Exposing the Persecution

Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting

  • Force Feeding in Jinchang Detention Centre

    Over a three-day period, many people suddenly turned up at the detention centre to persecute practitioners. Each person was taken to the office individually and held down on the ground. With both hands and both legs tightly pulled in four directions and someone seated on her stomach holding her head and nose, the practitioner could not move even a little bit and had difficulty breathing. Then a dilator was placed in the practitioner's mouth, through which they forced a mixture of powdered milk and white flour. Twenty to thirty minutes later, the practitioner was almost suffocated, and the white mixture covered her face, neck, hair, and clothing, which quickly froze due to the low temperature.
  • I was Tortured by Methods of the Tiger Bench, Electrocution, "Dragged by Five Horses" and Hanging

    I am a 64-year-old resident of Heilongjiang Province. I practise Falun Dafa and live according to the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance," so I have been arrested, detained and tortured on numerous occasions ever since the Jiang Zemin regime began the brutal persecution of Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999. These torture methods include being "dragged by five horses" in five different directions, electrocution, "tiger bench" and being hung by the handcuffed wrists for long periods of time
  • I Suffered Four Years of Persecution in Tiebei Prison in Changchun City

    After fellow practitioners and I were sentenced in 2001, I suffered all sorts of physical and mental persecution in Tiebei Prison, such as being locked up in a small cell that was like a steam box, being hung up in the air by hand cuffs, and continuously forced to undergo brainwashing. I was cuffed and hung up naked outdoors for the whole night, while it was snowing. The next morning, several policemen (the temporary guards always served as hatchet men) practised boxing and kicking me in turn. A police officer surnamed Wang who claimed to be an instructor and another unknown police officer beat me black and blue with a club and then brought one big and one small electric baton to shock the sensitive parts on my body, until the power ran out.
  • Facts Concerning the Persecution and Death of Dafa Practitioner Ms. Wang Dongxia from Jiamusi City

    A gang of ruffians led by police officer Chen Wanyou illegally arrested practitioner Ms. Wang Dongxia from Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province. They sent her to the Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp on January 6th 2003, to continue her persecution. Ms. Wang was tortured to the verge of death and was taken home in early September 2003. She soon passed away. The following gives some of the facts concerning the persecution of Ms. Wang.
  • Falun Dafa Practitioner Bian Fusheng Dies After Suffering Persecution for Several Years

    Since the evil regime started suppressing Falun Gong on July 20th 1999, Bian Fusheng, a Falun Dafa practitioner from Acheng City, Heilongjiang Province, and his whole family suffered ongoing persecution just because they practised "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." Seven family members were once illegally sent to forced labour camps or prison. His daughter Bian Yaping was arrested many times and illegally sent to a labour camp for two years. Later, she was sentenced to five years in prison for distributing leaflets. Ms. Bian is still imprisoned at the Heilongjiang Provincial Women's Prison.
  • Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners at the No. 3 Prison in Anhui Province -- Part 2

    Mr. Wu Jianghai, a student was arrested and sent to the prison for speaking to people about the facts of Falun Dafa. He renounced Dafa after brainwashing and barbaric torture in 2004, after which he lived in tremendous anguish. He wrote a "solemn announcement" soon afterwards to nullify his renouncement. The officials abused and mistreated him for three or four months afterward. He endured all kinds of torture including electric baton shocks, sleep deprivation, and solitary confinement in the freezing winter while not being given any food.
  • Falun Gong Practitioners Expose the Persecution and Ms. Liu Jieying Is Released

    On May 19th, the police arrested Liu Jieying from her workplace without showing any warrant, and sent her to a brainwashing centre. Her family only was told that she was sent to "study," but they did not know the place or time. Only after a few days did her family find out that Ms. Liu was detained in the brainwashing centre. After the news was released, fellow practitioners disclosed the persecution of Liu Jieying. They called the police and warned them to stop the persecution. Liu Jieying was released; however, she is still being monitored by the police, even though she is back home.
  • Mr. Pan Yujun and Many Other Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested by 610 Office Agents from Laizhou City

    On May 6th, 2006, corrupt agents associated with the 610 Office State Security Team in Laizhou City arrested Mr. Pan Yujun, Mr. Sun Shouyu, and many other Falun Gong practitioners. The police agents took them to Dianzi Forced Brainwashing Centre. Mr. Sun Shouyu escaped the following day but he was rendered homeless. The other practitioners were transferred to Laizhou Detention Centre. They began a hunger strike and suffered brutal force-feeding, administered by the prison doctor.
  • Persecution Suffered by Practitioner Ms. Zhang Hong of Mishan City Before Her Death

    On June 28th 2000, Ms. Zhang Hong was illegally detained in Mishan city's First Detention Centre for 72 days. In December 2003, she was again taken to a brainwashing centre to be persecuted and during detention, vomited large amounts of blood. To avoid being held responsible should anything happen to her, the officials of Heitai district forced her family into paying 200 Yuan and released her after 4 days. Zhang Hong's physical and mental health deteriorated from the constant harassment and detention, and she died on February 2nd 2004 from a relapse of tuberculosis. She was only 25 years old.
  • Ms. Yu Jingxia Is In Critical Condition at Hebei Province Women's Prison

    News from the Hebei Province Women's Prison indicates that more than 200 Falun Dafa practitioners are illegally detained at the prison. Practitioners who have become mentally unstable due to the relentless persecution are locked up in the guard chamber. They are forced to do hard labour for more than 12 hours each day. In the 3rd and 7th Supervised Areas, they sometimes work more than 20 hours per day, often until midnight without food. They never receive a day of rest.
  • Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners at the No. 3 Prison in Anhui Province -- Part 1

    In less than one week Fang Yingzhou's body became deformed. Every morning and afternoon he could be seen on his way to the prison hospital to be force-fed. He painfully walked in very small steps with great effort, his heavy handcuffs and leg-irons dragging noisily on the ground. People who haven't personally suffered the persecution can hardly imagine the cruelty of the prison hospital. When he came back he always held his chest with both arms; there was always blood at the corner of his mouth and purple bruises on the backs of his ears. His expression was always one of extreme pain.
  • Mr. Wang Xin, PhD Student in Prestigious University, Persecuted at Huazi Prison

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Xin from Shenyang City is a 30-year-old former Ph.D. candidate from Tsinghua University. In 2001, lawless officials abducted him. Afterwards, in 2002, he was sent to his original hometown. Since he refused to renounce his belief in Falun Dafa, he was detained at Huazi Prison. In defence of his fundamental human rights Mr. Wang Xin went on hunger strike, opposing the persecution against him. The persecution of Mr. Wang Xin has lasted for 99 days, and now Mr. Wang's body has become emaciated. We ask that everyone takes notice of this terrible situation and helps rescue Mr. Wang.
  • Dafa Practitioners Arrested in Nanchang City in March 2006 Were Severely Tortured

    The director of Daishan Police Sub-Station ordered police to persecute Ms Zhang Shujun. Each of them pulled one of her legs apart 180 degrees, then they fiercely pushed and pulled them apart and shook them back and forth. Her lower back was broken due to the violent shaking. She was persecuted for six consecutive hours, and was not allowed to close her eyes for even one second during the torture. If she did, the police ordered the lookout patrols to brutally beat her again. Policeman Deng Xiangyang pounded her toes using the stool legs. Her toes were crushed and covered with blood.
  • Mr. Gao Jidong Died under Persecution

    Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Gao Jidong lived in Changchun City, Jilin Province. He was held in the Xinglongshan brainwashing centre in 2002, where he was tortured until he was as thin as a skeleton. He had to leave home in that physical condition to avoid being illegally arrested at home again. After living four years of a hard life, he died on July 15th 2006. Mr. Gao Jidong was among the first group of Falun Dafa practitioners to be subjected to forced brainwashing.
  • The Eighth District of Harbin Women's Prison Brutally Persecutes Falun Dafa Practitioners

    On August 15th, 2003, when Ms. Ma Shuhua was transferred to the Eighth District, she could barely walk. Gui Nana organised other inmates to tie her with rope, seal her mouth with tape, then drag her to the "chicken house," where she was tortured with electric batons and dragged by several inmates as they ran. At night, they put Ms. Ma on the cement ground and did not allow her to sleep. For 11 days, her feet were swollen and bloody, and the blood glued her socks to her feet for more than half a month. After her socks were taken off, her toenails came off... Her feet were dark blue and there were holes where the nails had been.