Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Four Practitioners from Henan, Guangdong, and Heilongjiang Provinces Die Due to Persecution
2006-09-14Ms. Liu Airong went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa in the autumn of 2000. She was arrested by Weifang City police stationed in Beijing. The deputy township commissioner and local police took her back to her hometown. She was tied to the electrical pole outside the police station as a warning and deterrent to other practitioners. A few days later she was released after the police station had extorted over 2000 yuan from her family. The family’s finances got much worse after that. Afterward, officials from the local 610 Office and the police station continually harassed her family and searched their house. As a result of this persecution, she died on May 31st, 2003.
55-Year-Old Mr. Ma Rongqing Passed Away Due to the Persecution He Suffered in Jixi Forced Labour Camp
2006-09-13In late 2000, Mr. Ma Rongqing, 55, went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong. After being sent back to his home city, he was detained in the Hulin City detention centre and sentenced to one year of forced labour. During his detention in the Jixi City forced labour camp, he was brutally force-fed. Authorities made him run after force-feeding him with salt water. He was locked into a small cage and tortured with electric-shock batons. Later Mr. Ma was detained several more times. After several years of persecution, Mr. Ma Rongqing was in very poor condition, both financially and physically. On August 27th, 2006 Mr. Ma died.
Four-Year-Old Girl's Father Arrested and Mother Killed Possibly By Police in 2001
2006-09-13Falun Dafa practitioner Ms Gao Deyan was killed over five years ago. Her killer is still at large. In October, 2000, Chen Zhaowu and Gao Deyan went to Beijing to appeal for Dafa a second time. They were arrested at the bus station and detained. While detained the authorities beat them up and abused them. Gao Deyan was beaten so badly that she lost control of her bowels. She escaped and moved from place to place. In June 2001, Gao Deyan was not at home when the policemen broke into their residence and arrested her husband. About ten days later, however, the body of a female was found in the pond behind their residence. After a check by the landlord, it was confirmed that the dead person was her tenant, Gao Deyan.
Nongan County Tax Bureau in Jilin Province Persecute Falun Dafa Practitioner Pan Gang
2006-09-13Ever since Jiang Zemin and his group began the persecution of Falun Dafa on July 20th, 1999, certain personnel from the Local Tax Bureau of Nong'an County, Jilin Province have been aggressively persecuting Falun Dafa practitioner Pan Gang. He was sent to a brainwashing centre and a forced labour camp. Because Pan Gang resisted the persecution and torture, he was often brutally beaten at the forced labour camp. They locked him away in a small cell for 150 days and hung him up in the air for 60 days. One time they hung him in the air continuously for 18 hours, causing deformity in his body and both legs. As a result, he lost consciousness many times.
Five Practitioners from Jilin, Hebei, Liaoning and Shandong Provinces Died as the Result of Persecution
2006-09-13Mr. Liu Shuanzao, more than 50 years old, was very healthy after practising Falun Gong since 1996. On 1999, he was detained in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Party College in Zhao City and brainwashed for 15 days. In November 2000 he was arrested and sent to a detention centre, where he was brutally tortured. Then he was sent to the Shijiazhuang Forced Labour Camp. Later he was arrested again and taken to the Shijiazhuang Detention Centre and detained for 15 days. Due to this long-term pressure, Mr. Liu passed away on July 29th, 2006.
Four Falun Gong Practitioners in Hebei Province, Gansu Province, and Beijing Passed Away Due to Persecution
2006-09-13Mr. Fan Ruiming was badly beaten by the head of the police station at Xicheng District, and was imprisoned twice. He was also persecuted in the detention centre. He was arrested by lawless people in June 2004 when he was making leaflets exposing the persecution. Later, he was sentenced to forced labour and was sent to a labour camp. Medical examination showed that he had late stage liver cancer, so the labour camp did not accept him. Just twenty days after he came back home, he passed away.
Mr. Yin Anbang Tortured to Death, Tailai Prison Officials Hide the Facts
2006-09-12Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Yin Anbang was detained in Tailai Prison in Qiqihar City. Because he refused to write the three statements, he was tortured to death on August 15th, 2006. Yin Anbang was tortured brutally for more than six months, causing muscular atrophy and disability. His family requested to have him released on bail for medical treatment, but the Tailai Prison administration absolutely refused, and continued torturing Mr. Yin until his death.
Ms. Gu Changqin Cannot Walk or Talk After Long-term Persecution in Liaoning Women's Prison
2006-09-12In 2002, 51-year-old Gu Changqin was again arrested by the local police and sentenced to six years. They sent her to Liaoning Women's Prison. As a result of the persecution, she was just skin and bones and was almost too weak to eat. She was forced to sit on a narrow bench no more than two inches wide for a prolonged time, which damaged her back so badly that she could not sit up. Gu Changqin went on a hunger strike to protest, but was brutally force-fed, which damaged both her vocal cords and stomach. She could not talk and threw up after each swallow.
Ms. Ma Chunli Weighs Only 55 Pounds after 500 Days of Persecution
2006-09-12Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Ma Chunli was arrested on the street and taken to the police station on December 14th, 2004. Ma Chunli went on a hunger strike to protest her arrest. She has become very frail and weighs only 55 pounds. Sometime around May or June 2006, Ms. Ma was secretly taken to Heizuizi Prison. Her family only learned that she had been taken to the prison after her mother received a note asking her to go the the hospital to take care of her daughter.
Help Rescue Practitioner Mr. Wang Fengqiang from Liuchangshan Forced Labour Camp
2006-09-12Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Wang Fengqiang was arrested when he distributed DVDs exposing the persecution on August 23rd, 2006. After July 20th 1999, the officers at his workplace began to persecute him, having talks with him to pressure him to renounce Falun Dafa. They also subjected Mr. Wang to detention for long periods of time, forcefully took him to brainwashing classes, extorted large amounts of money from him, and laid him off work. Now he is being detained and mistreated at the notorious "Legal Training Centre" at Liuchangshan Forced Labour Camp in Jinan City.
More Information about Mr. Li Yutong, Who Died as a Result of Persecution in 2003
2006-09-12Between August and November 2003, Mr. Li Yutong was detained in Yinmahe Forced Labour Camp. While in detention, Mr. Li resisted the re-education through labour and refused to wear a prison uniform. As a result, the guards put him in an iron cage for 15 days. Afterwards they kept him in solitary confinement. Mr. Li went on a hunger strike to protest and the guards force-fed him two to three times every day. It was extremely cold in late October in eastern China, but the guards kept the windows open in his cell at night and did not give him any bed covers. The labour camp did not release Mr. Li until he was on the verge of death. Several days after he returned home, Mr. Li Yutong passed away.
His Mother Persecuted to Death, His Father Imprisoned, Su Wei Dies Alone
2006-09-11Mr. Su Anzhou is a retired employee of the Lanzhou City Railroad Bureau in Gansu Province. His wife Geng Cuifang is a small business owner. Twenty-five year old Mr. Su Wei, who was not a practitioner, was these Falun Dafa practitioners' only child. The family of three was very happy, but because the couple practise Falun Dafa, they have been brutally mistreated. Two of them have died, and one is in prison. On May 3rd, 2002, Ms. Geng Cuifang was assaulted in her home by police, and tragically died from falling off the building. Su Wei died from tuberculosis due to malnutrition on August 4th, 2006. Mr. Su Anzhou was sentenced to ten years in prison on October 27th, 2002.
Twenty-Year-Old Son of Zhu Yan Arrested for Appealing for His Mother; His Whereabouts Unknown
2006-09-11At 9:30 a.m. on the morning of August 8th, 2006, Mr. Cao Yang held a banner in front of the Jilin City Police Station to appeal for the release of his mother, Ms. Zhu Yan, who was sentenced to one and a half years in a labour camp and sent to Heizuizi Labour Camp in Changchun City. Several police officers came over, took down the banner and forced Mr. Cao to go to the police station. At that time, many people shouted to Mr. Cao, "Don't go in with them. You will suffer. They will beat you." his whereabouts remain unknown.
The Persecution Suffered by Yin Shuyun from Longkou City, Shandong Province
2006-09-11My name is Yin Shuyun and I am a 49-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner. On February 8th, 2000, I travelled to Tiananmen Square, Beijing with five other practitioners to peacefully appeal against the persecution. I was forcefully arrested. A policeman grabbed my hair roughly and beat me up. I was forced to run in the snow barefoot and stand in cold water for an hour. I was also forced to press large cubes of ice against my face, before being hung up with handcuffs and brutally beaten. While the police beat me up, they shouted that it was time to slaughter the pig. I was severely frozen and my face was also beaten to the extent of distortion and my entire body was bruised and injured.
Evil Persecution Witnessed and Experienced in Heilongjiang Province Women’s Prison
2006-09-11In April 2004, we Falun Dafa practitioners protested the persecution together by refusing to wear name tags or prison uniforms. Chief Tao Shuping ordered a prisoner to handcuff me and hang me up for 18 hours. Police officer Wang Shanshan then incited a criminal to hang me up for half the night. Prisoners Wang Rong and Liu Jiafeng twisted my shoulder, tied me up with rope and hung me from the bed ladder for over three hours. Prisoners Lu Shuwen and Liu Wenge wrote the word "criminal" on my body and insulted me.