Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
The Persecution and Torture I Experienced at the Hands of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
2008-06-26In 2001 I was arrested by police because I practise Falun Gong. In the detention centre, the guards forced us to perform hard labour daily. We had to meet a high quota. We hand crafted flowers for funerals. We were forbidden to do the Falun Gong exercises. I did the exercises anyway, so the guards beat me. The guards treated me brutally. They handcuffed me to an iron bed, and chained my feet to it. When the guards gave me an intravenous injection, they claimed that they were trying to find the blood vessel. They hit my wrists heavily. My hands hurt a lot from these beatings. The guards used the thickest feeding tube they could find to force-feed me. They took pleasure in making me feel pain.
Ms. Lu Yanling from Shulan City, Jilin Province Critically Ill Due to Mistreatment
2008-06-26On March 12th, 2008, Ms. Lu Yanling, a Falun Gong practitioner, was arrested by three police officers from the Nancheng Police Station and a group of police officers from the State Security Division. She was detained in Nanshan Detention Centre, where she developed serious heart disease and other problems due to ill-treatment. Under the pretext of medical treatment, the authorities of the Shulan City Procuratorate transferred her to the Changchun City Police Hospital for further detention and abuse. At present, she is critically ill.
The Persecution Suffered by Sixty-Plus Year Old Practitioner Ms. Zhang Peiying in Faku County, Liaoning Province
2008-06-26In 2004, police ransacked over sixty-year-old Ms. Zhang Peiying's home. They took Ms. Zhang to the notorious Masanjia Forced Labour Camp, where she was sentenced to one year of forced labour. In the labour camp, Ms. Zhang was subjected to brainwashing numerous times. She went on a hunger strike to resist the persecution. On July 16th, 2005, after guards force fed Ms. Zhang, they poured a bowl of boiling water down her throat. This burned Ms. Zhang severely and she rolled on the floor for two to three hours.
Ms. Gui Youyun from Hengyang Injected with an Unknown Drug by Guards
2008-06-26Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Gui Youyun has been arrested and detained in the Hengyang Detention Centre. Ms. Gui refused to give up her belief in Falun Gong and went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. The guards at the detention centre forcibly pried open Ms. Gui Youyun's mouth and fed her a large amount of concentrated salt water. As a result, Ms. Gui's teeth fell out and a great amount of blood gushed out of her mouth. The guards then injected an unknown drug into her body, which has made her critically ill. Her family begged the guards to release her, but the guards refused with all kinds of excuses and shouted, "If she dies, no one will be liable for her death!"
Elderly Ms. Liu Yuanfang Died as a Result of Persecution in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province
2008-06-25Seventy-year-old Ms. Liu Yuanfang went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. She was taken to Qianmen Police Station and placed in a wired cage. After returning home, Ms. Liu was continuously harassed by the police. As a result of the relentless persecution, Ms. Liu began to suffer symptoms of illness. Ms. Liu passed away on September 10th, 2003.
Gross Physical and Mental Abuse in Wumaping Prison, Sichuan Province
2008-06-25Wumaping Prison was only allocated some construction materials such as steel and concrete. The inmates have to mine and produce other construction materials such as stone, bricks, and lumber, and they have to do the construction. Numerous inmates have died or had become disabled during the construction. They are treated like animals. Once an explosive device did not go off, and the prison head ordered the prisoners to check it out. The prisoners tried to beg off, saying it was too dangerous, but who could argue against the guards' raised guns and whips? As a consequence, the huge explosion instantly killed many prisoners! Their cause of death was recorded as "violating operating regulations." Who dares to question the responsibility for this?
Ms. Li Xiulan Severely Tortured in Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp
2008-06-25Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Xiulan underwent intense physical and psychological torture during her 16 months in Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp in 2002. The guards at the camp deprived Ms. Li of sleep in an attempt to make her renounce her belief. Ms. Li exposed the brutal practices that were used to try to "reform" Falun Gong practitioners. Two chiefs made inmate Ma Jun beat Ms. Li mercilessly. Ma knocked Ms. Li to the ground, pressed his knee on Ms. Li's right kidney, and punched her in the stomach. Later, Ms. Li was forced to do farm labour, which included digging soil and carrying manure. Ms. Li's physical condition remains extremely serious. Her right kidney and stomach have become rock-hard as a result of her injuries. She is in constant pain each day.
Jiangdu Court Trial Shows the Despicable Nature of the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) Court System
2008-06-25On June 12th, Judge Zhang Jun of Jiangdu Court in Jiangsu Province presided over a trial involving defendant Mr. Wei Bensheng, a Falun Gong practitioner. At the beginning of the trial, two public prosecutors from Jiangdu Municipal Procuratorate read aloud the false, fabricated charges against Mr. Wei. Mr. Wei's defence lawyers pointed out to the court that the prosecution against Mr. Wei was in direct violation of the Chinese constitution, which grants each Chinese citizen the right to freedom of belief and freedom of speech.
My Own Story: My Sister and I Were Tortured in a Forced Labour Camp, My Father and Husband Died
2008-06-24My name is Yan Jingqiu. I'm 49 years old and a Falun Gong practitioner from the North District in Qingdao City, Shandong Province. I was sentenced to forced labour and was brutally persecuted in a labour camp for persisting in my belief and insisting on freedom of speech. My oldest sister, Yan Jinghua, was also sentenced to forced labour. Due to the intense pressure, both my husband and my father died, but I was unable to see them in their last moments.
Additional Facts Regarding the Torture-Related Death of Ms. Zhou Fenglin in Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province
2008-06-24On December 30th, 2000, five police officers stormed into Ms. Zhou Fenglin's home and took her into custody without any reason. Ms. Zhou went on hunger strike to protest her arrest and detention. The guards brutally force-fed her and cuffed her wrists and ankles onto a torture board that is usually used on death-row prisoners. She was dragged into a cell at noon on January 9th, 2001 after being tortured on that board for nine days. Her cell-mates saw that her breathing was getting weaker and weaker, and she looked like she was about to die, so they called the guards to help her. Guards took her to the hospital to be resuscitated. Ms. Zhou died the same day.
Mr. Jiang Qiulai Dies from Torture-Inflicted Wounds in Hebei Province
2008-06-24Mr. Jiang Qiulai (over 60, exact age unknown), lived in Renqiu City, Hebei Province. On October 10th, 2007, Mr. Jiang and fellow practitioners were arrested while doing the Falun Gong exercises at home. His home was ransacked. Mr. Jiang was detained in Renqiu City Detention Centre for four months, and he was severely tortured with brutal force-feeding among other methods. On February 27th, 2008, his family picked him up, for his condition so urgent that he could not walk. Mr. Jiang was bedridden and could not take care of himself. His family took him to see doctors, and they found he had four fractured ribs. Mr. Jiang told them they were caused by guards beating him in the detention centre. Mr. Jiang's family had him treated with intravenous injections, but he died on June 11th, 2008.
Older Practitioner Mr. Zhao Qingshan Dies After Being Cruelly Tortured in Heilongjiang Province
2008-06-24On January 20th, 2002, Mr. Zhao was arrested by police. Mr. Zhao was interrogated and tortured, while cuffed to an "iron chair" with his hands cuffed behind the back of the chair and his mouth taped. The officers kicked Mr. Zhao in the shins with their leather boots, to the point that his bones were exposed. He suffered excruciating pain during this terrible ordeal. Mr. Zhao was imprisoned several times more. When he was released from Daqing City Prison in 2005, he was in critical condition and could not eat at all. His entire body was in pain and he was unable to take care of himself. After two years of being bedridden, he died on June 18th, 2008.
Eight Additional Deaths Due to Torture Verified in May 2008
2008-06-23In May 2008, it was reported that eight Falun Gong practitioners died as a direct result of the persecution. Among them, two were female and three were over 50 years old. All eight victims died between January and May of this year, 2008, with three of the eight deaths occurring in May. The Minghui/Clearwisdom website has revealed that among the 42 confirmed death reports between January and May 2008, thirty-four died within the period of January to May.
Police Officers Search the Home of a Retired Teacher and Her Disabled Daughter
2008-06-23On May 28th, 2008, Ms. Zhang Fuhua, a retired teacher living in the Oil Extraction Community, Dagang Oil Field, Tianjin City, had her home broken into by seven police officers. Claiming that someone had reported Ms. Zhang for practising Falun Gong, distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong, officers searched her home and seized all Falun Gong-related books and materials. Before leaving, several police seized her hand and forced her to sign a piece of paper against her will.
Arrests of Falun Gong Practitioners Wang Yinghua, Wang Yingxia, and Others from Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province
2008-06-23Two sisters, Wang Yinghua and Wang Yingxia, were arrested and detained by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials. The oldest sister, Wang Yinghua, was detained in Jiamusi Detention Centre for more than two months after she was arrested by the Tiananmen Square police for appealing for Falun Gong in Beijing. The police did not release her until she was near death due to the police brutality. The other sister, Wang Yingxia, was also arrested, and her house has been ransacked five times since 1999. The police have extorted tens of thousands of yuan from her. She was twice sent to a forced labour camp. When she was detained in Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp, the police put her through numerous forms of torture.