Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Shandong Province Authorities Arrest a Woman and Torture Her to Obtain Information about a Falun Gong Practitioner
2006-11-05A Falun Dafa practitioner is a frequent customer of a beauty shop in Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province. Not long ago, this practitioner, who had taken leaflets exposing the persecution to the beauty shop, left the bag of the leaflets at the shop. Because the practitioner was out of town for a few days, an employee, Ms. Wang took the bag home. When the practitioner came back to the beauty shop to get the bag, she found out that Ms. Wang had been arrested. Police tried to get information from Ms. Wang by torturing her, and they asked her if she practises Falun Gong. Currently, Ms. Wang has been detained for many days.
Ms. Liu Yumei of Liaoning Province Suffers Inhuman Persecution for Several Years
2006-11-05From July 20th, 1999, when the persecution began, Ms. Liu Yumei continuously spoke of the benefits she derived from practising Falun Dafa to staff in governmental offices. Instead of listening to her she has been arrested seven times, detained in detention centres five times and taken to Fushun Forced Labour Camp twice. Police officers and three criminal prisoners pushed her down, held her head, stepped on her four limbs, sat on her body, pried her teeth open with a toothbrush, poured salt water from plastic bottles into her mouth, pinched her nose and almost suffocated her. In February 2002, she became disabled from the persecution. She could no longer take care of herself.
Five Elderly Falun Dafa Practitioners from Liaoning and Shandong Provinces Persecuted to Death
2006-11-0569-year-old Mr. Yu Guoju went to Beijing, was arrested and taken to the Jinzhou First Detention Centre where he was cruelly persecuted. In the cold of winter they forced him to sit in the urinal pit where they poured cold water over him. Later he was taken to a labour camp, which refused to take him because of his deteriorating health condition. Mr. Yu did not recover, suffered oedema and could hardly walk. The local Chinese Communist Party (CCP) staff continued harassing and monitoring him. Due to such pressure, his health and mental condition worsened. Mr. Yu died on September 24th, 2006.
Four Dafa Practitioners from Henan, Heilongjiang, and Hubei Provinces Pass Away Due to Persecution
2006-11-05In March 2003 Ou Xueyuan was sentenced to three years in prison for appealing against the persecution. During the four years of detention at the notorious Changlinzi Labour Camp in Harbin City, he held firm to his belief in Dafa and never yielded to pressure to renounce Falun Dafa. He suffered various tortures at the hands of Zhao Shuang including electric shock, beatings, and being forced to sit on an iron chair in a fixed position. He was forced to do intense labour overtime, which devastated him both mentally and physically. Due to the torture, his inner organs were severely injured. He passed away on October 17th, 2006.
Older Practitioner Ms. Lai Xiuyun from Sichuan Province Dies from the Persecution
2006-11-0458-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner Lai Xiuyun was forced to leave home when some people attempted to kidnap her in compliance with the persecution against Falun Gong on April 24th, 2006. She was later forced to return home due to the frequent threats to her family members posed by the police. She was severely persecuted mentally and physically, and died on August 30th, 2006.
Mr. Wang Xiaosheng from Jilin Province Has Been Missing for Four Years
2006-11-04Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Wang Xiaosheng, 35, lived in Jilin City, Jilin Province. He was arrested at his home in 2002, because he was printing leaflets telling the facts about Falun Dafa and exposing the persecution. Police interrogated him in the State Security Division, but Mr. Wang escaped custody the next day. He has not been heard from since.
Further Exposing the Crimes in Guizhou Province Lannigou Brainwashing Centre
2006-11-04Since July 20th, 1999, encouraged by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the Guizhou Province Lannigou Brainwashing Centre has held several dozen brainwashing sessions. Personnel closely monitor Falun Dafa practitioners: there are three monitors for each practitioner. Of the three monitors, two watch the practitioners 24 hours a day, and the third one is in charge of the brainwashing materials. The CCP officials use all sorts of inhuman means to reach their brainwashing goals. They have even deceived practitioners into taking drugs that damage the nerves.
Hebei Province: Plainclothes Police Break into Practitioner Cui Fengluan's Home and Take Her Husband Away
2006-11-04On October 11th, 2006, four plainclothes policemen broke into the home of Falun Gong practitioner Cui Fengluan. They did not identify themselves and rummaged through the rooms like criminals. Li Zengxiang, Cui Fengluan's husband,who is not a practitioner, thought they were robbers and tried to stop them. But two of them beat Li Zengxiang and then pushed him into a waiting vehicle. When asked by several people, they just said they were police searching for Falun Gong materials. However, they did not show any identification. They also beat the residents. Cui Fengluan escaped when they were not looking. Li Zengxiang was detained until midnight.
Sichuan Province Authorities Relentlessly Persecute 62-year-old Mr. Zhu Yajun
2006-11-04Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhu Yajun from Chongzhou City, Sichuan Province is 62 years old. Over the past seven years, Mr. Zhu's family has been constantly harassed and monitored by Chongzhou municipal government officials of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The huge mental pressure Mr. Zhu suffered has harmed his health. Mr. Zhu and his wife have also been refused retirement pension. The director of the residents' committee told Mr. Zhu that only when he signed a guarantee statement to renounce Falun Dafa would they give him the basic living expenses. Mr. Zhu firmly refused.
Ms. Liu Xiangfen Escaped to the U.S. and Described Her Persecution Suffered in Beijing
2006-11-03I am a Falun Dafa practitioner who came to the US from Beijing, China. Starting in 1999, when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began to persecute Falun Gong, I was detained four times. Two times I was held in a detention centre and the other two times in a forced labour camp. After I was released in 2005 my two-and-a-half-year-old daughter didn't recognise me any more and saw her babysitter as her mother. My elder daughter (10 years old) had also changed. My husband had a child with his mistress when I was detained at the forced labour camp and asked for a divorce.
Ms. Chen Weijun Again on the Brink of Death from Persecution in Heilongjiang Province
2006-11-03Practitioner Ms. Chen Weijun was sentenced to 11 years of imprisonment in 2002 because she practised Falun Gong. Now she is detained in the First Prison District in Harbin Women's Prison in Heilongjiang Province. In June 2005, after being tortured dozens of times, Ms. Chen was diagnosed with late stage uterine cancer. She was on the brink of death and released. In November 2005, she was sent to prison to be persecuted again by Nenjiang County Police Station.
Day in Court? How the Communist Party’s Court in Laixi City, Shandong Province, Denied Justice
2006-11-03On October 8th, 2006, Judge Wang Huanxian from Laixi Courthouse called Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Chen Yuxiang’s family and notified them that her court date would be October 10th, 2006. He did not tell them the location. Ms. Chen’s family went through much trouble to find out the location the next day and learned it would be inside the Dashan No. 3 Detention Centre in Qingdao City and that the actual date would be October 11th. On October 10th, Ms. Chen’s family requested to attend the court proceedings. The judge replied, "Chen Yuxiang has already signed the document refusing to have anyone defend her and refusing to meet with her family." (The truth is that Ms. Chen never signed such a document.)
Life in Danger in Panjin Prison: Mr. Tian Genghai from Dalian City, Liaoning Province
2006-11-03Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Tian Genghai is now detained in Panjin City Prison in Liaoning Province. He refuses to participate in forced labour or to attend brainwashing sessions. Mr. Tian was tortured from August 18th, 2006, to August 21st. They shocked him with electric batons, slapped his face, and made him sit on the "Tiger Bench". Mr. Tian was on a hunger strike for 60 days. He is being force-fed, and his life is in danger.
Ms. Zhang Shulian from Shandong Province Taken to Jinan Women's Forced Labour Camp
2006-11-03At noon on September 12th, 2006, after Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhang Shulian arrived home from shopping, police broke into her home and searched it thoroughly. They then tried to force Ms. Zhang to come with them, but she refused to cooperate and did not want to get into the vehicle. They hit her with their fists, kicked her, and physically carried her into the vehicle. They have by now secretly taken Ms. Zhang Shulian to the Jinan Women's Forced Labour Camp.
Exposing the Crimes Against Dafa Practitioners Committed in Inner Mongolia by the Labour Camp Bureau
2006-11-02A letter written by a practitioner and secretly smuggled out of Wuyuan Forced Labour Camp: "Li Weidong gagged me with a towel and tied my hands behind my back. Then guards shocked me on the ears, face and neck with electric batons. The electric batons sparked and the electric shocks made my head shake continuously. Being tied up, my body was unable to move. I fell down. They turned my body over and shocked my forehead and ears. I bit the towel and endured the extreme pain. They shocked me with electric batons for thirty minutes, but I didn't give in. One guard took off my trousers. Li Weidong started shocking my belly. Later, he took off my underwear and shocked my anus with the electric baton."