Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp Authorities Refuse to Release 60-year-old Mr. Meng Qinglin
2007-06-24After the interception of Changchun television station's broadcast with footage exposing the persecution of Falun Gong in March 2002, the 610 Offices from top to bottom were in a frenzy and arrested Dafa practitioners as they combed through the city. Because Meng Qinglin refused to denigrate Dafa he was forced to sit on a tiger bench for 12 hours at the Changchun sub-bureau, and was detained for more than a year. After he was released from prison, his little granddaughter was already born and several months old. His family members could not even recognise him. He was emaciated, pale, and could hardly walk because of numbness in both legs. He needed a magnifying glass to read. This caused his family members a great deal of stress and anxiety.
Exposing the Chinese Communist Regime's Recent Abuse and Killings of Falun Gong Practitioners - Part 2
2007-06-23The guards ordered inmates to tighten a rope around Zhang Lianying's neck and punch her head when she has nearly suffocated, all in an attempt to make her give up Falun Gong, although Falun Gong had given her a new life. They tightened the rope further while whacking her head until Zhang Lianying suffered a widespread intra-cranial hemorrhage and fell into a coma. She was taken to hospital for emergency treatment and was in critical condition for more than ten days.
Ms. Lin Bingju from Guangzhou City Suffered a Torture-Induced Mental Breakdown at Chatou Forced Labour Camp
2007-06-23Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Lin Bingju is being held at Chatou Forced Labour Camp, because she distributed leaflets exposing the persecution. She suffered physical and mental torture so severe that she had a mental breakdown. The camp guards induced drug addict inmates to beat her head and abdominal area. They forced her to read literature that slandered Dafa everyday and forbade her to sleep until after midnight.
Falun Gong Practitioners in Inner Mongolia Subjected to Intense Persecution (Part 1)
2007-06-23In the eight years of persecution, four practitioners died, including Zhang Fenglan, one practitioner was sentenced unlawfully, 15 practitioners were taken to a forced labour camp, 29 practitioners were detained, eight practitioners were taken to the Chifeng Brainwashing Centre, and more than 30 practitioners were arrested and interrogated. Many practitioners were fined, threatened, their houses searched, and their cash and personal property were confiscated.
The Persecution of Practitioners in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province
2007-06-23Ms. Zhou Leju is in her 70s. Her husband was an intellectual and was persecuted to death during the cultural revolution. Ms. Zhou started to practise Falun Dafa in 1998, her illnesses disappeared and she became healthy again. When the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began the persecution of Falun Gong, she became fearful because it reminded her of the persecution her husband suffered before his death. As a result, she stopped practising. Soon after, her diseases recurred. She realised the benefits she had received from practising Falun Dafa and so started practising again. Police closely followed and monitored her. They searched her home many times and prohibited her from living with her daughter. Now she has had to leave home and wander about to avoid further persecution. Police officer Chen Lin said, "Killing or arson is okay, but practising Falun Gong is not."
Ms. Ke Gui'e from Wuxue City, Hubei Province Forced into Brainwashing
2007-06-23On March 13th, 2007, a village official reported Ms. Ke Gui'e after she was explaining to him about the true nature of Falun Gong. Police extorted 1,2000 yuan from her. At the beginning of May 2007, Ms. Ke was taken to a brainwashing centre against her will. After one month, she still firmly kept her belief in Falun Dafa, and she refused to accept the brainwashing. Authorities would not let her return home.
Exposing the Chinese Communist Regime's Recent Abuse and Killings of Falun Gong Practitioners (Photos)
2007-06-22"Huang Lisha, a woman in her thirties from Emei, Sichuan Province was transferred there from a detention centre because she went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution and refused to renounce her belief. Her bed was next to mine. She was given an unknown drug, non-stop, via an IV infusion until she vomited and defecated blood. The day after I was taken to the hospital I heard her screaming in pain all night long. She passed away on the morning of October 17th, 2002. Her body was removed for cremation minutes after her passing."
Crimes Perpetrated Against Falun Gong Practitioners at the Brainwashing Centre in Langfang City, Hebei Province
2007-06-22During the past several years, practitioners who were sent there by force had their personal freedoms taken away. The brainwashing centre flooded them with twisted ideology and humiliated them. Other persecution methods included long periods of forced standing and sleep deprivation. Those who persisted in practising Falun Gong were treated more harshly and threatened with being sent to forced labour camps. The practitioners were beaten and verbally abused, and guards flicked the practitioners' eyeballs to keep them from sleeping. They also used toxic oral and intravenous drugs that damaged the nervous system. When practitioners went on hunger strikes to protest the persecution, they were force-fed with a tube inserted into their stomachs. The prison personnel also put drugs into the food and drinking water when they carried out this brutal torture.
Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners in Yongchuan Prison, Chongqing City
2007-06-22The authorities of Yongchuan Prison have been persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners for several years using brutal methods. Dafa practitioner Tan Xueli was sent to Yongchuan Prison and persecuted to death in six days. Torture methods used included beatings, sleep deprivation, starvation, forcible brainwashing, forced written "thought reports" daily, and abuse and monitoring by other inmates. They designated criminals to monitor Falun Gong practitioners, promising them a reduction in their sentences in return. Every year Falun Gong practitioners are forced to give blood. Now persecution and forcible brainwashing are still going on in Yongchuan Prison.
Practitioner Mr. Huang Xiaojie from Liaoning Province Sentenced to Eight Years of Imprisonment With No Legal Procedure
2007-06-22Because of his steadfast belief in Falun Gong, Mr. Huang Xiaojie has been the target of persecution for many years. Liu Wanquan, the police station director, tried to force him to write a letter denouncing Falun Gong and he refused, so the policemen beat him with thick wooden and rubber clubs until his whole body was covered in bruises. Huang Xiaojie was unable to sit down for two months after being released. In August 2001 Huang Xiaojie was arrested again. His family didn't receive any further information about him until later, when with much effort, they found out that Huang Xiaojie had been sentenced to eight years of imprisonment. Huang and his family still don't know what crime Huang was charged with because no legal procedure or trial was held.
Practitioner Ms. Deng Yulian Dies as a Result of Torture in Baimalong Forced Labour Camp in Hunan Province
2007-06-21The tortures used in Baimalong Forced Labour Camp are cruel. In April 2006, before Ms. Deng Yulian's term in the camp ended, she started coughing, her toes felt numb and cold, she had difficulty walking, her eyesight was blurry, and she lost her sense of taste. Ms. Deng was very healthy before entering the camp. By February 2007, Ms. Deng Yulian was bedridden, could not eat at all, and was deformed beyond recognition. She died on March 12th, 2007.
Ms. Sun Jingsu's Entire Family Suffers Persecution and Tribulation at the Hands of the Communist Party
2007-06-21Ms. Sun Jingsu and her husband, Mr. Ma Xinshun, lived with their parents and two children. After they began practising Falun Gong, their family was very happy. When the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong began in 1999, Ms. Sun and her husband were arrested, their home ransacked, detained, and tortured by a Chinese Communist Party local official. Ms. Sun and Mr. Ma were both sentenced to forced labour, which deeply hurt their children. In addition, Ms. Su Jingsu's father was in a constant state of fear and tension and finally passed away.
Mr. Zhang Quanliang Under "Strict Control" Monitoring in Yongchuan Prison
2007-06-21Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhang Quanliang is being tortured in Yongchuan Prison in Chongqing City. The guards directed prisoners in the cell to closely watch him by bribing them with reduced terms. These prisoners are very cruel. They tortured Mr. Zhang, deprived him the right to sleep, brutally beat him, forced him to go through brainwashing sessions, forced him to bend down, hit his back suddenly with their elbows, and forced him to sit on the icy floor in the winter for several days. When his family visited him, Mr. Zhang was very thin and told his family that his hearing was almost completely gone and his feet and legs were numb.
Many Suspicions Behind Practitioner Mr. Wang Zhongmin's Cause of Death
2007-06-21In May 2003, police arrested Mr. Wang Zhongmin and sent him to Linghai City Detention Centre. He was immediately sentenced to three years of forced labour. Wang Zhongmin's health was poor as a result of the persecution. Two and a half months later, Wang was abused so badly that he had become skeletal and was barely alive. The police were afraid of taking responsibility for causing his death and released Mr. Wang while extorting 4,000 yuan from his son. Seven days after Mr. Wang went home, a police car knocked him off his bicycle and killed him.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Sui Xueai from Mengyin, Shandong Province, Beaten to Death in 2002
2007-06-20In March 2000, Ms. Sui Xueai collected signatures, along with other practitioners, to protest the persecution. Over one hundred Falun Dafa practitioners and she were deceived into going to the Tanbu Township Government courtyard. Five or six people surrounded each Falun Dafa practitioner and beat them with wooden clubs, whipped them with leather belts, and slammed their heads against the wall by pulling their hair. In January 2002, Ms. Sui Xueai was again taken to the Tanbu Town Government courtyard, and beaten black and blue with a wooden stick, until Sui Xueai was unconscious. After she was released and returned home, Sui Xueai never stood up again. Her abdomen became swollen and she lost her appetite. Three months later, on March 22nd, 2003, she passed away.