Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
A Case of the Chinese Communist Party Damaging Family Relationships
2006-02-08The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has persecuted Mrs. Zhao, in her sixties, many times because of her persistence in Falun Dafa cultivation. At the instigation of the CCP her son and daughter-in-law have also persecuted her. Her family watched her twenty-four hours a day and did not allow her to study the Falun Dafa books or do the exercises. They destroyed her Dafa materials. In addition, they recorded speeches defaming Dafa and made her listen to the recordings repeatedly. They beat her, swore at her and even taped her mouth shut. Mrs. Zhao's son threw her out of the house at 6:00 a.m. one morning. She is now homeless.
National Security Team of Muleng City Police Department in Heilongjiang Province Extorts Money at Will
2006-02-08Li Shuzhi and Xiao Gao have been sent to Harbin Drug Rehabilitation Forced Labour Camp and Lao Peng to Mudanjiang City Forced Labour Camp. None of their families were notified at the time they were sent. All these practitioners who were "illegally arrested" were cruelly tortured while held in detention. For example, Sun Shiwei, who is over 50, lost two teeth when he was force-fed. The guards smashed his mouth and teeth in the process and blood flew all over his clothes and stained his bedding.
How the Guards From the Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp of Changchun City Persecute Falun Dafa Practitioners
2006-02-08In the past several years, the authorities at the Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp have brutally tortured detained Falun Dafa practitioners both physically and spiritually. Those held there are deprived of freedom. They are forced to work from morning to night each day. Every day they have to work for over ten hours. Once, the practitioners were forced to pick beans after dinner. Lan Mingjuan (female), who is the deputy chief of the seventh division, complained that the practitioners did not pick enough beans. She forced the practitioners to work until 1:00 a.m. before they were allowed to go to sleep.
Belated News: Nine Practitioners in Hubei Province, Beijing, Liaoning Province and Other Parts of China Died As a Result of Persecution
2006-02-08Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Shen Jinyu was 65 years old. In September 1999, Ms. Shen went to Beijing to appeal and was arrested. Officials sent her to a brainwashing class where she was hung up by her handcuffed hands, put in a metal cage and had her hands shackled behind her back. In December 2002, officials arrested Shen Jinyu again and sent her to the police station where they handcuffed her hands behind her back and beat her for the whole night. In 2003, Shen Jinyu was again taken to a brainwashing class. She passed away on January 1st, 2006.
The Painful Experience of a Family of Dafa Practitioners in Hebei Province
2006-02-07There are five people in this family: The couple, Mr. Yu Zhengang and Ms. Chang Zhenying, and three daughters -- Yu Yaxin, Yu Yajuan and Yu Yajing. All of the family members successively learned Dafa and began cultivation practice in 1998. After Jiang Zemin's regime began to persecute Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999, in order to maintain their legitimate right to practise, all five people of this family stepped forward and opposed the persecution. As a result they suffered torture and other kinds of brutal persecution. The parents were unjustly imprisoned, one daughter sent to forced labour and the teenage daughters were also arrested and then had to leave school.
Zaozihe Forced Labour Camp in Shaanxi Province Incites Drug Addicts to Torture Falun Dafa Practitioners
2006-02-07The Zaozihe Forced Labour Camp prison guards are known for cruelly torturing Dafa practitioners. After the labour camp's persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners was exposed to the public, the guards now incite drug addicts to beat the practitioners in order to cover up their own crimes. This way, if problems arise or when they are questioned by the practitioner's families and the public, they can shirk their responsibilities and blame the drug addict inmates by claiming, "We don't know what is going on among the inmates." They even lie, saying that they will punish the drug addicts who beat practitioners.
The Chinese Communist Party Praises Daughter Who Persecutes Her Own Mother
2006-02-07Falun Dafa practitioner Bai Suqin has been a steadfast Falun Dafa practitioner for a long time, although her daughter, Xin Hao, has always objected to her practice. Xin Hao and her husband visited her mother one evening and found other practitioners there. They called the police and as a result Bai Suqin and the other practitioners were arrested. After that, the CCP flaunted Bai Suqin's daughter and son-in-law as good examples and praised them for "punishing guilty family members".
The Liaoning Province Women's Prison's Methods of Persecution and Abuse of Falun Dafa Practitioners
2006-02-07Brainwashing took the form of forced watching of videos and reading of books that slander Dafa. Such activities were followed by forced written critique reports that must include words attacking Falun Gong. Since the inmates and guards all had an interest in seeing Dafa practitioners complying with their demands, they used any kind of method, even torture, to get the practitioners to comply. One of these tortures meant the practitioner had to stand from 6:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m. except for meals. This was done for several days in a row, leading to severe swelling of the legs. A further punishment was a practitioner would have to spend time standing in a water dungeon or the toilet in freezing weather during the evening.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Li Fengqin Tortured to Death
2006-02-06On the morning of October 11th, 2005, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Li Fengqin was illegally arrested by State Security agents. They extorted money from her, beat her, and brutally force-fed her. After ten days she was near death, and her family members sent her to the hospital. The doctor said they couldn't do anything to save her. Ms. Li died on the afternoon of January 30th, 2006. She was only in her 50s.
Brutal Torture and Death of Falun Gong Practitioners at the No. 3 Prison in Gansu Province
2006-02-06Right now, twelve Falun Gong practitioners are being unjustly detained at the prison. The guards abuse the practitioners ceaselessly, both physically and mentally, desperately attempting to "reform" them. Their superiors have assigned them a "reform" quota which gives the guards the impetus to be so brutal. The guards tortured Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Liu Zhirong to death before January 14th, 2006. They claimed that Liu Zhirong died from suicide.
Hebei Province Officials Burned Mr. Zhang Shunjie with a Red-hot Poker
2006-02-06Because 40-year-old Mr. Zhang helped to rescue a practitioner from persecution a vicious official used a poker to hit Mr. Zhang. Later, Wang heated the poker red-hot and used it to sear Mr. Zhang's hands. His hands still have those scars. Another official used a lit cigarette to burn Zhang Shunjie's face. He also poured boiling water on his head. A person wearing a judicial robes yelled, "I will make your family suffer a great deal!"
Those Who are Persecuting Practitioners in Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province, Should be Placed on the Official "List of Perpetrators"
2006-02-06Bai Shuwen is the prison director at Shuangyashan Detention Centre. He has tortured practitioners with instruments such as the "small white dragon." He also ruthlessly force-fed practitioners and tortured them while they were handcuffed. He forced practitioners to sit on an iron chair continuously for at least five days. He tortured practitioner Liu Jinshan to death through force-feeding.
I Narrowly Escaped the Chinese Communist Party's Evil Persecution and Am a Witness to Its Crimes
2006-02-05"My name is Lu Changjing. I am 44 and live in Liaoning Province. My mother, Ms. Shi Shengying, was also a Falun Gong practitioner. She refused to give up Falun Gong and was persecuted to death. Her body is still at the Shengying Crematorium. I saw scars and wounds all over my mother's body and a bright-red fresh wound at her throat. Since I refused to give up Falun Gong as well, I suffered cruel torture and narrowly escaped death. I had to leave my home and family."
The Wicked CCP Has Taken the Lives of Three of My Family Members
2006-02-05"These lawless officials not only persecuted me but also persecuted my relatives. First, they often had my husband come to their offices. They urged him to hit or verbally abuse me and to forbid me to practise or go out. My husband knew that I was a good wife and loving mother, and knew that Falun Dafa is good. Therefore he did not listen to them. The wicked Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials eventually caused him to have a fatal heart attack. My husband and I had been happily married for decades. His death shocked me. Soon afterwards, my older sister died as a result of the CCP-created terror."
Pingyuan County's 610 Office Arrests Practitioners and Extorts Money from Them
2006-02-05In late September 2005, policemen from the State Security Division and local police broke into the homes of practitioners Liu Jixin and Liu Shanyou. They took away Dafa books and arrested the practitioners. At the station, they tried to coerce the practitioners into giving up their Dafa practice and to report the sources of their materials. The police threatened the families that the practitioners would be sent to forced labour camp if they didn't give money to the police. The practitioners were not released until Liu Jixin's family had paid 3000 yuan and Liu Shanyou's family had paid 5000 yuan.