Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Practitioners in Huainan City, Anhui Province Sentenced For Steadfastly Believing in Falun Dafa
2006-10-0553-year-old Mr. Chen Xiu’an persisted in practising Falun Dafa and believing in "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance," and was arrested in September 2005. During his detention in Huainan First Detention Centre, he was tortured and could no longer walk. In early December, 2005, the Tianjia’an District Court sentenced him to thirteen years of imprisonment. After torture his skin turned black, his eyes were sunken, and he couldn’t lift his legs.
Mr. Song Zhendong from Liaoning Province Remains in Panjin Prison
2006-10-05Mr. Song Zhendong, 30, was persecuted by police and the 610 Office just because he practises Falun Gong. He was forced to leave home. Police went to Mr. Song's parents' home many times both day and night, demanding to know Mr. Song's whereabouts. They also went to the workplace of Mr. Song's wife. They harassed her and threatened, "If you do not cooperate, we will make you lose your job." She could not stand such mental torture. In the end the police even forced her to divorce her husband. In May 2004, police arrested Mr. Song and sentenced him to nine years in prison.
The Inhumane Persecution of Practitioner Ms. Wang Jiping from Jiangsu Province
2006-10-05Ms. Wang Jiping, a 38 year-old practitioner was arrested and forcibly sent to a brainwashing class in November 2000 when she was giving out Falun Gong materials exposing the persecution. She refused to be "reformed" and was then detained again. She was sentenced to two years in a forced labour camp and was sent to the Judong Forced Labour Camp. The police shocked her using three electric batons at the same time, until she fainted.
Fourteen Senior Citizen Practitioners Gained Health After Practising Falun Dafa, but Died After Being Forced to Giving It up
2006-10-05After the persecution began Ms. Cheng Shuangqin's husband went to appeal for Falun Gong and was detained at the county detention centre. Police and officials went to her home many times to harass the family and ransack their house. Her husband paid over ten thousand yuan before being released from custody. Under the intense pressures of harassment and extortion she stopped cultivating. Three months later her illness recurred. She suffered a stroke, which left her paralysed and unable to take care of herself. She suffered for three years and eventually died on May 12th, 2004.
Practitioner Mr. Yu Zonghai Disabled with Eye Injury Due to Slave Labour at Mudanjiang Prison
2006-10-04On November 12th, 2001, Mr. Yu was arrested and was sentenced to a heavy prison term of 12 years. At the police station Mr. Yu was brutally beaten, and the police poured mustard oil into his mouth and nose. In the prison guards instigated prisoners to beat Mr. Yu until he had a bloody mouth and nose. Nevertheless he was still forced to continue doing forced labour. In late August 2006, Mr. Yu's left eye was injured while he was working in the machine room. His tear gland was cut.
Ms. Tian Ruiying, Older Practitioner in Shandong Province, Passed Away as a Result of Persecution
2006-10-04After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started to persecute Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999, 50-year-old Ms. Tian Ruiying went to Beijing twice to appeal, both in 1999 and in 2000. She was imprisoned and persecuted in a brainwashing centre. Afterwards, because of her persistence in her faith and speaking to people about the facts of Falun Dafa, she was harassed, monitored, threatened for an extended period, and her house was searched and property confiscated. Ms. Tian's husband was sentenced to forced labour for three years at the beginning of 2003 and was imprisoned and persecuted in Cangle Labour Camp. On August 20th, 2006, she died as a result of being persecuted by the CCP for a long time.
Ms. Wu Yunrui, a Respected and Conscientious Provincial-Level Government Official, Sentenced to a Second Four-Year Prison Term for Practising Falun Gong
2006-10-04In September 2003, the jail authorities launched a campaign to forcibly "transform" Falun Gong practitioners. They threatened that the Falun Gong practitioners who refused the "transformation" would be pressed to commit suicide, and then the blame would be shifted to Falun Gong. They said beating to death would also count as suicide. It is said that Ms. Wu Yunrui experienced beating for two days in that campaign. In the afternoon of the second day, she was beaten into a coma, and when she regained consciousness she suffered from a mental disorder for three months. Ms. Wu showed visible bodily deformation, blue discharge ran from her eyes and she had no eye response.
Practitioner Ms. Tang Yuhua Force-Fed and Mr. Ou Jiafa Forced to Leave Home
2006-10-04In order to force-feed practitioners, the guard or the warden ordered five to seven prisoners to tie the practitioner up. They pressed or pinched the practitioner's nose with their fingers. The practitioner was stifled and forced to open his or her mouth to breathe. Then the other prisoners pried the practitioner's mouth open with a wrench. Sometimes the practitioner's mouth filled with blood. When the mouth was pried open, a water pipe was inserted into the practitioner's throat. The prisoners pinched the practitioner's nose, and poured soy milk from a bottle into the tube. They poured without stopping, threatening the practitioner with force and torturing the practitioner with suffocation in attempt to force him or her to surrender.
Husband Sentenced to Nine Years in Prison; His Parents Pass Away
2006-10-04From the time when the persecution began on July 20th, 1999, through to 2000, policemen frequently came to our house and harassed us. They confiscated two tape recorders, some Falun Dafa books. When my husband went out to deliver Falun Gong materials exposing the persecution, he was arrested by police. He was then sentenced to nine years in prison. My father-in-law and mother-in-law missed their son very much and suffered a lot. They incurred financial difficulties and developed chronic diseases when their son was in prison. My father-in-law committed suicide on January 19th, 2005; my mother-in-law could not handle the pressure and died on March 2nd, 2005.
Practitioner Ms. Liu Yan On Hunger Strike in Jianshui County Detention Centre; Her Condition is Critical
2006-10-03On the morning of September 14th, 2006, practitioner Ms. Liu Yan was reported when she was speaking to people about the facts of Falun Dafa. She was arrested by the Honghe Prefecture 610 Office and the National Security Section, and they broke into Ms. Liu's house. They took most of her Falun Dafa books as well as her computer. Since September 14th, 2006, Ms. Liu has been detained in the Jianshui County Detention Centre. She went on a hunger strike for six days and is now in critical condition.
A Chinese University with Worldwide Research Ties Persecutes Falun Gong Practitioners
2006-10-03On September 10th, 2006, Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Qiu Min, over 30 years old, was taken away by security officers from Sanxia University and the local 610 Office. Mr. Qiu is a teacher at the College of Chemistry and Life Sciences at Sanxia University. Since July 20th, 1999, when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started the persecution of Falun Gong, several teachers at Sanxia University have been arrested and taken to a brainwashing centre by the university's CCP committee and 610 Office. Currently, the university has set up cooperative relations with 54 universities and scientific research institutes around the world, including London South Bank University and University of Wales Swansea.
Elderly Ms. Gu Yeming Died as a Result of Persecution in a Forced Labour Camp
2006-10-0369 year-old Ms. Gu Yeming refused to give up her belief and kept doing work to expose the persecution, her home was searched and she was arrested. In August 2001 she was sentenced to one and a half years of forced labour and was sent to labour camp. Ms. Gu was deprived of sleep and forced to do hard labour. At the same time, she was forced to attend brainwashing sessions and suffered from mental torture. She was sent to a hospital when she showed the symptoms of encephalitis. She passed away on August 6th, 2006.
Torture and Slave Labour at Hohhot Forced Labour Camp in Inner Mongolia
2006-10-03The guards took the most steadfast practitioners behind closed doors to torture them with more brutal means. They stuffed filthy socks into the mouths of practitioners to stop them from crying out or groaning, then they handcuffed and shackled them with very heavy fetters. They shocked them with electric batons after pouring water on the floor so as to induce more severe shocks, and they imprisoned practitioners in tiny cells which were less than one foot tall and totally dark. Many practitioners were tortured to the extent that they became very sick. The guards did not allow those sick practitioners to get medical attention or have proper rest.
Police in Shandong Province Open Fire On Falun Dafa Practitioner
2006-10-03On May 15th, 2006 a group of local policemen, including Li Shihua, from Rizhuang town, went to Falun Dafa practitioner Li Dewei's home. Because Li Dewei did not open the gate, they pounded on the gate, broke it, and entered the room, took away Dafa exercise music tapes, and then tried to take Li Dewei to the local police station. Li seized the first opportunity to flee. The police officers tightly pursued him and shouted: "Stop, or we will shoot!" Soon, the officers indeed opened fire at a kind person who cultivates Truth-Compassion-Forbearance. Li Dewei escaped death by a hair's breadth.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Wang Shoushan Dies as a Result of Persecution by the 610 Office in Shandong Province
2006-10-02Mr. Wang Shoushan was arrested by 610 Office on March 7th, 2006. They kept him at the Juxian Detention Centre, the Wangcun No. 2 Forced Labour Camp in Shandong where he had to perform forced labour and was subjected to brainwashing. Due to this persecution, Mr. Wang became seriously ill. He was diagnosed with liver cancer, and the Juxian 610 office released him in order to avoid responsibility. Mr. Wang passed away around September 6th, 2006.