Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Three Falun Dafa Practitioners Die Due to Persecution in Liaoning, Gansu, and Jilin Provinces
2006-09-1762-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Cao Fengying went to Beijing twice to appeal, was detained twice in the Jinchang City Drug Rehabilitation Centre, and was later transferred to the Jinchang City Detention Centre. She went on hunger strike to protest the persecution. Her family paid two thousand yuan to bail her out, but police often came to her door to harass and threaten her. She had been forced to put her fingerprint on a guarantee statement promising to stop Falun Gong practice. She died six months later on January 28th, 2004.
Second Air Force Aviation College Persecutes Falun Gong Practitioners by Means of Political Record Examination
2006-09-16As specified in the Second Air Force Aviation College, Institute of Early-Warning Command Guide, it is required that all students--prior to their graduation and employment--agree to slanderous materials against Falun Gong during the Political Record Examination. It states "Based on policy of the Air Force Political Department--[2003] Political Security File No. 36--as well as orders from higher officials, students need to pass 'strict Political Record Examination' and 'ensure no involvement with personnel or activities of Falun Gong.'"
Mr. Yu Changshun Paralysed Due to Torture in Dalian City Detention Centre
2006-09-16Mr. Yu Changshun was arrested in Shenyang City on July 7th, 2001, and severely tortured. He was later sentenced to three years of forced labour and sent to Dalian City Forced Labour Camp, where he was tortured until he became paralysed and diagnosed with a complicated syndrome. His family picked him up on November 17th, 2003. Through studying the Falun Dafa teachings and doing the exercises, he recovered miraculously. He is now paralysed, incontinent, and unable to take care of himself. He is in critical condition due to tortures received in Wanli Police Station and the Development District Detention Centre.
Deaths of Four Elderly practitioners from Jilin, Liaoning and Sichuan as a Result of the Persecution
2006-09-1672-year-old Mr. Jiang Fengshan was spotted while carrying Falun Dafa materials on a train. He was arrested confined in the Tonghua Nanshan Labour Camp for three years. While he was imprisoned, Jiang Fengshan's health deteriorated because of mistreatment at the hands of the guards. He started hemorrhaging from the digestive tract, and suffered from a duodenal ulcer, pancreatitis and prostatitis. In April 2001, he was released on bail for medical treatment. After he went home, a police officer often harassed him and tried to force him to sign the "five statements" (statements renouncing Falun Dafa, similar to the three statements). Jiang Fengshan passed away on January 9th, 2006.
An "Outstanding Nurse" Talks about the Persecution She Suffered
2006-09-16On February 2nd, 2000, I went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Dafa and was sent back to a detention centre. I went on a hunger strike to demand my unconditional release. They forcefully injected some unknown medicine into me. The guards brutally beat and persecuted practitioners. During hunger strikes, most practitioners were force-fed. The prison doctors and guards inserted big rubber tubes into practitioners' mouths. When the tube was withdrawn from the body, bloody liquid and food came out with it. They didn't change the tube, instead they threw it onto the floor, stepped on it and then inserted the same tube into another practitioner's mouth.
Persecution Facts of Mr. Bai Shunqi in Shenzhou City
2006-09-16Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Bai Shunqi, in his 40s, lives in Hebei Province. Since being arrested at his home in April 2006, he has been detained and tortured in Shenzhou City Detention Centre to the point where he can no longer take care of himself. The detention centre is responsible for his condition, but the administration forced his family to pay for his check-up at the hospital. In August 2006, guards escorted Mr. Bai Shunqi to Shenzhou City People's Hospital, accompanied by his wife and sister. Mr. Bai Shunqi was very weak, wearing handcuffs and ankle-shackles, and could not walk upon exiting the vehicle. Mr. Bai's wife Wang Fengzhun asked if they could borrow a wheelchair, and was brutally refused by the unknown guard.
33-Year-Old Mr. Xin Minduo Tortured to Death in Nanshan Prison
2006-09-15Falun Gong practitioner Xin Minduo was sentenced to a 13-year prison term on February 21st, 2006. Because he knew he was innocent, he refused to follow any prison rules. He refused to wear the prison uniform, refused to do forced labour, and demanded to be released as he was not guilty of any crime. For these actions, he was put into a small cell by the police, force-fed, and subjected to torture. On September 1st, 2006, Xin Minduo was persecuted to death in Nanshan Prison.
Motherly Love Taken Away by the Persecution
2006-09-15Since 1999, when the persecution began, Ms. Zhang Lianying has been arrested seven or eight times and narrowly escaped death. While imprisoned at the Jiamusi Women's Forced Labour Camp in Heilongjiang Province police attempted to force her to give up her belief. They tied her on a bench for a long time, and then to a death bed for more than forty days. They shocked her with electric batons, beat her cruelly, force-fed her savagely, and locked her in a damp mouldy room. On June 14th, 2005, police raided her home, arrested Zhang Lianying leaving her crying, hungry baby unattended to. It has been more than a year since Zhang Lianying was arrested and her baby has been deprived of her motherly love.
My Persecution Experiences in Prison
2006-09-15I am a Falun Dafa practitioner living in Fushun City. In July 1999, all the newspapers started defaming Falun Dafa and Teacher Li [Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Dafa]. In October when I went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa, I was arrested and sent to the Dashagou Detention Centre in Qingyuan. In the evening, the warden instructed two inmates to tie the cords of a power generator around my wrists, and then started the machine to torture me with high-voltage electricity. Next they tied the cords around my ankles and shocked me. My whole body became contorted and I fell onto the floor, but the inmates pulled me up and continued the torture.
Abuse at Pufang Psychiatric Hospital in Chibi City Caused Older Practitioner Ms. Liu Xiaolian to Become Mute
2006-09-15My name is Liu Xiaolian. I am 67 years old. On April 26th, 2006, I was abducted and thrown into an evil den. Chairman Zhang and his accomplices subjected me to high-voltage electric shocks and shocked me with electric needles for four hours. He also ordered young male psychiatric patients to insult, curse, beat and sexually harass me. He force-fed me with drugs harmful to my body. He also put me under an intravenous infusion of 11 lbs. of poisonous fluid for one day and one night. Afterwards, the skin all over my body turned dark, and I passed out for two days and two nights. When I came to, I had lost the ability to speak. The doctor only stopped the medical abuse when he saw that I had become mute.
Six Falun Dafa Practitioners from Hunan and Heilongjiang Provinces Die as a Result of Persecution
2006-09-15On December 28th, 2000, the Shaoyang City Public Safety Bureau arrested Ms. Yan Fengcui, 58, and took her to the Shaoyang City Mental Hospital to persecute her. In October 2002, she was sentenced to two years at the Zhuzhou City Baimalong Forced Labour Camp. She was brutally tortured there and renounced Falun Dafa under tremendous pressure. In April 2005, with help from other practitioners, she returned to cultivation in Falun Dafa. However, due to the Communist Party's constant harassment, she didn't have an environment in which to practise. She suffered from lung cancer and died on August 13th, 2006.
Eighteen-Year-Old Girl Arrested for Appealing for Her Father
2006-09-14Zhu Xiuyun, an 18-year-old girl sought justice for her father, Mr. Zhu Yanghe, who was arrested and sent to a labour camp. She took a petition signed by more than 200 people to the County Court on August 19th, 2006. At the direction of Li Shilin of the 610 Office, court officials and dozens of police officers from the central police station arrested Ms. Zhu Xiuyun and they sent her to the detention centre, although they waited three days before they notified the family.
Whether Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. An Qiumei Detained in Baotou Detention Centre Is Alive Remains Unclear
2006-09-14On June 12th, 2006, police from the Donghe District Police Branch, Baotou City, arrested 49-year-old Ms An Qiumei and her husband, Xiong Chenyi, when they were posting leaflets exposing the persecution. They were detained in Baotou Detention Centre. During more than a month's detention, Ms. An went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. It was reported that An Qiumei died in late July in the detention centre due to the persecution, but details are still being investigated.
Practitioners' Families are Persecuted at the Henan Provincial Women's Forced Labour Camp on Family Visit Days
2006-09-14Henan Provincial Women's Forced Labour Camp not only persecutes unlawfully detained Falun Gong practitioners but also their families, especially during the day of interview. When they arrived at the door, the family was asked to sign a statement. The statement consisted of two paragraphs: the first paragraph contained malicious words that insulted and cursed the Teacher of Falun Gong, and the second paragraph acknowledged that the forced labour and brainwashing of Falun Gong practitioners is legal action and is "saving" Falun Gong practitioners. Any applicant who refused to sign the statement would be refused permission to see his or her detained family member.
Four Falun Gong Practitioners in Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province Died as a Result of Persecution
2006-09-14Ms. Gu Xuejuan persisted in practising Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. She spoke to people about the facts of Falun Dafa to her work colleagues. As a result, she was demoted, and her salary was reduced. After 2001, she was imprisoned in a local forced brainwashing centre twice. The torture she was subjected to caused hematochezia (bloody stools). The Wuxi City 610 Office forbade her from revealing her health condition to anyone, and prevented her from obtaining any medical treatment. As a result, the problem went untreated and therefore worsened. Her face and body became so swollen that they were deformed. She died during the Moon Festival in 2002, just after she was released.