfen is suspected of being a Falun Gong practitioner, we will take her away." Later her husband found out she was dead in front of their apartment building. The policemen told him that she had jumped to her death. Whether she jumped to escape persecution or was pushed out the window, aren't the police responsible for her death in either case?
Falun Gong Practitioner Xu Peng from Songyuan City Subjected To Torture, Secret Trial
2008-09-10Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Xu Peng from Songyuan City, Jilin Province was arrested on April 22nd, 2008. He is being held at the Shanyou Detention Centre. Guard Ma Hongzhe tortured him using a procedure called the "Big Hang-up," which rendered him unable to walk. Mr. Xu has been arrested three times. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) personnel extorted a confession from him and framed him for committing a crime, labelling him as an "anti-CCP ringleader." Now they intend to hold a secret trial to sentence him.
Liu Ruping and His Wife from Jinan City Arrested Again
2008-09-10Mr. Liu Ruping, a Falun Gong practitioner, was a lawyer. On August 12th, 2008, just as Mr. Liu's wife, Ms. Zhang, was leaving home, officials from the 610 Office and the police station in Changqing arrested her. They took her house key and entered her home without the permission of her husband (Liu Ruping) and son, who were home at the time. The police ransacked the home. So that Mr. Liu wouldn't shout, the officers sprayed pepper water on his face, keeping him from talking or opening his eyes. Liu Ruping was taken to a Jinan brainwashing centre in the Liuchangshan District. Ms. Zhang was put in the Jinan detention centre.