Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Ms. Xu Ailian Suffering in the Xiangtan City Mental Hospital in Hunan Province
2008-01-28Because Ms. Xu Ailian persisted in practising Falun Gong she was arrested. At present, she is being held in Xiangtan City Mental Hospital. When Ms. Xu went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution, she was held down by 5 to 6 hospital staff members and then brutally force-fed by doctors, with a tube inserted into her nose. They also shocked her with a device that carries high voltage electricity. Under orders from the local authorities, the hospital doctors shackled Ms. Xu to a bed and injected her with drugs that damage the central nervous system. She lost consciousness almost as soon as she was injected. Ms. Xu was tied down like this to her bed for seven days in a row. Even now she is still not clear-headed, and is short of breath and fatigued.
Elderly Couple from Tangshan City, Hebei Province Arrested, Tortured, Imprisoned
2008-01-28Plainclothes policemen from Tangshan City broke into the home of Falun Gong practitioners Zhang Zongsu and Li Guocai and ransacked it. They arrested the elderly couple and their non-practitioner son and confiscated their computer and printer. Ms. Zhang Zongsu did not cooperate with the persecutors' orders to strip off her clothes. The police used various means to torture her. They violently beat her, did not allow her to sleep, handcuffed her, forced her to wear shackles and force-fed her. As a result of the torture, there were two big holes on her lower legs from the shackles. When they force-fed her, they knocked out her two incisors. She was unable to take care of herself for half a month.
Persecution Endured by a Husband and Wife, Wang Wenlai and Yang Shizhen, from Meingyin County, Shandong Province
2008-01-28Ms. Yang Zhizhen, 64 years old, is a Falun Gong practitioner. Before she learned Falun Gong, she had esophageal cancer and no treatment she received was effective. Now, her cancer has disappeared and her entire family knows that Falun Gong saved her life. Her husband had a hunched back due to longstanding labour. After he learned Falun Gong, his back strengthened and he is now more healthy than many young people. The people in the village have witnessed their changes and marvelled at Falun Gong. However, since the persecution of Falun Gong started, the couple has been arrested, jailed and extorted 20,000 yuan and their home ransacked several times.
Shanghai 610 Office Agents Persecute Mr. Lu Jinquan's Family
2008-01-28In 2001, Mr. Lu Jinquan, his wife, Ms. Geng Jianhua, and his younger sister, Ms. Lu Jinfen, were all taken into custody at the same time and sentenced to two years of forced labour. Ms. Geng Jianhua was handcuffed and hung up by police for 17 hours, disabling one of her hands. She still cannot move it easily to this day. When he returned home after his release from the labour camp, Mr. Lu continued to be unceasingly harassed by the authorities. He was not allowed to return to his original position as a group level military officer in the army and was assigned to guard a car park.
Doctor Wang Jianming of Xianghe County Chinese Medicine Hospital in Hebei Province Sentenced to Forced Labour for the Third Time
2008-01-27On October 11th, 2007, policemen from the National Security Team arrested Wang Jianming, MD, and detained him in the Langfang brainwashing centre. They claimed that they had to do this to protect the 17th Party Congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) that was being held at the time. The arrest was initiated by the authorities of the Xianghe County 610 Office and Xianghe Police Department. On December 28th, 2007, Dr. Wang was transferred from Langfang Brainwashing Centre to the forced labour camp in Shijiazhuang. The paperwork said that, this time, he was sentenced to two years of forced labour.
Shaanxi Province Women's Prison: A Pleasant Exterior Hides Sinister Crimes Inside
2008-01-27Looking at it from the outside, Shaanxi Women's Prison looks beautifully landscaped, but the smell of blood clings to its walls. The Ninth Ward of Shaanxi Women Prison, which houses the "Strictly Monitored Team," is dedicated to "transforming" Falun Gong practitioners by force. A basement area below the visitor's room is used as a secret torture room. Guards of the Ninth Ward have surreptitiously been taking Falun Gong practitioners who refuse to abandon their beliefs or to write the required "three statements" to renounce Falun Gong, to the basement to be brutally tortured.
Ms. Li Yumei and Ms. Zhang Yufeng Held in Luquan Prison, Hebei Province
2008-01-27Ms. Li Yumei has been arrested twice and detained three times because she believes in Falun Dafa. On June 28th, 2007, Ms. Li was arrested and brutally beaten by National Security Division officials. When her daughter, Ms. Zhao Yunfei, tried to stop the men from beating her mother, she was also arrested and detained for 15 days. Agents from the Wanquan County Political and Judiciary Committees, the police, and the procuratorate and court officials all colluded to sentence Ms. Li Yumei to six years in prison. On December 27th, 2007, she was taken to the Luquan Women's Prison in Shijiazhuang City.
Falun Gong Practitioners Sentenced in Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province
2008-01-27It has been reported that Saertu Court officials in Daiqing City secretly sentenced three Falun Gong practitioners to incarceration, including Liu Zhigao, Yang Jinfeng and Yin Guirong. The sentences given were seven years for Mr. Liu, detained at unknown location, and three and a half years each for Ms. Yang and Ms. Yin, who are both incarcerated at Harbin City Women's Prison. After arresting him, the police used various methods of torture on Mr. Liu. The persecutors had severely burned his oesophagus and stomach by force-feeding him mustard oil, and as a result he lost his ability to eat. He became emaciated and almost died.
Ms. Yao Shilan from Tianjin City Tortured to Disability in Tianjin Women's Prison
2008-01-26Ms. Yao Shilan is a 58-year-old practitioner, who has endured persecution at the hands of agents from the Wuqing District 610 Office, Banqiao Women's Forced Labour Camp in Dagang City, and Tianjin City Women's Prison. On April 4th, 2007, police arrested her again. She was placed in a detention centre and in Tianjin Women's Prison, where she was injected with unidentified drugs. Ms. Yao went home on November 23rd, 2007. Currently, she is still extremely weak and unable to take care of herself.
Li Xiunan Sent to Forced Labour Camp; His Disabled Wife Suffers Stress Induced Heart Attack
2008-01-26Mr. Li Xiunan, 54, began practising Falun Gong in 1998 and his ulcer and eye problems disappeared. On December 9th, 2007, while Liu Xiunan was posting leaflets exposing the persecution, he was grabbed and taken to a detention centre by security guards. In the detention centre they tried to make him disclose the source of the materials using brutal force. His wife went to see him at the detention centre, but the guard did not allow her to see him, and she was kicked out. Li Xiunan was given one year of detention in a forced labour camp and forced to slave labour 12-hours a day. His wife had a heart attack due to the overwhelming stress.
Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested in Shan County, Shandong Province
2008-01-26Recently, claiming that they were "eliminating activities that spread negative propaganda," Shandong Province 610 Office personnel tried to stop Falun Gong practitioners from distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong. At the same time, Shan County of Hezhe City was classified as one of the important counties to be singled out for persecution by the Shandong Province Police Department and Hezhe City Police Department. The police sent special groups from the provincial and city police departments to Shan County for reinforcements and to focus on destroying sites producing leaflets exposing the persecution.
Mr. Han Changgui Arrested by Baoqing County State Security Division Officials, Who Also Beat His Teenage Daughter
2008-01-26On the morning of September 27th, 2007, police forced their way into the home of Mr. Han Changgui and confiscated his family's property. They beat Mr. Han Changgui's teenage daughter, Han Hui. After the brutal attack, they apprehended Mr. Han Changgui and took him to the Detention Centre of Baoqing County. Mr. Han was locked in a small cell in the detention centre. The cell was so small that he could not stand up or sit down--he could only squat. After enduring this torture for over 40 days, Mr. Han was finally released.
Ms. Han Xuelian Suffers Miscarriage After Mistreatment by Dingxing County Police in Hebei Province
2008-01-25On the night of July 23rd, 2007, 16 police officers ransacked pregnant practitioner Ms. Han Xuelian's home, arresting her, her husband Mr. Lu Zhensheng (non-practitioner), her sister-in-law Ms. Lu Wenjie (non-practitioner), and her mother-in-law Ms. Ren Jinfeng. At that time, Ms. Han was in her second month of pregnancy. She explicitly told the officers about her pregnancy. Even so, they paid no attention to that. Zhu Xiaotao and Jia Qingchuan forced her to stand motionless with her arms outstretched for a long time. Two days later Ms. Han miscarried at the Domestic Security Division. The officers from the Domestic Security Division took Ms. Han to the county hospital after her miscarriage. But they fabricated a story saying that her bleeding resulted from an "infection".
62-Year-Old Associate Professor Ms. Fu Huajing of Hebei Province Dies as a Result of Persecution
2008-01-25Sixty-two-year-old Ms. Fu Huajing was an associate professor at the Chemistry College of Hebei Normal University. She began practising Falun Dafa in 1996. During the eight years of the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong, she informed people about the persecution of Falun Gong and under huge pressure dispelled the state propaganda attacking the practice. The intense pressure and brutal persecution destroyed her health. She passed away at 4:00 a.m. on January 4th, 2008.
Older Practitioners Mr. Zhang Xuanshou and Shi Jinhua Arrested and Persecuted
2008-01-25On December 23rd, 2007, Mr. Zhang Xuanshou, a 69-year-old retired man from Dayuan Village of Guanjiazui in Qidong along with Mr. Luo Guangzhong, also a 69-year-old practitioner from the same area, were taking a bus to go home. To buy the bus tickets, they used money on which was written facts regarding the persecution of Dafa. The ticket seller then reported them to authorities. Mr. Zhang and Mr. Luo were later arrested by Shaoyang police officers. The police confiscated electronic equipment and 1,800 yuan.