Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Another Young Falun Gong Practitioner Tortured to Death in Daqing Prison in Heilongjiang Province
2007-06-10On April 1st, 2006, the Chinese Communist Party's Mid-Level Court in Yichun City sentenced Mr. Zhou Shuhai to five-and-a-half years in prison. In June 2006, Zhou Shuhai was detained at Hulan Prison in Heilongjiang Province, where the "Intensive Training Team" inhumanly tortured him in an attempt to force him to renounce Falun Gong. When he was sent to the hospital emergency resuscitation on May 31st, 2007, he was already dead. He was skin and bones when he died. The hospital could not resuscitate him. Mr. Zhou died at the young age of 35.
Recent Situation of Ms. Wang Bo and Her Parents
2007-06-10Ms. Wang Bo and her mother Liu Shuqin went on hunger strike without water on May 10th, 2007 after receiving their sentencing. The Shijiazhuang City police were afraid their physical conditions would worsen, resulting in the prison rejecting them, so they were hurriedly taken to the Hebei Province Women's Prison on May 15th, 2007. Wang Bo's father, Wang Xinzhong, is still detained in the Zhao County (under Shijiazhuang City) Detention Centre, and he will be taken to the Hebei Province Fourth Prison on June 15th, 2007. Wang Xinzhong's blood pressure has been as high as 200/120, and he also suffers from coronary heart disease. Most of Wang Bo's family members' lives are in danger right now.
610 Office Arrests Hong Kong Resident, Who Was Visiting Father in Shenzhen City and Now Faces Trial
2007-06-10Mr. Chen Jinshu, 50, is a Falun Gong practitioner from Hong Kong. On April 16th, 2007, several state security officers arrested Mr. Chen Jinshu in Shenzhen. According to a number of different sources, Mr. Chen is now imprisoned in Baoan Detention Centre. According to a reliable source, the police interrogated Mr. Chen in the detention centre to find out if he had contacted practitioners in Shenzhen. The arrest of Mr. Chen Jinshu was a blow to his family. Chen's father repeatedly passed out after he heard the news. To this day, Chen's family does not know which justice or law enforcement department is responsible for Chen's arrest.
Practitioners Suffer Persecution in the No. 2 Women's Prison in Yunnan Province
2007-06-10Every practitioner is required to write the so-called Three Statements". Otherwise, one is not allowed to purchase even basic necessities such as toilet paper etc. Practitioners are given five minutes to use the toilet just three times a day. For the rest of the time, they are detained in prison cells. Practitioners are forced to sit on a small stool from morning till evening and are not allowed to stretch their arms or legs. This torture can cause practitioners' bottoms to fester. Guards also often make practitioners stand straight for long hours. They are not allowed to speak or move during these long durations of standing. Some are detained in solitary compartments. All day long they are subject to verbal abuse and brainwashing.
Practitioner Mr. Meng Fanquan Suffers Torture-Induced Mental Disorder
2007-06-10Practitioner Mr. Meng Fanquan from Tangshan City is being subjected to torture at Jidong Prison and has become mentally disordered. Mr. Meng was sentenced to seven years in prison in September 2006. The guards brutally tortured him both physically and mentally. They shocked him with electric batons. The guards and inmates beat him repeatedly, monitored him around the clock, and forbade him to speak with anyone; they bombarded him with Party rhetoric and played slanderous DVDs. He went on a hunger strike at the end of March 2007 and was taken back to the Strictly Controlled Division, where he was force-fed in a ruthless manner.
Ms. Zhong Shujuan from Dalian, Liaoning Province Sentenced to Forced Labour Camp for the Third Time
2007-06-09On April 13th, 2007, Falun Dafa practitioner Mrs. Zhong Shujuan, 52, was arrested while informing people about the persecution of Falun Gong. She was sent to the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. This is the third time that Zong Shujuan was sentenced to forced labour. In April 2002, guards incited prisoners to torture Ms. Zhong. They locked Ms. Zhong up in a small cell, severely beat her and then hung her up from an iron bar. They stuffed a towel into her mouth and separated her legs far apart and tied them in that position. Then cruelly sexually tortured her. Ms. Zhong was beaten until she fainted.
Senior Engineer Qian Shiguang Persecuted at Gongjiawan Brainwashing Centre, Gansu Province
2007-06-09Mr. Qian Shiguang is 63 years old. Over the last eight years he has been repeatedly persecuted because he has continued to practise Falun Dafa. In 2002 in Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp the guards instigated criminal prisoners to torture Mr. Qian. They used toilet plungers and flyswatters to slap Mr. Qian's face; they pushed his head into the toilet and demanded that he drink the dirty water; they pulled out his whiskers and eyebrows; they brutally beat him and then threw him into the urinal. Sometimes at night criminal prisoners took him outside, took off all his clothes, poured cold water on him, and then buried him in the snow.
Feng Renjun Brutally Tortured in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province
2007-06-09On May 12th, 2006, Mr. Feng Renjun was arrested by police officers from the North Renmin Road Police Station while he was informing local residents about the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners. He was later detained at the Pi County Detention Centre. However, Mr. Feng does not consider himself a criminal since he did not do anything wrong, therefore he refused to respond during roll-call. He told the guards at the detention centre: "I am just being a good person, which is not breaking the law." The guards then beat him savagely. He went on a hunger strike to protest the detention. Three days later, he was put in handcuffs and shackles and taken to Qingyang Hospital, where the brutal tortures continued.
Exposing the Persecution of Dafa Practitioners in the Fujian Province Women's Forced Labour Camp
2007-06-09Pu Liping, around 50, is one of the practitioners detained in the labour camp. She started a hunger strike to protest the persecution. The police used a "mouth opening tool" on her, which was made of stainless steel and looked like a meat mincer. They inserted the head of this device into Pu's mouth and turned it to open her mouth. Then they attached a tube with a funnel to the tool. During force-feeding, they intentionally shook the tool with force to aggravate Pu Liping's pain. Sometimes when being force-fed, Pu Liping bled so much from her mouth that she would lose consciousness on the spot.
Guards and Inmates Collude to Mistreat Falun Dafa Practitioners in the Wangcun Forced Labour Camp in Shandong Province
2007-06-09Prison guards took another Falun Dafa practitioner to a special torture room. Guard Li Gongming (male) cuffed this practitioner with his arms tightly crossed (left hand cuffed to the right corner of a bed and right hand to the left corner), which made the practitioner suffer excruciating pain, and he could not move at all. Because his lower back was twisted, he was unbalanced, but he could not stand or crouch down; it was unbearably painful. Whenever the practitioner cried out, guard Liu Lin (male) would stuff his mouth with rags and kick his buttocks violently. The practitioner was tortured this way for over two hours.
Criminal Inmates Torture Falun Dafa Practitioners in the Fifth Section of Gangbei Jail in Tianjin
2007-06-08Zhang Shilin is the head of the Fifth Section. He has been torturing practitioners for many years. The method he usually uses is to have various criminal inmates, including gangsters, rapists, and robbers besiege Falun Dafa practitioners. With Zhang's lead, guards of this section constantly pressure criminals into committing crimes against practitioners. A group of criminals slap practitioners' faces, punch them in the chest, and kick practitioners in the stomach. One or more take turns beating practitioners. When practitioners protest with a hunger strike, the prison guards brutally force-feed them.
Chongqing Women's Prison Persecutes Falun Gong Practitioners
2007-06-08Practitioners are watched around the clock by two monitors each during the day, and two at night. The monitors report on the practitioners to the prison ward head. After breakfast, they force the practitioners to watch videos and materials that slander Falun Gong in an attempt to stop the practitioners from practising Falun Gong. If practitioners are not "transformed" after one or two months, the monitors make them read materials that slander Falun Gong until ten or twelve o'clock at night. Practitioners who are not "transformed" after two months are subjected to brainwashing tactics until two o'clock in the morning. The prison monitors also beat practitioners and give them a hard time. If the practitioners continue to follow their beliefs, they are subjected to brainwashing sessions until four o'clock in the morning. Everyone must then get up at six o'clock.
Police Kidnap Xing Youlu, Director of Dongpang Coal Mine Region in Hebei Province
2007-06-08Around the new year of 2007, several Dafa practitioners from the Xingtai Dongpang Coal Mine and Neiqiu County were kidnapped by police because of distributing Falun Gong materials. Another practitioner, Xing Youlu, director of Dongpang Coal Mine Region, was kidnapped as well. Xing Youlu was tortured, hand-cuffed and put in shackles. He was then sent to the Second Detention Centre of Xingtai.
Party Officials Plan Trial of Practitioner Ms. Tang Hengfen from Heilongjiang Province and Deny Family and Lawyer Visits Until Conclusion of Trial
2007-06-08Dafa practitioner Ms. Tang Hengfen, 41 years old, was a kindergarten teacher from Jixi City, Heilongjiang Province. Her husband divorced her in 2003 after she was sentenced to three years in prison for practising Falun Gong. Tang Hengfen was arrested by police on April 5th, 2007. Her family consulted with numerous people in an effort to rescue her. The police threatened the family. Tang Hengfen is currently held at the No. 1 Detention Centre in Jixi City. Her family hired a lawyer to defend her in court. When the lawyer requested a meeting with his client Yang Hengfen, the procuratorate told him, "You cannot see her until the trial is over."
Chinese Communist Party Plans to Intensify Persecution of Falun Gong Until the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics
2007-06-07According to an internal source from the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region Police Department, the upper levels have issued an order stating that until the time of the Beijing 2008 Olympics, police should "more severely treat" people with contradictory opinions [against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)], especially Falun Gong practitioners. On May 22nd, 2007, the Regional CCP Committees held an urgent meeting to discuss strategies to persecute Falun Gong. The departments that joined the meeting included the regional police departments, all departments and offices in charge of persecuting Falun Gong in each government agency, and several commercial companies.