Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Older Practitioner Ms. Li Shuming in Lingyuan Left Deaf after Years of Brutal Torture
2005-11-26Ms. Li Shuming is in her 50's. She has been taken away by the police many times for practising Falun Dafa and sent to the local labour camp. Whilst in detention a policeman suddenly slapped Li Shuming in her right ear heavily. She was stunned by the heavy stroke. She felt her ear was suddenly stuffed by something and so was her head. She had an unspeakable feeling of misery. After quite some time, she came to her senses. Due to the severe torture she experienced, she lost her hearing, which has brought great suffering to her life.
Our Child Needs a Father's Love, We Need a Complete Family - a letter to the Police Chief in Guangzhou
2005-11-26"On November 22nd, 2004 at around 10:30 p.m., police barged into my shop and arrested my husband and mother-in-law, who was reading a Falun Dafa book. I heard no news of my husband and mother-in-law. I was left all alone with a two-month-old baby in the freezing winter. My shop was also forced to close and I had difficulty making ends meet. It was only later, when I received a letter from my husband, that I found out that both he and his mother were being unlawfully held and were sent to forced labour camps. Our family's finances are in bad shape. When the baby is sick, there is no one to help me."
Three Cases of Missing Persons in Mainland China
2005-11-26Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Chen Guizhen, aged 65, lived in Sichuan Province. In 2002, she said that the local police station might come to search her home. She wanted to go to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Dafa. Since then, nobody has known of her whereabouts. Chen Guizhen's husband and children have looked for her since that time. Her husband has vented his frustrations on local Falun Dafa practitioners and asked them for his wife. In reality, it was the Communist Party, Jiang Zemin's regime and its accomplices that caused Chen Guizhen's disappearance. They cruelly persecute Falun Dafa practitioners and torn apart countless families.
Supplementary Report on Practitioner Mr. Cai Guojun, Who Was Persecuted to Disability in Yingchuan City
2005-11-26On the morning of May 27th, 2005, police officers ransacked the apartment of three practitioners. The policemen confiscated their Falun Gong books and arrested them. When Meng Changyi, a policeman, told Mr. Cai to kneel down, Mr. Cai refused. Meng then kicked Cai's calf and forced him to kneel down. After that, Meng stepped on his neck and shoulder and forced Mr. Cai's face to the ground. The pain was hard to bear. Mr Cai managed to escape when the police left the room. However, as he climbed down the drainpipe on the outer wall of the building, the pipeline pulled loose, and Mr. Cai fell from the fourth floor. After four months of medical treatment, his right leg is still disabled.
Crimes Committed During Hubei Province's Fourth Brainwashing Session of 2005
2005-11-25This year, the fourth wave of brainwashing activities in Hubei Province was conducted by the "Hubei Provincial Legal Education Centre." The officials and staff there resorted to all sorts of cruel and brutal methods to mentally torture the Falun Gong practitioners, in an attempt to force them to give up their belief in Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance. What the staff of the brainwashing centre feared most, including Communist Party members and the so-called "experts and professors," were the phone calls made by overseas Falun Gong practitioners.
Persecution Escalates in Guangdong Province
2005-11-25On September 12th, a dozen officers from the Meihua Street Police Station in Guangzhou City broke into practitioner Shi Lei's home and took him away, saying they wanted to "summon [Shi Lei] and obtain some information." When Shi Lei's wife asked them to present the arrest warrant, the police only flashed a slip of paper that read, "Using x cult to disrupt implementation of the law." When Shi Lei was taken downstairs people heard Shi Lei shouting, "Help! The police are abducting and beating me!"
Eight Older Falun Dafa Practitioners Died as a Result of Persecution in Liaoning, Sichuan, Hebei, and Hunan Provinces
2005-11-2565-year-old Ms. Ren Xiaochou was a practitioner from Hebei Province. After the persecution started, she was repeatedly threatened, fined, and arrested by personnel from the township government. She was forced to do physical labour at the township government after refusing to pay the extortion money. Later she witnessed an incident at her daughter's home where the police took a family member away. This caused her great mental and physical trauma. On April 2nd, 2005, she showed symptoms of sickness and died on July 8th, 2005 of a cerebral hemorrhage.
Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners in Qianxi County
2005-11-25Since 2004, Party members from the Qianxi County 610 Office, the county police department and the National Security Bureau have continued to carry out the Party's persecution policy, forcing the residential administration office and the village and township administration offices to conduct surveillance, tap telephones, monitor homes, and play many other dirty tricks to persecute Dafa practitioners. There were several incidents when practitioners were arrested and held for two years. They have now committed new crimes against practitioners.
Doctor Liu Boyang Tortured to Death by Changchun Kuancheng District Public Security Sub-Bureau
2005-11-24Falun Dafa practitioner Liu Boyang was a doctor at a hospital in Jilin Province. On the afternoon of October 28th, 2005, Liu Boyang and his mother Wang Shouhui delivered Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution to a practitioner's home. They were followed, “illegally arrested” and detained at the Changchun Kuancheng District Public Security Sub-bureau. He and his mother were tortured and Liu Boyang died from the torture at 8 p.m. that night.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Li Shuzhong at the Brink of Death; Politics and Security Committee Proclaims, "No Release Will Be Granted, Even if He Dies"
2005-11-24Dafa practitioner Mr. Li Shuzhong was arrested at on October 21st, 2005. Mr. Li was held at a detention centre. He has been on a hunger strike for 28 days in protest against the persecution and is extremely weak. Li Shuzhong had his feet shackled when he was sent to hospital for an IV infusion. He was also chained to the bed. Right now he is being force-fed and abused in other ways. According to witnesses, Li Shuzhong has lost consciousness and is very weak. He is sometimes in a coma. The perpetrators left the feeding tube in his stomach for long periods of time and covered up the tube with a face-mask.
Ms. Du Jinglan Dies as a Result of Torture at the Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison
2005-11-24In April 2003, 55-year-old Ms. Du Jinglan was sentenced to seven years in prison, and was taken to Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison where she was inhumanely tortured. She was deprived of the right to sleep at night and was tortured during the day. She was handcuffed to the heating pipes, hung up and beaten with wooden sticks, and was brutally dragged around by other prisoners. After suffering long-term, inhumane torture Ms. Du Jinglan died on October 27th, 2005.
Hebei Province Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp Cruelly Persecutes Falun Dafa Practitioners
2005-11-24Some of the torture methods deployed by the forced labour camp include: Force-feeding faeces: This torture was used when practitioners went on hunger strike to protest the unjust persecution. Several practitioners were sent to the hospital when they vomited after the force-feeding. Each practitioner had to pay 50 yuan for each force-feeding; placing a large poisonous lizard on the practitioner, then the lizard is shocked with an electric baton, causing the practitioner to be shocked and poisoned at the same time.
Fan Yongcheng and His Wife from Gansu Province Were Persecuted and Are Now Apart (Photo)
2005-11-23Fan Yongcheng and his wife Lei Zhanxiang lived in Jinchang City, Gansu Province, and started practising Falun Dafa in 1997. Since July 20th, 1999, they have been persecuted again and again because they have persisted in practising Falun Gong. In January 2000, the couple went to Beijing to appeal to the authorities on behalf of Dafa. After returning home, they were detained. In the detention centre, Mr. Fan couldn't eat. He vomited whatever he ate. Fifteen days later, when he had lost the ability to walk, he was released and sent home supported by two people. On September 9th Mr. Fan was sentenced to 12 years in prison and Ms. Lei has been homeless for the last five years.
Ms. Liu Dan, 29, Brutally Tortured by the Jixi City Police for Five Days and Four Nights
2005-11-23Ms. Liu Dan was forced to leave home due to the vicious persecution. She was arrested at a fellow practitioner's home on October 24th, 2005. Ms. Liu Dan refused to cooperate with the illegal interrogation. As punishment, policeman Wang Weijun handcuffed Ms. Liu's arms behind her back and forced her to stand facing the wall for long periods of time. He also yelled profanities at her. That night, the police handcuffed Ms. Liu's wrists and chained them above her head to the metal door. Her ankles were tied together. They also forced her upper body to bend down. The position was extremely painful.
The Long Term Persecution of Shenyang Practitioner Ms. Dong Jingya by Staff at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2005-11-23Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Dong Jingya and Mr. Yan Hongwei from Shenyang City were arrested. Ms. Dong sent to Masanjia Forced Labour Camp, and Mr. Yan to a brainwashing centre in Fushun City. A police officer said, "If he will not be "transformed," it is hard to determine when he will go home." They are both in an extremely dangerous situation. Ms. Dong Jingya has been on a hunger strike for more than six months. She is being force-fed repeatedly.