Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Practitioner Ms. Cheng Chunmin Is Missing from the Shuanghe Forced Labour Camp in Qiqihar City
2006-04-09Ms. Cheng Chunmin, 44 years old was sentenced to three years of forced labour. She was placed in solitary confinement and was forced to attend brainwash sessions. She had to do slave labour. The guards put her on an iron chair and tortured her. The solitary confinement cell was humid with no sunlight. In the winter, it was extremely cold. The heater was not working at all. The bedding had mould and smelled like someone had wet the bed. One could squeeze water out of the cushion. In the summer, it was hot and stuffy with no ventilation. Mosquitoes covered the wall and the floor. She had to use cold water to wash her clothes and take a bath, all in the same room.
Practitioner Mr. Liang Bosheng from Changchun Dies as a Result of Persecution
2006-04-08Practitioner Mr. Liang Bosheng persisted in practising Falun Dafa and believed in "Truth, Compassion, Forbearance." He was sentenced twice to forced labour. The guards in the Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp tortured him to the brink of death. They stripped him of his clothes in March when it was cold and used a high-pressure water hose on him. He passed out and froze stiff from the freezing water. He contracted a severe form of tuberculosis and died on March 20th, 2006. At least five practitioners died of the same illness after they were brutally tortured by the Chaoyanggou Camp guards.
Exposing the Gross Abuse of Women Falun Gong Practitioners at the Guangxi Province Women's Forced Labour Camp, Part 2
2006-04-08Guards ordered two inmates to monitor Ms. Huang Zhiqin. They forbid her to speak, laugh or use the toilet, unless special permission was given. Moreover, she had to perform slave labour for 16 hours daily. She was treated cruelly and became disabled. She could no longer walk because her legs were so badly swollen. One day during the roll call Ms. Huang Zhiqin stood next to a practitioner. The inmates who supervised her dragged her backwards. After Ms. Huang stood up and left an inmate ran after her and beat her up. Ms. Huang questioned her about who gave her the right to beat other people. Li Yong answered, "The government officials gave me the right to beat you."
Wang Shuohui and Liu Boyang, Mother and Son, Deeply Mourned
2006-04-08At the end of October 2005, I read the news about a 30-year-old male Falun Dafa practitioner who was pushed by a police officer from the 6th floor of a building and fell to his death. He and his mother, Wang Shouhui, were on their way to another practitioner's home via separate routes. They were followed and abducted by police and then taken to the police station where they were cruelly tortured. Liu Boyang was persecuted to death that night. Less than two weeks later, Wang Shouhui was also persecuted to death, not even knowing that her son had already died. When I learned of their deaths, I cried. I knew both the mother and the son.
Three Practitioners from Hebei and Hubei Province Die as a Result of Persecution
2006-04-08Ms. Zhou Huirong, aged 36, was a Falun Dafa practitioner from Hubei Province. Before she started practising Falun Dafa, she was very weak and suffered from many diseases. Once she began to practise Falun Dafa, she became very healthy and happy. After the persecution started, she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa in October 1999. Ms. Zhou was arrested and detained for a month. Then she was let go by her employer without being given any reason. In December 2003, twenty policemen and security staff, ransacked her apartment without cause. They took her to a brainwashing class, causing her severe physical trauma. Ms. Zhou passed away on January 31st, 2005.
"Make It Impossible for Those Who Are Detained to Come Out"
2006-04-07The guard said, "We don't want to abuse Falun Gong practitioners. We know that Falun Gong practitioners are the nicest people, but the government heavily pressurised the prisons again and again, saying that we were too soft toward Falun Gong, saying that it's a class struggle between the Party and Falun Gong and that we must be ruthless toward you guys. You see, the foundation for the prison building is growing deeper and deeper, the new buildings are much better looking than the old ones, but the cruelty toward those held inside is getting worse and worse."
"I Am Hungry - They Have Never Let Me Have a Full Meal"
2006-04-07On March 11th, 2006, Yuan Qingsheng's family was finally able to meet him in the Dianjiang Prison in Chongqing City. Yuan Qingsheng was only able to walk with small, slow steps towards his family members, and his entire body looked ill and very fragile. He was emaciated to the extent that parts of his body were distorted. His family members were shocked to see him in this condition. Mr. Yuan leaned on the window with one arm as if all his energy were drained from him, and his other arm drooped down, dangling at his side. It was obvious that the dangling arm was severely injured and he did not wish his family members to see it.
Exposing the Gross Abuse of Women Falun Gong Practitioners at the Guangxi Province Women's Forced Labour Camp, Part 1
2006-04-07The Group 2 work section is a large metal shed that measures over 1,000 sq. feet. The shed has an asbestos roof and two sides lean against a wall, while the other two sides are open. Wind and rain freely sweep through the shed. Sometimes more than 200 people work together in this shed. When people work overtime on winter nights, they cover the two open sides with plastic sheets. But Nanning winters are cold and damp, and the plastic sheets are powerless against the bone chilling weather.
An Older Mother's Sadness
2006-04-07"Our happy family met with disaster on the evening of March 14th, 2006. My daughter-in-law was not home at the time when more than ten state security agents and policemen stormed into my house and arrested my son. They also took away our computer and other things. My son never did anything against his conscience, nor did he violate the law. He is a good son and all my neighbours praised him. The police took him away as if he were a robber and the only reason is because he practises Falun Gong. I am an old lady, and I had to watch my good son being taken away."
Mr. Wang Yanfa, Where Are You?
2006-04-06Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Wang Yanfa is in his 50s. On February 27th, 2003, Uncle Wang was arrested in a factory, and since then there has been no information about him. The killing of practitioners for their organs at the Sujiatun Concentration Camp has caused us concern about Uncle Wang's safety. Falun Dafa practitioner Wang Yanfa, where are you?
Ms. Wang Shupei's Life Is Still in Danger in the Shandong Province Women's Prison
2006-04-06Ms. Wang Shupei was imprisoned in the Shandong Province Women's Prison because she firmly cultivated and practised Falun Dafa. On March 8th, Ms. Wang's family went to the prison again and saw that Ms. Wang was pale, thin and skinny, and she could not take care of herself. She told her family members that it was too painful to endure when she defecated and urinated. In order to reduce the pain, she had to reduce the number of times she defecated and urinated. Therefore, she dared not eat or drink. She was very weak. The conversation only lasted around 20 minutes. She could not persist, so she was helped by someone to return to the prison cell.
The CCP's Use of the "Political Examination" to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners
2006-04-06When college students are looking for jobs, if they apply to the state department, the state career unit, or to state enterprises, there will be a "political examination" before signing an employment agreement. During the "political examination," the Party Committee of the work unit will go to the Party Committee of the School to investigate the student's background. After the CCP started persecuting Falun Gong in July 1999, the key question became "whether the student has taken part in Falun Gong," which is the obligatory question in the "political examination."
The Persecution of Beijing Falun Dafa Practitioners
2006-04-06Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhang Yinying is from Dongcheng District in Beijing. She is 52 years old. On February 20th, 2006, four or five policemen forced their way into Ms. Zhang's home and arrested her. Ms. Zhang had been arrested prior to this incident, in 2001. She was sentenced at that time to one year in a forced labour camp. Ms. Zhang was arrested again in July 2003 and sent to a forced labour camp for two and a half years, during which time she was severely tortured. During the brutal beatings, all of her teeth were knocked out.
The Process of the Arrest of Beijing Practitioner Ms Yang Xiaojing
2006-04-05The arrest of practitioner Yang Xiaojing is likely to be a trap devised by the communist party spies. They use this method to arrest those practitioners whom they consider "dangerous" (For example, Yang Xiaojing knew how to operate a computer and get on the Internet. She also started to realise the danger about the collaborator, so-called practitioner, Zhang Lixin.) Zhang Lixin not only has been unintentionally manipulated by spies, but has been consciously cooperating with the communist party spies and persecuting Falun Gong practitioners from inside.
Exposing the Brainwashing Centre in Shenzhen
2006-04-05If the practitioner is very firm, the collaborators start their plan of attack. They take the Falun Dafa texts and quote out of context, carelessly twisting and misinterpreting the teachings in order to confuse the practitioners. If the practitioners remained unmoved, they start a "weary war." During the day they besiege the practitioners, instilling them with their distorted principles non-stop, around the clock. This continue until late at night, and sometimes deprive the victims from any sleep until the next morning. They use physical torture such as extensive and prolonged standing and freezing the victims in the cold until physically worn out. The victims are then compelled to sign the "three statements".