Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Practitioner Tian Huiying Persecuted to Death at the Sanshui Women's Forced Labour Camp in Guangdong Province
2006-11-02Tian Huiying had been subjected to inhumane abuse and torture such as beatings, insults, threats and deprivation of sleep for long periods of time. She was in a trance-like state, though her mind was clear. I saw red and black scars on her body and legs while she was bathing, and there was an imprint of a hand with five fingers on her back. This was specifically recorded by prisoner head Gao Qing. We asked how Tian Huiying was wounded. She told me that she was beaten by the people on the fourth floor.
Mr. Zhang Zhizhe from Jilin Province, 56, Dies from Injures Caused by Torture in 2001
2006-11-02Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhang Zhizhe was arrested in September 2001 by 610 Office agents while posting stickers explaining the facts about Falun Dafa. Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officers shocked him with seven electric batons simultaneously. Mr. Zhang was severely injured, and his kidney was severely damaged. He was sentenced to three years of forced labour under such physical conditions. Guards at the camp sent him to the hospital, and extorted another three thousand yuan from him. Mr. Zhang endured huge pain both mentally and physically during the last five years of his life. He died on October 17th, 2006.
Mr. Su Guilin from Liaoning Province Dies as a Result of Persecution
2006-11-02Mr. Su Guilin, in his 60s, had been harassed, threatened, and detained many times. On September 10th, 2005, police arrested Mr. Su Guilin at his home again and detained him in Tieling County Detention Centre. We heard that he escaped the next day when he was doing forced labour, and had to become destitute and homeless to avoid being arrested at home. On September 19th, 2006, Mr. Su Guilin suddenly returned home, as thin as a skeleton, and extremely weak. He died the following day.
Two Older Practitioners in Jiangsu Province Died After Being Subjected to Cruel Torture
2006-11-02Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Chen Juan, 72, a physician, was arrested when she was exposing the persecution at a hospital in the summer of 2005. When she was detained, she was brutally tortured by guards. She was tortured on the "tiger bench" for 28 days. Also, guards continuously berated her, and did not allow her to eat. After Ms. Chen Juan was tortured both mentally and physically, she did not recover. She died on May 15th, 2006.
More Details about the Murder of Practitioner Ms. Zhou Caixia in Inner Mongolia
2006-11-01Ms. Zhou Caixia was arrested several times for practising Falun Dafa. In 2000, she was tortured by the police day and night and was then sent to a detention centre. In 2001 the police sent Ms. Zhou to the Huhehaote City Women's Labour Camp. There, she was persecuted to death's door and then released. In 2003 she was detained again in prison. The prison warden beat her severely. After she was tortured for many days, she was again beaten severely and then hung up by her handcuffs from the basketball hoop. The prison warden, Zhou Jianhua, did not release her until the next morning, after Ms. Zhou had been dead for a long time.
Communist Party Regime Agents in the Towns of Xinjia and Longkou in Longkou City, Shandong Province Use Physical Torture to Try to Force Practitioners to Renounce Their Beliefs
2006-11-01On October 6th, 1999, Mr. Yin Xiangyang and his wife went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong to the Supreme Court and to report on how Falun Gong was being persecuted. Communist agents escorted them to the local detention centre and locked them up. The guards ordered the prisoners to beat Mr. Yin with their slippers three or four times. When Mr. Yin's detention was almost over, guard Xing once again brutally beat him. When they found that Mr. Yin did not yield to their brutal beatings, they then used electric batons to shock him.
Four Practitioners in Shandong and Yunnan Provinces Die as a Result of the Persecution
2006-11-01Mr. Xu Zhiming was 56 years old. Mr. Xu travelled to Beijing and appealed for Falun Gong several times, but the local regime arrested, detained, and tortured him, and ransacked his home many times. One evening in 2003, while Mr. Xu was doing the Dafa exercises with another practitioner, local police station broke into his home, arrested him, and detained him in Laixi City Prison, where he was tortured. They then sentenced him to two years of forced labour and didn't release him until December 2004. After that, 610 Office often harassed him at home even though his health was deteriorating. In June 2006 he was diagnosed with late stage gastric cancer and died on the afternoon of August 24th, 2006.
For Seven Years Mr. Song Jiwei and His Family in Donggang City, Liaoning Province Have Been Persecuted
2006-11-01In June 2000, Mr Song Jiwei was arrested by the police after he sent a Falun Gong article to another practitioner. He was sentenced to two years of forced labour and brutally tortured mentally and physically. The police used all kinds of tortures including "sitting on a board" [the victim's legs are stretched straight on a board, movement is not allowed, and should he move, he is beaten. As a result, the victim is unable to walk immediately following this torture.], "sitting on the triangle iron board" [the victim must sit on a triangular iron board at the edge of a bed, stretch his legs and clamp a piece of paper between his feet. When the paper falls, the police beat him and use a cigarette lighter to burn his toes], and an electric baton to persecute him.
Chen Zhongsheng of Zhejiang Province Arrested Again and Put Into Forced Labour Camp
2006-11-01Chen Zhongsheng, 38, was fired because he practised Falun Gong. On October 10th, 2000, he was sentenced to forced labour for two years and sent to the Shiliping Forced Labour Camp. The camp started a ten-day torture process on him with the aim of brainwashing him into opposing Falun Gong. He was ordered to sit on a bench that had a wooden back and a seat made of two narrow metal bars. They then tied all his limbs to the bench and made him immobile. They forbade him to sleep, urinate, or defecate. He was allowed only a very small amount of rice and water each day. Most people would not be able to last for a day or two without sleep, but he was deprived of sleep for ten days.
After Meeting with Vice Chairman of European Parliament, Mr. Cao Dong Is Secretly Arrested and Transfered to Gansu Province
2006-10-31Because of the meeting with Vice Chairman Edward McMillan-Scott, one of the six members of the of the European Parliament (MEP), Mr. Cao Dong, a Falun Gong practitioner from Beijing, was secretly arrested and imprisoned in a detention centre in his hometown in the Gansu Province. On September 29th, 2006, the Chinese police issued an arrest warrant, claiming that Mr. Cao produced Falun Gong materials. It is quite evident that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its accomplices deliberately concealed the true reason for the arrest and the location where Mr. Cao is imprisoned for fear of international condemnation.
Details of the Death of Mr. Xiao Peng, 30, from Liaoning Province and the Persecution of Whole Family
2006-10-31Falun Gong practitioner Xiao Peng suffered brutal torture for eighteen months in Jinzhou City Forced Labour Camp. These tortures included electric shocks, brutal beatings, being detained in a consolidated compartment, being tied on the death bed, being forced to stand straight for a long time, intensive labour and more. Xiao Peng suffered a mental collapse, so the labour camp sent him home. On June 9th, 2002 he died at the age of 30.
Practitioner Mr. Hou Zhen'an from Jiamusi Passed Away after His Entire Family Was Persecuted
2006-10-31Mr. Hou Zhen'an, 71 years old, was repeatedly persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) because he refused to renounce Falun Dafa and exposed the persecution and told people the facts of Falun Dafa. In June 2003, police found leaflets exposing the persecution in Mr. Hou's home and he was imprisoned in a tiny cage. His family also were arrested. The long term harassment, arrests, and threats took a tremendous psychological and physical toll on Mr. Hou, and he passed away on September 30th, 2006.
The Persecution of a Peasant Woman in Tianjin City
2006-10-3163-year-old practitioner Ms. Li Qinglian repeatedly appealed for justice for Falun Dafa and was detained several times. Police applied all types of means to physically torture her to force her to renounce Dafa. On In June 2001 she was taken to the Jianxin Forced Labour Camp, where they tried all types of brutal torture methods, such as beating, cursing, strenuous physical labour, as well as other types of corporal punishment. By March 2003, Ms. Li Qinglian suffered from hypertension, and on March 18th, she had a stroke. Ms. Li has become handicapped due to the severe torture and can no longer take care of herself.
Supplementary Information Regarding the Death of Wen Yingxin
2006-10-31On August 7th, 2006, Wen Yingxin was reported to the authorities when he was posting Falun Gong materials and arrested. He went on a hunger strike to protest. From August 8th to August 16th, he was force-fed in the Shenyang City Detention Centre and then in a critical condition he was sent to hospital and passed away. The Shenyang City Detention Centre, the Xiaobei Police Station, and the No. 739 Hospital refused to give his family a Medical Certificate. The detention centre authorities claimed that Wen Yingxin died in the hospital, so they do not bear any responsibility.
Mr. Zhang Zhong, 35, Died in the Harbin City Police Hospital in Heilongjiang Province (Photos)
2006-10-30After tapping into cable TV in Changchun City to broadcast a video exposing the persecution was successfully done in 2002 by practitioners in Changchun, Mr. Zhang Zhong was arrested in April 2002 and sentenced to ten years in prison and detained in the Daqing City Prison until July 2002, where he went through inhuman tortures. Later he was arrested again. He died on October 16th, 2006, in the Harbin City Police Hospital.