Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Police Beat Students Asking for Their Mother's Release from Detention
2006-09-11At around 7:00 p.m. on July 13th, 2006, officers from the Shidui Police Station in Anqiu City, Shandong Province went to the home of practitioner Liu Qingmei. After entering the home under false pretences, they arrested Ms. Liu, pushed her into a black sedan, and drove away. They detained her at the Anqiu City Detention Centre. That same night, Han Jianwu, the director of Ms. Liu's village, along with two officers from the Shidui Police Station, went to Ms. Liu's home and ransacked it. A few days after Ms. Liu's arrest, her daughter and some relatives went to the detention centre to request Ms. Liu's release, but the police denied their request. The next tiem they went to ask for hea release the police beat up her son and daughter.
The Brutal Torture and Death of Mr. Lei Ming, Who Broadcast Truth Clarification Videos in Changchun City in 2002
2006-09-10Mr. Lei Ming worked with other practitioners, and successfully videos exposing the persecution about Falun Gong on a cable TV network. Mr. Lei was arrested, savagely tortured in Tiebei Detention Centre and sentenced to 17 years in prison. Jilin Prison officials sent Lei Ming back home in November 2004 when he was on the brink of death. He died on August 6th, 2006.
Over Ten Teachers in Dazhu County, Sichuan Province Dismissed for Three Years Because They Practise Falun Gong; Mr. Hu Yunxiang Persecuted to Death
2006-09-10Since 2003, more than 70 practitioners have been forced to step down from the teacher's platform in Dazhu County. More than ten of them have refused to be "transformed" and are still out of a job. The others are still forced to go to work daily and are being monitored. 42-year-old Mr. Hu Yunxiang passed away on August 23rd, 2006, after long-term brutal persecution.
Qingdao City Practitioner Ms. Zhou Aiying's Daughter Longs For Her Mum
2006-09-10"One time, Mum wrote me a letter saying she had 'given up the practice' and asked me to hand in my Dafa books. She said that the detention centre 'was so good.' Somehow that made me cry; I cried because my mum gave up her belief. I didn't know how evil it was in the detention centre They used six electric batons to shock my mum Because it wasn't too long after my mum had started to practise Falun Dafa, she wasn't able to withstand it. She was 'transformed.' She told about this after being released. Because she was 'transformed,' she was allowed to see us.”
Practitioner Mr. Shi Chunde Lost the Ability to Take Care of Himself as a Result of Persecution
2006-09-10Mr. Shi Chunde was sentenced to three years of forced labour. Mr. Shi felt compelled to begin a hunger strike to protest the detention. Guards hit him with electric batons and punched him, taking turns for half an hour and force-fed him. Wang Yongming was the most ruthless. Mr. Shi bled from his mouth, his teeth became loose, and his face swelled. He sustained many blisters from the electric shocks, felt dizzy, and experienced ringing in his ears. Guards continued in their attempt to force him to give up his belief in Falun Dafa and to eat, but he refused. Mr. Shi’s legs were injured and he walked with difficulty. His hearing and vision also deteriorated.
For a Whole Year, My Employers Paid Me Only 100 Yuan
2006-09-10The officials at my workplace persecuted me psychologically and financially after my release from the labour camp for the second time, paying me only about 100 yuan salary in a whole year. When I went through the retirement procedure in 2004, the officials attempted to coerce me to give up Dafa, but I firmly refused. The officials reduced my pension. Up to this day I only receive a portion of my regular retirement pension.
Ms. Li Ping from Tianjin City is Near Death in Banqiao Forced Labour Camp, Emaciated from Prolonged Hunger Strike
2006-09-09On December 19th, 2005, Ms. Li Ping was taken into police custody and sent to Tanggu District Detention Centre. She was imprisoned for over 30 days and suffered brutal persecution. Because she refused to renounce her faith in Falun Gong, she was sentenced to two years in Banqiao Women's Forced Labour Camp on January 16th, 2006. The camp has subjected her to many forms of torture. She was put in an isolation room watched by torturers around the clock who deprived her of sleep, of eating in the canteen, of water, of interacting with anyone except the torturers and of writing letters to her family.
I Was Tortured With Poisonous Drugs by the Shayang Forced Labour Camp in Hubei Province
2006-09-09Around May and June 2001, when I was first detained in the Shayang Forced Labour Camp, the guards forcibly gave Falun Dafa practitioners injections, using the excuse of "protection from typhoid fever." The guards arranged for some hired thugs to wait in a police vehicle. If anyone did not yield, they took him in the vehicle to another location and separately carried out more brutal persecution. I was forced to have an injection. However, the prisoners who monitored us did not receive injections at all, which showed that the guards tortured Falun Gong practitioners with drugs.
Persecution of Zhang Zenggui and His Family in Shandong Province
2006-09-09Early this year, Mr. Zhang Zenggui and his wife, Ms. Liu Yuxiang were persecuted again just because they believe in "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance." The police extorted more than 10,000 yuan from their home and confiscated items worth 400,000 yuan. In detention, their son's teeth were knocked out by policemen. To this day they are still homeless. Their sons Zhang Zunyu and Zhang Zunliang were sentenced to seven and eight years respectively.
Seven Electric Batons Used to Shock One Practitioner in the Zibo Forced Labour Camp
2006-09-09The officials worked together to persecute the practitioners by detaining them individually and in secret. They used many vicious tortures. Every practitioner suffered from electric shock torture to varying degrees, the worst example was using seven electric batons to shock one practitioner. They also put a motorcycle helmet on a practitioner's head, then turned on the speaker in the helmet to the highest volume broadcasting a recording that slandered Dafa. This torture damaged the practitioners' nervous system. The torturers took turns blowing cigarette smoke into the helmet to make the practitioners cry and cough. They tied practitioners up with a belt so tightly that the person could not breathe and was almost in shock.
Non-Practitioner: My Experience in the Tianhe Custodial Station in Guangzhou
2006-09-09Though those Falun Gong practitioners were very kind and full of compassion, the guards never spared them of abuse. The guards often called them out and had so-called "heart to heart talks" with them. They were very hypocritical and tried to lure them to be "reformed." The guards tied a Falun Gong practitioner Zhu Dezhi to the ground with steel shackles with his arms around the outside of his knees and then cuffed his arms together between his legs (This type of torture was called "thread a needle and nail shackles"). He had to ask someone to help him even when he went to the toilet. Sometimes he had to defecate into a cup and wash and use the cup again.
At Least Seven Falun Gong Practitioners Who are Pilots Suffer Persecution - Liu Ping Tortured to Death
2006-09-08After former pilot of China Eastern Airlines, Mr Yuan Sheng was reported for talking about the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and advising three people to quit the Chinese Communist Party, he had to request refuge status in the USA. Despite the strict blockage of information from China, it was discovered from news reported outside of China, that at least seven pilots who practise Falun Gong have suffered persecution. In early 2002, Shuangkou Forced Labour Camp in Tianjin tortured pilot Liu Ping, who was in his twenties, to death.
Ms. Chang Lijun from Shandong Province Sent to Forced Labour Camp - Her Whereabouts Now Unknown
2006-09-08On the morning of September 6th, 2005, practitioner Ms. Chang Lijun was arrested by local police and taken to Shandong First Women's Labour Camp. Three months later they still hadn't "transformed" her, so the labour camp secretly moved her. Six months have passed and still there is no news about Ms. Chang, which very much worries her family, relatives, and friends. Second group chief Ms Niu Xuelian is very malicious, and practitioners are tortured with electric shocks even if they've already fasted for over ten days. Even the non-practitioner detainees are unable to watch, and are heard saying, "I am in my 30s, but I've never seen such a malicious woman before!"
Mr. Jiang Xiquan, 56, Arrested Late at Night, Sent to Forced Labour Camp for Two Years
2006-09-08At around 10:00 p.m. on May 5th, Mr. Jiang Xiquan had just gone to bed. Suddenly he heard knocking, and he got up and opened the door. Six strong men charged through the door, and rummaged all through the room. They confiscated a Falun Dafa book, as well as some leaflets exposing the persecution. They then arrested Mr. Jiang Xiquan without giving a reason. Mr. Jiang is 56 years old. His wife witnessed their home being ransacked and her husband's arrest and became very frightened. Mr. Jiang's wife had to borrow money to give about 4,500 yuan, then 3,100 yuan and then 500 yuan to officials to release her husband. Although Jiang Xiquan was released he was later arrested again and sent to a forced labour camp.
Persecution Cases of Several Falun Dafa Practitioners from Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province
2006-09-08Mr. Liu Benhong was a 73-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner. He was arrested when police broke into his home and ransacked it. He was held in a detention centre but because he refused to be "transformed," he was injected with unknown drugs which caused him to suffer migraines, frequent vomiting and his conscious became unclear. On September 12th, 2002, after he was detained at Miyi Detention Centre for eighteen months and eight days, he was released. After he came home, the aftereffects of the unknown drugs caused him severe pain. On December 17th, 2005, Liu Benhong passed away.