Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Zhao Guoliang Arrested and Detained at Huanggu Detention Centre
2008-07-12Mr. Zhao Guoliang was arrested by a group of police near his home on June 16th, 2008. At present, Zhao Guoliang is being detained at the Huanggu Detention Centre. On the night of June 16th, Zhao was beaten terribly in the Yamin Police Station. When Zhao shouted "Falun Gong is good", the policemen shoved him into a cage. The cage was encased by thick bubble wrap, with only a small hole in it for minimal ventilation. It was very hot while Zhao was detained in the small cage. The next day, Zhao was drenched in sweat, and the handcuffs had dug deeply into his flesh.
Changchun Practitioner Ms. Wang Yuhuan Was Subjected to Extremely Harsh Torture Before She Died
2008-07-11Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Yuhuan, 52, along with several dozen local practitioners, were arrested by the police on May 9th, 2007. On the night of October 9th, a police officer called Ms. Wang's family and said, "Wang Yuhuan has vomited blood. The doctor failed to save her life after trying to resuscitate her. She is already dead." According to sources, the elderly Ms. Wang had died two weeks earlier, on September 24th.
Ms. Liang Wende Tortured and Sentenced to Four and a Half Years of Imprisonment
2008-07-11Ms. Liang Wende was twice imprisoned and tortured in the Sichuan Women's Forced Labour Camp. On May 8th, 2008, the Longmatan District Court in Luzhou City, Sichuan Province sentenced Ms. Liang to four and a half years in prison. In October 2001, labour camp guards put her in a strict-management room on the top floor. She slept, ate, bathed, and went to the toilet all in the same room all day. She had to to sit still from morning until 8 p.m. without talking to anyone. Everyone in the room shared the same bucket of water and, as a result, diseases such as scabies spread to everyone. The room was always filled with a terrible odour and the smell of excrement and urine. Ms. Liang had scabies all over body, and she constantly felt unbearably itchy. Her buttocks festered with sores due to her sitting still in the same position at all times. This lasted for three months.
Arrests of Practitioners Skyrocket in Hefei City at the End of June
2008-07-11On the evening of June 20th, 2008, the Hefei City, Anhui Province local Chinese Communist Party (CCP) dispatched a large number of police officers to arrest nearly ten Falun Gong practitioners. Hefei police recently received orders from CCP officials to arrest practitioners and were given arrest quotas. At the same time, throughout Hefei, the regional community residential committees started visiting each dwelling asking for personal information about the registered inhabitants there. Some practitioners have been missing for nearly 2 weeks now, and it is still unknown whether they have been arrested. Furthermore, several practitioners have been forced into homelessness, unable to return to their residences. When Ms. Qiu Xiufen was arrested, the police repeatedly beat her on the head, causing fractures in her skull, and then forcibly took her away.
The Persecution of Ms. Gan Lirong from Shenzhen City
2008-07-11Ms. Gan Lirong from Shenzhen City has been persecuted for many years because of her belief. In November 2001 while she was posting Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution, the police arrested her. She was taken to Sanshui Forced Labour Camp. In the forced labour camp, the guards told inmates to cut her hair, put her in the prison uniform, and make her wear a prison badge. They spent her money on a used quilt and clothes for her, but paid themselves three times the going rate. Those in charge persecuted Falun Gong practitioners physically, mentally, and financially. They forced practitioners to watch videos slandering Falun Gong and instigated people who once were practitioners but who had gone against Falun Gong to brainwash and threaten her.
Practitioners Legally Registered as Beijing Residents Are Being Arrested Prior to the Olympic Games
2008-07-10All hotels in Beijing, whether they be large or small, require a scan of their customers' ID cards at check-in. The scanned information is then entered into a database and forwarded electronically to the Beijing Public Security Branch. There, the customers' names are compared with the list of Falun Gong practitioners they have collected, and shared with other police departments, so that the practitioners staying in the hotels can be arrested. If the hotel accepts people who do not have ID cards, the police will levy a heavy fine on the hotel owner.
Using Safety of the Beijing Olympic Games as an Excuse, Police in Gaobeidian, Baoding City Arrest Over Twenty Falun Gong Practitioners
2008-07-10Since June 2008, under orders from Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials and under the pretext of ensuring the "safety" of the Beijing Olympic Games, many more Falun Gong practitioners have been persecuted. Directed by the National Security Team of Gaobeidian Police Department and 610 Office staff members, police stations were ordered to arrest more than 20 Falun Gong practitioners and ransack their homes. More than ten practitioners are currently detained in a detention centre, and several practitioners were forced to become homeless to avoid further persecution.
Practitioner Ms. Li Jinlian Tried in Daqing City
2008-07-10At around 10:00 a.m. on June 12th, 2008, a hearing for practitioner Ms. Li Jinlian's case was held in the Honggang Court in Daqing City. When it was Ms. Li's turn to speak she remained calm, and when she was asked what crime she had committed, she replied loudly, "I am innocent." During the deliberation, Ms. Li exposed how she was persecuted. She said that on the second day of her detention, officers from the Babaixiang Police Department sealed her mouth with tape and beat her. They wiped mustard oil on her and she lost consciousness. She was sent to emergency for treatment, then woke up. The court asked her, "Do you have any proof?"
Persecution Account of Ms. An Lianyu in Mengying, Shandong Province
2008-07-10At around 11:00 o'clock on the morning of May 22nd, 2008, police officers broke into and ransacked Ms. An Lingyu's, aged 40, house, confiscating a laptop, a printer, three satellite dishes, Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution, and other Falun Gong-related items. The policemen shoved her into a car and took her to Tanbuzhen Police Department where she was detained for the day. Now she is being detained in Mengyin's prison guard brigade.
Older Practitioner Ms. Lang Fengxian Dies in Beijing as Result of Being Persecuted
2008-07-09Ms. Lang Fengxian, in her 60s, was sentenced to forced labour by 610 Office agents because she refused to give up her faith in Falun Gong, and her old sickness recurred. She was bailed out for medical parole. Police often harassed her by going to her home. From January to May 2008, Ms. Lang was arrested three times in only four months, but each time she was released due to her physical condition. She died in the middle of June 2008 during a time when local 610 Office agents were constantly harassing her at home.
Additional Information on the Death of Ms. Wang Shuxia in Liaoning Province
2008-07-09Ms. Wang Shuxia, 45, was arrested and detained several times by police for practising Falun Gong. In 2002 she was sentenced to three years of forced labour, and taken to the Masanjia Labour Camp. Her mental state worsened. They locked her in solitary confinement for the first three months and tortured her by hanging her up by her wrists in rings. The scars on her wrists were still visible after six years. In January 2008, the court sentenced Ms. Wang to three years in prison. On June 5th, 2008, the prison guard notified local police that Ms. Wang had died. When her family rushed there, they found her body freezing cold, but they could still see bruises on her neck and chest. It was clear she had not died naturally; she was tortured to death.
Tortures in Jiangxi Province Women's Forced Labour Camp
2008-07-09Practitioners are the only ones required to clean the toilets in Jiangxi Province Women's Forced Labour Camp. In summer, the practitioners cannot use fans while other inmates can. A practitioner is locked in a 75 square foot cell with her two monitors 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In the cell, she eats, sleeps, uses the toilet, does forced labour, and never has a break. She only has 15 minutes a day to get water, clean the chamberpot, and wash her clothes. The practitioner's prison term is extended at least five days for every month that she does not "transform." Practitioners on hunger strike are tied to a bed. Their limbs are strapped down day and night, and no exception is made when they need to use the toilet.
Police in Jianyang City, Sichuan Province, Arrest Many Falun Gong Practitioners in Run-up to the Olympics
2008-07-09Recently in Jianyang City, Sichuan Province, authorities from the police department, National Security, and the 610 Office and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members of each township went around to arrest Falun Gong practitioners. They incarcerated the practitioners in a brainwashing centre in Er'ehu of Yingjie Town, Ziyang City.
Practitioners Assaulted in Suihua Forced Labour Camp
2008-07-08Suihua Forced Labour Camp in Heilongjiang Province has been classified as a "Model Forced Labour Camp" by the Communist regime. It is a dark, evil place where Falun Gong practitioners are persecuted. There are about two hundred people incarcerated there, of which more than seventy are practitioners. They are spread out amongst 5 groups of prisoners.
Ms. Song Yulian and Others Tortured in Qianjin Labour Camp in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province
2008-07-08Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Song Yulian, 48, was sentenced to one-and-a-half years of forced labour because she went to a police station to request that her confiscated Falun Gong books be returned to her. On the day when Ms. Song refused to write the "three statements", she was tortured by eight perpetrators. That afternoon they tortured Ms. Song with the "big hang up", four or five times, and beat her until she lost consciousness. Since April, the door to the toilet has been locked day and night. Prisoners working in the workshop have to hold their bladders to the point that they almost wet their trousers.