Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Father and Daughter from Shandong Province Escape Detention but Cannot Return Home
2007-07-04Practitioners Mr. Miao Shubao and his daughter Miao Chunyan are from Yantai City, Shandong Province. In April 2007, they were arrested and held by local police. After they were detained, the family fell into difficulty. Mr. Miao's wife couldn't take care of herself and needed help to use the toilet. They were able to escape detention, but in order to avoid further persecution, they cannot return home. Their family members have been harassed and subjected to extortion by local police.
Practitioner Ms. Zhu Shuyun Sent to a Forced Labour Camp after She Was Brutally Beaten at Balibao Police Station, Changchun City, Jilin Province
2007-07-04Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhu Shuyun, 46, is from Jilin Province. She was arrested in JMay and the police brutally beat her. They covered her head with a blanket and took off her shoes. Her face was badly beaten, her fingernails fell off due to the beating, and her legs were beaten to the point of being swollen. There was blood was all over, and she lost consciousness several times. She was sentenced to one year of forced labour, by the Legal System Section of the Changchun Police Department. She is currently being tortured in a forced labour camp.
Chinese Ice Hockey Coach Facing Trial for Practising Falun Dafa
2007-07-04On May 9th, 2007, a Chinese national ice hockey coach by the name of Mr. Gao Weixi was arrested by officers of the Nanguan Branch of Jilin Police Department for practising Falun Dafa. Mr. Gao is now detained in the No. 3 Detention Centre in Changchun City and is facing trial. Mr. Gao was previously held in two forced labour camps in Changchun City: Weizigou Forced Labour Camp and Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp.
Practitioner Ms. Jia Shuzhen Suffers a Mental Collapse due to Persecution at Hebei Province Brainwashing Centre
2007-07-04Ms. Qin Shuling, Ms. Jia Shuzhen, Ms. Gao Lanqing, and Mr. Li Zhenwen went to Yongan Village to post Falun Dafa leaflets exposing the persecution on May 27th, 2007. The patrols spotted them before they could post more than a few. Ms. Qin and Ms. Gao were arrested and Ms. Jia and Mr. Li were followed home. The police ransacked their homes and arrested them that same night. Hebei Province Brainwashing Centre returned Ms. Jia Shuzhen to her home on June 19th. In just ten days, the 610 Office personnel had turned a young, beautiful, and gentle Jia Shuzhen into a lifeless, incoherent, and red-eyed disturbed person.
Senior Instructor Ms. He Yingqing of Changsha City, Hunan Province Died as a Result of Persecution in a Labour Camp
2007-07-03During the two years in the Baimalong Forced Labour Camp, Ms. He Yingqing was subjected to a variety of torture methods. In a period of about 60 days, she was only permitted to sleep for three hours per day. She was even prohibited from using the toilet. The guards shocked her with electric batons for an entire day, which made her arms black and blue with bruises. Ms. He Yingqing was handcuffed continuously in very painful positions for 40 days for more than 20 hours a day, excluding mealtimes. Later she was detained in the labour camp again. Under huge mental pressure and physical strain for many years, 41-year-old He Yingqing passed away on the night of June 24th, 2007.
Five Years of Imprisonment Devastates the Health of Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Zhou Zhigao from Changsha City, Hunan Province
2007-07-03Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhou Zhigao from Changsha City, Hunan Province was sentenced to seven years imprisonment in 2003, and is currently imprisoned at the Wuling Prison. After several years of brutal mistreatment, 57 year-old Mr. Zhou Zhigao has become emaciated with a hunched back. His eyesight has deteriorated badly, and his hearing has become greatly impaired. When he met with his family, the second anything was said about Falun Gong, the police cut off their conversation. According to the news already disclosed, Mr. Zhou Zhigao suffered merciless beatings at the Wuling Prison by the prison guards with police batons.
Her Family Separated Due to Repeated Persecution, Ms. Lu Xia from Shandong Province Sentenced to Eight Years in Prison
2007-07-03Ms. Lu Xia obtained both physical and mental benefits after learning Falun Dafa, and her family lived peacefully. After July 20th, 1999, when the suppression of Falun Gong by the former leader of China, Jiang Zemin, began, her family's quiet life was disrupted. Lu Xia was repeatedly imprisoned, brutally tortured, and injected with nerve damaging drugs. She had to leave home to avoid persecution. The situation even led to her divorce. Eventually she was sentenced to eight years in prison and is still in Jinan Women's Prison.
Xiong County 610 Office and Public Security Officers of Hebei Province Arrest Good People for Reward Money
2007-07-03Around the months of June and July, the Xiong County 610 Office and Public Security Bureau officers are putting together a special task force targeting Falun Gong practitioners. It was further reported that a special fund was allocated for this task force. A significant sum of money was to be awarded for each "successful" case. In other words, through monetary rewards, law enforcement officers are encouraged to commit crimes, arrest law-abiding citizens, and extort money from them.
Authorities Continue Attempts to Destroy Evidence in the Case of a 33-Year-Old Engineer in Hebei Province Tortured to Death in 2001
2007-07-02The individuals responsible for torturing Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zuo Zhigang to death are again attempting to cremate his body, ensuring that all remaining physical evidence of their crimes is destroyed. Authorities try to have the body cremated against family wishes using the excuse that the family has "exceeded the body preservation time." Their behaviour arouses suspicions that by cremating Mr. Zuo's body they intend to destroy evidence of their crimes. They didn't notify Mr. Zuo's family.
Teacher Ms. Xu Juhua Detained at Custodial Station in Tianhe District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province for Over a Month
2007-07-02On April 11th, 2007 Dafa practitioner Xu Juhua, an English teacher, was taken away from home by the police from the 610 Office. At present she is still at the custodial station in Tianhe District and is being persecuted there. She said: "One day one of the drug addicts pushed me down and laid her body on top of me, and the other one also came and lay upon me. Each of them weighed over 80 kilos. I heard a sound and I felt my lumbar vertebra joint was swollen. They also forced me to sit cross-legged and then bound me with ropes. They punched and kicked me. They hit me on my temples. They let bugs and scorpions bite my eyelids, hands and feet. They tied up my hands from behind and pulled them up. They poured hot chilli sauce into my mouth. They tortured me like this for 17 hours before they untied me."
Exposing the Chongqing City Prison Administration Bureau's Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners
2007-07-02The Chongqing City Prison Administration Bureau is in charge of all the prisons in that city. It has issued many documents to its subordinate prisons involved in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. One of its documents from 2002, is entitled "Suggestions from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Chongqing City Prison Administration Bureau Committee on How to Prepare a Fortification Fight for Educating and 'Transforming' Falun Gong Criminals." In the "Recommendations" section, the prison bureau required that its prisons conduct a three-month-long "fortification fight" in the second half of 2002 and bring the "transformation" (brainwashing) rate to over 80 per cent, higher than the national average.
Ms. Liu Shujuan from Hebei Province Died under Persecution
2007-07-02On February 5th, 2006, Ms. Liu Shujuan went to the Xianghe County Police Department with more than thirty fellow practitioners to request the release of detained Falun Dafa practitioners. However, all of them were arrested and detained in the Dachang County Detention Centre. They were brutally beaten and some practitioners' teeth became loose and they still cannot chew. One practitioner was tied against the wall with all four limbs spread apart overnight. The practitioners were not allowed to wear jackets, even though it was freezing and the windows were open. She was forced to write a "guarantee statement" and was sentenced to forced labour. Soon after Ms. Liu Shujuan was released home she died on April 25th, 2007 due to the prolonged period of mistreatment she received.
Additional Information Regarding the Persecution of Practitioners from Puning City, Guangdong Province
2007-07-02Ms. Liu Yanqing is 69 years old. The police constantly threatened and harassed her, and ransacked her home. In January 2000, when she went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong, she was arrested by the police in Guangzhou and imprisoned for 15 days at Wushi Prison in Puning City. The police also confiscated 4,000 yuan from her. In October 2004 she went to Tuyang Village to explain the true situation of Falun Gong to people. The public security personnel found out and as a result, Ms. Liu was arrested by police. She was then detained at the Puning City Detention Centre. Several months later, the Puning City court secretly sentenced her to three years in prison. She is currently imprisoned in the Huadu Women's Prison in Guangdong Province.
Practitioner Zhou Shuhai Dies As a Result of Torture and Abuse at Daqing City Prison in Heilongjiang Province - His Remains Have been Cremated
2007-07-01Mr. Zhou Shuhai was reported to police for attending a conference held by practitioners from Tieli City. In April, 2006, he was sentenced to five and one-half years of imprisonment by the Yichun City Intermediate Court. His back was beaten, and he was hung up and forced to stand for a long time. The tortures were used in attempts to "transform" him. In late 2006, Mr. Zhou's family members were informed that he was seriously ill and they could come to visit him, but the prison would not release him. On May 27th, 2007, his sister and brother-in-law went to the prison and again asked for his release. Three days later, on May 31st, 2007, his family members got a call saying, "the person is dead."
Three Falun Gong Practitioners from Liaoning, Heilongjiang, and Shandong Provinces Die as a Result of the Persecution
2007-07-01Mr. Zhang Wanmin was 66 years old. In 1999, after the persecution of Falun Dafa began, the authorities harassed him and levied several "fines" on him, totalling 1,300 yuan. In 2000, officials subjected Mr. Zhang Wanmin to physical punishment, forcing him to squat on the floor for a long time. Mr. Zhang was arrested and taken to the brainwashing centre several times. In 2001, he went to check in with the local authorities. Because he was late they scolded him and ordered him to curse Dafa. Mr. Zhang didn't comply, so Chen Yongdong made him stand for a long time. Following Mr. Zhang's release, he experienced heart problems. Having endured horrendous mental torment and physical abuse, a year later, on October 22nd, 2002, Mr. Zhang Wanmin had a severe heart attack and died.