Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Ms. Yang Wenjie Tortured for Five Years In Custody of the 610 Office and Brainwashing Centre in Zhaoyuan, Shandong Province
2007-05-15Ms. Yang Wenjie is 45 years old. At the beginning of the persecution, her employer fired her because she refused to renounce Falun Gong. She went to Beijing to appeal for justice and was held in a detention centre for eight months. After that, officials from the 610 Office sentenced her again to three years in a forced labour camp. Ms. Yang was tortured for five years because she refused to renounce her belief. When she was finally released in March 2007, she saw her son for the first time in five years. He had grown up and looked like an adult. Everyone who witnessed this cried.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Wang Qibo, 47, Persecuted to Death
2007-05-14Mr. Wang Qibo was sentenced to seven years in prison because he persisted in his belief in Falun Dafa. Handing down the sentence were officials from Nong'an County in Jilin Province. Mr. Wang was incarcerated in Jilin Prison, where he suffered all kinds of physical torture and mental torment. In the middle of the night on March 27th, 2007, he was sent to Jilin City Railroad Hospital. He was at death's door. Only 47 years old, Wang Qibo died on March 28th at 9:50 a.m.
Ms. Men Xiumei and Her Family Suffer Ruthless Torture
2007-05-14In May 2001, my son, Cheng Peiming, was sentenced to eight years. He recounted: "The police punched me in the face, inserted heated skewers into my nails, shot at my lips with rubber bands, scratched a belt buckle up and down my ribcage, clipped my nipples with steel clamps, beat me with batons, forcefully dug into my collar bone, and used a torture called "Nama" on me. "Nama" - two police pushed really hard on the gap between my legs and lower abdomen; two other police squeezed really hard on my ribcage from my lower rib up to my arm pits. It was extremely painful and it exhausted me. "Space Hat" - the police put a plastic bag on my head, tightened it, and put a helmet on my head. They heavily banged a 7 pound hammer on the helmet until I partially lost consciousness due to the fierce impact. They repeated this during interrogation.
My Experience of Being Persecuted at the Forced Labour Dispatch Centre and the Women's Forced Labour Camp in Beijing
2007-05-14Because of physical and mental torture, my health was ruined. After one year and six months at the forced labour camp I had lost much of my eyesight, my memory had deteriorated and my hair had turned grey. The inhuman torture took a toll on my body. I even came close to a mental collapse at one time. I suffered increased interstitial fluid in my organs due to prolonged malnutrition and sitting on a high board for a long period of time. Even after being released from the forced labour camp I had difficulty walking unaided for a long time. Practitioners who were "transformed" and who renounced Falun Dafa were still forced to perform slave labour. Sometimes we made handicrafts and other types of jobs. In the summer of 2006 we were required to pack sugar. There were flies everywhere in the workshop and it was a very unhygienic facility.
The Arrest of Mr. Li Wenzhi from Jilin Province Leaves His Young Son with No One to Care for Him
2007-05-14Police officers arrested a practitioner named Mr. Li Wenzhi on April 18th because he practises Falun Gong. As a result, Mr. Li Wenzhi's 10-year-old son has no one to care for him. Under such great pressure, he cries often and yearns for his father's return. He can hardly eat and does not want to go to school. The police even threatened to send the child to a nursing home for elderly people where the conditions are terrible or give him away for adoption.
Police in Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province Arrest Six Practitioners using the Excuse of Defending Security for the Olympic Games
2007-05-14On April 14th, six Falun Gong practitioners were arrested by corrupt police officers. On April 28th, they were sent to a forced labour camp. the police informed the relatives of the practitioners that they must sign relevant documents for the judicial procedures. Their intentions and tricks were extremely contemptible. Without any conscience, they even held a party to celebrate their "accomplishment" and received bonuses. It is said by an insider of the police establishment that the higher authorities appropriated funds of 100,000 yuan for them in order to stop practitioners from utilising satellites to inform people about the persecution of Falun Gong and dispel the state propaganda attacking the practice before the 17th Party Congress and the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games
Former Military Officer Mr. Wei Danquan Arrested Again by Police in Shanhaiguan, Hebei Province
2007-05-13Mr. Wei Danquan is over 40 years old and was a military officer who used to work at Shanhaiguan Airport. He has been detained and cruelly tortured in successive years because of his firm belief in Falun Dafa. Recently, he was arrested again although he still suffers from tuberculosis and is spitting up large amounts of blood. Because Mr. Wei Danquan refused to give up his belief, he was fired from work, monitored and detained several times, and his home was ransacked many times. He was also sent to a forced labour camp in 2003 and severely tortured. The judicial system tried to sentence him in 2004. He was secretly arrested by public security officers in 2005, and was again arrested on April 14th, 2007.
Xi Zhaojun Suffers Mental Collapse Induced by Forced Injections at the Kangbao County Detention Centre in Hebei Province
2007-05-13On February 24th, Falun Dafa practitioner Xi Zhaojun was arrested when he was informing people in a village about the true nature of Falun Dafa. He was sent to a detention centre and was beaten. A doctor forcibly injected Xi Zhaojun with a dense saltwater solution and another unknown drug. He was persecuted to the point of being disfigured, losing the ability to take care of himself and being on the verge of death. On April 17th, Xi Zhaojun was put on trial. His family saw that he was very thin, looked much older than his age and sweating profusely, his lips were purple and he was laughing irrationally -- totally different from his usual self. It was said that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) prisons inject a kind of nerve-stimulating drug into prisoners, causing them to suffer a mental collapse.
Masanjia Labour Re-education Camp Tortures Steadfast Falun Dafa Practitioners
2007-05-13On February 26th, 2002, I was detained at the notorious Masanjia Labour Re-education Camp in Liaoning Province. I witnessed how the prison guards at Masanjia brutally torment steadfast Falun Dafa practitioners. When practitioners are first brought to Masanjia, the first trick the guards use on them is the "exhaustion tactic": a practitioner has to get up at around 4:00 a.m. and face "collaborators" who try and "transform" them until midnight. This is repeated every day. If after a long period of time the "exhaustion tactic" doesn't work, the labour camp then uses physical punishment like hanging practitioners up in the air and other forms of torture until the person cannot take it any more.
More Information about Dafa Practitioner Hua Yuliang from Weifang, Shandong Province, Who Was Arrested
2007-05-13On April 18th, 2007, police broke into Dafa practitioner Mr. Hua Yuliang's home and arrested him. Since the Chinese Communist Party started their persecution of Falun Gong in 1999. Since October 1999, Mr. Hua Yuliang was imprisoned for three years in Weifang Municipal Forced Labour Camp, and in the Shandong Provincial Forced Labour Camp. He was brutally persecuted and suffered from merciless beatings, electric shocks, and detention in solitary confinement. In Wangcun Forced Labour Camp, over ten guards used more than ten electric batons to shock him for hours. He suffered from such torture several times. They also handcuffed him to a metal door in solitary confinement for over 80 days. Mr. Hua's legs became swollen and he became mentally disoriented as a result of the brutal persecution.
Practitioner Ms. Wang Hongyu Disabled from Torture and Sentenced to Five Years in Prison in Longkou City, Shandong Province
2007-05-13On April 22nd, 2007, officers from Longkou City, Shandong Province arrested Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Wang Hongyu because she was informing people about the true nature of Falun Gong. At the detention centre, Ms. Wang was brutally beaten because she resisted the unreasonable demands of the guards. Her leg had been disabled from previous torture and its condition worsened. Ms. Wang attempted several hunger strikes to protest the torture and was brutally force-fed. She was taken to Jinan Prison.
In April 2007, Twenty-One Confirmed Deaths of Practitioners Due to Torture
2007-05-12Practitioner Mr. Liu Jingming worked at Qiqihar City Chinese Medicine Hospital, Heilongjiang Province. He was honoured as an "outstanding" purchasing agent. During the CCP's extremely brutal persecution against Falun Gong, Mr. Liu Jingming had been imprisoned, sent to forced labour camp and tortured. On February 8th, 2007, he was detained at Tailai Prison. It took wardens at Tailai Prison only 46 days to torture thirty nine year-old Mr. Liu to death. On March 24th, 2007, Warden Ji Hengtai of the Training Unit at Tailai Prison phoned Liu Jingming's home. He claimed that Mr. Liu died after "jumping out of the window of the building" at 1:40 a.m. on March 24th. The CCP has used this excuse for almost eight years after murdering practitioners.
Falun Gong Practitioner Wu Guangyuan from Liaoning Province Has Died as a Result of Persecution
2007-05-12Mr. Wu Guangyuan was a Falun Gong practitioner from Fushun City. Since the persecution of Falun Gong started on July 20th, 1999, Mr. Wu was arrested and detained by police repeatedly. Later on, he was forced to attend a brainwashing session held at Fushun City Labour Camp. Mr. Wu carried on a three-day hunger strike to protest the persecution. He developed oedema after being released from the brainwashing centre, and was diagnosed has having uraemia. Wu Guangyuan died in March 2007.
Court Sentences Hong Kong Practitioner Ms. Zeng Aihua to Prison Without Notifying Her Family or Lawyer
2007-05-12In March of 2007, Hong Kong Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Zeng Aihua was tried and sentenced to three years in prison. She appealed, but the Shanghai No. 1 Middle People's Court rejected her appeal. She was tried a second time, but the court did not notify her family or lawyer. Ms. Zeng was taken to Shanghai Women's Prison on April 16th. To conceal their criminal act, the Shanghai 610 Office and the Public Security Bureau secretly manipulated Zeng Aihua's second trial. One month after the second trial her family and lawyer were still kept completely in the dark and did not know anything about it.
Female Practitioner Force-Fed Mustard Oil, Assaulted with Baton
2007-05-12In February and March 2007, the Jilin City Police Department arrested 19 practitioners. Officers Du Xingze and Di Shigang continue to interrogate the detained practitioners. One of the practitioners, Ms. Zhao Yingjie, was force-fed five bottles of mustard oil, which caused severe damage to her face and mouth. In addition, the police sexually assaulted her with a baton. Practitioner Ms. Wang Liqui was force-fed eight bottles of mustard oil and lost consciousness. Officers poured cold water on her to wake her up to continue the torture. Due to the severe persecution, Ms. Wang is having heart problems and her health has deteriorated.