Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Ms. Wang Bo and Mother Liu Shuqin Begin Hunger Strike to Protest Persecution; Father is Critically Ill in a Detention Centre
2007-04-22Six lawyers representing Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Wang Bo and her parents Mr. Wang Xinzhong and Mrs. Liu Shuqin are openly defending them. The lawyers entered "not guilty" pleas when the "trial" began. Later they submitted open letters three times to higher judicial authorities requesting a public retrial for Ms. Wang Bo's family. Now the international community is paying closer attention to Ms. Wang's case. It's recently been reported that the Beijing Judicial Bureau and police officers from the Beijing National Security Division are threatening these six lawyers in an attempt to make them quit Ms. Wang's case. Currently Ms. Wang and her parents are detained at two different detention centres in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province. Mr. Wang was diagnosed with coronary atherosclerotic heart disease, and his current condition is precarious.
Cruel Abuse at Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp in Hebei Province - Beatings and Electric Shock Torture
2007-04-22At the end of 2002, when I was detained at Kaiping Labour Camp, I met a female practitioner who had been transferred from Gaoyang Labour Camp. Her hair was cut extremely short by camp authorities, even shorter than a man's short hairstyle. She was timid and anxious, watching everyone cautiously and distrustfully. She didn't address anyone speaking to her directly. It could be clearly seen that she has been beaten and tortured. When she took a shower, I saw she had large areas of bruises on her body. They clamped electrodes from a field-radio generator to her toes and shocked her internal organs so fiercely that her vital organs felt unbearable pain.
Medical Doctor Mr. Zhao Chenglin Brutally Persecuted in Wafangdian Prison in Liaoning Province
2007-04-22Dr. Zhao Chenglin was sentenced to nine years of imprisonment for persisting in his belief in Falun Gong. On April 1st, his family went to visit him. Dr. Zhao was skin and bones, his lips were blue and he looked extremely lifeless. His head was dangling, and he had a scar of 6 to 7 cm long on the top of his head. He was supported to sit on a stool. His hands were disabled. When his family members asked him what had happened to him, he said in a low and weak voice, "They tortured me. A criminal prisoner often beat me under someone's instigation. They don't allow me to wear thick clothes in the winter or sleep with a quilt. They don't allow me to drink hot water and buy daily necessities. They have deprived me of my right to live. I can only start a hunger strike in protest."
More Details about Sun Youlin, Husband of a Dafa Practitioner, Beaten to Death in Anshan, Liaoning Province in 2004
2007-04-22On November 3rd, 2004, police arrested Falun Gong practitioner Wu Yuqin. On November 7th, Ms. Wu's husband Sun Youlin (a non-practitioner) went to the police office to look for his wife. Several policemen beat Sun Youlin violently. They dented the back of his head and shocked his whole body with electric batons. Mr. Sun died as a result.
Ghastly and Terrifying Shijiazhuang City Forced Labour Camp in Hebei Province
2007-04-22I was sentenced to three years of forced labour in November 2000 for distributing leaflets exposing the persecution. Once, late at night, I was awakened and taken to an office. They pulled off my trousers and started to beat my buttocks with rubber sticks. When they finished, they called for another practitioner. One by one we all suffered brutal beatings. When we were sent back, we couldn't lay on our backs to sleep at all. All practitioners in our cell suffered beatings. Then they beat the practitioners in other cells. A few days later, when we took showers, every practitioners' buttocks were covered with dark purple bruises, which frightened the other inmates and made them feel sympathy for us.
Mr. Qu Yanlai Sent to Tilanqiao Prison Hospital in Shanghai; His Life Is in Imminent Danger
2007-04-21Mr. Qu Yanlai was taken from No. 6 Ward to the No. 2 Ward of Tilanqiao Prison on the fourth floor. The guards kept leather handcuffs on him the entire time. Despite the fact that Mr. Qu has been on a hunger strike for over four and a half years, and has become emaciated, the prison guards continue to abuse him both mentally and physically and in March the authorities had to send him to the prison hospital because of his precarious health.
The Crimes Committed in Wangcun Forced Labour Camp in Zibo City, Shandong Province
2007-04-21Captain Zheng Wanxin once tortured practitioners by whipping them, abusing them, lying to them and humiliating them. He told steadfast practitioners, “I won't let you eat and instead you will be force-fed.” He threatened practitioners who were tortured badly and in serious condition by spreading the words, “Take them to the bottom of a mountain, dig a hole and bury them!” Administrator Luo Guangrong and Deputy Captain Sun Fengjun hung practitioner Mr. Xu Qiuyun in the air, brutally beat him and shocked him with electric batons for several hours, until they got too tired and were hardly able to catch their breath. Guard Zhang Yuhua had beaten practitioner Mr. Wang Weigao so badly that Mr. Wang could not talk, walk, or take care of himself, and felt chest pain and as if cold air were coming out of his body.
Three Practitioners from Shanxi, Jilin and Hebei Provinces Passed Away During the Persecution
2007-04-21Ms. Xu Wanhua, 52, went to the Beijing Appeals Bureau in 2000 to petition for Dafa. Beijing Qianmen Police Station agents arrested her and later sent her to the Sanhe Detention Centre. Because she insisted on practising exercises and reciting verses from Dafa books in the detention centre, the police beat her with leather belts and rubber sticks, and shocked her with electric batons. Xu Wanhua started a protest hunger strike and suffered from brutal force-feeding. She endured severe physical and mental pressure from the persecution, and passed away in August 2006.
The Qianjin Forced Labour Camp in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province Hides Continuing Persecution of Dafa Practitioners
2007-04-21Guard Zhang Bo brings to Qianjin the persecution methods used in the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp. Guards force Dafa practitioners to swear at Teacher [Teacher Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Dafa] and Dafa every morning. They incite criminal prisoners to persecute practitioners. They also force Dafa practitioners to slander Teacher and Dafa under oath. If a practitioner does not swear an oath or her voice is too low, the guards will try to force her to do so loudly. Otherwise, the prisoners will not be dismissed or not be allowed to sleep. Often all members of the group will be physically punished, including the criminals. The guards aim to create hatred in the criminals towards practitioners.
Ms. Zhao Limei Taken to Brainwashing Centre in Hebei Province
2007-04-21Li County 610 Office agents abducted Ms. Zhao Limei from her workplace on April 6th, 2007. They put Ms. Zhao in handcuffs and then took her to the Xiaobailou Brainwashing Centre in Baoding City. Cui Wukui, Assistant Principal of TV University and two teachers attempted to brainwash Ms. Zhao. Ms. Zhao demanded to be released. She didn’t eat anything all day. A physical examination revealed that Ms. Zhao had high blood pressure and a rapid heart rate. In the evening the people from the university took her back home. At her doorway the villains tried to take Ms. Zhao’s keys, and she was injured in the struggle. Ms. Zhao Limei was forced into a divorce, and her mother, who’s in her seventies, suffered a lot due to the persecution.
Mr. Bian Changxue from Hebei Province Has Been on a Hunger Strike for Eight Months
2007-04-20Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Bian Changxue was arrested and his home ransacked many times by agents from the 610 Office. This has happened since the persecution began on July 20th, 1999, due to Mr. Bian's firm belief in the principles of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" and for informing people about the true nature of Falun Gong. He was sentenced to seven years in prison in December 2006. To protest the persecution, he has been on hunger strike since August 7th, 2006.
Family of Five Arrested in Qingdao City, Shandong Province for Practising Falun Dafa
2007-04-20On October 16th, 2006, at around 6:00 a.m., Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Li Xue was awakened by the sound of someone pounding on her door. Local 610 Office personnel and public security police officers, totalling around 16, forced their way in and ransacked her house. The confiscated a computer, CD-burner, copy machine, fax machine and personal items. At the same time, they arrested 30-year-old Li Xue and her father Mr. Li Yuzhen. On the following day they also arrested Li Xue's sister Li Mei and her older brother Li Jun.
Condemn and Punish Those Who Have Persecuted Practitioner Ms. Zhang Lianying
2007-04-20During the last few months Beijing Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhang Lianying has been subjected to brutal torture at the Beijing Women’s Forced Labour Camp. Ms. Zhang was on a hunger strike when she shouted, “Falun Dafa is good!” In retribution the guards assigned inmates to apply a new kind of torture. They tied a rope tightly around her neck. Just when she was about to lose consciousness they violently beat her. They repeated the torture countless times. Labour camp guards monitored the torture sessions by television. On the morning of March 20th Ms. Zhang was suffering inter-cranial hemorrhaging due to the torture and her life was in danger. She was sent to Renhe Hospital in Beijing for emergency surgery and regained consciousness afterwards.
An Entire Family Suffers under the Persecution
2007-04-20On December 4th, 2006, 610 Officers, in broad daylight, demolished two of my homes. According to witnesses, at around 2:10 p.m. on December 4th, 2006, an SUV appeared in Zhaogezhuang Village, where one of my houses was located. Four people in their 40s got out of the car. They wore plainclothes with nothing in their hands. They headed directly toward my house. Two of them climbed over the wall, and one picked up a brick and threw it at a window. They opened the door and let the other two in. They broke all the windows and doors and destroyed all the glassware and appliances. A dozen bystanders heard the noise and went to see. They used the handles from shovels to break anything they could. In less than 30 minutes, my house was in ruins.
A 69-Year-Old Man from Laishui County, Hebei Province, Is Persecuted, His House Repeatedly Ransacked
2007-04-20On April 23rd, 2002, officers from the Longmen County Government Office and the Longmen Police Department intruded on my house. They said that the number of Dafa practitioners at home in the village was not high enough, so they came to my house and started to confiscate things. The officers pulled me outside and handcuffed me to the car. They broke into my big cupboard and stole about sixteen hundred yuan in cash that I had saved penny by penny. That was several years' income for me and my wife. Finally there was really nothing left that the officers could take, so they picked all the sprouts off the tree in my yard. My house was completely ransacked. I was taken to the Longmen County Government Office and severely beaten. Several officers surrounded me and hit me brutally. My nose was broken and it, along with my mouth, kept bleeding. My face was bruised, and I was in awful pain.