Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Mr. Fan Dezhen's Body Cremated Against His Family's Wishes
2008-05-16Falun Gong practitioner, Mr. Fan Dezhen, 33, was arrested and brutally beaten several times because he practised Falun Gong. On April 20th, 2008 he was tortured to death at the Suizhong County Detention Centre. It wasn't until later that his family was notified of his death by the the detention centre administration. Mr. Fan's family wanted to know the cause of his death. The director of the Suizhong Detention Centre, said that Mr. Fan's death was a result of malnutrition. Mr. Fan's family did not believe this because Mr. Fan's mother-in-law had gone to the detention centre and deposited money for his keep. The day after Mr. Fan's death, his family requested to see his remains but the police cremated his body before the family could see his body or give premission for his cremation.
Detailed Accounts of Falun Gong Practitioners Persecuted at Lanzhou University
2008-05-161. Mr .Wan Jiqiang was a postgraduate in the College of Physics, Lanzhou University. On October 27th, 1999, Mr. Wan went to the Appeals Office in Beijing to legally petition the government on behalf of Falun Gong. He was taken into custody for 15 days. Later, the university forced Mr. Wan to withdraw from the university. In October 2000, he returned to the university and was threatened with dismissal because he refused to write the three statements, promising to stop practising Falun Gong. On December 31st, 2000, he was arrested again after appealing for Falun Gong. In the detention centre, the police tortured him for an entire day in an attempt to force a so-called "confession" out of him. Every despicable tactic, such as using electric batons and handcuffing him outside in freezing temperatures, were employed to no avail.
Ms. Mou Xiaoqin and Mr. Wu Yucheng from Gulin County, Sichuan Province Subjected to Persecution
2008-05-16Ms. Mou, 51, was arrested and taken to a brainwashing centre. At the brainwashing centre, they forced Ms. Mou to submit her "living expenses." Afterwards more than ten police officers rushed into Ms. Mou's home demanding the money for her living expenses. The police then confiscated her family's television and tape recorder, among other things. In September 2004, Ms. Mou's family was also attacked, and Ms. Mou was imprisoned for a month. In 2006, Ms. Mou was taken away by the police again and imprisoned for allegedly "attacking the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)."
Ms. Xu Yanli Imprisoned in Beijing, Mr. Wei Shijun Near Death in Qianjin Prison
2008-05-15Mr. Wei Shijun 40 was arrested in July 2002 for practising Falun Gong. After he had been detained for one year, Mr. Wei was sentenced to eleven and a half years in prison. The temperature was below freezing. The administrators of the detention centre did not allow Mr. Wei's family to deliver any winter clothes to him. He had to survive the winter in his summer clothes. The guards in the detention centre frequently shocked him with electric batons. Mr. Wei is now in critical condition in Qianjin Prison. He has liver and kidney diseases. He has lost most of his hair. Qianjin Prison officials are aware of Mr. Wei's poor health but publicly stated that they would provide no medical care. Qianjin Prison officials are watching Mr. Wei die before their eyes.
Hunan Province Maternal and Children's Hospital Nurse He Xianggu Arrested for the Eighth Time After Being Persecuted at Mental Hospitals Twice and Labour Camps Three Times
2008-05-15On the night of April 23rd, 2008, police officers in Changsha City arrested practitioner Ms. He Xianggu at her home. After they arrested her, they ransacked her home. Her personal belongings, including her computer, were taken away. On April 24th, after being held in custody for 24 hours, she was transferred to the Changsha City Detention Centre. This is the eighth time Ms. He Xiangguu has been arrested and jailed since the persecution of Falun Gong began in 1999 by the Chinese Communist Party. Ms. He was detained twice at mental hospitals, and sent to labour camps three times.
Practitioner Mr. Sun Pinghua Tortured in Yueyang City, Hunan Province
2008-05-15Mr. Sun Pinghua is a Falun Gong practitioner in his thirties. On the morning of March 18th, 2008, while on his way to work, Mr. Sun was arrested by local city police. On the afternoon of the same day, two police vehicles arrived at Mr. Sun's home and several people rushed into his residence, stealing many items belonging to his family, including a computer used by a child for study. While in detention, Mr. Sun Pinghua was interrogated under torture for several days and nights. According to people imprisoned at the same location, he lost feeling in his left hand due to the torture.
Mr. Zhao Junli and Mr. Zhao Xikuan Have Been Imprisoned for Eleven Months
2008-05-15On April 28th, 2007, over ten police officers pried open the door to the home of practitioner Mr. Zhao Junli, and confiscated his family's property. They then arrested Mr. Zhao. Several days later, Mr. Zhao Xikuan was also arrested at home. The Yangqu County Procuratorate and Yangqu County Court tried Mr. Zhao Junli and Mr. Zhao Xikuan many times but never reached a verdict. Both of them have been imprisoned for more than 11 months.
Seven Falun Gong Practitioners' Deaths Reported in April, as Chinese Communist Party (CCP) "Prepares" for the 2008 Olympics
2008-05-14Mr. Fan Dezhen, 33, was a Falun Gong practitioner. In 2001 he went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong and was detained in the Huludao Labour Camp for three years. In order to force him give up his faith, several guards shocked him simultaneously with electric batons, and beat him cruelly. He arrested again in 2005 and taken to the Huludao City Labour Camp again, where he was tortured many times. In 2008 he was arrested once more and died on April 20th, 2008 in the Suizhong County Detention Centre.
Remembering Fellow Practitioner Fan Dezhen
2008-05-14At the end of 2000, when about a hundred practitioners from Huludao went to Tiananmen Square in Beijing to peacefully protest the persecution to Falun Gong, they were detained or sent to labour camps. In January 2001, I got to know Fan Dezhen in the Huludao Detention Centre. He and his father had been apprehended together. Fan Dezhen firmly resisted their attempts to "transform" him, so he was sent to a more strict supervisory team. Although we did not see Fan Dezhen any more, we could often hear shouts of "Falun Gong is good" from upstairs. We knew he was still firmly safeguarding his faith. Later, because he printed Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution and distributed them publicly, he was sentenced to forced labour several times.
Ms. Wang Caixia from Lanzhou City Suffers Eight Years of Persecution
2008-05-14Wang Caixia was detained and tortured many times for persisting in practising Falun Gong. In 2001 Ms. Wang began a hunger strike to protest against the persecution in a detention centre, but was beaten up by convicts under the instigation of a police team leader. She was pressed down on the floor by several convicts, her jaws pried open and the convicts began to use chopsticks and metal spoons to force apart her teeth. After being brutally beaten, she was force-fed brutally until she almost passed out. Then, the prison doctor forced thick saline solution into her stomach, which almost killed her. After nearly four months of detention and torture, Ms. Wang developed severe scabies in the damp and dirty environment of the detention centre. In August 2001, Ms. Wang's husband could not handle the great pressure and demanded a divorce. In 2007 Ms. Wang was hung up for days on high metal bars in a detention centre. Since her release in 2007 from her latest persecution Ms. Wang was forced to abandon her home to avoid arrest.
The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Lingshi County, Shanxi Province
2008-05-14In summer 2002, Ms. Wang was handing out distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong when she was reported by people who were not aware of the truth. She was arrested and detained in the police station, where she was forced to hand in leaflets and tell where she got them. She was released that same day. The local police station handed over the Falun Gong leaflets from Ms. Wang to the police bureau. Three days after Ms. Wang's arrest, police officers arrested her again and took her to the police station, where they forced her to "confess" by torturing her. They handcuffed her to a heating device, deprived her of sleep, didn't allow her to eat or drink, and even tried to force her to curse Falun Gong. The torture lasted for a day and a night.
A 76-Year-Old Practitioner Sentenced to Eight Years and Forced to Do Hard Labour
2008-05-13Mr. Yin Yucai is 76 years old. He started to practise Falun Gong after retirement and became very healthy, both physically and psychologically. After the persecution of Falun Gong started in July 1999, Mr. Yin was detained many times. He was put in a forced labour camp for three years. In 2005, he was sentenced to eight years of imprisonment and is currently in Yuzhang Prison in Jiangxi Province. Due to prolonged persecution, his health has deteriorated. Lately, he is suffering from severe oedema.
Police Capture and Torture Ms. Yan Meifeng in Weifang City, Shandong Province
2008-05-13On March 18th, 2008, police officers dragged Ms. Yan Meifeng out of her home and forced her into the police vehicle without letting her put her shoes on. The officers handcuffed Ms. Yan to a metal chair, and twisted her arms behind the back of the chair. Electricity was applied to both of her ankles. A hat made out of paper was thrown over her head to block her view. The officers then started punching and kicking her. Many people beat her for a long time, and she could not tell how many people there were. She suffered severe head trauma from the noise during the beating. They also poked Ms. Yan in the ribs and stepped heavily on the handcuffs which cut into her wrists. A young man was especially vicious. He hit Ms. Yan's legs with several fully charged electric batons. The police station forced Ms. Yan's family to pay 3,750 yuan to release her.
The Persecution of Elderly Mr. Gao Guangchong from Huili County, Sichuan Province
2008-05-13On March 28th, 2008, the Huili County Procuratorate held a trial to sentence 68-year-old Mr. Gao Guangchong, a practitioner who has been detained for five months. This time, he was also tortured until his body swelled and he could not stand up by himself. Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began its persecution of Falun Gong in July 1999, Mr. Gao has been arrested 11 times. Each time he was brutally tortured. He has been detained several times in a forced labour camp and was forced to leave home twice to avoid further persecution. His home has been ransacked many times and his personal possessions confiscated.
Using the Olympics as an Excuse, Officials Arrest Two 70-Year-Old Ladies in Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province
2008-05-13With the excuse of "preparing for the Olympics," two Falun Gong practitioners in their 70s were taken to a brainwashing centre in March 2008 by police officers in Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province. Ms. Liu Jing, 75, was a doctor at Xidian University Hospital before retirement. On her way home on the afternoon of March 17th, 2008, she was arrested and taken to the Xi'an City Chang'an District Brainwashing Centre, where she was tortured.