Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
My Ordeal at the Suihua Forced Labour Camp in Heilongjiang Province
2008-02-05Xu Yushan was arrested when police found Falun Gong books in his possession. He was severely tortured in a forced labour camp. He recounts, "After they confirmed my stance toward Falun Gong the guards said, It seems you are not afraid of death. We will not let you die, but will make you live in a state worse than death. We just want to play with you. When we are tired of playing we will make you completely disabled. Then we let you go home and die at home several days later.'"
After Hiring a Lawyer, Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Liu Jin's Family Is Threatened by the Beijing National Security Police
2008-02-05In January 2008, after hiring a lawyer in Beijing, the family of Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Liu Jin, who had been arrested by police officers in Shanghai, was threatened and harassed by officers from the Beijing National Security Team. They were warned that they must not contact any lawyers, or otherwise, they would "create a lot trouble for themselves." Ms. Liu Jin's family hired a well-known human rights lawyer in China, Mo Shaoping, as her defence lawyer. Soon afterward, Ms. Liu's relatives in Beijing were harassed and threatened by the local police.
Shenyang Prison Is a Hell on Earth
2008-02-04Since 2003 in the Shenyang No. 1 Prison, at least 40 people have died from unnatural deaths; some were starved to death, some died from boiling water poured onto their bodies, some were unable to stand the torture and committed suicide, and more prisoners died due to being given no treatment for their illnesses. For example, small lesions on the skin develop into more serious conditions which eventually become incurable, often resulting in the prisoner's death. However, the prison officials stated that the causes of death of all of these people were due to normal illnesses. Many families are not allowed to see the corpses of their dead relatives.
Vicious "Reform" Methods Used at the Women's Forced Labour Camp in Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province
2008-02-04The prison guards would interrogate the practitioners, while a gang of "collaborators" would threaten the practitioners and force them to wear the prison uniform and name tags. They also try to convince the practitioners that they had broken the law and admit guilt. They would also bring in prisoners to monitor the practitioners. The prisoners are charged with subjecting the practitioners to sleep deprivation, denying them the chance to go to the toilet or drink water, and forcing them to stand for long periods of time. The practitioners often stage persecution-protest hunger strikes, but they are then force-fed and beaten by the guards.
Three Falun Gong Practitioners from Dalian City Pass Away as a Result of Persecution
2008-02-04Ms. Liang Weiping started practising Falun Gong in 1998 and had regained her health through the practice. After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started persecuting Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999, police officers arrested her. They searched her and took her to the police station to persecute her. She was so frightened that she passed out and was taken to a hospital. After being unable to get any information from her, the police officers ransacked her home. In the following years of the CCP authorities' persecution and torture, Ms. Liang had been harmed both mentally and physically. She died on September 7th, 2002 at 65 years of age.
Mr. Yuan Yizhi's Happy Family Devastated by Persecution
2008-02-04On October 21st, 2007, a group of police officers broke into Mr. Yuan Yizhi's home and ransacked it. They took away his personal belongings, which included a desktop computer, a notebook computer, a printer, a scanner, a fax machine and two mobile phones. Him and his wife were then taken away by force, and detained at the Yaojia Detention Centre. The police officers ransacked their home again several times and took away anything that was valuable. Mr. Yuan's two-year-old son had to be taken care of by his aunt. When he woke up in the middle of the night and realised that it was not his mum lying next to him, he would cry loudly. During the detention of his parents the boy had been hospitalised several times due to an illness caused by stress and anxiety.
Ms. Huang Shuyun and Ms. Zhou Yuying in Critical Condition in Jilin Province
2008-02-03On January 4th, 2008, Falun Dafa practitioners Ms. Huang Shuyun and Ms. Zhou Yuying went to Dashu Village in Shuiquliu Town to distribute leaflets exposing the persecution. They were reported and then arrested by local police officers. They were detained in Nanshan Detention Centre and are both in critical condition due to being brutally treated. Ms. Huang appeared to have seizures and was frothing at the mouth. Ms. Zhou passed out due to heart problems. They were both rushed to the Shulan City Hospital on January 24th, for emergency treatment, and then taken back to Nanshan Detention Centre the same day. On January 25th, Ms. Zhou passed out again, and they could not find her pulse or measure her blood pressure. She is still being treated in the Shulan City Hospital.
Mr. Shen Hailong Sentenced to Eighteen Years of Imprisonment and Transferred to Nanguanling Prison in Dalian City
2008-02-03Mr. Shen Hailong, a practitioner from Anshan City, Liaoning Province, was sentenced to 18 years of imprisonment because he participated in broadcasting messages exposing the persecution of Falun Gong via satellite. In prison, he has been brutally tortured. When Mr. Shen Hailong was arrested, his child was just two years old. His wife was in poor health and had to rely on his parents to subsist. His child would often cry in front of his picture.
Practitioners Brutally Persecuted in Brainwashing Sessions in Huaihua City, Hunan Province
2008-02-03In the latter half of 2007, under direct orders from the Huaihua City 610 Office authorities held another brainwashing session to brutally persecute Falun Gong practitioners. The following are some of the persecution methods used against practitioners in attempts to force them to renounce Falun Gong: forcing practitioners to watch videotapes and cartoons slandering Falun Gong, holding meetings attacking Falun Gong, and holding classes to spread lies to slander Falun Gong. They also used threats to force Falun Gong practitioners to write the "three statements" to give up their practice. They beat, handcuffed, hung up and verbally abused practitioners who remained steadfast in their belief.
Persecution at the Tumuji Forced Labour Camp in Inner Mongolia
2008-02-03Former Tongliao Elementary School teacher Ms. Wang Ying, Ms. Wan Xiuying's daughter, was tortured by being hung up by the handcuffs, beaten with clubs, shocked with two high-voltage electric batons, and beaten by multiple people simultaneously. She was eventually crippled by the abuse she suffered. A CT scan indicated that she had contracted myocarditis, and the torture she suffered also resulted in her loss of hearing. She was released only when she was on the verge of death, even though she had been crippled for a long period of time.
Ms. Zhang Shujun Dies as Result of Torture in Jiangxi Province
2008-02-02Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhang Shujun, 47, went to Beijing to appeal to the government several times. Because she tried to inform people about the true nature of Falun Gong, she was arrested and sentenced to three years in prison. Ms. Zhang was arrested again in March 2006 and charged with producing leaflets exposing the persecution. The Qingyunpu District Court in Nanchang City sentenced her to ten years in prison. She endured numerous brutal tortures while she was incarcerated, and her friends and family were not allowed to visit her. On January 4th, 2008, Ms. Zhang was paralysed and in critical condition. Guards called her family and instructed them to pick her up from the prison hospital. She was thus "bailed out for medical treatment" on the verge of death. Only 16 days later, Ms. Zhang died in her home at around 3 a.m. on January 20th, 2008.
Additional Information Regarding the Persecution Death of Outstanding Teacher Ms. Hou Youfang from Gansu Province
2008-02-02Ms. Hou Youfang was a physics teacher. She was persecuted to death in Gansu Province No. 1 Labour Camp, on November 29th, 2002; she was only 48 years old. She had been arrested for speaking out for justice for Falun Gong and sentenced to two years of forced labour. An official announced: "No matter what you do, make sure you keep her in the labour camp." A guard at the labour camp, instigated other inmates into beating and verbally abusing Hou Youfang. The labour camp guards used all types of torture on her. Ms. Hou Youfang died on November 29th, 2002, as a result of torture and relentless persecution. Fellow practitioners were witnesses that Ms. Hou Youfang had been beaten so severely that her arms and ribs and pelvis were fractured.
Ms. Liu Guifu Sent to Forced Labour Camp Twice and Now in Exile Overseas
2008-02-02Former Beijing resident Ms. Liu Guifu was sent to forced labour camps twice for her belief in "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." With the help of many kind people and international pressure, she was released on August 31st, 2007, and is now overseas. When Ms. Liu Guifu was detained in the Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp, the guards forced her to take unidentified drugs, did not allow her to sleep, made her sit in one position for more than 20 hours at a time, forced her to stand for long periods of time, and beat and mentally tortured her. Her daughter in the U.S. tried every way she could to rescue her mother, and many Americans helped her. On August 16th, 2005, after numerous requests, her family was finally allowed to see her. They could not even recognise her. Her weight had dropped from more than 70 kg to less than 50 kg. Her hair was totally white, her face full of wrinkles, and her movements were very slow.
Chongqing Women's Labour Camp Trains Prisoners to Violently Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners
2008-02-02In the first half of 2007, the Chongqing Women's Labour Camp trained "personal monitors" (drug addicts assigned to persecute Falun Gong practitioners) in techniques for choking practitioners and striking practitioners' heads with their fists. The camp authorities even tested the criminal inmates on this training. When all else is quiet at night, one can always hear noise from the beatings in the labour camp. Falun Gong practitioner Zhao Fengxia (about 30 years old) could not speak for a couple of months after being beaten. Her facial expression was very stiff and awkward. Although she can talk now, her speech is very slow and slurred.
Older Practitioner Ms. Ni Shuzhi Dies after Long Imprisonment
2008-02-01Ms. Ni Shuzhi, 60, began cultivating Falun Gong in 1998. In May 2002, Ms. Ni was arrested from her home and sentenced to five years in prison. She was detained in the hospital ward because of a physical condition, but she was still tortured in all sorts of ways. At the end of 2006, she had a nosebleed and asked for some cotton balls from the prison nurse. The cotton ball she was given had a very strong odour. Soon afterward, she could not talk and developed a terrible cough and diarrhoea. After she was released in May 2007, the doctors diagnosed her with cirrhosis, ascites due to cirrhosis, heart failure, pharyngitis, and inadequate blood flow to the brain and the heart. She died on January 19th, 2008.