Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
13-Year-Old Boy Beaten by Police When He Went to the Public Security Bureau to Look for His Mother
2006-11-12On September 19th, 2006, practitioner Ms. Yang Zhonghong from Lushuihe Town, Fusong County, Baishan City, Jilin Province, was arrested when she was explaining the facts about Falun Dafa to policeman Liang's wife, who reported her. On October 16th Ms. Yang Zhonghong's 13-year-old son, Sheng Wei, carried his three-year-old sister, and went to the bus station to take the bus to look for his mother. On the way he asked people for directions to the Fusong Public Security Bureau. He asked the police there for his mother. The police responded by hitting and kicking him and stepping on his face with their shoes.
The Brutal Torture of Dafa Practitioners in the Sanshui Forced Labour Camp, Guangdong Province
2006-11-12The methods the guards in the Sanshui Forced Labour Camp use to torture Dafa practitioners can be described as thug-like, evil and secretive. Guards shocked practitioners Yang Jinda and Chen Zhixiang using electric batons. They also did not allow them to sleep. They told the practitioners, "You can be involved in robbery, stealing and dealing drugs, but you cannot practise Falun Gong."
Five Falun Gong Practitioners from Liaoning, Hebei and Hunan Provinces Died in Persecution
2006-11-12Ms. Chen Zixing, who is in her forties, was a resident of Changde City, Hunan Province. Before she practised Falun Gong, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Her cancer was cured completely after she started practising Falun Gong. After July 20th, 1999, she was harassed and persecuted many times by the 610 Office and her local community government officials. This resulted in a mental collapse and relapse of breast cancer. She passed away after the Chinese new year of 2005.
Ms. Fu Yuhuan, 56, from Sanhe City, Hebei Province Died in 2005 after Repeated Persecution
2006-11-11Falun Gong practitioner Fu Yuhuan died at the age of fifty-six. Officers from the local police station and the local government repeatedly harassed her and persecuted her. Due to the persecution, she was traumatised and her physical body was damaged greatly. Every day, she suffered enormous psychological pressure. Occasionally, she was in a trance-like state. She died in a car accident on September 7th, 2005.
Jilin Province Policeman Beats 80-Year-Old Lady (Photos)
2006-11-11On September 8th, 2006, policemen Liu Zhongping and Liu Feng arrested Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Meng Xiangqi and detained him for 52 days. They ransacked Mr. Meng's home on September 8th, 2006, stole 1,200 yuan in cash, and a vehicle. Mr. Meng's eighty five year-old grandmother missed her grandson who was always so good to her, so she went to policeman Liu Zhongping's house to request the release of her grandson, and she condemned the policeman's shameful act of stealing her grandson's money and possessions. Liu Zhongping cursed the old lady and brutally beat her!
Persecution Details Regarding Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Yang Xuehua from Fangshan District, Beijing
2006-11-11It was said that on September 11th, Mr Yang Xuehua was detained in the Zhuozhou City Detention Centre after they were arrested by the Zhuozhou City National Security Team. The guards instigated other prisoners to beat them and torture them by using all kinds of means, such as whipping, pricking with needles, spreading salt on their wounds, stuffing toilet paper between their toes and then lighting it on fire, etc. Yang Xuehua was persecuted to mental collapse and became totally incontinent.
Seven Practitioners in Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province Arrested Within Two Weeks
2006-11-11On the morning of October 6th, 2006, policeman Dong Lixin and others from the Chengfeng District Police Department arrested Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Tie Zhijie and placed him under the department's custody. Two days later, he was detained in the Longfeng Detention Centre. Mr. Tie has been on a hunger strike ever since. Recently, he was taken to the Suihua Forced Labour Camp. Because his life was in danger from being tortured brutally, the camp refused to accept him. The police then took him to the Daqing City Detention Centre.
Eight Falun Gong Practitioners from Guzhi District, Tangshan City Die Due to Persecution
2006-11-11Mr. Zhao Yinqi was 59 years old. On November 20th, 2002, Mr. Zhao was detained at the Hehuakeng Forced Labour Camp of Tangshan City due to his perseverance in cultivating Falun Dafa. He was cruelly tortured to death on December 30th. The Hehuakeng Forced Labour Camp lied about the cause of his death and called it a "natural death." However people who viewed Mr. Zhao's body saw an indentation on his skull and a piece of flesh missing over his right rib. There were bruises from his hip all the way to his back and his neck. His eyes, hands and fingernails were all dark purple. His abdomen was slim but was injected with water so as to appear "plump."
Practitioner Mr. Zhang Yan Was Picked Up by Authorities While Travelling on Business in Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province
2006-11-10Mr. Zhang used to have what was considered a perfect family: a loving wife, a wonderful child, and a great job with a high income. However, since July 20th, 1999, when the Chinese Communist Party began its ban of Falun Gong, this family has suffered many hardships. This couple (both of them are practitioners) have been detained and lost their jobs. The child has suffered from the loss of her parent's care. The police constantly knocked on their door to disturb, harass, or arrest them. The 12-year-old daughter has bravely endured such horror and worry, never knowing when her mother or father would be taken away unexpectedly.
Officials Refuse to Release Mr. Liu Guihan, Who is Now in Ill Health after Arrest, Detention and Sentencing to Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp
2006-11-1065-year-old practitioner Mr. Liu Guihan was detained in the Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp on the same day that he was sentenced. On August 16th, 2006, the Shunyi Public Security Bureau sentenced Mr.. Liu Guihan to two years of forced labour. At that time, he had already been detained for more than three months, exceeding the time limit of detention by nearly two-and-a-half months. At this time, Mr. Liu suffered symptoms of severe high blood pressure, yet the forced labour camp refused to release this nearly 70-year-old man because he did not sign a Guarantee Statement to renounce his faith in Falun Gong.
Organ Harvesting an Outgrowth of the Persecution of Falun Gong
2006-11-10Using the guise of physical exams for health reasons and other deceitful methods, the Chinese Communist Party conduct blood tests of Falun Gong practitioners in detention and establish blood sample data banks. When a patient needs a transplant they enter the patient's blood data into a computer, and when the blood type matches a Falun Gong practitioner in the database the practitioner is confirmed as the donor. According to insiders, it goes something like this: Falun Gong practitioners who are confirmed as organ donors are brought out of the prison and lose their names. They are given a code name; this code name is actually the name of a fabricated "volunteer" who voluntarily donates the organ. The practitioner is sent for a "physical exam" and anaesthetised, and then the organ is removed and transplanted into the body of the patient.
Practitioner Mr. Liu Feng Beaten Three Times at Zhongyi Police Station in Macheng, Hubei Province
2006-11-10Practitioner Mr. Liu Feng was arrested by several police officers who stopped their car in the middle of the road and jumped out to apprehend him on June 1st, 2006. They took him to the police station. Jin Xiujian, deputy police chief, fiercely hit Mr. Liu’s back and feet, including his toes, with a plastic club. Many people witnessed this beating. Mr. Liu Feng returned to the police station to apply for an ID card on July 28th. Four people, some uniformed and others of unknown identity, savagely beat him again. Mr. Liu suffered severe pain in the lower back and kidney region, and blood gushed from his mouth.
Mr. Qian Dongcai, 48, from Shandong Province Dies as a Result of Persecution in 2005
2006-11-09Falun Dafa practitioner Qian Dongcai was arrested in 2003 and detained in a detention centre until he was sentenced in 2005 and taken to Jinan Prison. About 20 days later, on February 4th, 2005, he died as a result of persecution by staff from Internal Medicine in the Emergency Unit at Jinan Central Hospital. The "Patient Diagnostic Certificate" read "sudden death" in the "examination result" column. Detailed information as to how Qian was persecuted to death will be investigated.
Mr. Zhou Yongbing from Hunan Province Suffers Mental Breakdown After Being Injected with Toxic Drugs in the Xinkaipu Forced Labour Camp
2006-11-09Mr. Zhou Yongbing suffered a mental breakdown on September 30th, 2006 from persecution in Xinkaipu Forced Labour Camp. The guards contacted his family and sent him home. When his family members saw him, he could not recognise his parents, but only called out his wife's name. He could not stand, could not talk normally, threw things all over the place, and his hands were flailing around everywhere nonstop. There were rope marks on his body, indicating that he had been tied up. There were cigarette burn scars on his hands.
Exposing the Forced Slavery in Liaoning Provincial Women's Prison
2006-11-09There are more than five hundred Falun Gong practitioners detained in Liaoning Provincial Women's Prison. They are forced to do long periods of slave labour. Some do nine to ten months of forced labour in one year, and they are made to work seventeen to twenty hours per day. The prison only allowed prisoners detained there to rest for one day per year. The police secretly order prisoners to bully practitioners who refuse to "transform". One practitioner refused to "transform," so the police froze her bank account and forbade her from using money and no other prisoners were allowed to give her any food or daily necessities.