Exposing the Persecution

Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting

  • "Beat Her until She Cannot Walk and Make Sure Nobody Will Be Able to Recognise Her!" - Zhengzhou Women's Forced Labour Camp

    Ms. Chen Lijun was sent to the forced labour camp and persecuted with a cruel method called the "binding cloth." When others saw her they said she was almost unrecognisable. She could not even eat anything anymore. However, the authorities still force her to work and continued to beat her. Several people circled her and beat the lower part of her body until she developed internal injuries. One day the person in charge ordered, "Hit her lower part. Beat her until she cannot go to the toilet anymore, beat her until she cannot walk anymore, and make sure nobody will be able to recognise her anymore." They tortured her almost to death.
  • Elderly Practitioner Exposes the Persecution in Langfang City

    "After I heard that fellow practitioner Mr. Wang Shaoqiu was arrested without reason so I went to the police station to enquire about his situation. This was a perfectly legal act as provided by the law. But the police didn't allow me to speak and threw me in their car. I tried hard to get out of the car and also tried to reason with them. They threw me back in the car. My head hit something and I passed out. I was carried to the police station and handcuffed onto a metal chair that is used to immobilise criminals. I was not allowed to eat, sleep or speak. Whenever I spoke, the police would curse, beat me and spat on my face."
  • Falun Dafa Practitioner Zheng Shoujun from Shenyang City Badly Wounded by Police

    Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zheng Shoujun is currently being held in a detention centre in Liaozhong County. He has been on hunger strike for 14 days to protest his unjust treatment. Recently his head was severely wounded by police brutality, but the detention centre is covering up this news and refuses to provide treatment to him. They do not allow his family to visit him or to make any enquiries about his case.
  • Sichuan Practitioner Ms. Zhu Junxiu Sentenced to Eight Years in Prison

    50-year-old Chengdu Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhu Junxiu was sentenced to eight years in prison on March 6th, 2006 by the Chengdu Jinniu District Court. Ms. Zhu had been persecuted so severely that she had to be carried to the court on someone's back. She suffered a great deal both physically and emotionally, and she also lost several million yuan. In November 2005, Ms. Zhu went to the relevant departments to demand the return of 200,000 yuan, which had been illegally confiscated. She was arrested again and persecuted by the authorities.
  • Detained in a Forced Labour Camp for Three Years, Practitioner Mr. Li Wenming from Shanxi Province Is Still Being Persecuted

    Because of Mr. Li Wenming's insistence in his Falun Dafa cultivation, the authorities have persecuted him since July 20th, 1999, when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started the persecution. Between January 2001 and November 2005 he was detained many times. In 2001 workplace security tortured him with an electric baton in his mouth and private part. On the third day he was tortured all night long. He was only home for eight months between February and November 2002. When he returned in November 2005, his workplace still persecuted him and didn't pay him a salary, so he lost his source of income.
  • He Xiuling's Husband Appeals to the United Nations to Investigate Her Death

    My wife, He Xiuling, was persecuted to death by a Detention Centre, and hospital on March 11th, 2004, because she refused to give up her belief. Before my wife died, officials used all kinds of dirty, cruel, and inhumane methods to torture her. After her death, I brought her final medical report to some experts for their opinions. They told me that they needed the original medical records, because the summary medical report did not describe the origin of the hydrocephalus or how the spinal puncture procedure caused her death. I asked for the original records from the hospital many times but the administrators refused to give them to me.
  • "If You Don't Give Us Your Names, We'll Throw You into a Concentration Camp Far from Here"

    The Sanhe City police officers and people from the Sichuan office in Beijing told them, "If you don't reveal your names, we'll throw you into a concentration camp very far from here, where you will be detained and no one will know you." Later, I overheard them say, "There are concentration camps for detaining Falun Gong practitioners in Northeast China and near Xinjiang Province." I saw bus loads of Falun Gong practitioners who refused to give their names being taken away.
  • The Arrest of Rape Victim Liu Jizhi and Her Daughter by Police from Beijing National Security and Hebei Public Security Bureau

    Around 11:00 a.m. on March 7th, 2006, Beijing police officers in two police cars with over ten policemen to arrest practitioner Ms. Liu Jizhi, who was raped last year in police custody, and her 19-year-old daughter Wei Meiling. After Ms. Liu Jizhi bravely exposed the rape that occurred on November 25th, 2005 in police custody the Chinese Communist regime delayed the trial of policeman He Xuejian, who committed the rape, and tried to sweep the crime under the table. They offered a reward for the arrest of Liu Jizhi.
  • Four Falun Gong Practitioners from Jilin Province, Liaoning Province, and Hebei Province Died from Persecution

    Mr. Huang Xiaojun, 37, regained his health from practising Falun Gong. But after July 20th, 1999, when the CCP began its brutal persecution of Falun Gong, the local police knocked on his door and harassed him every day. His mother, a 60-year-old practitioner, went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong, and had to leave for south China. During those days, he suffered horrible beatings by police. They took away his ID and kept threatening him. As a result of the relentless persecution, Mr. Huang was severely injured both physically and mentally. On January 17th, 2000, he died.
  • Call for Urgent Rescue of Several Dafa Practitioners from Fushun Slated for Secret Transfer

    It was learned recently that several Dafa practitioners from Fushun, Liaoning Province, who have been suffering from long-term persecution, would be transferred to "a place." According to the insider who exposed the Sujiatun Concentration Camp, Falun Gong practitioners from the provinces of Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang in the northeast, and those from provinces in central China were being transferred to a secret place. The current situation of the above-mentioned Dafa practitioners from Fushun is extremely worrying.
  • Harbin Women's Prison Head Liu Zhiqiang Incites Inmates to Persecute Dafa Practitioners

    Harbin Women's Prison Head, Liu Zhiqiang, is inciting inmates to rampantly persecute Falun Dafa practitioners. The situation is very urgent, and help is needed to rescue the practitioners.The more that inmates torture practitioners, the earlier they can be released. Nine thugs all achieved the highest score for early release. They rampantly persecuted practitioners, and here are some examples.
  • Eyelids Pierced with Needles and Suffocated with Smoke: Tortures Practitioner Wang Bingwen Endures at Qingdao Forced Labour Camp (Photos)

    While he was illegally detained at the Qingdao Forced Labour Camp over last two years, Falun Dafa practitioner Wang Bingwen has suffered devastating and shocking inhumane treatment. In order to "transform" Wang Bingwen, the police deprived him of sleep for 14 consecutive days, suffocated him with smoke, burned him, stabbed him with needles, and beat him. After being beaten to the point that he lost consciousness, they continued beating him to awaken him. They tied him onto a stool so that he could not move at all. As a result, Wang Bingwen's muscles became seriously atrophied.
  • Four Practitioners from Shandong and Hubei Provinces Die as a Result of Persecution

    88 year old Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Hu Huaide lived in Dongxiya Village, Shandong Province. He started to practise Falun Gong in 1998. Under the persecution of the Chinese Communist Party there was not a quiet day in Mr. Hu's house. His house was ransacked three times and his son was illegally detained nine times, sent to a detention centre five times, and sent to a forced labour camp for three years. On several occasions, a large amount of money was extorted from his son. The family's crops, valued at 50,000 yuan, were also ruined The severe mental torment made him mentally disordered, and he passed away on September 26th, 2005.
  • Revisiting the CCP's Crimes in Anshan in Light of Sujiatun Concentration Camp

    On August 27th, 2002, her abusers tortured Ms. Zhang Li so cruelly in Anshan Detention Centre that her life was hanging by a thread before she was finally sent to the hospital. Because the police denied her any medical treatment until it was too late, she subsequently died. As confirmed by eyewitnesses, Ms. Zhang Li's trachea and armpit were sliced open as she was dying. After each interrogation, others witnessed that she was scored with bloody knife wounds.
  • New Witness: There Are Dozens of Similar Concentration Camps

    After the first two witnesses exposed the Sujiatun atrocities, another witness who identified himself as "a veteran military doctor in the General Logistics Department of the Shenyang Military Region" stepped forward to point out that the Sujiatun Concentration Camp indeed exists, organ harvesting and cremation of bodies is done routinely there, and some are even cremated while still alive. He stated that the Sujiatun hospital is only one of 36 similar concentration camps. Findings from the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong point to a similar situation.