Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
An Open Letter to the Outside World from Practitioners Detained in the Second Prison in Shenyang City
2006-10-14In May 2003, practitioner Huang Gang received strict treatment for doing the exercises. While there, he was beaten by inmates specified by guards. They opened his arms, stuck both his hands in two iron rings attached to the wall, and hung him up. At night, they tortured him with other tools. They held him down on the ground, handcuffed him with iron rings, and tightened them around his wrists. Each iron ring has an iron chain. They held both of his arms over his head, then stretched the two iron chains, causing his body to be stretched very straight and then they secured the chains to the wall. This torture lasted 17 to 18 hours and was extremely painful.
Why Didn't the Rape Victim Ms. Liu Jizhi Show Up in Court?
2006-10-14Zhuozhou City rape victim Ms. Liu Jizhi was deceived by two people from the Baoding City Procuratorate into not attending court for the trial of the policeman who raped her, He Xuejian. He was not sentenced for raping her, but for indecency instead, since there was no proof. Illiterate Ms. Liu had been told by an official, "You don't need to attend [court]. You are the victim and the government is filing the lawsuit for you. If you would like to get a lawyer we can help you to get one. If you don't hire a lawyer the government will get one for you."
Details of Recent Persecution of the Zhang Lianying Family by the Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp Authorities
2006-10-14Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, Ms Zhang Lianying has been arrested several times, detained, severely persecuted and narrowly escaped death. She was imprisoned at the Jiamusi Women's Forced Labour Camp in Heilongjiang Province in 2001. There she suffered unbelievable physical and mental persecution to force her to give up her belief in Falun Gong. The police tied her on a bench for long periods of time and then to a "death bed" for more than forty days. They shocked her with electric batons, beat her cruelly, force-fed her savagely, among other torments.
Wanjia Forced Labour Camp Guards Persecute Falun Dafa Practitioners
2006-10-14In the forced labour camp two male guards attempted to force me to write the "three statements" to renounce Falun Dafa. Yao Fuchang went crazy and shocked my temples with a newly equipped, high-energised electric baton. I was shocked so severely that I fell down twice. He shouted crazily, "I am an evil spirit! I came to torture you!" He made me squat for one day and one night. As I still refused to write the statements, he handcuffed me behind my back with the smallest handcuffs and hung me from the bedpost. My arms were raised high, and my lower body had to squat. It was extremely painful.
Persecution-Related Deaths of 17 Falun Gong Practitioners Verified in September 2006
2006-10-13Ms. Chen Suxiang, 50, was arrested on September 12th, 2006 for distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and savagely beaten for a whole day and night. The next day her family went to the police station to request her release and saw the injuries on her lower back, behind her ears, her eyes were bruised and swollen, and there were bruises on her legs. When she went to the toilet she went into a coma and died.
A Four-Year-Old Boy Is Orphaned When Mother Is Sentenced and Family Members Die
2006-10-13In March 2004, police from the 610 Office in Zhaoyuan City arrested practitioner Ms. Mao Fulian and sentenced her to a five-year prison term. Her son was only two years old at that time, and her husband and parents-in-law were looking after him. In 2005, her mother-in-law and husband both passed away. In September, her 78-year-old father-in-law was hospitalised due to illness. Now, there is no one who can take care of her four-year-old son.
Several Practitioners in Henan, Hunan, Hubei and Liaoning Provinces Die as a Result of the Persecution
2006-10-1368-year-old Mr. Mo Dechu was a practitioner from Hunan Province. He previously had many illnesses. When he learned Falun Dafa his illnesses got much better. After July 20th 1999, he was monitored, threatened, and intimidated by the authorities. He appealed for Dafa in 2000 and was detained by the police many times. The lawless people went to his home to subject him to brainwashing, and forbade him from practising Falun Gong. Mo Dechu passed away on October 20th, 2003.
College Teacher Mr. Meng Fanquan from Hebei Polytechnic University Was Arrested and Tried
2006-10-13On September 12th, 2006, Mr. Meng Fanquan was brought to Lubei Court in a police car and subjected to a sham trial. Only three of his family members were allowed in to listen. Mr. Meng represented himself, defending his innocence. There were about 50 or 60 people in the yard who had come to support him. One of them cried: "Release Meng Fanquan and declare him not guilty!" As he was about to step into the car, his wife bravely rushed over the security line, but officers pushed her away. Someone called out: "Don't beat people!"
A Practitioner's Personal Account of 33 Days in Detention
2006-10-13On August 9th, 2006, I went to Mingyang City Market to explain the facts about Falun Dafa to people. I was caught by five or six police officers. I refused to cooperate and they told me to put my hands up. Resisting their orders, I tried to run away but they caught and threw me to the ground. I could not move my lower body. They tried to take me to the police car, but I refused to get in, so they dragged me in. In the car, they beat and kicked me while holding me down in the empty space between the seats. I struggled to get on the seat. I was then taken to the police station where a policeman interrogated me.
7-Year-Old: "I Want My Mum and Dad to Come Back"
2006-10-12"My name is Tiantian and I'm seven years old. One day in September 1999 some policemen broke into my home and forced my mum and dad into a police van. Mum held me tightly in her arms. At the time I was only ten months old. The policemen wouldn't let us go home and they detained the three of us in a deserted building. Every day there were four guards watching over us in shifts. How terrible and cold that broken building was! Another time policemen dragged my mum from home and took her away. The policemen dragged me from her, and I desperately cried, "Mum!" I was so scared and I didn't want to leave her."
Details on the Persecution of Practitioners at Wuyuan Forced Labour Camp in Inner Mongolia
2006-10-12Besides using forced labour to torture practitioners, they also force practitioners to attend "brainwashing sessions," where they use despicable, underhanded methods to persecute practitioners. Information about these crimes is tightly sealed, and even regular criminals or non-participating guards do not know what goes on inside. The more-than twenty practitioners imprisoned there are subjected to both physical and psychological tortures that are inhumane beyond words. They have been beaten with electric batons after midnight so that their cries and shouts are not heard. The guards handcuff the practitioner, put a motorcycle helmet on his head, and then shock him with several electric batons.
A Mother Goes to Visit her Son in Prison for Three Years but is Denied - Only For Him to Be Secretly Transferred by the 610 Office on His Release
2006-10-12During the three years of her son's prison detention Mr. Wu Zhiqiang's mother never gave up appealing for her son. On every family visiting day, she would arrive at the prison in the early morning and ask to meet her son. However, she was never allowed to see him until he was released. After his release on August 3rd, 2006, the director of the 610 Office Xie Guanchang, led a group of people to abduct Mr. Wu. He was sent directly to a brainwashing session for further persecution.
Exposing the Torture of Practitioners in Hunan Province Women's Prison
2006-10-12I have been detained in Hunan Province Women's Prison due to my belief in Falun Dafa. Practitioners are locked in solitary confinement for reading Falun Dafa articles, or doing the exercises, and their hands are cuffed behind their backs, with one arm over the shoulder. Sometimes their feet and hands are cuffed together. Guards with electric batons shock practitioners, or hang them from their handcuffed wrists, only allowing the tips of their toes to touch the floor. The solitary confinement cell is very small, and practitioners must eat, drink and go to the toilet in the cell.
The Persecution Tore Apart My Family
2006-10-12In Guizhou's Zhongba forced labour camp, Falun Gong practitioners are forced to perform slave labour for long periods of time. Food rations are poor quality and scanty. Imprisoned practitioners work from 8:00 a.m until 3:00 a.m. the next morning. Sometimes, practitioners have to work all night, and the same routine continues the next day. All this time, prison guards and inmates constantly beat practitioners. The extended work hours and prolonged sleep deprivation damaged my brain. Now, whenever I think hard, I feel dizzy and get a headache.
18-Year-Old Girl Sentenced to Three years in Prison for Appealing for Her Father
2006-10-1118-year-old Zhu Xiuyun was working outside of her hometown and heard news that her father, practitioner Mr. Zhu Yanghe, was arrested, and sentenced to prison and that her home was raided. She could not understand why all of this took place. On August 19th, 2006, Zhu Xiuyun went to the county courthouse with an appeal letter. The courthouse contacted the head of the county 610 Office, Li Shilin, who called the county police station. Over ten police officers showed up and arrested the young girl without any documentation or just cause. She was sentenced to three years in Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison.